bluelunes · 4 years
Extremely Exhausted Starters Part 2
“You’re nodding off… hey, come on, you need sleep.”
“I can’t… you’re going to have to carry me.”
“Hey, you passed out. Do you remember what happened?”
“No more today, you’re at your limit.”
“I’m can’t move… I’m too tired…”
“You’re starting to ramble, you need rest.”
“What was that over there…? Did you say something?”
“Nap… please? Nap with me?”
“My subconscious isn’t exactly allowing me to get some damn sleep.”
“I can’t lift it without shaking…”
“You’re too weak to stop me from stopping you.”
“I don’t even have the energy to be defiant… I must be messed up.”
“Standing up is about all I can do.”
“You can tell me all about how tired you aren’t while I carry you to bed.”
“It’s been three days… does it make sense now?”
“Whatever you need me to do so you’ll stop and rest, I’ll do it.”
“Don’t force my hand. This is your last chance to stop yourself.”
“Your health is deteriorating. Take a break or I’ll make you.”
“You’re wrong, I’m fine. I know I’m fine… I’m fine…”
“Telling yourself that you’re okay doesn’t make it true. We need to get you safe and rested.”
“Yes, you did it and you’re alive, shut up. I was worried half to death you idiot!”
“Tired enough for cuddling huh…”
“You shush… shhh… shhhhuuushhh…”
“Oh great bed rest warden, may I be allowed freedom from my prison today?”
“You’re shaking, and sore. I can see the exhaustion in your eyes.
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bluelunes · 4 years
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   Perhaps it was no surprise that Gakuto, the over-burdened student council president aged 12, would eventually find himself passing out from overworking. Perhaps he had gone too far with his workaholic tendencies. 
    The school and the students meant the world to him, and Gakuto was proud to be someone who could be relied on. However, perhaps he had been too soft. Too soft to the point where the students of this school could no longer act without him around.
     Gakuto’s eyes would finally open after an hour though. And it’d take a moment for him to register that he was laying in the infirmary’s bed. The first thing he’d do was try to get out to resume all his tasks, but he’d feel a gentle push to his shoulder that’d make him fall back into the bed.
    “You… are…?”
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bluelunes · 4 years
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⋆「☾」⋆  It’s ‘i’m finding sevens painful to watch’ hours- so i’ve decided that once there’s a few more episodes out I’ll resume activity on Gakuto! I read up on episode summaries and luckily I think they’re finally moving the plot along at episode 15 but god, rn, i am having tough time tm
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bluelunes · 4 years
“We could, but I think they’re all gone now anyway. I got the last one, so…wouldn’t hunting down the teacher that left them there be a lot of trouble in itself?”
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Yuuga had seen at least a dozen of sitting on the table when he’d first noticed them, so there were at least eleven others somewhere around the school. But even if he thought Gakuto was over reacting, Yuuga would still hold up his can to offer.
“Here, though. If it really makes you feel better-”
     Gakuto would reach out to grab that drink right out of Yuuga’s hand but... Why wasn’t he taking it? His fingers were twitching as if he was dying to take the drink, but it was almost like he was being repelled by some unseen forcefield! Was this... guilt?
     Of course he felt bad for ruining something a student looked forward to! B-But school rules! School rules must be followed! That’s what rules were for! 
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     Letting his hand drop to his side, Gakuto let out a deep sigh. And then, he puffed his chest out. 
    “Fine! You can keep the drink. But you can’t drink it until I find out what’s going on. I’m responsible for the safety of the students!”
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bluelunes · 4 years
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“Trouble…? Don’t you think getting me in trouble for something like this is a little harsh? I mean, it’s just one drink.”
A drink that Yuuga had actually been looking forward to ever since he’d heard there were free ones to take inside. Sure, the uniqueness of it seemed a little out of place, but he’d seen other people walking around with them, too!
“Maybe a…teacher brought them in for us for a special treat or something?” Not that Yuuga wouldn’t take one of the student council’s teas and popsicles, but-
   The problem was, it wasn’t only Yuuga or anybody else who took the drink that would get in trouble! Gakuto would be held responsible too for not keeping an eye on the school!
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   “Then we’re going to have to find a teacher and figure out if that’s true or not because if somebody else is handing out those drinks...”
    Shiver. Call Gakuto paranoid but that didn’t sound very safe. 
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bluelunes · 4 years
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“It’s been sitting on that table over there for awhile now. Rook and Romin showed up earlier and took one, too, didn’t they?”
Or had Gakuto not been paying attention for once? Yuuga had figured they’d been left there for anyone suffering the heat outside and were free to take. He hadn’t seen anyone around the drink and if Gakuto hadn’t called the other two out when they’d taken theirs-
“You mean you weren’t the one who put them there?”
