boneyard-lovers · 3 months
I'm Australian if you people start harassing me about raccoons I will bite someone
If you are the kind of person to tag posts with "I HATE [animal] I THINK [animal] SHOULD DIE" then I think you are a tar pit. go look at some birds.
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boneyard-lovers · 9 months
big update - 231229
hiiii um i forgot about this kinda um oops
whats happened since i last wrote:
i hung out with my sister, we went to a little drop in thing and decorated christmas ornaments, it was fun i like hanging out with her.
i saw the new ghibli! the boy and the heron !! it was really good i love ghibli the vibes are always amazing also i kinda love seeing movies in the theatre i wanna do that more.
we watched all of lotr again, it was fun as always.
i did some catsitting for linda again, it was lovely i love her cats. on the second day i went to a momos place my father recommended, it was pretty good, ill probably go back if i catsit again. she has a bunch of letter magnets on her fridge and i put them into words it was fun.
christmas !!!!! i got home from catsitting on christmas eve, we ordered food and watched some christmas things, some doctor who. it was nice to hang out with the family again. my sister slept over that night. in the morning we opened our stockings, i <3 stockings. my favourite thing form my stocking was either the mini puzzle or the pair of scissors that look like a bird theyre so cute. my father got here after breakfast, we all opened presents together. my favorite present was either the mini djungelskog or the cds, i got the record by boygenius and some jpop ones.
in the afternoon we went to my aunt and uncles to prepare dinner. normally we do dinner at our house but we dont have enough space anymore so,,, whatever. dinner was just the family plus my cousins other grandmother. shes fine ig. it was nice hanging out with the whole family we're really funny.
my mother cut my hair, its a bit shorter that i want but itll grow. i think im gonna stop bleaching my hair, might dye it a lighter brown, maybe a bit redder too.
thats pretty much it ig see you soon love you
song for today is ! we go by nct new team
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boneyard-lovers · 10 months
i have to buy so many presents help - 231204
sorry i havent written in like week or something um
yesterday my family came over ! we just kidna hung out, put out some christmas things, and then we went to my dads place and put up his christmas tree. after that we ordered some dim sum and watched the fellowship of the ring !!! every year we watch lotr at chistmas. one of my sisters friends is gonna be there for the other movies though so,,, thatll be fun ig.
i have to get presents for six people this year. uh oh ! but i have more money than usual this year cause im gonna be doing some catsitting for linda again. little wins ig, idk how much shes gonna pay me though. im gonna be catsitting from liek the 22-24, which kinda sucks but it might be nice to be alone for a bit before i have to spend all day with the whole family. were doing chistmas dinner at my aunt and uncles, which should be nice. i like it there.
autism time ! habu graduated which was devistating, but then like tree days later another girl i like announced her grad ?! im losing so bad rn. her name is kobayashi yui, shes also one of the 1st gens. the 3rd gens have been doing concerts without the rest of the group. i watched one and they did so good !! theyre really incredible performers especially considering theyve been in the group for less than a year. at the very end they performed a keyaki song! im so proud of them theyve come so far :( my girls :(
the song for today is mine / yours by wilbur soot ! he put out new solo music yayyy
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boneyard-lovers · 10 months
they dont have fridges at best buy - 231123
i went to the mall with my mother today, we had two things to do. first we wanted to check out the fridges. out current fridge kinda sucks. the freezer is on top, and it leaks. we have little buckets in the back to catch the water, but if the buckets get too full the tops start freezing. somethings wrong with it. BUT the space where the fridge is is like weirdly small or smtg so we have to get a little fridge. we were going to go to best buy to check out the fridges, like open them and shit, but they only have one irl fridge there. annoying, they sell them online.
the second thing we were doing at the mall was getting me a advent calendar! normally we do a reusable one, but in the past few years my mother and sister have been getting the davids tea calendar too. i want one too, but i am really picky with tea, so i got a chocolate one! actually i got two, cause the tea one is like $40, and mine were both like $15. i dont know if mums gonna do the normal calendar too, i kinda hope so but i get it if she doesnt. i miss before.
im going to dinner with my grandparent, cousin, and sister tomorrow night. its probably not gonna be fun but whatever. free food is nice.
one of the members of sakurazaka is graduating, also tomorrow. her name is habu. the concerts at like 3 am, so im gonna have to stay up. its their third anniversary, theres a concert tomorrow, and one the day after, i have tickets for tomorrow, which is when habu is graduating, i might watch a stream of the second day but idk.
the song for today is by the third generation of sakurazaka, ive been watching more of their stuff recently and i like them a lot.
song for today is! seijaku no boryoku by sakurazaka46
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boneyard-lovers · 10 months
shaking and crying - 231117
both of my favorite akb girls r leaving the group im actually crying everyone i loke is leaving im losing constantly.
in other news a bunch of episodes of sokosaku have been subbed! sokosaku is sakurazakas variety show, it comes out every week ofc but the people who do the english subtitles are like ten episodes behind, but like five episodes were subbed this week so maybe theyll catch up soon!
