#|| not that they wouldve gone through with it seeing as uwu this is a kids shoW
muzothecat · 3 years
Dont wanna interact directly with the op so i'll just subtweet like a lowly human
I dont see Momota and Ouma as rivals and i dont think they were meant to be rivals either so criticizing them for being a bad rivalry doesnt make much sense to me
Their goals are different and I'd argue their initial antagonism is more about what they represent than who they are as individual (until it gets really personal in ch 4)
If Ouma supposedly figured him out since the beginning he wouldnt have said he was 'not boring', proving he's actually someone who goes beyond his expectations. He's actually thrown off by him a lot of times bc of how fundamentally different and seemingly baseless his way of thinking is
Now Momota, because he had a problem with Ouma's behaviour, tried to get him to change it or at least explain himself, and didnt ignore him
Until the fake mastermind reveal i think Momota saw him as just a classmate, annoying and who causes trouble for no reason, but still a classmate. So it wasnt as if he never treated him as human or something. And idk what more you need than him choosing to go along with Ouma's plan as proof of him recognizing his feelings and will, this is about actions not words.
My main point of disagreement is about Momota's comment on Ouma's last word's and how that supposedly throws away their development, i think it's the complete opposite.
Like i said earlier it's about actions not words. The lenghts he went to for the plan is already enough proof of his desire to end the game, what he says or not wont change that. Regardless of if they're true or not, he didnt say these words for himself, he said them for Momota, thinking it would be easier for him to follow the plan of a person who said that. So Momota's right in saying that it was to convince him imo.
Momota is good at giving others what they need to hear I think, like he did with Saihara and Harukawa at the end of the trial. And I think this comment was not something he said for the others but for Ouma. Regardless of what he thinks about it himself, he cast doubt upon his words and let his identity stay that of a liar. The fact that he went through with the plan is proof enough of what he thought of Ouma's will, because ultimately it's actions that count. Words dont matter yet they can give meaning and be given meaning, that was the case for both of them.
Also if you think that Ouma wouldnt have kicked Momota's ass to hell and back if he said to the others 'He was actually being sincere, he fought so hard for us uwu' i sincerely dont know what to tell you
More about the dynamic supposedly being one-sided, I'd argue Momota changed much more in contact to Ouma than the reverse, even if that process wasnt very pleasant, without the ch 4 fiasco making him rethink on a lot of things, i think ch 5 wouldve gone differently
But you can also say that without Momota being who he is Ouma would have gone with a different plan in ch 5 imo
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potatowitch · 4 years
finding out that the star wars sequel series was written on the fly rather than actually planned out makes so much fucking sense but also pisses me off EVEN MORE because i watched the force awakens in 2016 and within a day of leaving the cinema had a fully fleshed out idea in my head of the direction the next two films would take and the plot points they would cover, all brainstormed in the shower. 16 year old me was more capable of writing a cohesive storyline than disney was. so here you are - i rewrote the sequels to be ten times better than what disney actually gave us. enjoy.
- after rey finds luke they train for a bit then he's like "gotta tell u something. u ever heard of mara jade? she's ur mum" "wait weren't u two dating for a bit" "yeah" "does that mean ur...." "...yeah"
- "why did u leave me on jakku?" "i didnt. she did. i only just learned u existed i wouldve come for u" "oh."
- "...can i call u dad or" "i would be honored if u did"
- meanwhile at the resistance base leia realises finn is force sensitive, gives him her old lightsaber she had in the comics
- because come on. rewatch the force awakens and tell me that man aint fuckin feeling the "shitloads of voices cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced" when starkiller goes off
- and he picks up a lightsaber and instinctively knows how to use it?
- also: two main heroes in a star wars film being a queer coded woman and a queer coded black man.
- and the whole "used to be a stormtrooper and defected, becomes a jedi" is a TOTALLY NEW storyline? not some tired old "white boy villain is a dick for three movies then suddenly turns Good TM right at the end" trope
- make rey explicitly asexual. she's beautiful and smart and got abs that make everyone who sees them MELT but she is NOT INTERESTED in anything but JUSTICE and PLATONIC HUGS
- finn and poe are also making out because come on, disney, if u wanted to show you're becoming more progressive having a loving interracial gay romance is the fucking easiest way to do it. BB8 has two dads and they share The Jacket
- turns out finn is a kenobi because u cannot tell me obi wan didnt Fuck. jedi code says "dont form attachments" but watch the clone wars - obi wan plays fast and loose w the jedi code at the best of times. now we got a skywalker and a kenobi working together being best buds again, THE WAY IT SHOULD BE.
