Blubber's Room
218 posts
The corner of the internet with bisexual colored wallpaper. 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈 _____________________________________________ He/him, they/them, it/it's, Over 18 Chronically white but trying to get better _____________________________________________ Queer anarchy and shit. No gods no masters, all cops are bastards, free Palestine, Congo, Sudan, and all suffering from genocide.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
blubberingjellyfish · 3 months ago
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you cannot trust Israel in any capacity
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blubberingjellyfish · 3 months ago
I do want to note that the whole "women are allowed to dress masculine and wear trousers" thing needs to be viewed in its historical context:
People fought for generations to be allowed to dress that way. They fought hard to be allowed to wear pants. Blue jeans were a symbol of feminist revolution. Women were barred from workplaces and schools for wearing them.
This is not some a natural fact that women dressing masculine is less shocking and humiliating. That normalization was fought for and hard-won.
And yet so many people erase the struggles of those people who fought to make that happen and pretend that it's just normal and natural that people don't see women "dressed like men" as ridiculous.
The Marriage of Figaro has what's called a "breeches role" which is a woman wearing men's clothes playing am ale role. This was done partly due to the vocal range requirements, but in many cases it was done comedically. It was risque and sexualized or comic relief that a woman was dressed as a man.
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Anti-suffragette posters mock women wearing pants - well they were bloomers and split skirts back then - and mocking more masculine cut styles of clothes. This was meant to portray this as ridiculous.
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They mocked the "new woman" in Weimar Germany, lamenting that they were too masculine.
This is a political cartoon from the 1920s depicting a woman in masculine dress deciding which bathroom to use:
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Sorry but you're erasing these struggles and flattening history when you say this shit.
Women were killed and institutionalized in the struggle to make this happen. It really fucking bothers me the way it's framed as "people just don't find it as weird when women dress masculine."
Yes they fucking did. Until women and transmasculine people fought for their right to wear what they want. It's normalized because people struggled to normalize it.
And it's not normal everywhere. There are many countries where it's still illegal for women to wear pants. Sudan, Saudi Arabia, The Maldives.
Even in the US, it's forbidden and considered ridiculous in groups like the FLDS, the Amish, and the Hutterites.
We are flattening and erasing the struggles of women when we say these things. I know we're trying to build theory here but you can't build solid theory on a foundation of lies.
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blubberingjellyfish · 4 months ago
trans men/mascs deserve to be taken seriously when we talk about how we are being systematically oppressed
thats it thats the post.
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blubberingjellyfish · 4 months ago
kicked out of the debate for interrupting all my opponent's arguements by saying "me when i'm a dipshit idiot" and then threatening to kill them in increasingly erotic tones
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blubberingjellyfish · 4 months ago
when i say community
i mean staying with the victims of violence until the emts get there
i mean not letting the cops get them alone even though you just met
i mean carrying around extra pain and allergy meds not just for yourself, but in case anyone else needs them too
i mean giving them to anyone regardless of if you actually like them as a person
i mean password sharing and spreading links to your favorite pirating site
i mean helping that stranger set up a workaround for their broken computer
i mean helping them understand the weird ass language in a job application
i mean helping people understanding medical information when their doctors did a bad job
i mean letting someone sleep on your couch so they don't have to go home
i mean checking if people have rides home
i mean "text me so i know youre safe when you get home"
i mean "have you eaten today"
i mean "have you eaten enough today"
i mean "what do you want, i'm buying tonight"
i mean "hey does anyone have experience with this med, my doctor wants to put me on it but i'm not sure"
i mean "here's a zine on going off of psych meds with minimal risk"
i mean "hey you weren't at the show tonight, are you doing ok?"
i mean "i have a spare room if you ever need it"
i mean "i'm here, i promise i'm here"
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blubberingjellyfish · 4 months ago
New Rule: If it's SFW when a guy does it, it's SFW when a girl does it.
Guy shirtless is SFW? Girl shirtless is now SFW.
Guy with a noticeable bulge in a speedo is SFW? Girl with a noticeable bulge in a speedo is SFW. Etc, etc, etc.
I will not be taking any criticisms on this.
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blubberingjellyfish · 4 months ago
not sure if anyone cares but I'm still an anarchist and I will still be loud and annoying about it, I just changed my name because jellyfishes
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blubberingjellyfish · 4 months ago
You can’t separate me from my gender. You cannot say my oppression is not a result of my being a trans man because you think men cannot be oppressed for being men. You cannot chop my oppression up into neat little pieces that allow you to never think critically about marginalized men.
