boiginny · 5 years
Chris Evans as Golden Retrievers
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boiginny · 5 years
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Genderfluid!Bucky, using he/she pronouns equally
Watching old movies to catch up on what he missed, and she gets to the nineties and is like hell yeah, then he decides to go out and buy clothes JUST LIKE THAT
And everyone is pretty sure she just needs fashion help but hes like no fu Im gonna look cute af.
And she’s right. Of course.
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boiginny · 5 years
“It’s hell writing and it’s hell not writing. The only tolerable state is having just written.”
— Robert Hass
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boiginny · 5 years
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“Take five, Cap.”
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boiginny · 5 years
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avengers: endgame // spider-man: far from home
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boiginny · 5 years
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@rainbowrowell reminding us why she’s our queen 👑
(x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)
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boiginny · 5 years
I feel like Marvel completely forgot that Steve Rogers is an artist. Do you remember in the very first Captain America, steve was sitting in the rain drawing and it showed a circus monkey? 
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He had a whole book and it was very clear that he could draw. I’ve been thinking about everything that we missed out on. (I understand that in Civil War it showed very roughly in the back the same image above..evidence is right below this paragraph) Like him drawing Bucky or the tesseract for the Avengers. Or he draws pictures of peggy and hanges them up, but then debates about it and takes them back down. Maybe he draws all of the Avengers with little things describing them. For instance there’s a drawing of Tony with the word arrogant-marked out- and underneath it says ‘he calls me capsicle’. And maybe-just maybe- Steve drew his mother and we have to wonder who this mysterious woman is. Imagine the day Tony or Thor finds the sketch book. They didn’t mean to go through it (let’s be honest though you find an untitled book in the room of a Super Solider and you don’t open it?) but the art is just so incredible and a secret part of Steve. They don’t make fun of him but show the others, keeping it a secret that they know. Tony might buy him random art supplies every now and then. Thor would be the one to bring it up, telling Steve that it’s a great talent to have. At the least Marvel could have had Steve draw a map that was a very accurate representation and everyone was like ‘you drew that?’ And Steve with a shy nod says ‘Yeah I draw a little bit.“ 
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Or what about when Sam gets the shield. Imagine if Steve drew a suit design because he was put in the most God-awful suit that got him made fun of and not taken seriously. Inside one of the shield bands is a folded piece of paper, a suit designed from head to toe and its Sam. Steve took into consideration the falcon wings and implemented them with his version of the suit but left room for changes. 
Call me corny, but drawing is a form of heroism. It’s a talent that can envoke all kinds of things in people. Steve had that ability and it was just ignored.
All I’m saying is we missed the idea that Captian America could have been known for so much more than a super serum. He could have been an artist. He could have been that hero with that little quirk of drawing in his downtime, or doing it to cope with everything.
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boiginny · 5 years
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I’m with you til the end of the line.
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boiginny · 5 years
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“Victorians were stuffy prudes.”
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boiginny · 5 years
Do you ever think about how we almost got a real Captain America 3?
It was going to be called “the Serpent Society”. Steve and Sam were going to be trying to find Bucky, and Natasha was going to be doing her usual badass spy shit.
We could have had flashbacks to Steve and Bucky as kids, flashbacks to Steve’s mother Sarah Rogers. We could have seen them growing up during the Depression. We could have seen the day Bucky was drafted, and the day Steve swore to follow him across the ocean no matter what. We could have seen the Howling Commandos in action, and seen how Steve interacted with them compared to how he works with Sam and the Avengers.
We could have had scenes in present day of Bucky hunting down HYDRA cells much like Magneto hunted down Schmidt in X-Men: First Class. We could have Team Cap kicking all kinds of Nazi ass, and a story about Steve and Bucky and Sam and Natasha, his closest friends in the modern era as well as his best friend from before the war.
But instead we got Iron Man 4. Avengers 2.5. T*ny got a flashback with his parents. Sarah Rogers got a single name drop and nothing else.
I think about that every goddamn day and it pisses me off so much.
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boiginny · 5 years
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boiginny · 5 years
Hey, writer. You’re gonna be okay. Whatever’s going on with your WIP, your creative process, your inspiration, your life: it’s all gonna be okay.
Keep on keeping on. You’re gonna do great. You’ll make it through!
And I’ll always be here rooting for you.
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boiginny · 5 years
having a hyperfixation feels like this image
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boiginny · 5 years
ok so i was watching this gif carefully 
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and when i first saw it i was like “aww Nat jumping into steve’s lap that’s so cute she’s like AHH STEVE SAVE ME” and then i was thinking ‘well she probably realized he’s way stronger than she is and could help shield her if they crashed’
but then i kept watching it and i noticed how she immediately pulls him forward 
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and first i thought it was the momentum of her jump but you can clearly see in the gif how she gets settled (quickly) THEN pulls him close to her
and then i realized
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that is a bullet hole. 
Nat somehow knew EXACTLY where Steve was gonna get shot at, jumped up into his seat, and saved him
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Natasha Fucking Romanoff 
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boiginny · 5 years
the hottest scene in mcu history is when maria watches those hydra agents on the cameras and just casually pushes against the control panel with her foot and rolls the chair she’s sitting in back and just shoots them right as soon as they open the door. that scene was just *chef’s kiss* beautiful.
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boiginny · 5 years
I literally don’t get people who complain that other people are just projecting onto characters like “you’re just using that character to explore and actualise yourself” well done james that’s what stories have been for for centuries what the fuck is your point
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boiginny · 5 years
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oh my god
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