bloomandthorns Ā· 5 years
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IFĀ  THEREĀ  ISĀ  ONEĀ  THINGĀ  toĀ  remindĀ  himĀ  ofĀ  homeĀ  ,Ā  itā€™sĀ  theĀ  roarĀ  ofĀ  aĀ  fireĀ  inĀ  theĀ  backgroundĀ  ofĀ  commotionĀ  .Ā  inĀ  truthĀ  ,Ā  manyĀ  thingsĀ  remindĀ  himĀ  ofĀ  theĀ  stormlandsĀ  andĀ  theĀ  southĀ  ,Ā  butĀ  theĀ  desireĀ  ofĀ  warmthĀ  hasĀ  beenĀ  onĀ  theĀ  topĀ  ofĀ  hisĀ  listĀ  sinceĀ  arrivingĀ  .Ā  noĀ  matterĀ  whatĀ  heĀ  doesĀ  ,Ā  heĀ  seemsĀ  toĀ  alwaysĀ  beĀ  freezingĀ  .Ā  thereā€™sĀ  aĀ  grimaceĀ  plasteredĀ  acrossĀ  hisĀ  featuresĀ  ,Ā  gobletĀ  inĀ  handĀ  .Ā  heĀ  wishesĀ  toĀ  talkĀ  toĀ Ā noĀ  oneĀ  andĀ  eventuallyĀ  ,Ā  quietlyĀ  retreatĀ  backĀ  toĀ  hisĀ  quartersĀ  .Ā  onlyĀ  anotherĀ  sipĀ  ofĀ  theĀ  pissĀ  poorĀ  northernĀ  wineĀ  andĀ  heĀ  willĀ  beĀ  onĀ  hisĀ  wayĀ  .
EXCEPTĀ  HEĀ  STAYSĀ  .Ā  hisĀ  visionĀ  hasĀ  suddenlyĀ  blurredĀ  everĀ  soĀ  slightlyĀ  andĀ  hiccupsĀ  threatenĀ  toĀ  eruptĀ  .Ā  aĀ  foolĀ  heĀ  isĀ  toĀ  loseĀ  hisĀ  toleranceĀ  atĀ  suchĀ  anĀ  importantĀ  eventĀ  .Ā  importantĀ  forĀ  appearancesĀ  ,Ā  atĀ  leastĀ  .Ā  heĀ  hearsĀ  katherynneā€™sĀ  voiceĀ  inĀ  theĀ  backĀ  ofĀ  hisĀ  headĀ  andĀ  groansĀ  .Ā  thereĀ  hasĀ  toĀ  beĀ  somethingĀ  toĀ  keepĀ  himĀ  groundedĀ  enoughĀ  notĀ  toĀ  ruinĀ  theĀ  shamblesĀ  ofĀ  hisĀ  reputationĀ  inĀ  oneĀ  nightĀ  .Ā  thenĀ  ,Ā  outĀ  ofĀ  hisĀ  peripheralĀ  visionĀ  ,Ā  heĀ  spotsĀ  aĀ  faceĀ  thatĀ  isĀ  sureĀ  toĀ  keepĀ  himĀ  steadyĀ  .Ā  heĀ  nearlyĀ  smilesĀ  .