You cannot say I’m not oppressed for being a trans man but rather for being trans and for being supposedly seen as a woman. Doing so to me says you think my gender is more about transphobic cis society than it is my actual gender.
“Actually you aren’t oppressed for being a trans man bc men aren’t oppressed and society actually just sees you as a woman so your oppression is actually the oppression of women and for being trans” in what case is this not just elaborate transphobia itself.
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blubberingjellyfish · 4 months ago
I hate when people say “I’m against abortion except for if the pregnancy threatens the life of the mother” every single pregnancy threatens the life of the pregnant person. We’ve gotten too far removed from that, taken for granted that pregnancy is safe. It is not. Pregnancy and puerperal complications have been a fairly common cause of death throughout history. Even now, maternal mortality is on the rise in the US, the maternal mortality rate varies wildly across the states and it is disproportionately higher for Black women. Being pregnant is getting more dangerous, not less dangerous.
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blubberingjellyfish · 4 months ago
Extremely important to point out now that despite the ceasefire agreement being in effect in Lebanon, Israel is still occupying some villages in southern Lebanon like Yaroun and Khiyam and opening fire at people who are trying to go back to their homes which they were forcibly displaced from. Last I checked Israeli military officials were saying that they will remain there for "a time" until they determine the area to be safe for its residents to come back to, whatever the fuck that means.
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blubberingjellyfish · 4 months ago
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blubberingjellyfish · 4 months ago
Surgical masks are ineffective at protecting you and others from respiratory illnesses. That said, any mask is better than no mask and some people just don't have easy access to KN95 or better. Here's how you can improve the efficacy of the protection a surgical mask offers you and others in four simple steps.
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fold mask in half (hot dog style)
Tie a knot close to the mask's edge with the ear loop.
Expand the nose and chin area (it should be concave, coming to a point where you tied the knot)
push the outer surface of the mask inward under the knot (to form a better seal)
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blubberingjellyfish · 4 months ago
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Pro-Palestine people really like doing genocide denial about Ukraine.
Imagine thinking that Putin would be a great guy if he wasn't a "social conservative". I sure hope the OP is still a teenager, because otherwise this is just shocking ignorance.
BTW, OP, even now, under daily missile attacks, Ukraine sends Palestine food aid.
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blubberingjellyfish · 4 months ago
I'm going to make a updated version of this post when I get a chance because some of the accounts no longer exist/have new accounts. I will also be updating the vetting info if its changed. Please bear with me, I am receiving a lot of asks which is not a problem it will just take some time.
I've noticed that answering the asks directly is not working so here's a list of palestians that have reached out to me. Keep in mind that some of these are unvetted, so you can still donate but do so cautiously. (Also I will try to update as the campaigns more get vetted)
Mohammed and his brothers $3,751 raised of $50,000 goal (currently not vetted)
Lavine Akoth. Donate to her paypal (the pinned post on her account says it was vetted, but I cannot find futher proof of this unfortunatly)
@ahmed-fathi-gaza the Ahmed Fathi family: €19,912 raised of €80,000 goal (vetted by @90-ghost)
@ahmedhells-blog Ahmed and Dina Alanqar: €64,197 raised of €75,000 goal (vetted by @el-shab-hussein and @nabulsi)