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   “If you’re talking about refreshments, we, as in the student council, brought a stack of green tea and popsicles for all students.”
    Gakuto placed his hands on his hips. A yuzu flavoured drink was too unique to be in the school grounds! This wasn’t middle school so they weren’t allowed to make bentos or buy convenience food yet. So that meant that someone must’ve snuck it in!
    “If you don’t want to get in trouble, I suggest you give that to me. I’m going to have to track down who it belongs to so I can give them a penalty for breaking school rules!”
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bluelunes · 4 years
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   Perhaps it was no surprise that Gakuto, the over-burdened student council president aged 12, would eventually find himself passing out from overworking. Perhaps he had gone too far with his workaholic tendencies. 
    The school and the students meant the world to him, and Gakuto was proud to be someone who could be relied on. However, perhaps he had been too soft. Too soft to the point where the students of this school could no longer act without him around.
     Gakuto’s eyes would finally open after an hour though. And it’d take a moment for him to register that he was laying in the infirmary’s bed. The first thing he’d do was try to get out to resume all his tasks, but he’d feel a gentle push to his shoulder that’d make him fall back into the bed.
    “You... are...?”
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bluelunes · 4 years
Lightheaded/Fainting Starters
❝Whoa, hey, you okay there?❞
❝Please don’t pass out on me–❞
❝Stay with me.❞
❝I think you need to lay down.❞  
❝I need to lay down. Like, now.❞
❝Can you help me sit down?❞
❝I think I’m gonna pass out.❞
❝I don’t feel so good…❞
❝I can’t move.❞
❝I can’t sit up.❞
❝Why is the room spinning?❞
❝When’s the last time you slept?❞
❝Do you need to eat something?❞
❝When’s the last time you ate?❞
❝I think I just need to eat something.❞
❝Let me get you some water.❞
❝Here, elevate your feet.❞
❝How much did you drink?❞
❝I think I drank too much.❞
❝Did you drink something? Did you take something?❞
❝You’re really pale.❞
❝Can you hear me?❞
❝Hey – you passed out.❞
❝Are you gonna pass out again?❞
❝I think I’m gonna pass out again.❞
❝Don’t sit up yet. Just relax.❞
❝This isn’t normal. You’re freaking me out.❞
❝Thank god you’re awake, I was about to call an ambulance.❞
❝You’re gonna be fine, I’m gonna call an ambulance.❞
❝What happened? Did I hit my head?❞
❝You hit your head pretty hard. Just stay down.❞
❝What happened? I just found you laying here.❞
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bluelunes · 4 years
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“Student Council President!” The call would come around the corner way before Yuuga would make the turn himself. In his hand? One unopened, freezing cold, bottle of a yuzu flavored drink that Yuuga wouldn’t hesitate to hold up. “If this isn’t yours, can I take this? It’s kind of hot out.”
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     It took a moment to spot who that voice belonged to. Gaze pointing downwards, Gakuto’s eyes would meet Yuuga’s. Sheesh, why did this little genius have to be so short? But more importantly-
    “Where... did you find that? It isn’t mine but...”
     Unopened or not, wouldn’t it be dangerous to swipe a drink like that?
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bluelunes · 4 years
feel  free  to  change  any  pronouns  or  subjects  (or  reverse).      tw  for  blood,  death  and  physical  violence  mention.