āĀ  Ā  NOĀ  WONDERĀ  THEYĀ  MUSTĀ  throwĀ  suchĀ  extravagantĀ  feastsĀ  .Ā  Ā  āžĀ  Ā  cedrikĀ  staysĀ  hiddenĀ  fromĀ  theĀ  restĀ  ofĀ  theĀ  crowdĀ  ,Ā  findingĀ  solaceĀ  inĀ  anĀ  oldĀ  friendĀ  .Ā  Ā  āĀ  Ā  toĀ  distractĀ  fromĀ  everythingĀ  elseĀ  thatĀ  isĀ  soĀ  ,Ā  soĀ  terribleĀ  .Ā  Ā  āž
ā€œDonā€™t let our hosts hear you, Cedrik. The wolf might yet bite back, even if theyā€™ve allowed us in.ā€ Gareth muttered with a grin, stepping forward to grab his friend by the arm and drag him towards the column, to lean against. His eyes went over the man and his grin washed away slightly.Ā ā€œThis pissed? Already? Of all the nights to show a little bit of temperance...ā€ Gareth let out a slight sigh, setting his cup of wine on a table and looking for a servant. When he could find none, he placed his arm around Cedrik and walked him towards one of the doors that he was sure would lead to the outside.Ā ā€œCome with me. Weā€™re clearing your head.ā€
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bloomandthorns Ā· 5 years
ā€œThen at least it is a genuine smile, and not one to draw you into a false sense of security,ā€ she mused, the jaded thoughts of a woman who had learned to never leave her back turned. Her eyes followed his gesture, and she softened a little at the Northern couple, enough so that the happy drunk brought a laugh to her lips.Ā ā€œThe night is still young yet. Iā€™m not sure you can put Stormlanders, Ironborn, and Dornish under one roof without an argument breaking out,ā€ the three regions in particular were known for their tempers, their ferocity and their passion, and there was bound to be cross words and drawn blades before the end of the knight.Ā ā€œOr perhaps the Northerners had the good sense to slip something in our drinks, keep us happy and docile.ā€ She was joking, though perhaps the widow of Nightsong should have been more careful before making jests about a manā€™s drink.Ā ā€œWere you looking for a fight, my Lord, or simply to be entertained?ā€Ā 
She turned to face him more fully, granting him the respect that his station demanded.Ā ā€œIt appears I have found myself in illustrious company without realising. Forgive me, my lord.ā€ She laughed, a humble show of self-deprecation. Ami had never seen Highgarden, but had heard much from her goodsister of The Reach in all its glory.Ā ā€œAmerei Caron, Lady of Nightsong.ā€
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He smirked and took a sniff of his drink when she mentioned an additive. Then, in jest, his eyes rolled upwards and he brought the back of his palm to his forehead. With a snort, he returned back to his normal self.Ā ā€œOnly thing added to this wine is vinegar, I reckon. Dornish swill.ā€ He then let out a rather long sigh and turned his cup over, drinking it down in one go.Ā ā€œBut alas, I have a reputation to uphold.ā€ He smirked a little when she asked her question and shook his head just a little.Ā ā€œWhoā€™s to say that these two things are mutually exclusive? Though, if there were scuffles, I would prefer them between houses internal of the kingdoms. The poor manā€™s only just been crowned.ā€
He took her respect with an appreciative nod of his head.Ā ā€œNothing to forgive, my lady. I should have recognised you. I was at your late husbandā€™s funeral.ā€ He shot her a short, polite smile, before turning back to the room.Ā ā€œA tragedy. Three times wed, three times widowed. My sincerest sympathies. I know what it is like to lose a spouse. None should endure it. And three times? Without children to lean on?ā€
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bloomandthorns Ā· 5 years
As a younger woman, Amerei had been quite the social butterfly. It had been part of her appeal, the beautiful, charming daughter of House Caron, Now, she was a changed person. She knew what people said behind her back. Murderess. Witch. Whore. It made her anxious, and the world outside of the safe walls of Nightsong offered no shelter from that feeling.Ā 
Perhaps she should have stayed at home, where it was comfortable, but the Northern coronation was a once-in-a-lifetime event. How could she have refused the journey to the North, a place she may not ever see again for as long as she lived? Ami knew better than anybody how fragile life could be, even now as she stuck to the outskirts, watching the more joyous attendees throw caution to the wind and enjoy themselves.Ā 
She had barely noticed herself drift into the company of another. It was a bad habit of hers, to zone out and close off from the rest of the world. It could have been worse - at least he attempted conversation, and she offered him a small smile of welcome in response.Ā ā€œTheir hearts may beat like the rest of ours, but I think Iā€™ve yet to see a Northern man smile,ā€ she pointed out with a quiet chuckle.Ā ā€œStill, they know how to throw a feast. I am quite impressed.ā€
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ā€œNortherners smile for their wives, their ale and their legends, Iā€™ve noticed.ā€ He said, pointing the hand with his cup to two examples. One lord was smiling as his wife sought to dazzle the surrounding patrons, while another smiled as he watched his ale being poured by a servant girl. Then, Gareth took his cup to his lips and sipped himself.Ā ā€œI agree, however, that this is an impressive feat. Iā€™ve yet to hear of trouble tonight. And with as many lords gathered in one space as this, there are more feuds, bastards and secrets hidden in this room than stars in the night sky. Bound to be friction.ā€ A shrug followed as he turned his head to look at a rather dashing conversational partner.Ā ā€œA shame everyone is so well-behaved.ā€
He then turned fully and bowed his head.Ā ā€œI donā€™t believe we have ever met, my lady. Lord Gareth Tyrell of Highgarden, lord of the Reach.ā€ He then waited, with his signature smile and a glint in his eye for the name of the other.
