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angela || 17 || books, studying, bullet journaling, photography, food, coffee, tea. jersey girl. college life. personal instagram/twitter: @mebeangela bookish instagram: bo0kish
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bo0kish-blog · 9 years ago
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Trying to inspire myself to #SpringClean and finally get into #minimalism by reading #thelifechangingmagicoftidyingup by @mariekondo -- thanks @target for having this book for 30% off! (at Target)
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bo0kish-blog · 9 years ago
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Good book, good tea, happy me. (at Nordstrom Cafe)
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bo0kish-blog · 9 years ago
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A bookstore-café with for here mugs and used books? Friendly staff and a large selection of loose leaf teas? Yes please! I can't believe I have never been here before but it's better late than never. (at Webster's Bookstore & Cafe)
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bo0kish-blog · 9 years ago
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I don't normally drink coffee but finals and #CincoDeMayo had me in the mood to try @chameleoncoldbrew 's Mexican Coffee (at Maddy's Mexican Grill)
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bo0kish-blog · 9 years ago
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☹️Aqua cold cup from @starbucks is so cute but my friend wanted it in a smaller size ☹️ (at Starbucks)
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bo0kish-blog · 9 years ago
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Finals have me stressed. That is all.
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bo0kish-blog · 9 years ago
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pleasure reading is something i always make time for. at least two or three times i week i allot myself at least 30 minutes to dive into a lovely book. i also always carry a book with me now that i own a kindle and have the kindle app on my phone.i usually take 15-30 minutes before bed to shut my brain down and relax with a good book too. as a child, my grandma would always read to me, my favorite books were madeline by ludwig bemelmans and the european fairytale little red riding hood (just because my grandma was reading it to me and it had a grandma in it). do you take the time to read each week? what’s your favorite method of reading? (physical book, e reader, tablet, phone?) what was your favorite book as a young child? did your grandparents read to you as a child? i’m curious. let’s talk.
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bo0kish-blog · 9 years ago
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Outdoor study sessions with some goodies I got from @mochigrams , @moleskine_world , @pilotpenusa , @mujiusa , @leuchtturm1917 and the good ol @99centsonly shops!
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bo0kish-blog · 9 years ago
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Lettering! As seen in TriBeCa ! • • • • #plannercommunity #planneraddict #plannernerd #instadaily #igbooks #instapic #instabooks #instadaily #yabook #yabooks #yalovin #taveling #natgeotravel #reading #read #study #subway #newyorkcity #newyork #lettering #handlettering #bujo #bo0kish (at TriBeCa)
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bo0kish-blog · 9 years ago
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So much excitement over 30% off moleskine at @barnesandnoble 's shop at my school ☺️ • • • #book #bujo #bo0kish #bookblog #booklove #bulletjournaling #bulletjournaljunkies #litlove #study #studyblr #studyspo #reading #yabook #yabooks #yalovin #igbooks #instadaily #plannernerd #planneraddict #plannercommunity
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bo0kish-blog · 9 years ago
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The stairs at @shakespeareandcoparis flirt better than most American boys tbh • • • • • • #TBT #paris #shakespeareandcompany #bookworm #bookstagram #booklove #bookblog #book #bookstagramfeature #booksofinstagram #booksandcoffee #bookshop #bookstore #bookstagrammer #france #french #travel #travelingram #instabooks #instatravel #taveling #voyager (at Shakespeare & Co.)