- the destruction of starkiller has crippled the first order. don't fucking look at me like "the resistance just won a major, VERY VISIBLE victory but OOO no somehow they're still very low on numbers and infrastructure" NO. the public destruction of starkiller has earned the resistance an influx of allies. the republic has started publicly supporting them. the first order spent years building that thing and now not only is all that time, effort and MONEY gone, they lost a shitload of staff and military personnel when it blew up
- "the first order is rich" is a plot point I DO NOT UNDERSTAND because it directly contradicts what's going on in the expanded universe books. the first order was built from remnants of the empire that had been banished to the outer reaches of the galaxy to live out of broken down, shitty old star destroyers.
- it's the reason hux, who was raised in a decrepit old academy in the ass end of the universe by an abusive father, is SO anti republic. in his head, it's the reason he starved as a child. it's the reason his mother is dead. it's the reason he had to be raised by a father that beat him. his hatred for the republic is PERSONAL
- disney learn how to write a good villain challenge? hux EASILY could have been terrifying AND sympathetic
- hux and kylo now have to deal with how absolutely PISSED snoke is that both of them failed with starkiller. hux gets force choked and threatened. kylo gets snoke very painfully rooting around in his head. it is emphasised that snoke's relationship with these two is downright abusive.
- somewhere in there, they realise that the whole five years they've known each other snoke has been deliberately pitting them against each other and sneakily forcing them to undermine each other's authority
- they realise it was snoke's shitty leadership that lead to the destruction of starkiller. they realise that maybe they'd be better off on their own
- the two of them plot to murder snoke themselves. while this is happening, the resistance is happily building an army, gathering resources, and forming alliances. luke and rey have reunited with the resistance and now rey and finn are both happily training with luke.
- snoke dies. hux decides to take the mantle of emperor. kylo LETS HIM because he realises he doesn't know shit about fuck when it comes to leading anything more than his knights. has a crisis of confidence about how useful he actually is, then hux decides he wants to keep the knights of ren around as his personal "fuck up the resistance" squad.
- the two of them working together turn out to be fucking terrifying, competent villains. the films have short, five to ten minute sections where they explore their VERY SIMILAR traumas to make them sympathetic WITHOUT making them seem like "uwu they're not actually bad people" because THEY'RE STILL AWFUL GENOCIDAL MASS MURDERERS
- on the kylo trauma side: it's made obvious in the books that from about age 6 snoke has been in his head deliberately grooming him away from his family. make that obvious in the films. make its impact on kylo obvious in how unsure of himself he actually is. don't make his "redemption arc" one where he suddenly goes light side. give him a bastardisation arc where he realises his whole life he has never made a choice - and then make THE FIRST ORDER his choice. (it is the wrong choice! emphasise that! but make him MAKE THAT CHOICE)
- the resistance thinks they're doing well. they have two new jedi. they've seen very little of the first order outside of small operations that they've been squashing. they think "hm. starkiller's loss must have crippled them. we're doing well!"
- until they learn actually. they've got an emperor now. and the commander of the knights of ren is INCREDIBLY loyal to him. the first order is PISSED OFF and VENGEFUL. they're back with a force. they've started invading and subjugating planets even with their forces cut as thin as they are because hux is a military mastermind and kylo and the knights of ren are a fucking TERRIFYING unit in combat.
- also why did disney decide to present hux in the films as a weak pissbaby when he probably topped his class in all combat situations and fights dirty in close quarters. man can SNIPE. man will bite your fucking finger off if you manage to disarm him. he is a 6 foot beanpole and he will kick your ass
- kylo has a crisis about actually having to kill his mother, uncle and cousin. he still feels a bit bad about han - despite everything, he still loves them and is struggling. he actually confides in his knights about this. we get to see that the knights of ren have a found family dynamic with their commander and they comfort him.
- kylo realises it will be painful to murder the last of his bio family but it must be done, because he's come around to hux's view that the resistance and the republic are standing in the way of true peace in the galaxy. he actually believes that reinstating an empire is the best thing for the galaxy. this makes him a more effective villain because he actually believes what he's doing is right.
- more stormtroopers defect to the resistance. finn is there to welcome them and help them adjust. there's a couple of lowkey force sensitive troopers in there too. we learn more about how horrible, soul crushing and traumatic stormtrooper training is. this is a good way to keep painting the first order as an organisation that violates human rights and the geneva convention at every turn.