sorry for not writing for so long, somethings up idk. ive been really bad to like messaging/talking to people recently :/ i feel so bad cause i havent really messages my partners recently. ugh i hate this.
i love the message service thing i got. its nice receiving messages lmao. also the photos ten (yamasaki ten) sends r so cute !! i love her so much shes so pretty.
yesterday it was my grannys birthday. shes dead. i dont know if i miss her, but i miss getting to go to her house. she lived in the middle of nowhere in a tiny town, we would go for like a week or two every summer and just kinda play. it was so small everyone knew everyone else. there was a little lake that we would play in, sometimes me and my sister wold go fishing with one of grannys friends.
i miss having a house. like a proper house with stairs and a yard and shit. every time we go to like residential areas i get so sad. i miss living with my sister. she came over today, i stayed in my room the whole time. i miss her.
this one is kinda long lmao. sorry
song for this post is white noise by james marriott
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boneyard-lovers · 11 months
happy birthday - 231105
i finally had my birthday dinner with my family lmao. my mom and sister had already given me presents so the only thing i got was cash from my father, $150 ish. nice
i immediatly spent $30 on idol stuff. my girls (sakuzaka) have a mail service that i wanted. you can only download the app in japan so i had to change my region on my phone to japan, and make a japanese apple account. slaying(?)
i put way too much effort into this. like,,, so much. shoutout to the one person who messaged me on twitter to help. <333. now theyre also sending my only photos that i cant access lmao. luv u bestie
to be clear the mail thing is only like $3 for one person for a month im just putting a lot of money on the apple account so i can just kinda forget about it.
uhm i was supposed to see my partner but couldnt so im gonna try and go visit it. soon hopefully
song 4 today is microscope by sakurazaka46
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boneyard-lovers · 11 months
oops i feel like shit - 231102
after the last post i wanted to make the next one like nice and happy but i feel like shit again so,,, here we go
first the good news! i received a package ive been waiting for, it was some seventeen albums. im going to a concert with my sister tomorrow! that will be fun. were going to see slaughter beach dog. im hopefully gonna be able to hang out with my partner in a few days. my birthday dinner is soon, hopefully i get presents lmao. migth not though. also my mom broke up w her partner
i dont know if ill ever be able to live in a proper house again. i hate living in an apartment. i hate being so far away from everything sand everyone i know. i wanna go to the esso, i wanna go to the park, i wanna go to your house. i wanna go home.
i miss living with my sister. i think staying at her house when we were moving was the last time i was happy.
i keep getting nosebleeds. winter is making the air dry.
its getting hard to breathe
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boneyard-lovers · 11 months
everything is bad and it always will be - 231028
my mother forgot to put dinner away so she had to throw it out. she was already in a mood but that just made it worse. she was in a mood cause i accidentally told her that i have to be careful around her so that she doesnt get mad. lmao
i kinda realized that im never gonna live in a house that i truely love ever again. i loved the old house, but that was mostly cause it was like my childhood home yknow? like ive lived there since i was literally one year old. but im always gonna live with other people so im never gonna have complete freedom to decorate as i wish and shit. i hate compromise. but i cant live alone cause i get like Super paranoid.
my mother said she might not do stockings this christmas.
i dont think im ever gonna be happy like that again.
sorry for being weird and miserable the past few entrys
god forbid that i romanticise this
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boneyard-lovers · 11 months
local sleepy boy stays up till 4 am - 231027
why do i keep doing this.
i hung out with two of my partners, seperately. it was very fun both times. i got sock the first day, and on the second day i got some cds that i wanted. winning
my mother had her partner over tonight, i didnt wanna go out (too tired) so i just kinda sat in my room the whole time. kinda sad lmao
i ordered a photobook from one of my jpop girls! very excited, it comes out in like two weeks ish lmao. her name is habu, shes graduating soon :(
i finally planned my bday dinner with the family, my birthday was a full month ago but whatever. at least its something
rn im watching qtcinderella react to the noy taylor swift rerelease thing, im not really a taylor swift person but she likes her and i need something to do so,,, whatever
love you lots, song is way it goes by hippo campus
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boneyard-lovers · 11 months
im feel like shit (emotionally) - 231025
i hate when i feel like this. its like,,, everything feels so much more dramatic idk. everything anyone does or says feels like a personal attack and i dont know how to stop it. i hate my brain.
a few days ago i ordered a backpack online, it finally came! its kinda low quality but its cute, i like it. i have some kpop albums that should be coming soon too. thats nice i suppose.
some of my partners are in town rn so my mother is inviting her partner over cause i have something i can do but idk if anyones free when her partners over so i might just have to entertain myself for like five hours thursday night idk.
im so tired. hopefully i feel more stable soon. ive narrowly avoided getting pissed at my mother like twice now. lord i hope i can keep it together for the rest of this.