Rasha Saad Al-Din and his family €4,662 of their €50,000 goal raised (vetted by @90-ghost)
Ghada and their family: €3,459 of their €20,000 goal raised. (Currently not vetted)
@joyfultidalwaveobject Ayyad and their family €2,320 raised of €25,000 goal (currently not vetted)
@shadowyavenuetaco Bilal and their family £8,035 raised of £50,000 goal (vetted by @90-ghost )
@save-amal-family Mohammed Hijazi and family €33,880 raised of their €40,000 goal (vetted by @90-ghost)
@mariam-gaza Maryam and her family $1,472 raised of $20,000 goal (vetted but only by association)
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blubberingjellyfish · 4 months ago
@hudafamily44 Huda, Moataz and their expected child. (Vetted by association more info here)
@ahmed-gaza033 Ahmed his seven family members (currently unvetted but seems legit)
I've noticed that answering the asks directly is not working so here's a list of palestians that have reached out to me. Keep in mind that some of these are unvetted, so you can still donate but do so cautiously. (Also I will try to update as the campaigns more get vetted)
Mohammed and his brothers $3,751 raised of $50,000 goal (currently not vetted)
Lavine Akoth. Donate to her paypal (the pinned post on her account says it was vetted, but I cannot find futher proof of this unfortunatly)
@ahmed-fathi-gaza the Ahmed Fathi family: €19,912 raised of €80,000 goal (vetted by @90-ghost)
@ahmedhells-blog Ahmed and Dina Alanqar: €64,197 raised of €75,000 goal (vetted by @el-shab-hussein and @nabulsi)
Rasha Saad Al-Din and his family €4,662 of their €50,000 goal raised (vetted by @90-ghost)
Ghada and their family: €3,459 of their €20,000 goal raised. (Currently not vetted)
@joyfultidalwaveobject Ayyad and their family €2,320 raised of €25,000 goal (currently not vetted)
@shadowyavenuetaco Bilal and their family £8,035 raised of £50,000 goal (vetted by @90-ghost )
@save-amal-family Mohammed Hijazi and family €33,880 raised of their €40,000 goal (vetted by @90-ghost)
@mariam-gaza Maryam and her family $1,472 raised of $20,000 goal (vetted but only by association)
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blubberingjellyfish · 4 months ago
and who feels our suffering💔😔💔💔
Winter is approaching in G@za, my baby is on the brink of pain once again. Is anyone responding ⁉️
in two days it will rain here in Gaza. Unfortunately, my tent is not suitable for receiving rain and winter. Please help me buy a waterproof tent. It will cost me $2000, my tent is made from fabric, by your donation you will save a pregnant woman💔🩷
Please share and donate as much as you can plz😔‼️🍉🇵🇸🙏
The link for donation💔‼️:
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For more reach:
@fllagellant @jjjammerson @verycolourfulflipflops @genericminecraftpotato @probablynotaskeleton @sh4rkh4ts @bonicedemandarina @radical-l0ver @weareweirdpeople @ash-the-bee @ettaberrytea @cryptdmoth @cthulusposts @eastgaysian @uhhh-i-dont-know @charc-arts @hexblooddruid @strawbebbyboba @strawberridrops @rawdvd
@rinthesecond @brookepagebe @kixflip @1p0lly1 @morihaus @rattlesnake-acrobatics @thatonebored-juniorcolleague @my-multi-fandom-blog @slyfire @constellationriver @moonfox-mumbles @mauvethecolor @banananerdworld @l3mon-boy @sliipppy @stargazinglesbian @transguyhawkeye @i-am-the-half-dead-soul-l @futuristicchaospoetry @antigxnee
@exactlydangerousdragon @charcoalsoup69 @0luna123 @th3ch1psste4ler @lavenderlovers-stuff @thegardener-and-theaupair @luminouslateralup @zzzubie @crisostomo @uhoh-but-yeah-alright @preemptivemolars @gayruledge @danyayeni2 @agentmoss @solitudecasesolace @demonpikmin @capybara-platypus @ambreeskyewriting @q8p @death-cannot-kill-you
@all-purpose-utility-nerd @free0101 @slendyverseargcollections @neonfruitbowl @momfriend2800 @luvmoonie @womenbehotfr @seventhefurbfather @c0-j-c0 @ignore-this0 @space-ace-books @olivedacat @exhausted-asterism @iphigenia-wailing @enderenby404 @implalazz @lunar-eclipse-bunnies @microwavesex @a-court-of-valkyries @thegoodwitchluz-uea
@diagnosedhorsegirl @bebbls-craft-blog @the-acid-pear @moviequotes23 @nickbluehour @number1ludicolofan @inkslingerr @madspades @decadentmuffindreamscissors @taptrial2 @virovac @blue-jacket-blues @tacit-semantics @timeless-orchid @cinnarainbow @aziraphaleapologist @harley-angel @swapauanon @yakiattaki @piratefry