- the first order makes up for this loss of troops in picking up recruits from the planets they've taken over in the outer rim because they've been providing stability. again - it is SO EASY to write the first order as sympathetic villains WHO ARE STILL FASCIST ASSHOLES. this would've been such a good opportunity to show the moral argument between stability vs freedom. show the flaws in the republic because they do exist!! we see that throughout the ENTIRE expanded universe! every iteration of the republic fails in some way!
- the fight against the first order becomes increasingly more difficult, but they're actually on pretty even ground. it doesn't make sense to me that disney decided to go for the route of "the resistance should've been squished easily by the might of the first order but uwu kylo can't make up his mind and thats what saves them!" that is not a compelling storyline! they are relatively evenly matched and the resistance only JUST comes out on top!
- kylo kills luke in actual combat, not just "luke randomly dissolves for ... no good reason?". this hits the resistance HARD. rey and finn have to struggle with their desire for revenge. leia realises her son is beyond help. it nearly breaks her. she has a moment where she feels like she has lost everything. poe has to step in to remind her she still has him. it is revealed that he joined the resistance after the first order killed his family HORRIBLY when he was a teenager and he and leia sort of have a mother/son relationship.
- this is also a good way to juxtapose hux and kylo. they took their trauma and it made them awful. poe takes his trauma and it makes him kind. it makes him want to protect people from what he went through. also gets rid of the "haha we made the latino man have a drug dealer background" bullshit that disney did
- poe also has to comfort his boyfriend and best friend and remind them that they are fighting to make the galaxy a better place, NOT for revenge. then they have a discussion about "yeah, don't make revenge your main priority, but the jedi were a bit wrong in saying that you shouldn't enjoy it anyway. it's going to feel good to fucking murder kylo and that's okay". acknowledgement that the old jedi code was garbage and too restrictive for actual PEOPLE to follow it.
- kylo still can't kill leia or chewie. we get flashbacks of her singing to him, braiding his hair, comforting him after nightmares. we see baby ben riding on chewie's shoulders. seeing the conflict between kylo recognising his family loved him and still choosing to be a villain would have RUINED ME. he tells hux this, expecting hux to shoot him for it. hux understands - he had a mother, once. the republic killed her.
- (they actually didn't. she was an imperial slave and was probably left behind when an imperial settlement was being razed. the only reason hux actually survived was because he was his father's only heir. there's a whole spiel in the books about brendol going "this kid is a piece of shit bastard i dont want him" and imperial officials being like "the empire needs kids. go pick him up")
- hux decides to kill leia instead. he nearly dies doing so because woman is STILL a force to be reckoned with even at this age. remember she is actually trained to use a lightsaber AND guns. the only reason hux doesn't die? kylo steps in at the last minute and kills his own mother. he's made his choice. he mourns, and then he steels. there is nothing left to pull him to the light side anymore.
- anakin has given up trying to bring his grandson to the light from beyond the grave. him and obi wan are focusing their force ghost attention on rey and finn. now luke and leia are both there too. we get the same "all my jedi ancestors are rooting for me" moment that disney gave us, except now it's shared between rey and finn.
- the two of them plus chewie cut through the knights of ren until they get to kylo. he kicks the living shit out of them, but they manage to kill him. rey earns some gnarly, sexy scars. chewie needs a hug and goddamn does he get one.
- poe is the one to kill hux. he's not just doing it for the galaxy, he's doing it for leia. the first order already stole his first family from him. he won't lose his second family to them. bonus points if BB8 joins the fight and like ... tases hux in the leg a few times.
- we get some gratuitous "c3p0 and r2 are sneaking through an imperial base and fucking shit up but like, badly because 3p0 never stops talking" scenes
- you want to bring rose tico into it? she's head of the resistance's infiltration team. she's with the droids taking down shields, stabbing people in the back, freeing prisoners, stealing plans, sowing chaos. she's the one who finally takes down phasma.
- without their emperor and the knights of ren, the new empire crumbles pretty quickly. the resistance has taken HEAVY losses but they have won. we get a very beautiful funeral scene for luke and leia. there's a gorgeous group hug between finn, rey, poe, chewie and bb8. poe and finn smooch against the sunset.
