blue laverne.
41 posts
Jenny would dance with her ghosts The ones she had lost and the ones she had found And the ones who had loved her the most. The ones who'd been gone for so very long She couldn't remember their names. They spun her around on the damp old STONES Spun away all her sorrow and pain. They danced through the day And into the ( night ) through the snow that swept through the hall From winter to summer then winter again 'Til the walls did crumble and fall. High in the halls of the kings who are gone, Jenny would dance with her ghosts. blue noelle laverne. thirty one years old ( heiress & troublemaker )
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
bluelaverne · 1 year ago
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"I know, right!?" Blue exclaimed, her face lighting up in wholehearted agreement with her friend. She joined Kat, settling herself comfortably beside her and placing her bag to the side with a contented sigh. "Trouble, always trouble," she chimed in with a laugh, signaling to the waitress to come over. "I've been on the road quite a bit lately, doing some gigs here and there on social media, though nothing too major. It's pretty sweet when they start sending you bags and shoes, and you get to keep them," she said with an excited grin. "But I figured it was time for a break from all that constant traveling, so voila, here I am."
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"All these other fuckers just don't know what they're missing out on," Kat corrected with a shimmy of her shoulders. Without hesitation she started to readjust her seating, making room for Blue to take a spot and join her. "Now come sit your pretty ass down and tell me all about what you've been up to." Kat tapped at the seat at her side, taking her own seat back as she turned the chair to face Blue.
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bluelaverne · 1 year ago
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At times, Blue couldn't help but wonder how different life might have been without Elizabeth to despise. A small part of her wanted to believe that everything would have taken a different course. Perhaps she wouldn't harbor resentment towards her father, maybe she would have been more humane and optimistic. Blue couldn't help but ponder if she had been a real piece of work in her previous life, and now karma had brought this infuriating blonde into her existence—serving as the reason she felt she deserved all the spicy sauce and novelty toys. A grin stretched across the brunette's face, growing even wider when she heard the word "huge." "That's precisely what I'm thinking. She's a huge asshole, so she deserves something equally enormous," she exclaimed with a laugh. "Don't worry, I'm quite certain they've prepared for much worse. Given her love for plastic surgery, I might as well give her a good reason to have one more."
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The brunette didn't know if she found herself to be lucky or not that she didn't have any family to hate. It didn't sound that bad. There had been many people she'd done similar things to, such as her first boss' mistress. Ordering outfits for a special gala that was atrocious. Forgetting to make reservations for massages. Nothing as dangerous as hot sauce and butt plugs. "It's huge." Sophia said with slight concern as she handed it over to the girl. "You're giving me the worst mental images. You might want to alert the doctors that they'll be seeing her soon."
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bluelaverne · 1 year ago
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"I could easily pick up a new pair tomorrow; I just didn't want to spoil these for such a stupid reason," Blue confessed, her fingers gliding through her long locks. She glanced around as a group of passersby hurried by, their attire seemingly ill-suited for the weather. "Seriously, are these flimsy clothes supposed to keep them warm?" she commented under her breath, shaking her head at them. "Exactly what I was thinking," she continued, her expression one of disbelief. A cozy cabin or a snug chalet would have suited her just fine, but tents? Absolutely out of the question. "So, how have you been?"
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Lorelai couldn't help the soft laugh that left her lips at Blue's upset for not being in her tried and true Louboutins. "Yes, well at least this way you wouldn't be soiling a perfectly good shoe." Even she wasn't ridiculous enough to try to wear a pair of pumps into a forest. That seemed like just asking to hurt oneself. She tried to hide the amused smile at Blue's incredulousness at the question, but it was becoming more and more difficult. "Me? Oh no. The only type of camping I would do is the glamping type or in a chic cabin." She needed a structure that was stable to sleep in. She was a bit more low-maintenance to Blue most likely, but she still preferred luxury to whatever one would call this.