‘  is  it  complete?  ’
‘  who  are  you?  ’
‘  who  is  this?  ’
‘  why  are  you  bleeding?  ’
‘  what  would  i  do  without  you?  ’
‘  do  you  feel  alright?  ’
‘  what’s  your  name?  ’
‘  why  do  you  hate  me?  ’
‘  do  you  want  something  to  eat?  ’
‘  aren’t  you  supposed  to  be  someone  important?  ’
‘  did  you  read  it  yet?  ’
‘  can  you  help  me?  ’
‘  why  do  you  act  so  weirdly?  ’
‘  what  do  i  do  with  someone  like  you?  ’
‘  you  awake?  ’
‘  can’t  you  tell  left  from  right?  ’
‘  how  dare  you?  ’
‘  can  i  have  a  word?  ’
‘  why  didn’t  you  fight  back?  ’
‘  can  you  stop  interupting  me?  ’
‘  why  are  you  here?  ’
‘  what  happened?  ’
‘  haven’t  you  said  enough?  ’
‘  why  are  you  still  ___?  ’
‘  why  don’t  you  shut  up  and  be  quiet?  ’
‘  what  did  you  dream  of?  ’
‘  why  are  you  yelling?  ’
‘  how  could  you  say  that?  ’
‘  is  that  mine?  ’
‘  why  did  you  turn  out  this  way?  ’
‘  are  you  talking  to  me?  ’
‘  why  won’t  he  date  me?  ’
‘  why  did  you  hit  him?  ’
‘  why  are  you  crying  yourself  to  sleep?  ’ 
‘  are  you  serious?  ’
‘  who  did  this?  ’
‘  will  i  regret  this?  ’
‘  do  you  promise?  ’
‘  is  that  mine?  ’
‘  am  i  dead?  ’
‘  can  you  stop  moving?  ’
‘  is  he  looking  at  me?  ’
‘  does  it  hurt?  ’
‘  how  did  that  happen?  ’
‘  what’s  the  weather  for  tomorrow?  ’
‘  are  you  in  love  with  me  yet?  ’
‘  is  it  that  important?  ’
‘  want  some?  ’
‘  was  that  an  accident?  ’
‘  what’s  the  deal  with  you?  ’
‘  who  do  you  think  you  are?  ’
‘  can  i  ask  you  something?  ’
‘  why  don’t  you  leave  then?  ’
‘  how  could  you?  ’
‘  is  this  all  you  can  do?  ’
‘  why  is  this  here?  ’
‘  how  did  you  get  in  here?  ’
‘  is  it  freezing  to  you?  ’
‘  what  are  you  making  tdday?  ’
‘  are  you  lost?  ’
‘  has  it  been  that  long?  ’
‘  how  could  you?  ’
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bluelunes · 4 years
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bluelunes · 4 years
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⋆「 ☾ 」⋆  I probably have the reputation for being super critical of Sevens, yet here I am with Gakuto as a muse and a Roa blog in progress so RIP me I guess. 
Anyways, Like/Reblog if you’re interested in RPing with an indie Gakuto from YGO SEVENs! I’m hoping to warm up to the series by actually writing the characters ...
[ ABOUT (wip) ]
Follows back on @lunephased !
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bluelunes · 4 years
Oozing with enthusiasm? Yuuga could probably tell it wasn’t, but they couldn’t do what they were planning without the president’s approval either. All it would take would be a bright smile, a convincing attitude, and Yuuga marching right out into the hallway to lead Gakuto off toward this empty classroom in question.
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“Nothing much! We just wanted your approval to use this classroom for something! Rook and I moved all the desks out earlier and we even made a poster.”
With all the effort they’d already put into this ‘project’, there was no way Gakuto would actually say no, right?
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        “Poster?” He questioned, trying to piece together what these two kids were possibly trying to start. Were they trying to make another music video to promote Rush Duels? Or was it much more than that? 
       “As long as you’re using a classroom that isn’t being used and you’re being responsible, I don’t see why I should say no.”
      He was going to need more information than just that to decide though, so he’d raise a brow as if to silently tell Yuuga to elaborate further.      
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bluelunes · 4 years
Thirty minutes? Pausing just long enough to send a glance over his shoulder, Yuuga glanced at the clock. Thirty minutes should be more than enough time to get approval for what they needed, but asking here probably wouldn’t be the best. To win Gakuto over, it’d be better to show than just tell.
Eagerly slapping his hands on Gakuto’s desk, Yuuga leaned in-
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“It’s quick, but maybe you’ve got time for me to show you something while you listen? Apparently, there’s an empty classroom on the other side of the school and Rook and I had an idea for it!” 
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    And as Yuuga leaned in, Gakuto would lean back. Ah, the eagerness was very clear. And now that the other boy is proposing a show and tell, Gakuto could only help but feel a bit nervous. --However, it was the student council president’s role to be responsible and take matters into hand!
      “Alright!” His tone was oozing with more enthusiasm than before.
      Once rising from his seat, the purpled haired student would make his way around the desk to head outside.
      “Lead the way. Fill me in on the details. What are you wanting?”
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bluelunes · 4 years
@bluelunes​ ★ starter call!
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“Good morning, student council president!” Gakuto would be met with a bright smile and a wave the second Yuuga had pushed his way into the room. Just the person he’d been looking for! “If you’re not too busy, can I ask you a question? We need your opinion on something, but it’ll be quick. I promise!”
      Gakuto could recognise that cheerful greeting immediately and almost wanted to sigh. Even if Yuuga’s cleverly crafted robot had lessened his student council president workload, there were still many things to be done. 
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      He gave a quick glance at the clock across the room and leant back into his chair. Knowing Yuuga, he’d probably persist until he gave in, even if Gakuto said no. So leaning back in his chair, he gave Yuuga his full attention.
      “A few sports clubs are missing members, so I have to go down in about thirty minutes. But if it’s just a quick question, I see why I shouldn’t hear it.” 
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bluelunes · 4 years
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