@pegglefan69 @writing-is-a-martial-art @ohmerricat @mildmayfoxe @sunnyartistwriter @moonrisemoonchild @senlinstudies @birdmenmanga @rabbithaver @jolyne-best-jojo @just-a-mod @officialgleamstar @ehjane @cosmicsymbols @treeen @spunkfunkyzzz @fairedoll @trashrunes @skiddlecat @tim-the-rat
@whatyouvegotunderyourskirt @kurtle @rabidkermit @splend-42 @dustywarbler @400terahertz @poltiddies @yourlocaleccentricscientist @honeybeeffdrawshere @jayskai @astronnonyy @artsyrosie @halfmoonism @whisper-valley @loonfromq @here-sean-once-was @waiting-on-mars @bandtrees @mpregwizard @goosecorp
@grapejuicedragoon @chloefrazer @hauntedcloudtheorist @sanaimissyou @zigcarnivorous @silver1012345 @ebenrosetaylor @promiscuousasexual @lord-of-the-froggies @duovxq @dapokemonmadster @saffronbaklava @labutansa @dqrknight @spaceswordblaster @importantt-reblogs @e-102 @moonssugar @toughknit @bisexualpositivity
@garbagevarmint @katealot @littleredhatter @totally-correct-cr-quotes @petra-creat0r @kaxtwenty @temperedxanthippe @aligaytorsoup @sleeppatrol @lady-of-bath @cockworkangels @theredfields @craftykittyscientist @dustoftheancients @thatsonehellofabird @phoenix-awan @comrademango @neogotchi @the-butter-churner @sketching-shark
@godspersonalclown @elyserie @glassoddity @the-ballerina-battle @antixabound @mydearalandro @batricity @floof-ghostie @taffywabbit @official-ducktown @cathyac @rosengine @deadauthorssociety @thecrimeofmans-laughter @vampthropologist @good-old-gossip @inkatesbush @fishfingersandscarves @shoutyourporpoise @cuntbrow
@pikslasrce @thetrickyjokester @claudia-lioncourt @dimplesandfierceeyes @mortalityplays @cetitan @mar64ds @labutansa @truefrostedagony @deadly-vuu @that-faerie-in-the-corner @amiya-shirou @emmanuor @farsight-the-char @colorfulatlas @laxsland @lepardlover @bismoaking @homunculusalphonse @zone0neko
@galactic-mermaid @cosmic-horrors-in-forests @rubiter20 @swordofazrael1992 @lowcallyfruity @uwabbittuwabbit @labutansa @dilfzuku @pelorsdyke @reyesstrand @luvqwish @sherbetp0p @starlightsugar @fr0ge @whatislovevavy @timeless-orchid @magentasky234 @swapauanon @yakiattaki @pegglefan69
@writing-is-a-martial-art @bug-s0da @ohmerricat @mildmayfoxe @sunnyartistwriter @rabbithaver @madeline-kahn @unabashedmagicalgirlfan @averagenotnormal @emathyst9 @pet-shop-of-horror-fan @reyesstrand @rainy-fog @thefakehedgehogaroundhere @discreative @antixabound @liamins @thenextglamourousbard @jolyne-best-jojo @officialgleamstar
@cosmicsymbols @spunkfunkyzzz @fairedoll @tomboyjessie13 @citrusfruitman @baldwin-10-12-d @kirbytripledeluxe @just-a-queer-fanboy @quellstak @whatyouvegotunderyourskirt @xinakwans @leotanaka @andva-ri @mima-sama @galax-dragon @hauntedcloudtheorist @50c14lly4nx10u5 @saffronbaklava @thespacegardener @cows-quack @heydreamchild @temperedxanthippe
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blubberingjellyfish · 4 months ago
Urgent ‼️ essential 🙏‼️🇵🇸💔
It’s so important to take a look please 😔🙏🙏
Hello my friends I’m Huda from Gaza, a woman trying to save her first baby and trying to protect him by all means😔 I have made two previous campaigns and I have been facing so many problems in both of them so A friend of mind made me a new link to help me get needed help and donations 😔💔
I have been vetted previously by @dlxxv-vetted-donations in tumblr and @molly shah on blue sky and @barbara on X. Here are screenshots for the vetting and verification
I hope you could help me and vet my campaign again plz @dlxxv-vetted-donations @90-ghost @gazavetters 🙏😔🙏
Please share, and donate as much as possible my friends to save my baby from death and help me buy my baby basic needs please 💔😔🙏🇵🇸‼️
Here is the new link:
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@fllagellant @jjjammerson @verycolourfulflipflops @genericminecraftpotato @probablynotaskeleton @sh4rkh4ts @bonicedemandarina @radical-l0ver @weareweirdpeople @ash-the-bee @ettaberrytea @cryptdmoth @cthulusposts @eastgaysian @uhhh-i-dont-know @charc-arts @hexblooddruid @strawbebbyboba @strawberridrops @rawdvd