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bluelaverne · 1 year ago
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Elizabeth's lack of kindness towards both Blue and her brother had left a deep-seated resentment within the siblings. It was one thing for their father to remarry, especially to someone younger, but it was an entirely different matter when that someone displayed little to no interest in her husband's already traumatized children. Growing up in such an inhospitable environment, it was no surprise that Blue had developed into the person she had become. With scant memories of their mother, she had tried her best to navigate the turbulent waters of life under the circumstances thrust upon her. A maternal figure would have been invaluable, but having no parental figures at all? It had the unfortunate effect of shaping them into something akin to monsters, and, regrettably, a monster she had become.
Blue responded with a wry smile, her shoulders lifting in a nonchalant shrug. "I never claimed to be a saint, did I?" she quipped. "I'm only here because I'm obliged to celebrate someone's birthday and was given the vague instruction to bring a gift. Well, the joke's on them because they never specified what to bring," she explained with a mischievous twinkle in her eye. "So, what better way than to gift her a massive butt plug and suggest she shuts her mouth since she's an ass?"
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Tuncay's brows knit, he watches them for a second before his eyes find the floor. After his father's death, he'd wanted to reconnect with his own mother, however it didn't go to plan. At first, he was angry, frustrated, and those feelings were amplified by grief but seeing his mother's condition made him pity her - the woman who plagued him with the trials and tribulations of adults as an eleven year old. It took him years to make the decision to take care of her; he bought her a house in her favourite place, hired drivers and care workers to take care of her in his absence, but he still hadn't sat down with her and had a conversation.
Being in a room with her for more than thirty minutes destroyed his progress, his identity, and more importantly, his sobriety. "Ah, so you can appreciate the intelligence of a carrot yet wish instant disgust on a chilli pepper - why this place, by the way? Merely for the puns?" @bluelaverne
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bluelaverne · 1 year ago
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Dressing up someone as stubborn as Tyler was no easy feat, especially when she seemed unwilling to even consider trying on the outfits. Yet, Blue's determination was far more unyielding than most people realized. "You mentioned black, and I've delivered black. Trust me, they won't dare venture into the changing rooms with us. They've already seen enough of my intimidating aura," she remarked, casting a disdainful glance at the staff, who hurriedly dispersed within seconds of her arrival. "It's not stupid at all, especially when you have a body like that. Come on, you've come this far with me, so why not have a little faith in my impeccable fashion taste?"
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The ratty clothes that Tyler was wearing did not match with the vibe of the store they were in and the distasteful looks from the staff made it clear that she wasn't their type. "I am not willing to dig," she pointed out, grumbling as she looked at the options that Blue was turning over to her. The only clothes Tyler owned that didn't make her look like she'd found them in a dumpster were just clothes she'd stolen from Emmy over the years. The outfits Blue was offering up were so far outside of her typical attire that she couldn't help but groan. "Where would I even wear these? Blue. This is stupid."
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bluelaverne · 1 year ago
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camila queiroz via instagram
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bluelaverne · 1 year ago
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"Of course," Blue replied in a softer tone, showing her ability to adapt to different social situations and dial down her usual intensity. "Don't pretend I've treated you like shit. You know you're one of my favorites," she teased, tilting her head to the side to give him one of those warm glances she'd mastered over the years. She liked to believe she had a deep understanding of him, both inside and out, and with a longstanding mutual arrangement, Blue used him as much as he used her – and that was perfectly okay. Having witnessed his freaky side, it was hard to believe he'd miraculously transformed, unless he had experienced some sort of drastic brain injury.
"You have to admit, there were plenty of things you didn't like, and yet I managed to change your mind, didn't I?" Blue playfully reminded him, a mischievous grin spreading across her features. As he pulled away, she didn't seem too bothered and instead ran a hand through her long locks. Observing Atlas taking a step closer, she couldn't help but be amused, paying only half-hearted attention to his words. "Mm-hmm, sure, sure. Shall we kick things off with vodka or go for a good old bourbon? It's on me. A little welcome-back celebration for myself and for you to loosen up."
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Clearly he'd hated himself far more than he'd ever remembered to have ever allowed her the fortune of having any control over him at all. Had he really taken that much of a fall from grace all those years ago? Heartbreak was a bitch and rather than drinking his sorrows away, he'd found another method of coping. One that required little to no self-respect, all while benefiting in the end. "It's cute that you'd let me have it back. I guess that says a lot about me, huh?" Time and time again, he'd wound up within her entanglement for a single purpose — to stop hurting. It was always a temporary fix and like any other ache, the only solution was to go back for more.