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bloomandthorns Ā· 5 years
The food had been eaten, the tables cleared. In a corner, a bard and his accompanying band of minstrels were starting to work a tune. With a cup of wine in his hand, Gareth had found himself drawing from the center of the room to the fringes, standing underneath tall, wooden arches. He watched as the floor was cleared, tables moved. The sound of voices ringing overhead, filling the room, impregnating the air. The laughter, whispers, tall tales. He had brought his son to bed a few minutes after the banquet had been finished. Now, he was ready to mingle.
The music picked up as the work died down, and the room was cleared. There were those, still sat, drinking and talking, while others tentatively found their way to the floor.
He brought the cup to his lips as his eyes scanned over the crowd. He would dazzle later. When the wine had climbed to his head, when heā€™d found Cedric. When he felt a little braver than he did now.
The lute was struck, a jig was played, and Gareth found himself accompanied in the shade of a large column. With a slight smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth, he let his eyes glance sideways, without moving his head.Ā ā€œQuite a spectacle,ā€ he started,Ā ā€œit seems the cold does nothing to firm the Northern heart.ā€
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bloomandthorns Ā· 5 years
These may have been edited for clarity or length or to better apply for roleplaying.
ā›Ā Donā€™t try to make me grow up before my time. āœ
ā›Ā Love is a great beautifier. āœ
ā›Ā I never wanted to go away, and the hard part now is leaving you all. āœ
ā›Ā Iā€™m not afraid, but it seems as if I should be homesick for you even in heaven. āœ
ā›Ā If I didnā€™t care about doing right and didnā€™t feel uncomfortable doing wrong, I should get on capitally. āœ
ā›Ā When we make little sacrifices we like to have them appreciated, at least. āœ
ā›Ā Donā€™t mind me. Iā€™m as happy as a cricket here. āœ
ā›Ā You donā€™t need scores of suitors. You need only one, if heā€™s the right one. āœ
ā›Ā Love casts out fear, and gratitude can conquer pride. āœ
ā›Ā I am lonely, sometimes, but I dare say itā€™s good for me. āœ
ā›Ā When you feel discontented, think over your blessings, and be grateful. āœ
ā›Ā Let us be elegant or die! āœ
ā›Ā Hearts, like flowers, cannot be rudely handled, but must open naturally. āœ
ā›Ā I do think that families are the most beautiful things in all the world! āœ
ā›Ā Be worthy love, and love will come. āœ
ā›Ā Oh, my girls, however long you may live, I never can wish you a greater happiness than this! āœ
ā›Ā The sincere wish to be good is half the battle. āœ
ā›Ā The humblest tasks get beautified if loving hands do them. āœ
ā›Ā I want to do something splendid before I go into my castleā€”something heroic, or wonderfulā€”that wonā€™t be forgotten after Iā€™m dead. āœ
ā›Ā I think I shall write books, and get rich and famous; that would suit me, so that is my favorite dream. āœ
ā›Ā Donā€™t cry so bitterly, but remember this day, and resolve with all your soul that you will never know another like it. āœ
ā›Ā Iā€™d rather take coffee than compliments just now. āœ
ā›Ā Be comforted, dear soul! There is always light behind the clouds. āœ
ā›Ā I donā€™t like to doze by the fire. āœ
ā›Ā I like adventures, and Iā€™m going to find some. āœ
ā›Ā I like good strong words that mean something. āœ
ā›Ā Because they are mean is no reason why I should be. āœ
ā›Ā I hate such things, and though I think Iā€™ve a right to be hurt, I donā€™t intend to show it. āœ
ā›Ā Conceit spoils the finest genius. āœ
ā›Ā Watch and pray, dear, never get tired of trying, and never think it is impossible to conquer your fault. āœ