@rinthesecond @brookepagebe @kixflip @1p0lly1 @morihaus @rattlesnake-acrobatics @thatonebored-juniorcolleague @my-multi-fandom-blog @slyfire @constellationriver @moonfox-mumbles @mauvethecolor @banananerdworld @l3mon-boy @sliipppy @stargazinglesbian @transguyhawkeye @i-am-the-half-dead-soul-l @futuristicchaospoetry @antigxnee
@exactlydangerousdragon @charcoalsoup69 @0luna123 @th3ch1psste4ler @lavenderlovers-stuff @thegardener-and-theaupair @luminouslateralup @zzzubie @crisostomo @uhoh-but-yeah-alright @preemptivemolars @gayruledge @danyayeni2 @agentmoss @solitudecasesolace @demonpikmin @capybara-platypus @ambreeskyewriting @q8p @death-cannot-kill-you
@all-purpose-utility-nerd @free0101 @slendyverseargcollections @neonfruitbowl @momfriend2800 @luvmoonie @womenbehotfr @seventhefurbfather @c0-j-c0 @ignore-this0 @space-ace-books @olivedacat @exhausted-asterism @iphigenia-wailing @enderenby404 @implalazz @lunar-eclipse-bunnies @microwavesex @a-court-of-valkyries @thegoodwitchluz-uea
@diagnosedhorsegirl @bebbls-craft-blog @the-acid-pear @moviequotes23 @nickbluehour @number1ludicolofan @inkslingerr @madspades @decadentmuffindreamscissors @taptrial2 @virovac @blue-jacket-blues @tacit-semantics @timeless-orchid @cinnarainbow @aziraphaleapologist @harley-angel @swapauanon @yakiattaki @piratefry
@pegglefan69 @writing-is-a-martial-art @ohmerricat @mildmayfoxe @sunnyartistwriter @moonrisemoonchild @senlinstudies @birdmenmanga @rabbithaver @jolyne-best-jojo @just-a-mod @officialgleamstar @ehjane @cosmicsymbols @treeen @spunkfunkyzzz @fairedoll @trashrunes @skiddlecat @tim-the-rat
@whatyouvegotunderyourskirt @kurtle @rabidkermit @splend-42 @dustywarbler @400terahertz @poltiddies @yourlocaleccentricscientist @honeybeeffdrawshere @jayskai @astronnonyy @artsyrosie @halfmoonism @whisper-valley @loonfromq @here-sean-once-was @waiting-on-mars @bandtrees @mpregwizard @goosecorp
@grapejuicedragoon @chloefrazer @hauntedcloudtheorist @sanaimissyou @zigcarnivorous @silver1012345 @ebenrosetaylor @promiscuousasexual @lord-of-the-froggies @duovxq @dapokemonmadster @saffronbaklava @labutansa @dqrknight @spaceswordblaster @importantt-reblogs @e-102 @moonssugar @toughknit @bisexualpositivity
@garbagevarmint @katealot @littleredhatter @totally-correct-cr-quotes @petra-creat0r @kaxtwenty @temperedxanthippe @aligaytorsoup @sleeppatrol @lady-of-bath @cockworkangels @theredfields @craftykittyscientist @dustoftheancients @thatsonehellofabird @phoenix-awan @comrademango @neogotchi @the-butter-churner @sketching-shark
@godspersonalclown @elyserie @glassoddity @the-ballerina-battle @antixabound @mydearalandro @batricity @floof-ghostie @taffywabbit @official-ducktown @cathyac @rosengine @deadauthorssociety @thecrimeofmans-laughter @vampthropologist @good-old-gossip @inkatesbush @fishfingersandscarves @shoutyourporpoise @cuntbrow
@pikslasrce @thetrickyjokester @claudia-lioncourt @dimplesandfierceeyes @mortalityplays @cetitan @mar64ds @labutansa @truefrostedagony @deadly-vuu @that-faerie-in-the-corner @amiya-shirou @emmanuor @farsight-the-char @colorfulatlas @laxsland @lepardlover @bismoaking @homunculusalphonse @zone0neko
@galactic-mermaid @cosmic-horrors-in-forests @rubiter20 @swordofazrael1992 @lowcallyfruity @uwabbittuwabbit @labutansa @dilfzuku @pelorsdyke @reyesstrand @luvqwish @sherbetp0p @starlightsugar @fr0ge @whatislovevavy @timeless-orchid @magentasky234 @swapauanon @yakiattaki @pegglefan69
@writing-is-a-martial-art @bug-s0da @ohmerricat @mildmayfoxe @sunnyartistwriter @rabbithaver @madeline-kahn @unabashedmagicalgirlfan @averagenotnormal @emathyst9 @pet-shop-of-horror-fan @reyesstrand @rainy-fog @thefakehedgehogaroundhere @discreative @antixabound @liamins @thenextglamourousbard @jolyne-best-jojo @officialgleamstar
@cosmicsymbols @spunkfunkyzzz @fairedoll @tomboyjessie13 @citrusfruitman @baldwin-10-12-d @kirbytripledeluxe @just-a-queer-fanboy @quellstak @whatyouvegotunderyourskirt @xinakwans @leotanaka @andva-ri @mima-sama @galax-dragon @hauntedcloudtheorist @50c14lly4nx10u5 @saffronbaklava @thespacegardener @cows-quack @heydreamchild @temperedxanthippe
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