"I never liked tests," he quipped with a raised brow. Her fingers had only just grazed his knuckles when he pulled back from her reach. Things were different now. There was no heartbreak to mend, no memories to wash away with the highs of the night. It was no surprise that couldn't believe that, because most days, neither could he. The universe was a tricky thing, but for once, it had worked out in his favor. "You want to have a drink? Sure. I'll have a drink, but let me make one thing clear." He took a step closer, voice lowering as his gaze met the hers, mouth void of any kind of amusement, "I leave here alone. Who you leave with... that's up to you, but just know it won't be me."
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bluelaverne · 1 year ago
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Blue's decision to attend the bonfire bash began to feel like a questionable choice as the evening unfolded. If it weren't for the allure of booze and the possibility of reconnecting with a few old acquaintances, she might have opted for a more refined evening of expensive wine and dining. Nevertheless, she managed to piece together an appropriate brand-name outfit for the night, complete with boots and a jacket. A smile played on her lips when she spotted Lorelai and she nodded in acknowledgment. "We did, but I'm already second-guessing it. I miss my usual red bottoms," she confessed, a slight grimace on her face. "Camping out here in the woods like I'm waiting for my caveman to return from a hunt? Hell no. Please tell me you're not doing that."
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character: Blue Laverne @bluelaverne
location: End of Summer Bonfire Bash
It was always a relief to see someone who also stuck out like a gorgeous sore thumb at these types of events. Lorelai looked over the younger woman's outfit, giving a small nod of approval towards Blue and a smile. "I see we've both dressed for the occasion in the best way we could." She let out a small sigh, wishing that Providence Peak would have done something different this year where she could dress up. Lorelai gave Blue a teasing glance before letting out a question she'd know she'd get an amusing response from. "I don't suppose you'll be camping here?"
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bluelaverne · 1 year ago
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Shopping was merely a hobby, but what truly ignited Blue's passion was ensuring she was surrounded by stylish individuals. She relished the opportunity to pamper them, all in the pursuit of transforming them into fashionable visions, and Tyler happened to be her latest project. Although the mall boasted a plethora of stores, only a select few were worth Blue's time. After taking a moment to curate a few potential outfits, she nodded in agreement with Ty's assessment. "You're absolutely right. They have some hidden gems if you're willing to dig. Here, try these on."
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closed starter for @bluelaverne at skyline shopping center
Shopping was not an activity that Tyler enjoyed and she was already regretting that after running into Blue at the mall that she'd agreed in any capacity to shop with her. They were at some fancy clothing store that Tyler would probably never have stepped foot in without Blue practically dragging her in, scowl firmly set in her features as she grumpily shifted things along one of the racks to look at them. "No. Hate it. Ugly," she huffed, sliding each one quickly along to the next. "This store is stupid." Her gaze shifted back towards Blue with a long, pointed sigh.
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bluelaverne · 1 year ago
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Blue held an equal measure of disdain for both of them, albeit for different reasons, deeming them equally significant in their own right. The one and only person who held a cherished place in her heart was her older brother, Mathys. "Yep, it looks like I'll need to turn up the heat in my next move, so hot sauce it is. " she replied with a smile, her gaze focused on the brunette. Observing the conspicuously large butt plug, Blue burst into laughter and nodded emphatically. "This is it. It's perfect. She's stupid enough to believe it's real, so there's no doubt she'll use it. Thanks!"
It was obvious there was some daddy issues more than there were some mommy ones so she wondered if maybe the real hatred was towards her father. While she kept her real thoughts about an adult focusing so much on her parents to herself, she chewed the inside of her cheek. "So then you may want to go with the hot sauce or whatever was initially planned." Peering around, she pulled out what looked like a butt plug with a big diamond at the end. "Not so much glitter but close enough, maybe?"
