bokor-of-apocalypse · 7 months
Tumblr is doing some stupid AI shit so go to blog settings > Visibility > Prevent third-party sharing.
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bokor-of-apocalypse · 7 months
Someone at tumblr/automattic asked whether requests to opt out of "AI" data sharing would be honored retroactively (which seems important, seeing as tumblr has apparently compiled the user data they're going to send *before* giving any kind of opt-out option) and Automattic's head of "AI" Andrew Spittle responded:
We will notify existing partners on a regular basis about anyone who's opted out since the last time we provided a list. I want this to be an ongoing process where we regularly advocate for past content to be excluded based on current preferences. We will ask that content be deleted and removed from any future training runs. I believe partners will honor this based on our conversations with them to this point. I don't think they gain much overall by retaining it.
And I do not trust midjourney or openai in the slightest--their business models, by their own admission, depend on scraping art they don't have permission to use--so I do not believe that they will honor any requests to remove data already received when requests are made to remove it. So yeah. take that as you will.
about 20 minutes after I posted this, @staff put out this:
They do not acknowledge that they are definitely actually in the process of selling your data to third parties, but they have a setting which (they claim) will prevent them from sharing information with third parties, including "AI" training businesses.
I've turned it on, but tumblr has burned so much trust that I really don't have faith that tumblr will actually change the package of information that will be provided to these third parties based on the setting: tumblr/automattic must know that "AI" art theft is tremendously unpopular with a huge portion of tumblr, and that having this setting (even with a "you must know about it to use it" opt out setting) will result in a bunch of users setting their unintuitive "don't share with third parties" setting to "on" which will diminish the value of the sale.
I don't think tumblr will honor this setting.
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bokor-of-apocalypse · 5 years
me: *catches myself being judgmental* me to me: i did not raise u this way
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bokor-of-apocalypse · 5 years
Hey I’m the anon that asked if yer still active. I really hope ya don’t! close this blog! Your stuff is pretty interesting and since that manga isn’t very popular/ known. It’s nice having a blog that’s about said manga! (But I still get if if yer close it it’s up to ya ^^)
Rest assured, I have no intention of closong this blog. I have too many good memories and I love the manga. I just was kind of disappointed it ended since it had so much potential and material to explore and develop.
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bokor-of-apocalypse · 5 years
Hey r ya still aktive?
Hey anon. Not really, I was actually planning of closing this blog since I haven't seen any new content and I've been pretty busy to do colorings, but I decided not to in the end.
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bokor-of-apocalypse · 8 years
Maeda still has a baby face, and I’m laughing so much because Gou looks soo much older (that goatee definitely doesn’t look good)
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bokor-of-apocalypse · 8 years
Not dead.
And chapter 46 and 46.5 is out.
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bokor-of-apocalypse · 9 years
Have you ever read a manga and then get to a colour spread and you’re like “this is not how I imagined how they would look why is this fucker over here purple”
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bokor-of-apocalypse · 9 years
Do you know when the last volume/true ending will be translated to english so we can read it? If not thanks anyways!
I have been checking crunchyroll (since they are the ones who have been translating the previous chapters) but there’s nothing. 
I’ll post a link if a find a translation of the last chapter. :)
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bokor-of-apocalypse · 9 years
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Hitotsukabuto Kiyoharu.
Birthday: October 2.
Zodiac Sign: Libra.
Blood Type: O.
Height: 183 cm.
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bokor-of-apocalypse · 9 years
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Iwakura Gou.
Birthday: August 19.
Zodiac Sign: Leo.
Blood Type: O.
Height: 185 cm.
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bokor-of-apocalypse · 9 years
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Yamanoi Mitsuru.
Birthday: May 6.
Zodiac Sign: Taurus.
Blood Type: A.
Height: 173cm.
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bokor-of-apocalypse · 9 years
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Yoshioka Masafumi.
Birthday: September 3.
Zodiac Sign: Virgo.
Blood Type: B.
Height: 178 cm.
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bokor-of-apocalypse · 9 years
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Maeda Yoshiaki.
Birthday: June 24.
Zodiac Sign: Cancer.
Blood Type: A.
Height: 169 cm.
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bokor-of-apocalypse · 9 years
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The last cove looks so good!
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bokor-of-apocalypse · 9 years
Sorry I haven’t been around lately, life got me busy, but hey! today the true ending comes out!
P.S. I promise I’ll make something to make it up to you guys!
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bokor-of-apocalypse · 9 years
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