bo-katan-kryze · 11 years
>> NOTICE: Until my Muse returns this blog is on HIATUS. 
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bo-katan-kryze · 11 years
"Well it seem that neither effort nor persuasion would get me to listen to your moaning today"
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bo-katan-kryze · 11 years
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But Mandalore will survive. We always survive.
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bo-katan-kryze · 11 years
OOC: hello all~ just a little note from me, I do love and still try to keep this blog as active as I can however if you really want to contact me the mun and tell me to get onto this blog because you want Bo, please contact me here on my main Star Wars
I will always reply back xlove
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bo-katan-kryze · 11 years
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Sometimes it’s not always about how awesome we look, but about how much fun we have looking awesome! To continue our spotlight on MMCC’s Social Societies, we have “Elegant Mando’s Tea Society" (E.M.T.S). The Elegant Mandos is a group of members who enjoy being silly in their armor, and inspiring humor in others. It’s not always about being picture-perfect, and EMTS members strive to keep the fun in what we do.
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bo-katan-kryze · 11 years
Tilting her head with a small smirk of delight, Bo nodded at her superior and somewhat friend before continuing on "Trying to get Death Watch back together-traitors, but my Owl's keep themselves strong-how, how have you been?" she asked with concern.
pre-vizsla started following you
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bo-katan-kryze · 11 years
Bo had been watching, waiting for her chance to enter this conversation. She knew of the woman who'd been moments ago, bowing her allegiance to the tattooed menace. She'd been a spy for Deathwatch and Visla.
Twisting her face as the pang that she felt whenever he was mentioned in her head she looked down at her wrist darts. Her weapons were in place. Hiding wasn't something she did-rather something she had resorted to
Being Visla's second in command meant she was now in charge completely of the remaining loyal death watch members. And they were stretched thin.  Rebuilding numbers, that's what she planned first. Leaving her lieutenant in charge whilst she went 'scouting' she found herself here.
Taking in a breath, Bo ran in her wrist darts trained on the menace, her gun trained on the woman who once served her lost.  Sneering she adressed the both of them with a curt "Hands up"
She touched his chest, her palm resting gently above his heart. This man had killed her lover. She couldn’t believe the news when she had heard it but she did now. Pre had died by this man’s hands and it seemed that her dreams for a new Mandalorian culture had died with him. She blinked, but kept her teasing smile in place.Now wasn’t the time to think about that. She had to stay focused. “I hope to prove useful to you, my…lord." She bowed her head low, looking up into his eyes, knowing how she looked at that moment, light turning her hair to fire and catching in her eyes. “And I must admit, I am not without my own…desires."
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bo-katan-kryze · 11 years
Bo raised an orange brow at her sister, rolling her eyes. It hurt her as much to not hug her sibling -but the two had chosen different lives-different sides.
"Spoken like a true Duchess" she retorted back finding safety in being the 'brat' and rude person she was known to be.
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duchesssatinekryze started following you
  "Yes, I suppose so," she replied sadly. “That’s the only way to survive in times such as this, doesn’t it seem so? We must shut our selves down and keep everything to ourselves or else we pay the price for it."
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That’s no way to live for long, she wanted to say, but her mouth wouldn’t form the words. Wouldn’t say, I fear for you every night, my sister.
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bo-katan-kryze · 11 years
pre-vizsla started following you
"And here I was thinking you'd died"
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bo-katan-kryze · 11 years
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"I was about to ask you the same thing-state your name and status before I choose to blast ya" she commands eyeing the man.
notafraidtocutyoudown started following you
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"Again? Ugh what do you want now. Make it quick." she orders the man.
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bo-katan-kryze · 11 years
notafraidtocutyoudown started following you
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"Again? Ugh what do you want now. Make it quick" she orders the man.
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bo-katan-kryze · 11 years
Unsure of how to feel, she removed her helmet looking at her sister their similar faces reflecting one another. "Me too-I suppose. What can I say when you're the leader of the clan you need to hold your cards close to ya chest right?" 
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duchesssatinekryze started following you
  "Well, I wouldn’t expect anything less from you. Always questioning everyone and everything." Satine smiled at her slightly, “I’ve missed you, Bo. I really have."
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bo-katan-kryze · 11 years
duchesssatinekryze started following you
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"Sister, can't say I'm overly joyed for your presence. Why are you here?"
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bo-katan-kryze · 11 years
Transmissions Open
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'Hmm let's see where this goes" Bo grumbled to herself flicking the holotransmitter on waiting for the inevitable idiot that would appear to cause her no end of frustrations.
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bo-katan-kryze · 11 years
"Loving the Trojan helmet thing"
What? Ugh this was so not her thing. If there was one thing Bo didn't like it was dealing with children.
"Do you know where you are kid? And who you're talking to?" she asked raising a brow under her helmet. She didn't appreciate this kids jokes, though this wasn't his turf.
It was hers.
And she'd make damn sure he knew it.
mrfantasticwastaken started following you
  You know, what he’d signed up for the internship at Stark Industries, and he’d offered help on the Eisenhower Bridge project, he didn’t mean to the be guinea pig. Accidental or not, Peter was so going to punch Tony when he got back.
The spider offered the armored woman a small grin, hoping it’d translate through his mask. “Loving the Trojan helmet thing. Did I miss Wookie Con again this year?” Peter really wished Ahsoka was here. This was right up her alley. Also he had no idea where he was. Probably not best to ask which planet he was on was it?
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bo-katan-kryze · 11 years
//offline again. Unless you want me to reply to your thread..in that case like this post and message me the link//
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bo-katan-kryze · 11 years
Hmph, was that a jab at her? And how was he so socially loved again? Smiling under her helmet she raised her hands.
Taking the helmet off she quirked a red brow. "Well not if that man's a Jedi. Death Watch still dislike you" she quipped back rolling her yellow eyes.
Ugh wasn't this the one the orange brat belonged to? 
"Where's your tail? You know the orange one?" she asked smirking.
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generalanakinskywalker started following you
  Anakin raised his eyebrow over to the to the Mandalorian. Leave it to her to start off in unfriendly terms. 
Personally he had no clue why he was bothering to talk to her~ But part of him assumed it was return her poor attitude. Shaking his head, he crossed his own arms and continued to watch her carefully. 
“Can’t a man take a walk around without being questioned?” He asked as amusement sparkled in his blue eyes, “I didn’t realize it was such a crime to walk within your presence.”
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