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bluelaverne · 1 year ago
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She offered him an unapologetic smile, fully aware that she was making the most of the hand she'd been dealt in life. Since life had served her nothing but lemons, Blue had learned to make her own lemonade and serve it right back to everyone who deserved it. "I dislike her because she's just a straight-up, gold-digger." the brunette stated matter-of-factly, her shoulders lifting in a nonchalant shrug. "I can't recall a single instance when she even attempted to be decent to my brother and me. Instead, she'd put on a fake front when others were around and then tell us to get lost. And don't get me started on how frequently we had to replace our staff because she was fooling around with the pool boy or the chef. Do you have any idea how hard it is to find someone who can properly make 'the Gateau'?" She spoke of it as if it were a national crisis. "Got it," she continued, her gaze still wandering the shop. "Since I'm here, I might as well treat myself to something." Blue then quirked an eyebrow in his direction. "And what about you? Are you actually shopping or just scouting out the employees? You keep eyeing that direction."
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"Here, here," he exhaled beneath his breath. He'd never heard something so relatable and in the midst of his own journey, it seemed like a proper fit. If he were going to pay for all the crimes he'd committed in the name of what some called justice, he could at least make a decent trip of it. How he'd become someone's box holder was a mystery even to him, but he balanced each one as if it were an official title. "I'm sorry, but I feel like I don't have the full story. You don't like her? Why? Jealousy thing or is she really a person who deserves all this?" He nodded down to the stack of boxes in hand, his brow lifted in question. Maybe he didn't want to know the answer, but he'd asked anyway. "Seems like something they'd sell. Just ask the front desk worker. They seem eager to help." More so, eager to overhear why he was carrying so many boxes.
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bluelaverne · 1 year ago
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It was undeniably the warmest reception she had encountered thus far, and a genuine smile graced Blue's face as she warmly embraced her partner in crime. "It's reassuring to know that at least one person in this place missed me," she quipped, pulling back slightly to lock eyes with the brunette. "Perfect. That's exactly what I was hoping to hear. Not that I'd give a damn if you were expecting company. It wouldn't take me long to send them running for the hills."
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The familiar voice had Kat immediately turning around from her seat at the table to face Blue, grin lighting up at the sight. "Well, fuck me, Blue Laverne in the flesh," she chuckled back, sliding out from her chair to get up and pull Blue into a hug. She couldn't tell you the last time she'd seen Blue, but that never seemed to matter for Kat. She was the type of person that could fall right back into old habits with people as if they'd never spent time apart. "Luck's on your side tonight, though. Just hanging out on my own for some dinner, so yes, please. I'd love the company."
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bluelaverne · 1 year ago
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"And what about those ever-so-important rules that keep our dear Blue happy?" Casting a perfectly innocent look, she fluttered her eyelashes and tilted her head slightly, as if butter wouldn't melt in her mouth.
The two brothers were like day and night, a perpetual curiosity for her about whether siblings universally possessed wildly contrasting personalities, or if Freddie and Nathan were simply the living extremes of a spectrum. Meeting the entire clan promised an intriguing adventure, one that would certainly ruffle her father's feathers, but the brunette found herself entirely content with her choice. Unleashing chaos was a pastime that she couldn't resist; it was her way of keeping life entertaining. "Rogers?" she repeased, the name already piquing her interest. "Please tell me it's not the bald guy." Her tone held a note of hopefulness, only to brighten into a smile as he continued. "Alright then, Rogers it is." As long as he could keep pace with her, fun was virtually guaranteed, though the specter of boredom always lurked in the shadows. Only time would reveal how it would all unfold. "Oh, how I wish you could join me as my delightful scandalous treat for the night. Now that would be a spectacle."
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"Those rules keep us in business." Nate's tone was weary, but there was a hint of a smirk beginning to crack through the unimpressed mask on his face. Troublesome as she may be, it certainly couldn't be said that Blue was poor entertainment.
He supposed he ought to be glad that the rest of his siblings had chosen to scatter the globe rather than join himself and Freddie in Providence Peak permanently, for he was sure the addition of Blue to the mix would be nothing short of total bedlam. Patrick and Will would no doubt revel in her affinity for stirring the pot. The reasonable part of him knew he ought not to enable her, but the rest of him, bored and already accepting of the fact that she'd be doing whatever she wanted regardless of what he said, chose to weigh in instead. "You'd get bored of Blake in five minutes. Take Rogers," he sighed. "He looks good in a suit and knows how to socialise without being a complete animal about it. Knows how to have fun too." His eyes went pointedly to the condoms at the last comment. If she was going to insist on messing with them, then at least hopefully the lads with more of a tendency to whinge about it during work wouldn't be dragged into the chaos. He didn't have the patience to hear about broken hearts.