ā›Ā I am angry nearly every day of my life. āœ
ā›Ā Iā€™m not afraid of storms, for Iā€™m learning how to sail my ship. āœ
ā›Ā For love casts out fear, and gratitude can conquer pride. āœ
ā›Ā I keep turning over new leaves, and spoiling them. āœ
ā›Ā I make so many beginnings there never will be an end. āœ
ā›Ā Some people seemed to get all sunshine, and some all shadow. āœ
ā›Ā I donā€™t pretend to be wise, but I am observing, and I see a great deal more than youā€™d imagine. āœ
ā›Ā Iā€™m interested in other peopleā€™s experiences and inconsistencies, and, though I canā€™t explain, I remember and use them for my own benefit. āœ
ā›Ā Iā€™m not like the rest of you; I never made any plans about what Iā€™d do when I grew up. āœ
ā›Ā I never thought of being married. āœ
ā›Ā I wish I had no heart, it aches so. āœ
ā›Ā Wouldnā€™t it be fun if all the castles in the air which we make could come true and we could live in them? āœ
ā›Ā Youā€™re an angel! How shall I ever thank you? āœ
ā›Ā I have nothing to give but my heart so full and these empty hands. āœ
ā›Ā Take some books and read; thatā€™s an immense help; and books are always good company if you have the right sort. āœ
ā›Ā Life and love are very precious when both are in full bloom. āœ
ā›Ā I could have been a great many things. āœ
ā›Ā Talent isnā€™t genius, and no amount of energy can make it so. āœ
ā›Ā I want to be great, or nothing. āœ
ā›Ā If we are all alive ten years hence, letā€™s meet, and see how many of us have got our wishes, or how much nearer we are then than now. āœ
ā›Ā You have grown abominably lazy, and you like gossip, and waste time on frivolous things. āœ
ā›Ā I hate ordinary people! āœ
ā›Ā Now and then, in this workaday world, things do happen in the delightful storybook fashion, and what a comfort that is. āœ
ā›Ā You are like a chestnut burr, prickly outside, but silky-soft within, and a sweet kernel, if one can only get at it. āœ
ā›Ā Love will make you show your heart someday, and then the rough burr will fall off. āœ
ā›Ā Weā€™ll all grow up, no pretending we wonā€™t. āœ
ā›Ā If I didnā€™t care about doing right and didnā€™t feel uncomfortable doing wrong, I should get on capitally. āœ
ā›Ā I canā€™t help seeing that you are very lonely, and sometimes there is a hungry look in your eyes that goes to my heart. āœ
ā›Ā Love covers a multitude of sins. āœ
ā›Ā It takes people a long time to learn the difference between talent and genius, especially ambitious young men and women. āœ
ā›Ā But, like all happiness, it did not last long. āœ
ā›Ā I do think that families are the most beautiful things in all the world! āœ
ā›Ā How happy and good weā€™d be, if we had no worries! āœ
ā›Ā I think we are all hopelessly flawed. āœ
ā›Ā Whereā€™s the use of looking nice, when no one sees me but those cross midgets, and no one cares whether Iā€™m pretty or not? āœ
ā›Ā Nothing remained but loneliness and grief. āœ
ā›Ā I donā€™t think secrets agree with me, I feel rumpled up in mind since you told me that. āœ
ā›Ā Nothing seemed impossible in the beginning. āœ
936 notes Ā· View notes
bloomandthorns Ā· 5 years
Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  ROSLYN ONLY DENIED with her head, there were ears everywhere, and eyes that could see it too. Her mom had thought her that lesson in a very harsh way, for Myrianne had been able to pray even her darkest of secrets from her very closed up chest when she had not been looking. A painful, yet valuable lesson she did not intend to forget.Ā ā€œCall me paranoid, but something tells me will all be watched carefully, the shift of powers tends to awake the game in others, and is a very dangerous game I intend not to be involve in.ā€ Power and greed, kingdoms had been lost to the pride of houses, and entire houses had disappear for the same reason. Roslyn knew the tales all too well, and if she had any say in it they would watch the new king Stark rice to his winter throne and return to the southern kingdom hopefully keeping their peace.Ā 
Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  There was a chuckle she had intended to drown in her throat, soft fingers covering her mouth as if she had just spilled a secret she was not suppose to.Ā ā€œYou, my dearest brother, might have more faith in our marriage than either of us ever will. Nonetheless, I will not stand in the way of your fun, although I will say you two must take care of each other until you regain consciousness for I do not wish to see either of you in such state.ā€ Head rested on his shoulder as he brought her closer, too long since she had been able to do such small gesture.Ā ā€œI shall ask them, but do place at least one seat for me, for I will not miss this family dinner for nothing.ā€Ā 
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He grinned when he pressed a kiss to the side of her head.Ā ā€œDo you truly think I would ever forget my Rosie? You wound me, sister dear.ā€ Then, he stepped back, unwinding his arms from around her body and brushing some of her hair out of her face.Ā ā€œI promise I will not let your husband fall off a wall in a drunken stupor. None would miss him more.ā€ Then, he chuckled, patted down his vest and looked towards the door.Ā ā€œNow, Iā€™m afraid I should return. If he slept at all, Loras will not be sleeping for much longer. The excitement of it all will set his blood alight. And Iā€™ll have to find ways to entertain him.ā€
He then looked back at his sister and made a mockery out of an exhausted, diminutive face.Ā ā€œI hope your little ones are easier.ā€ Then he turned around with a huff of amused air from his nose.Ā ā€œRemember. Dinner. I will not take no for an answer!ā€
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bloomandthorns Ā· 5 years
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Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā š–’š–†š–—š–‡š–Šš–‘š–‘š–† Ā š–œš–†š–˜ Ā š––š–šš–Žš–ˆš– Ā š–™š–” Ā š–‹š–”š–—š–Œš–Žš–›š–Š Ā š–™š–š–ŠĀ  lordĀ  ofĀ  flowersĀ  withĀ  aĀ  smallĀ  waveĀ  ofĀ  herĀ  handĀ  .Ā  itĀ  wasĀ  easyĀ  toĀ  forgiveĀ  somethingĀ  soĀ  unoffensiveĀ  &Ā  hisĀ  wordsĀ  sungĀ  praisesĀ  likeĀ  birdsĀ  ofĀ  theĀ  mornĀ  ,Ā  inĀ  herĀ  earsĀ  &Ā  handĀ  aĀ  kinderĀ  smileĀ  blossomingĀ  overĀ  herĀ  cherryĀ  stainedĀ  lipsĀ  asĀ  sheĀ  noddedĀ  softlyĀ  .Ā  Ā  Ā ā›Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  itĀ  isĀ  muchĀ  appreciatedĀ  lordĀ  tyrellĀ  ,Ā  &Ā  thankĀ  youĀ  ,Ā  iā€™mĀ  afraidĀ  theĀ  weatherĀ  isnā€™tĀ  doingĀ  meĀ  anyĀ  favorsĀ  ,Ā  butĀ  thankĀ  youĀ  forĀ  yourĀ  kindĀ  wordsĀ  .Ā  Ā āœĀ  Ā  Ā marbellaĀ  oftenĀ  ,Ā  naivelyĀ  ,Ā  wonderedĀ  ifĀ  allĀ  queensĀ  wereĀ  treatedĀ  asĀ  kindlyĀ  asĀ  sheĀ  seemedĀ  toĀ  beĀ  .Ā  Ā  Ā ā›Ā  travelsĀ  wereĀ  asĀ  expectedĀ  &Ā  yourĀ  ownĀ  ?Ā  iĀ  believeĀ  highgardenĀ  isĀ  evenĀ  furtherĀ  thanĀ  kingsĀ  landingĀ  .Ā  āœ
He chuckled casually and rolled his shoulders just a little, to give himself an airy posture.Ā ā€œI am quite experienced in travelling long distances, Your Grace. My sisters seemed to have the most trouble adapting. It is a long road, the Kingā€™s. But Highgarden breeds strong horses.ā€ His fingers ran over the whisper of a beard on his cheek. The hand used to hide a rather indulgent grin that tugged at the corner of his lips and bared his teeth.Ā ā€œMy son was much too excited to complain. The road holds all sorts of wonders for a boyā€™s eyes.ā€ His eyes scanned across her for a brief second, in a gesture that was barely noticable.