- we see finn and rey going into crystal caves to get kyber crystals. poe, chewie, bb8, r2 and 3P0 wait outside the cave in the falcon for them to be done picking up their crystals, then we see finn and rey inside the falcon building their new lightsabers with guidance from a bunch of force ghosts. we get to see that rey has chosen to decorate the inside of the falcon with a bunch of potted plants so she can be surrounded by greenery at all time. the found family aesthetic is STRONG
- rey builds a saber pike. it comes out golden. finn builds a standard single blade saber that comes out white, like ahsoka's. gold to emphasise protection of the weak and the perfect blend of combat and scholarly pursuits. white to emphasise free will from both the jedi and the sith. it is emphasised that these two will NOT be your traditional jedi.
- we see an epilogue where poe is working to help shift the republic's focus from political squabbling to actually protecting its citizens. he leads reconstruction efforts, helps establish more of a presence in the outer rim, constantly fights for moving resources from protecting the republic's assests to providing food, shelter and safety to its citizens.
- finn is constantly by his side. we see him protecting his new husband, on the front lines destroying remnants of the empire and the first order, and using his combat prowess to absolutely murder slave owners.
- rey has taken to training new force sensitives with chewie by her side, however she recognises the jedi code has been failing force sensistives for millennia, and instead her teachings are more aligned with the grey jedi philosophy. she recognises that people feel anger, hate, grief - and that they are all valid emotions. it's what you choose to do with them that is important.
- she actively encourages personal connection, believing that loving your friends and family is righteous and the true path to the light side. her apprentices all adore her, and she is always there for them - she'll listen to their worries, from something as small as "i am 13 years old and my first crush just rejected me" to "i am a former slave coming to you after the first order murdered my family and tortured me. i am having nightmares and am afraid of the anger i feel".
- she encourages apprentices to stay in contact with their family, and she becomes that family for the ones who have lost theirs.
- you get the feeling that this time, peace in the galaxy is actually going to last. anakin, obi wan, luke and leia look on from the Force in pride at their children and grandchildren. they did good. they can finally rest.
- the sequels have made personal choice a major theme. finn chooses to defect. poe and rey choose to be kind, when they have every reason not to be. hux and kylo make the wrong choices. there's no flip flopping like a dead fish between good and evil until the very last second. the lines between kindness and freedom and hatred and subjugation are clearly drawn again and again.
- i sit in the cinema after the screen goes black and i weep. i am satisfied. this was a fitting end for a franchise i have loved for most of my life.
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dbzebra · 4 years
☕️ Dragon Ball Minus (rant as much as you want! 😜)
I talked about why I hate Minus plenty of times before, but one more time wouldnt hurt. This. THIS ABOMINATION. It’s probably the single worst thing in the entire franchise. (Kisscourse is right behind it, but for completely different reasons)
It’s a disgrace. Plain and simple. Not bashing anyone who likes it, but the fact that so many people parade Minus around as something great because its “cAnoN” and it retcons the Bardock special, something that was almost universally loved up until that point drives me up a wall. Everyone considered that special canon, including Toriyama himself because he liked it so much he put Bardock in the original manga, if only for a single panel. 
If Toriyama spilled ink on a page and submitted that as a chapter, the canon police would eat it up. fuck what DB considers canon these days.
I have a theory that Shueisha or someone at Jump forced him to make Minus and it shows. 
First of all, Goku is sent away to live a better life, not to destroy Earth like it was for 20 years. His parents love him, instead of being disregarded to a backwater planet like the trash he was according to Saiyan culture. 
This is true especially in the Saiyan Saga when Goku fought Vegeta. Vegeta talks abotut his status in Saiyan society, saying that Goku should feel privileged to get to fight an elite, and that the whole reason Goku was sent to earth in the first place is because Saiyans are tested for their power at birth, and those with no promise are sent to shit planets that arent worth much like Earth is considered
 However, Goku is unfazed by this insult. In fact, he says he's glad to have been considered trash because that was what allowed him to escape those very limitations his society had placed upon him. It taught him that hard work is more important than social status or a fate placed on him while he's still an infant.
Goku's character arc in the Saiyan saga is learning about his heritage and dealing with it. The Saiyans are pricks. His brother kidnaps his son. Nappa and Vegeta kill his friends. He's saved the world, but he was actually sent here to destroy it, and it was only through a lucky chance that that wasn't exactly what ended up happening. And we come to find out that Goku is supposed to be one of these mass murdering space pirates. He's one of them. Except that he's not. Even as far back as his birth, his people rejected him, labeled him as nearly worthless, and shipped him off to do the only thing they judged him capable of doing. And that's what makes the Saiyan saga work so well. If they hadn't judged him to be inferior, he would’ve died on Planet Vegeta. Even if he was older and off-planet, likely wouldve called back like the others were. 