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bo0kish-blog · 9 years ago
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Listening to @adele while reading about Adele and wishing that she would teach me how to apply eyeliner. Just kidding I'm reading about Rosemary Kennedy. • • • • • #book #bujo #bo0kish #bookblog #booklove #bookworm #bookstagram #bookstagramfeature #booksandcoffee #booksofig #instabooks #instadaily #instapic #adele #adele25 #time #magazine #litlove #litlover #lit #yabooks #yalovin #yabook #pop #spoonielife #spooniestrong #spoonie #eyeliner #eyelineronpoint
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bo0kish-blog · 9 years ago
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I love @lushcosmetics and @sammyreadsbooks :) • • • • • #book #bo0kish #bookblog #booklove #bookporn #bookworm #booksofig #bookstagram #booksandcoffee #booksofinstagram #bookstagramfeature #litlove #litlover #yabooks #yabooks #yalovin #study #studyblr #lushie #lushlife #lushcosmetics #lushbathbomb #lushbath
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bo0kish-blog · 9 years ago
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The scent of old books makes me smile but the scent of the rare book room at the strand makes me want to jump around with joy • • • • #book #bo0kish #bookblog #booklove #bookporn #bookworm #vscocam #newyorkcity #newyork #planneraddict #plannercommunity #study #studyblr #bookstagramfeature #bookstagram #reading #read #totalbooknerd #yabook #yabooks #yalovin #igbooks #instabooks #instadaily (at Strand Book Store)
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bo0kish-blog · 9 years ago
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bo0kish-blog · 9 years ago
Are you a Highly Sensitive Person?
To check out if this label applies to you, read through and consider the traits described below.
1. An HSP has a finely-tuned nervous system – something that is thought to be inherited. This makes them sensitive to external stimuli that the average person can ignore or filter out.
2. The HSP can find the world to be emotionally and physically draining.  Thus they need to retreat, and have time on their own, in order to regain their sense of inner peace. They can still cope with pressure and a busy social life – but they need space and time to renew their energy.
3. The HSP has a rich inner life, and they know how they feel and the different   reasons why. Their experiences are deep, intense and meaningful. However, this can leave them feeling drained and overwhelmed.
4. The HSP has a tendency towards anxiety, worry, depression, fear, guilt, disappointment, sadness and regret. They tend to see the pain in life and are rarely superficial.
5. He or she can identify with other people’s pain, and they can’t shake it off and move on with their life. Instead, it tends to weigh them down and keeps on playing on their mind.
6.  An HSPs nervous system is over-sensitive to music, noise, light and excessive stimuli. They are more aware of pain, have a strong startle response, and are easily awakened when they fall asleep at night.
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bo0kish-blog · 9 years ago
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Here are some general tips I’ve summarized from my experience this year in dealing with a bunch of demanding classes!
Plan. Everything. 
This tip is especially for my fellow procrastinators as I’ve never been able to focus completely on a huge task. Do yourself a favor and divide a daunting project into smaller portions and predict how long it will take you to complete the task (it doesn’t matter if its inaccurate). Now since you know how long each sub-task will take, you can use With this method, you’ll find yourself utilizing time much more efficiently as you’ll finish a huge task bit by bit each day. 
(Personal Favorites Marked with 🌟 )
Time Management Methods, Websites, and Apps:
🌟 Schooltraq (future post coming up about this website/app!)
Bullet Journaling (masterpost by @studyign​)
🌟 Momentum (a chrome extension)
Habitica (Previously HabitRPG)
MyStudyLife (there’s an app for both android and ios!!!)
myHomework  (there’s an app for both android and ios!!!)
Notetaking and Studying
To be rather blunt, the majority of studyblr is focused around pretty notes that have been revised many times and most pictures of notes with a lot of notes on here have a lot of notes primarily because they are aesthetically pleasing. I’m all for pretty notes but remember that the universal goal of studyblrs is to succeed and if you have a lot of work to do, you don’t have time to color-code and rewrite everything to look neat. Even if you don’t take too long to make your notes look nice remember that every second counts!
Taking Notes in Class/Lecture Notes by @studyquirk​
Efficient Notes in Class by @hexaneandheels​
Making Revision Notes by @raistudy​
How to Make Study Guides by @studybudyblr​
How to Revise by @youaretheairinmyalveoli​
Stress Relief
Remember it isn’t always about studying! Taking a break will help you do better as well so don’t be afraid to do something fun in fear of not getting your work done! 
Calming Music and Websites:
Rain Sounds
Nature Sounds Mixer 
🌟 Coffee Shop Sounds (Coffitivity)
🌟 The Quiet Place
I hope this was helpful!!! also pls ignore my overuse of exclamation marks 
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