boogiejiluka · 9 months
still have the same feeling lol
I have the feeling everyone I follow is not active anymore.
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boogiejiluka · 1 year
Ooc: lol boogie is what my mom calls our cat. Well his nickname. Saw it on your profile and instant was reminded of it.
OOC: lol that's actually very cute
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boogiejiluka · 1 year
Thank you for the follow back 💙
You're welcome 😊
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boogiejiluka · 2 years
The Story of Nada (For newbies to The Sandman) SPOILERS FOR THE COMICS!
It’s not a very good story.   That is to say, it’s not a kind story.  The show didn’t establish very well that Morpheus’s form changes based on if a person has a different cultural view on their Dream deity.  In Nada’s culture Morpheus was Kai'ckul.   It has roughly the same meaning as Morpheus.   Nada was the Queen of an ancient African people 10,000 years ago and she had never seen a white man so that is the form he took for her.   The Endless have no true forms. They just take human-like form for us mortals. Nada had seen Kai'ckul (Morpheus) looking up at her one night and “fell in love with him.”  She went on a quest to find him like out of a fairy tale.  She even runs into Cain killing Abel, who also appear as black men to her.  And she eventually made her way to Morpheus. All seems Happily Ever After until she realizes he’s an Endless and her people believe it is forbidden for a mortal to be with an Endless.  She flees from him and (This part’s gross) uses a rock to de-virgin herself, thinking it would ruin his attraction to her.  When he finds her he tells her that her physical body does not matter to him.  He heals her and they end up making love.   At first they are very happy but then disaster strikes.  A meteorite apparently hits her kingdom, destroying it.   She believes this is punishment because a mortal is not supposed to love an Endless.  Weirdly though we never see anything like this happen to any of Morpheus’s other lovers (He’s had six lovers that we know of). So she tries to flee him, deciding they cannot be together.  He doesn’t take no for an answer.  He wants her as his queen.  She throws herself off a cliff but dying does not stop him.  He’s hurt and angry that she would kill herself rather than be with him and he tells her ghost that he will ask her three times to be his queen and if she refuses the third time he could condemn her soul to eternal torment.   She begs him not to do that, because she believes she has to say no. That’s the back story.  This is perhaps the worst thing Morpheus has ever done.  In The Sandman Season of Mists Death makes him realize he was in the wrong and he goes on a quest to rescue Nada and apologize to her.   I think the show is delaying on revealing the details of this story so the audience doesn’t hate him out right.   Until his “Time Out bubble” Morpheus used to be something of an asshole.  The majority of The Sandman is watching him grow and become more and more human, compassionate, and setting right the wrongs of his past. Nada’s story is the issue called “Tales in the Sand.”  Morpheus making amends is in The Sandman: Season of Mists.   I hope the show still lets her accept his apology.  Modern audiences might not go for her forgiving him after what he did but her forgiving him is necessary because it teaches him to accept being forgiven.  And leads to him apologizing for other wrong-doings. In the audio drama her story is in The Sandman: Act 1.  In the trade paperbacks it is The Sandman: Volume 1, Preludes and Nocturnes.  It used to be in Volume 2 back in the early 90s but has been in Volume 1 for over twenty years now.
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boogiejiluka · 3 years
feelin cute
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boogiejiluka · 3 years
From time to time I pop up asking if the Tumblr RP is still alive (mainly the vkei verse) so here we go again.
If there's anyone here, send me a signal. 🖖
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boogiejiluka · 3 years
一葵さんかわいいです ❤️
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boogiejiluka · 4 years
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boogiejiluka · 4 years
I still don't know what to do here, so I'll just share my pretty face.
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boogiejiluka · 4 years
I have the feeling everyone I follow is not active anymore.
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boogiejiluka · 4 years
Is the visual kei verse still alive?
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boogiejiluka · 6 years
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boogiejiluka · 6 years
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boogiejiluka · 6 years
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a handsome man (me) after an amazing show
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boogiejiluka · 6 years
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boogiejiluka · 6 years
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boogiejiluka · 6 years
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Guweiz [Twitter]
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