And now he is face to face with the personification of that bigotry, and he is about to show him exactly what a low-born castoff can do and just how wrong they were about him. 
“Even a reject can suprass an elite if he trains hard enough”
That despite their aspersions on him, he can be better than all of them. 
Unless of course you believe Minus. With Minus, that is GONE. It’s “uwu my mommy and daddy wanted me to be happy away from the big bad mean freeza so i got sent to a weak planet to live” like even more of a Superman ripoff.
Give me a break. 
Then it shoe horns in Super Saiyan God, because OF COURSE, despite Freeza never mentioning a single thing about it before. (I know why, but still). Toriyama always made his retcons or changes feel natural, like with the original plans for the Androids or Goku being an alien. With the random name drop of SSJG, its just screams “HEY ITS THE NEW FORM FROM THE NEW MOVIE, IT CONNECTS TO THIS” stop toriyama. youre better than this.
All these things that built Goku’s character in the early arcs of Z fall apart. Why? Because Dragon Ball Minus told you they're not true. They're not worth taking seriously. And for what? 
Because we got to see Goku's mom. Gine is cute, but at what cost? Bardock’s entire character and Goku’s entire backstory. 
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oughremade47 · 6 years
🌻 uwu
you wont get mad at me for this so heres my fucking essay on ken and akihikos relationship thanks for coming to my ted talkits like. plain as day that ken looks up to akihiko. that isnt even. hidden. the kid just stands there and stares at him while hes sitting on the couch doing nothing MULTIPLE times for gods sake. 1) is he ok. 2) why does he do that but whatever. whatever. also kens FIRST FUCKING INTRODUCTION was him going "wow are you akihiko senpai??? ive heard so much about you im honored to actually meet you!!!!!" so like. yeah. positive feelings.akihiko is.. hard to decode? he feels more confused by this child. he sees (haha. sees) him as a companion sure but i feel like he... isnt really sure if he should be there at first. hes always warning him about how he needs to look after himself and no ones gonna protect him. hes really awkward around him the entire time. this could also be read as that He Does know what happened on oct 4th and is worried about what ken thinks of that but... theres really no interaction to keep him away from shinji? so im not so sure about thatthen oct 4th comes. akihikos best friend in the worlds death happened because of kens actions. but akihiko doesnt blame him??? hes harsh. thats it. he never treats ken like a child. hes an equal. and quite honestly i think thats exactly what ken needed. he doesnt need someone to feel sorry for him, he needed someone to tell him the harsh truth and let him decide by himself. theyre extremely different characters who are on completely different sides of this whole situation. akihiko really truly has no reason to try and solve this problem. this is the kid that caused shinjis death earlier than it needed to be. the only connection is they fight on the same team really. yet akihiko dealt w it himself. he couldve left it to another but he Knew that ken needed help and he was the one he needed to hear it fromalso ken HAD to have some negative thoughts abt akihiko and mitsuru. it was sees that killed his mom. the mission they caused killed her. and akihiko knew. and yet never tried to help him or anything. i dont know if that ever occurred to ken but it is an interesting viewpointtheir relationship completely changes after this point too? i think ken... starts treating him more as someone he can rely on vs a figure he looks up to. and akihiko starts treating him more as an equal, opposed to a distant teammate. it makes me sad that so few of their interactions until the end are shown bc i wouldve really liked to see their relationship developlooking at stuff from december now. couldve just been the video quality but kens voice in this video was actually bearable so uh. gg for that but anyways. ken really sees akihiko as a leader. after answering his questions he always waits for akihiko to lead w his statement before agreeing. the way i analyze this is Probably not what they were shooting for bc i do that exact thing but i think it can also be seen as ken trusts him to make the right decision. so if he agrees with him he cant be wrong right. and thats a LOT of trust on his partakihikos a lot.. softer here too. hes not walking up to this 10 yr old crying in an alleyway and telling him "youre alone now. people who died arent coming back" and then walking away. hes asking ken questions and valuing his input. so yeah treating him more as an equalim too lazy to get into end game stuff so the fight from the answer. akihiko turned to ken to be his partner for it. probably because theyve both gone through the same things, they know that its wrong to try and bring back the dead because nothing will ever work out. but akihiko also trusts ken to fight with him, knows that hed back him up and die fighting if needed and idk. i think thats a lot of trust. i still haent finished the answer so i didnt understand half of what was going on in the video but i think thats validARENA NOW. ken seems hurt when akihiko hadnt contacted him for a few months, and really looks forward to his stories. arena is another game i never finished and idk what scenes to check here but ken was one of the first people akihiko commented on and he apologized to him about the lack of communication almost immediately and promised to tell him more soon. which idk if caring more about someones potentially hurt feelings then the fact that youre kinda in a situation that you could die in isnt a lot of trust then idk what isconclusion they have a really really interesting dynamic and its homophobia that atlus ignored ken so much that we didnt get to see that development. also props to anyone who actually read this
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“I'd say now more than ever it is evidently clear that there is two very prominent sides of the house.” - jev
HOH: Joshua UPSIDE DOWN: Nathan NOMINEES: Brianna & Jacob POV: Jev FINAL NOMINEES: Brianna & Jacob EVICTED: Jacob (5-0)
So Josh is gone and I'd say now more than ever it is evidently clear that there is two very prominent sides of the house. The first being myself, Emma, Kiki & Joshua with the other side being Nathan, Brianna, Jacob and Joey with Aria sitting very comfortably in the middle. How much further I make it in this game completely depends on who wins these next couple of HOHs, if our side wins we need to be strategic and send one of their side to the upside down to chop their numbers as much as possible so we have majority for the vote. Ideally I want to see Brianna and Jacob split up but I'm not sure how realistic that is, Nathan definitely needs to leave ASAP too.