It was true, he had been wanting to send regards. But Gareth Tyrell was a connected man. Whispers from all over the Seven Kingdoms brushed his ear. And one such whisper was the true reason he had wished to see the King. He loved the Crown, and their King, in a way that was duly unrivalled. Whispers of illness made him weary.Ā ā€œThe Starks have truly outdone themselves. Iā€™ve not felt this warm and comfortable in Winterfell since I first stepped foot in it.ā€
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bloomandthorns Ā· 5 years
Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā ā›ā› Why do you resolve to cause me pain? āœāœ Her bitter words were unjustified, but they left her mouth regardless. The traditions of her people meant plenty to the young lady, yet marriage never seemed like a keen notion. How could a highborn woman be satisfied being shackled to an ungrateful lord for the rest of her days? How could she find happiness knowing her marriage was no more than a contract? ā›ā› I truly respect and appreciate our livelihood, but my lack of husband hardly requires justificationā€¦even as a Tyrell. After all, we always find others ways to grow our garden. āœāœ The conversation seemed unpleasant for both, but Mariela scarcely intended to yield without a fight. It was simply not in her nature. ā›ā› Keep your promise to Mother about Madalena. I am sure she will be elated to see her wedā€¦And I have no aspiration to become a spinster. I just ā€” āœāœ
Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā She paused for a moment and stroked her brotherā€™s hand with her thumb. ā›ā› I cannot blame you for what is expected. I will, however, disagree with the expectation. āœāœ She softened and momentarily closed her eyes, envisioning the glorious gardens of her beloved home to bring her peace. Upon opening her eyes, she gazed at Gareth with the upmost affection. ā›ā› I have been nothing but realistic with prior suitors. I simply find it difficult to cooperate with men who find more interest in their manhood than the women they meet. They adore beautiful maidens but never grasp their minds. āœāœ A roguish smirk crossed her lips, threatening to produce laughter from her belly. ā›ā› I too wish to be happy, but have you ever considered my sense of happiness differs from most? āœāœ
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ā€œMariela Tyrell,ā€ came the stern reply, and his eyes turned. There was a cool to him that few people truly ever saw. A kind of stern resolve that only truly shone when he was hurt.Ā ā€œYou will not assign motives to me that you know to be untrue. And I will not be contradicted or denied. I am your brother, but I am also your lord.ā€ This conversation battered him black and blue. He knew Mariela was not keen to wed. She had a sharp mind and a strong will. But this was the way of things. Gareth wasnā€™t conservative in his thinking - as was the Tyrell way. Even his knighthood hadnā€™t given him a penchant for tradition. This had little to do with the way people thought, and everything to do with his own, personal love for his sisters. He had been married and had seen the joy it could bring. He was a father now, to a beautiful boy. He wished that for them.