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bluelaverne · 1 year ago
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She cast a sidelong glance in his direction, arching an eyebrow, as if they were both well aware that her definition of sweetness occasionally came with a set of devilish horns instead of the customary halo. "You've got an issue with me indulging in my good side every once in a blue moon?" she quipped with a sly grin, a playful glint in her eyes. "After all, all witches have that hidden facet, you know." She let out a melodious laugh, her amusement dancing through the air. "Oh, isn't that just cute? But let's put aside the projections and get to the task at hand. I still haven't settled on an outfit, or determined my plus-one for the night. I highly doubt your significant other can be bothered with all that."
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It gratified Freddie -- the thought that a bitter enemy murmured his name still behind closed doors. Surely, it was more attention than he gave to the other. "A sweetheart," Freddie very much doubted that. He smiled anyway, nodding along. As Blue spoke of her creative gifts, Freddie's eyes narrowed on the item she held. He looked to her face and gave off a soft rumble from his throat. "Are you flirting with me?" he teased, lifting a hand and gently flicking the box she held. "I doubt Carla would appreciate that."
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bluelaverne · 1 year ago
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She reveled in the reputation she had cultivated, basking in the way her mere voice could elicit emotions from people. Entrusting power to the devil might not have been the wisest choice, but Blue had long ceased to care about comparisons to him. After all, he too had once been an angel. With a smirk, the brunette spoke, her voice taking on a velvety softness that only added to her allure. "Why the sudden curiosity? Are you itching to regain your position as my main bitch? I'll consider it." Her smile widened, a mischievous glint in her eyes. It was evident he was toying with danger, a sure sign that he was prepared to face the consequences. "Not nice? I don't recall hearing any complaints from you. If anything, you kept coming back for more, isn't that right?"
Her smile widened, reflecting her eagerness for the challenge he had just presented. "Oh, my heart is truly shattered," she quipped, a glint of playful defiance in her eyes. "But I suppose we'll just have to put it to the test, won't we?" Without hesitation, she reached for his hand, her fingers lightly grazing his skin. "So, what shall we drink? And before you claim you're fine with nothing, consider this carefully. I've just returned home, and the least you can do is share a drink or two with me. Decline, and see what happens," she warned, her smirk directed squarely at him. "Unless, of course, you've taken a vow of monkhood and can't be seen in my company. But even then, rest assured, there isn't enough holy water in this world to cleanse you of my presence."
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He stood better odds of kicking a hornet's nest and getting out unscathed. If he gave her the satisfaction of knowing that fear that pumped through his veins, it would only make matters worse. Stare danger in the eyes, right? "This time? Lucky me. Don't tell me you've got some other son of a bitch wrapped around your finger these days? It's not nice to make people your play thing." There was a time he'd welcomed that, but it was too long ago to consider.
He reached down slowly, fingers curled against her wrist. He guided it back to her side before he pulled back with an eye roll. "Careful. I wouldn't play with fire if I were you. Turns out, you're not the biggest or the baddest in the city anymore." He'd put a good amount of money on who'd win between her and a particular blonde, but on the flip, it wasn't a fight he wanted to see anytime soon. "People do change. I don't need you believe it. Sorry to disappoint."
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bluelaverne · 1 year ago
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The Love Witch (2016) dir. Anna Biller
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bluelaverne · 1 year ago
location: the glass onion
character: @katerinadelarosa​​ & blue.
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"Well, well, I knew that bum looked familiar," Blue quipped, sneaking up behind the brunette with a wide grin. Lunching alone hadn't been particularly enjoyable, and her reservation allowed for a bit of flexibility regarding the table. Having been back in Providence for a few weeks now, Blue had become accustomed to running into familiar faces, but few of them could truly bring a smile to her lips."Please, tell me you're dining solo and that you're absolutely going to join me. Whoever you're meeting can't possibly be as important as me right now."
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