heyooooo!!! new week new strats!!! Ive honestly been kinda slacking recently so im not gonna do my usual bullet point thing but i do want to talk about last week's plans and then this week as well so!! lets get into it!!
So nathan wins hoh woot woot! thank god tbh bc my hiding vote shenanigans failed (honestly the attempt itself is embarrassing LMAO)but with nathan winning hoh i knew i had a week to reintegrate myself into the house after the shitshow called live night. So from there its clear that its 5 v 5 ALTHOUGH nathan almost nommed bri/jacob bc apparently they talked shit or something so that was really stressful- speaking of i need to talk with nathan more oopsie whoopsie-  I think that its likely he could lean more towards joshua/kiki/jev side this week due to the sc he was given but who knows.
So wabam nathan makes his noms and im thinking,,,yknow having these sides are kinda cute and it wouldnt benefit me to have someone like josh c in this game whos playing the middle and honestly is in the same position as i am (theres not enough room for the two of us>:((( ) So i then turned my sights on josh c to eliminate first by turning jacob into the fact "heyyyy, josh c is super smart and playing the middle we should wabam him" and then he spreads that idea and when joshua wins veto it was like the stars aligned!!! From there it was kinda a done deal and i think he hates me now esp bc i sent a REALLY bad gbm but its fine!!!! Everything is fine!!!!!!!!!!!
But okay this week!! So coming into this week the "other side" won hoh (thank GOD or this wouldve been an ugly steamroll) and my goal this week is for Jacob to go, i think jacob has been a star player so far and super smart with his moves, hes close to all my allies and just a threat to win esppp compared to the other three potential people who could leave
1.Nathan-  half the people in this game hate him, he might be a good f2 option bc maybe the jury will be more bitter at him than they will be w/ me uwu
2. Bri- she has my HEART!!!! Also she isnt super social with other people and i would love to have a f2 with her oh my GOD
3.Joey- apparently we're a duo and idk what hes done in this game so wabam easy peasy f2 pls and thank (thats a joke pls dont hate me)
^^^ my reasoning in no particular order 
okay thats it kat is bullying me
I'm so happy Joshua has won the HOH for the third time consecutively that he's been eligible :sob: It means we can slim down the other sides numbers again and make it 4v3 with Aria in the middle, which I'm pretty sure is how I think everyone sits in the house at the moment. Preferably I'd like to see Nathan or Jacob leave this week, but also wouldn't be mad to see Brianna leave, I just need to make sure Joshua sends one of their side to the upside down to ensure we have the majority of the votes.
hi daily reminder Bri has my ENTIRE heart shes so fucking sweet and joshua also had my heart hes so fun and sweet to talk with they both deserve the WORLD!! I see any bri or joshua slander i WILL be throwing hands <3
Also let it be known that even though I haven't listed Aria in who I would like to see leave, I don't trust her as far as I can throw her. I know she's playing or at least thinks she's playing everyone like a fiddle but I see right through her. I know she's for sure good with 90% of the people left in the game and that doesn't sit right with me, so she will be dealt with. But right now I need to ensure Joshua stays focused and takes out people who have the comp wins to back up their social games.