song for this week is final kiss by iz
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boneyard-lovers · 11 months
the rose my beloveds - 231021
much has happened in the past day
starting from the sad parts, akb (my jpop girls) are doing a set of three concerts, the first one was last night. actually it was at five in the morning but whatever. it was a lovely concert, i fell asleep halfway through. when i woke up i went to check twitter to see what had happened and i found out that yukirin had announced her graduation. shes the oldest member, and the last of the original three generations. i hate it here. :(
tonight i saw the rose live! the rose is a korean band that i LOVE. i saw them like like a year ago, they are really good live. this time they were at coca cola coliseum, which is right near where i live which was nice. last time i saw them was at the history. i love the history <3
after the rose me and my mother got chicken wings. they were good. i also got mozzerella sticks and mini donuts. my cat doesnt usually eat human food but he likes mini donuts. its really cute.
in other news my dad bought youtube premium for the whole family! no more ads when watching youtube on the big screen !! slaying
theres another concert from akb in a few hours so im gonna stay up to watch that.
song today is back to me by the rose :)
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boneyard-lovers · 11 months
three days in a row! amazing - 231019
my mother is going to have dinner with her partner tonight and im gonna be all alone :( usually we order dinner tonight but shes gone and i dont have the money for it :( this sucks.
on the bright side my bf is coming home soon so we can hang out :3
my mother cut my hair, it was a few days ago. its fine i guess, a bit shorter than i would like but whatever. she kinda gave me the same haircut she gives my sister.
this ones kinda short, im only really writing to keep my streak lmao. tomorrow will be better.
song for today is chasing that feeling by txt
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boneyard-lovers · 11 months
i h8 youtube >:( - 231018
theyre doing like anti adblock shit and its actually pissing me off. i think i found a way around it or smtg cause i logged out of my account and then logged back in and i dont see the popups anymore so whatever. ill die if i see them again though
i talked to my mum about guitar and she said to just text him cause he'll probably be chill about it, and shes probably right but im still kinda scared.
we got dinner from a resteraunt today, we brought it home to eat. i got eel donburi, it was really good. we also got sodas, i got a thing called cc lemon, i got the pineapple flavour, it was probably one of the best sodas ive ever had lmao. 10/10 would get again.
i miss hanging out with people irl. very excited to see my partners again. <3
song for today is sukimakaze yo by sakurazaka46
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boneyard-lovers · 11 months
i accidentally ghosted my guitar teacher and now i dont know how to talk to him again - 231017
okay so this happened like a month or so ago, he texted me to schedule a lesson and i read the text and decided to reply later and then completely forgot about it. he sent the message at like the beginning of september and i still havent responded
i really wanna get back into doing lessons regularly cause hes like the best and i really like playing guitar and its nice to see a person who im not related to but i have no idea how to message him cause i feel so guilty.
im gonna maybe talk to my mother in the morning i guess.
sorry for the like five am post i had a monster last night so now im fucked
ugh song for today is portrait of a blank slate by lovejoy
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boneyard-lovers · 11 months
pmacage - 231014
they are coming !!! so many packages !!!!
okay so my mom ordered some candles and she let me choose one, its like woodsy and im excited to get it. she also ordered me some good socks, and a cute backpack and im really excited to get both of those.
i ordered a japanese candy box, its coming next month but im still excited, i also ordered some kpop albums, seventeenth heaven by seventeen, there are three versions, i ordered all of them. im so excited yayyyyy!
i love waiting for packages to arrive idk its just so funnnnn.
anyways! i went to go see my sister a few days ago, it was really fun, we got korean hotdogs, they were really good (they always are) and we just kinda sat in her room and talked.
my mother had some friends over to hang up all our wall art, turns out we had like a shit ton of wall art, so its kinda busy compaired to before but its fine. i need to put up my posters in my room, but i want to put up a cork board first.
some (maybe all) of my partners are coming home soon!!!!! im very excited to hang out with people i missed them sosososo much eeee
ummm song for today is kimi to hitsuji to ao by radwimps
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boneyard-lovers · 1 year
subway sandwich beloved - 231009
on the second day at lindas i ordered $30 of subway. i got a subway salad for the first time, it was pretty good. im probably gonna change some things next time i get one. it was kinda bland.
the reason i got all the subway was cause there was NO FOOD in her kitchen. i mean there was some but,,, not anything i could just eat, and it was only my second time there so i wasnt comfortable enough to cook lmao.
that was all yesterday, also yesterday was thanksgiving dinner with the family! it was fine. it was kinda nice seeing the whole family, my grandparents invited some lady, they always do this. the food was good! the lady brought some food, it was good.
im home now, thank god. my mother is having coffee with someone, she'll be back soon too.
song is hashire! penguin by akb48
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boneyard-lovers · 1 year
you'll never guess whos cat sitting again - 231007
catsitting for linda (my dads gf)! she had to cancel the first one cause she got sick, but now im here. theres two cats, their names are sam and olive. sam is a large black cat, hes pretty cool. olive is smaller, shes black and white. i have to give olive three scoops of laxatives, two pills and one liquid every day. she is very old. she is also very sweet. shes sitting beside me right now.
the one big problem is that there is almost no food in the apartment. im staying over night for like three days, there is like nothing i can really just grab. im gonna have to like cook every day. that doesnt sound that bad but this is only my second time here so im like kinda freaked out.
im getting money though so whatever ig
uhm song for today is drone senkaichu by sakurazaka46
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