bluehelena · 7 years
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Если бы я был художником
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bluehelena · 7 years
Acostarse al lado de la persona que amas y verla dormir es un regalo que... ¡Mierda! ¡SE DESPERTÓ! ¡La ventana, por la ventanaaaaa!
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bluehelena · 7 years
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bluehelena · 7 years
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bluehelena · 7 years
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bluehelena · 7 years
oh my GOD
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bluehelena · 7 years
As the raging California wildfires encroached upon Roland Handel’s home, he had to make a split-second decision — try to force his dog Odin into the car, or leave him behind.
Odin is one of two great Pyrenees who take turns guarding the family’s eight goats from coyotes and mountain lions, and he was on duty the night the fires broke out.
“I had my 14-year-old daughter and we had to get out,” Handel said between sobs.
So he opened the gates so the animals could flee, then drove off with his daughter, their three other dogs and two cats all packed into the family car.
“By the time we were going down the road, you could hear the twisting metal of transmission towers falling and propane tanks exploding,” he said. “I’ll never forget it.”
He returned the next day, circumventing roadblocks to get there.
He discovered that his home and everything else on his property was completely destroyed.
Except for Odin, who was there waiting for him — with all eight goats.
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The dogs paw pads were burnt and his bright white fur was singed orange. 
“He looked small and he was limping. He was lying down a lot. He was clearly exhausted.”
A group of deer had gathered with Odin and the goats, Handel said, perhaps also taking advantage of the brave pooch’s protection. The deer scattered when Handel approached.
He believes the dog led the other animals to a clearing at the center of a high outcropping of rocks to avoid contact with the flames.
“Its amazing he’s in such good spirits. He doesn’t show signs of being traumatized at all. He’s just really happy,” Handel said.
“He’ll make a full recovery. He’s going to be back with his goats.”
Handel is now raising money on YouCaring to rebuild the animals’ barn and water supply before winter. 
Well now I’m crying at my dining room table over a dog and his goats
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bluehelena · 7 years
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bluehelena · 7 years
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Vintage Homoerotic Advertisement | Army 
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bluehelena · 7 years
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2017 Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards Finalists (see 7 more)
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bluehelena · 7 years
I can’t hit the ball standing still
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bluehelena · 7 years
Have kids they said…it will be fun they said
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bluehelena · 7 years
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bluehelena · 7 years
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Couldn’t help myself, I had to do a Halloween picture. Meet Nebula and her siblings, who didn’t get to spend much time together in life. But, thanks to a certain spooky holiday, they still get to meet up every year to spend quality candy-and-brains-gathering time together!
If you like this picture (or want to surprise your friend), you can buy it as a print!
Special thanks to @d0gsd0gsd0gs for skelekitty anatomy help.
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bluehelena · 7 years
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bluehelena · 7 years
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When people know you’re cute but you gotta remind them you’re also fierce.
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bluehelena · 7 years
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