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nuclear-clusterhug · 3 years
thank uwu @ayakashi-chan
1: Why Did You Chose Your URL?
because happiest nuclear winter is a really good brobecks album and custerhug (that is not on that album) is my favorite brobecks song and im very happy that idkhow remade it!!
2: Any side blogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them.
this is actually a sideblog, my main is @torta-a-hab-alatt where i reblog non-fandom shit, this is my fandom sideblog, and i made a dreamsmp ccs related sideblog called @sapnapsimparc because i know for a fact that most of my followers on here wouldve just blocked my minecraft tag anyway
3: How long have you been on tumblr?
2015-ish? i think i had it before but thats when i actually started using it probably
4: Do you have a queue tag?
no. if i come online i make it everyone’s problem.
5: Why did you start your blog in the first place?
i wanted to break the “tumblr girls are suicidal and fake-deep” stigma but then i “fell in love” (read: had a crush on someone who hated me) and it suddenly became real
6: Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
because its Buck. its a gif originally that i found and saved but he just. smiled in a way. that i needed to make it my icon.
7: Why did you choose your header?
because this was the first ABF bway jackbox quote that felt relatable for me. i too cry regularly in my bedroom and also on musicals. not in musicals like him, but almost.
8: What’s your post with the most notes?
i hate to say it but its an “oh you havent heard?” meme based on panic at the disco’s song there’s a good reason these tables are numbered honey you just havent thought of it yet. i hate both my post, the fact that it still gets notes from time to time, and that i know the title by heart.
9: How many mutuals do you have?
i have no idea. i think most of them either deactivated or rebranded so i have no idea who’s still here from like. my dan and phil era, which was the biggest part of my blog for years, you know? but hey if we’re mutuals, i love you!!!!!!!!
10: How many followers do you have?
on this i just reached 500 a few weeks ago, on my main i have around 200, and on the minecraft one i have. uh. 38. its a slow business.
11: How many people do you follow?
507, but again, many people i used to follow left tumblr, but i just dont have it in me to go through it and see if they are still active i guess
12: Have you ever made a shitposts?
have you see my blog
13: How often do you use tumblr each day?
im the living example of that post that goes “i open tumblr, i get bored, i close tumblr, i get bored, i op-”
14: Did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won?
i get told off for posting negativity in og tags sometimes, but i think thats it? i also got told to touch some grass the other day, but it wasnt a real big fight i dont hink? i think im too small of a blog to have real arguments
15: How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
even if i do reblog them i go back to before that reblog on it so the “everyone needs to reblog this” part is gone. everyone needs to reblog and post whatever the fuck they want. and there IS such thing as “it doesnt fit my theme”. fuck you.
16: Do you like tag games?
i used to love them but then everyone i used to tag in them disappeared and now i just feel like my followers know me well enough lmao
17: Do you like ask games?
would love them if i ever got any asks lol
18: Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
i dont think mish follows me but she made the “so true best tits” post so i think she’s famous enough and im glad i can call her my streamer
19: Do you have a crush on a mutual?
i dont know who my mutuals are but no. i think this pandemic killed the part of me that had crushes lol
20: Tags!
no <3
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itsclydebitches · 3 years
She's the kind to be like "i'll kill for you", it's all fun and games until she actually means and/or does it. I'm assuming it's the same if not similar in the books? it's just so annoying to see a character treat everyone, including the man she is supposed to be in love with like shit and have it just be "well that just makes her a good mum" like idk this kind of devotion isn't healthy for her or Ciri either.
I read a lot of posts all over talking about yen and why people do and don't like her and it's all "you have to get past the cold rude arrogant outside to learn deep down she does care", or there was this one said people take what she says as who she is over what she does, as if she isn't saying AND doing terrible things, but there was this other one that was "actions don't define you as a person" that was a fucking ride to read through.
Anyway I'm just kinda miffed cause I went in to this trying really hard and wanting to like yen but she's so unlikable it's crazy. Maybe if her first few scenes weren't her being rude to Geralt for no real reason (and that snark about him and amnesia like BRO??) there wouldve been something to build off? Idkkkk
tysm for letting me talk about this! there's still so much within the series to look at and I adore it. apart from some things lmao BUT as with everything, there'll be bits you really just hate I guess.
You kidding? I love chatting about all this! XD
From what I've read myself and encountered elsewhere (I've gotten a lot of snippets from the later books as fans post excerpts for various arguments) Yen is a bit more complex in the novels than she's presented in TW3, especially depending on which dialogue options you choose. I mean, it's eight books. There are absolutely moments where I've gone, "Oh yeah, that's cute/sensible/romantic/heroic/etc." of her. She'd have to be a pretty static character to have that much content and not produce those reactions at least some of the time. That being said... she's definitely too similar in the books for my taste. Really, Yen was going to be an issue for me from the start, just given how her and Geralt's meeting goes in "The Last Wish." Her cruelty, brainwashing, and nearly getting him killed aside - because let's be real, an enemies to lovers-esque dynamic can be great - the wish itself always tainted their interactions for me. Yeah, yeah, I understand the theme of Geralt choosing his family regardless of what destiny or magic might say about it... but that doesn't erase that they are ambiguously bound by some kind of magic. We can read Yen's "You've condemned yourself to me" as just a lack of self-confidence, Geralt's love remaining a true thing no matter what any genies might have to say about it, but I personally can't ignore the very real, in-world, magical influence here. Every time the books discuss how often they've split, cheated on each other, fought, betrayed... but deep down they were still meant for one another, I'm thinking, "Are they? Or is that just the magical wish keeping two incompatible people tethered?" We can read them finding joy in one another despite the magic as something beautiful, or something tragic because what other choice did they have? Given how central that rocky relationship is to our protagonist's characterization and how awful Yen can be in general, yeah, she's still an acquired taste lol. She does get better later on, but how better I think depends on how you perceive her attitude at the start. Idk if you're into My Hero Academia or not, but I often compare her to Bakugo. Those who were already inclined to excuse his behavior hail the amazing growth he undergoes; those who couldn't stand him from the start (me) find the comparative improvement to still equal a pretty unlikable person. They're both undoubtedly better... but if you're starting that low, "better" won't necessarily be enough.
Oof yeah, I've seen those threads lol. One of my favorites was a discussion about whether Yen was a "bitch" or not (it also doesn't help when conversations about her character devolve into generic accusations of misogyny) and there was a response to the effect of, "Just because she's cold, judgmental, makes cruel remarks, and doesn't listen to Geralt doesn't mean..." and it's like okay, so we're just supposed to ignore all those traits - bypass them - to reach a "Yen is actually a kind person" reading? I have trouble with that lol. Honestly, the majority of my respect goes to those who are just in their fandom corners with their John Mulaney voice going, "Yen is a bitch and I love her SO MUCH." Like yeah!! I love lots of mean, awful, bitchy characters too!! There's no need to bend over backwards trying to prove they're actually a uwu poor baby whose every action was justified (outside of, you know, fandom joking like the "I've done nothing wrong ever in my life" meme). But yeah, I WANT to like her too! I don't enjoy being a part of a franchise where such a core, prominent character is someone I don't like spending time with. Who would want that?? So I've given her so many tries since getting into Witcher... and it just never sticks for me. I tried in the comics too only to come across a panel where Geralt dreams of Yen, but isn't sure if it was an actual dream, or a magical vision where they literally met. Vesemir asks if Yen was kind to him and when he responds that she was, he's like, "It was a dream lol." And yeah, that's the characterization! Geralt knows he didn't actually meet with Yen because the real Yen wouldn't have been that nice to him. And it's not in a funny "My real lover ALWAYS teasingly insults me as an act of kindness!" way but a much more literal, "Yeeeaaah. Yen just isn't that nice a person most of the time" and the examples we can point to when she is kind don't outweigh/erase everything else for me. In TW3 at least, she's very much the kind of person who will, completely seriously, blame you for getting amnesia. And you know the best part? She had it too! Not only that, but she actually recovers her memories earlier than Geralt and never looked for him and you also learn in the second game that she had a relationship with another guy while trying to remember who she was... so the fact that she's pissed at Geralt for going through the exact same thing (not seeking her out/relationship with Triss - only Triss was actively seducing him, so) is just wild to me.
But yeah, TW3 is a MASSIVE game that deliberately plays with different choices and perspectives. To say nothing of its "Life is hard and people need to be harder" worldbuilding. It would be a miracle if we liked every single thing in it lol. Like, Blood and Wine is probably my favorite bit of gaming ever and yet I just fundamentally disagree with CDPR's idea of a happy ending there. For both the main questline and a particular side quest the game goes, "This one is the correct choice ;)" and I'm like, "Lol not to my mind I'll take one of the 'bad' endings thanks!" Yen is just another example of that. The game clearly wants us to like her - she and Geralt are canon in the source material - but giving us the ability to decide who Geralt is means that we might just go, "Nope. Sorry. This 'correct' choice is one I'm passing by."
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