As she softened, so did he, rolling his shoulders and sighing.Ā ā€œI care little for the expectations of my courtiers. I still sit at the head of the table, not they. But we must be realistic.ā€ His hand dropped hers and went to the side of her face, fingers gliding into her hair and brushing it aside.Ā ā€œDid I not say I only asked for cooperation? Do you believe me ignorant, blind and deaf, Mari? I said Iā€™d not just give you away wantonly. Roslyn and Lailaā€™s prospective husbands were thoroughly inspected and questioned. Cedrik even regaled that he barely recognised me as I spoke to him that day.ā€ He then took her cheek a little more steeringly and made her look to him. Intense eyes stared back.Ā ā€œI consider your happiness on a continuous basis, Mari. And if things were any different, I mightā€™ve been able to relinquish to you some freedoms. But there are things upon the horizon that I canā€™t quite predict. And we will need strong allies. Soil for our Rose to grow in.ā€
He then reached forward, pressing his forehead against hers and took a deep breath.Ā ā€œJust keep an open heart. Mingle. See if there isnā€™t a man here that catches your eye and attention. A man that might see more in you than a vessel for his heirs. Because there is a lot more to you than that. To all four of you.ā€
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bloomandthorns Ā· 5 years
ask anything you want to know about the muse(s)!
ā†– is now accepting curious anons.
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bloomandthorns Ā· 5 years
Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  ROSLYN DENIED WITH her head, while she agreed with every word he said she couldnā€™t help but look over her shoulder in fear of someone hearing him speak in such manners.Ā ā€œYou are ought to tame your tongue for this place is sure to have ears everywhere and the last thing we need is to offend our king and his party, they are still our sires,ā€ whether they liked it or not.Ā 
Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā Careful eyes took in his reaction at the mention of her husband and she wondered if her eyes would ever shine that way for Cedrik too, or if his would shine at the mention of her.Ā ā€œI would prefer if neither of you got drunk asā€¦ Well too drunk to govern yourself properly, but I know neither of you shall listen to anything I have to say in the matter.ā€ She shook her head as she spoke, holding her hands over the waist of her dress and under the heavy furs she wore to keep warm.Ā 
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Gareth chuckled in a conspiratorial way as he looked around the flowers and shrubs.Ā ā€œI thought only the gardens of Highgarden had ears. Mysteriously grown by our diligent landkeepers.ā€ With a roll of his shoulders he turned back to his sister and winked at her. He knew as well as she that they ought to be careful. But no one here would hear them. And if they did, he hoped none were stupid enough to betray the privacy of Lord Gareth Tyrell. He was a chivalrous man, yes. But also terrible if it came to broken trust and irritants. Few knew exactly how far Garethā€™s web truly stretched, or how venomous the spider in the center could truly be. Torture was obviously out of the question. But there were worse, more legal and thereby more invasive ways to see oneā€™s enemies punished. Their mother, who had always presented as a light of civility and class, had had teeth of her own. And Gareth had been one of the few to be personally tutored in how to bare them.
ā€œI wouldnā€™t be so sure, my love. Cedrik adores you. I believe with enough stern resolve and a bit of that glowering that mother taught you, you could very certainly deprive me of my drinking partner. I would just plead you not to.ā€ He then made big eyes and rolled his lips into a pout for just a second. After that second, he reached out to put his arm around his sisterā€™s waist and pulled her into another embrace.Ā ā€œIā€™ve taken up enough of the Lady Baratheonā€™s valuable time. Come to dinner tonight, Iā€™ve invited Laila and her beau as well. Bring the children. This includes Cedrik.ā€ He then rubbed a hand along his chin, as though contemplating something, and his eyes squinted together for a moment.Ā ā€œAnd if she wishes, ask Katherynne. Itā€™s been too long since weā€™ve all shared a meal.ā€
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bloomandthorns Ā· 5 years
Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā Their eyes met, and a moment passed where she wanted to hide among the flowers until he retreated. Her heart sank into her chest, and the young woman resisted the urge to tear her gaze away from her brotherā€™s. Instead, she occupied herself with lacing their fingers together even more, almost never wanting to let go. In some ways, releasing Gareth felt like Highgarden was slipping further and further away. Two of her sisters had already left their home, and it saddened her to believe she could be next. ā›ā› Madalena should marry if she so chooses. āœāœ She replied with a warm smile, emphasizing the last word and attempting to divert the impending talk toward her beloved siser. Mariela truly wanted the best for Maddie. Her lips downturned slightly as more words left her dear brotherā€™s mouth. The air around them only seemed to grow colder until she pulled away, only leaving their fingers entertwined.
Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā ā›ā› Gareth, is this a punishment? Have I pained you in some way? āœāœ Ā Mariela countered with an arched brow, squeezing his hand as a desperate plea. It was hardly unnoticed that she had been of marrying age for some time. With two younger sisters wed, the young lady felt sure lords and ladies of other great houses talked. Perhaps even the small folk of the Reach whispered, but Mariela paid them all no mind. ā›ā› Seven hells, Maddie may have expressed her wishes to wed some gallant lord, but I certainly have not. āœāœ
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ā€œThis is not punishment, my love. Not remotely. You have been and are a fantastic sister and a rose in my garden.ā€ He said, squeezing her hand back and bringing it up. He looked at her over their knuckles and seemed pained. This was about as distasteful an idea to him as it seemed to be to her.Ā ā€œIt is not to do with your behaviour or a desire to see you leave. Youā€™ve not pained me. But you are of an age where I can scarcely justify that I have not found you a suitable husband. Mother has been adamant, and with my promise to Madalena... I can not let you become a spinster, Mari. We are Tyrells.ā€
He squeezed once more, taking a deep breath of the air, pregnant with the scent of flowers.Ā ā€œDonā€™t think me cruel or arbitrary. I will not bargain you away like cattle. With Roslyn wed to the Baratheons and my friendship with the Lord of Stormā€™s End, we have strong friends. I can and will not peddle you like a fresh cut of beef. And I donā€™t ask you for more than your cooperation.ā€ A smile slowly crept up, pulling gingerly at the corner of his lips.Ā ā€œI ask only that you be less... Stern... With your suitors. I wish you to be happy. To become a mother. To keep a lordā€™s hold and be his guiding light as you and our sisters have been for me.ā€
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bloomandthorns Ā· 5 years
in all honesty, she had expected to hear the opposite of what was actually said. marriage usually wasnā€™t love-driven in families that held the position they did, so a no was all madalena had been waiting to hear. it was the mentality her mother had drilled in her head in preparation for the possibility of an unhappy marriage,Ā  she supposed. but no. instead, she managed a smile regardless of her brotherā€™s seemingly bothered look.Ā ā€œat least now i know youā€™d be open to the idea, but i donā€™t think itā€™s what our father wouldā€™ve wanted.ā€ there, she said it. as much as she knew love wasnā€™t something you chose, she still very much cared for her family and their responsibilities.Ā 
his next words, however, only made her smile grow until it couldnā€™t any longer. what could she possibly say? it had taken years of waiting to get to where they were, but now everything felt so much more real.Ā ā€œyouā€™re not joking, are you?ā€ she inquired, making sure it wasnā€™t all a dream.Ā ā€œbut thereā€™s nothing to forgive. i know losing sireene mustā€™ve been difficult, and iā€™ve enjoyed seeing little loras grow each day, but iā€™m soĀ ready for whatā€™s next. so thank you.ā€ she sighed, taking in the moment of happiness for a few seconds before throwing her arms around him in a grateful embrace.Ā ā€œi promise to write as often as possible, but you must also promise to visit wherever iā€™ll be every so often. i canā€™t go too long without loras after seeing him every day.ā€Ā 
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ā€œI will visit as many times as I can permit.ā€ He said with a grin, pulling her close to his chest when she threw her arms around him. He pressed a brief kiss to the side of her head, before letting her go again and looking her up and down.Ā ā€œSeven keep me.ā€ He then whispered, mostly to himself, before taking a step back from her.Ā ā€œNow, darling. I must go find Mariela and try to tell her as much without losing life or limb. Wish me good luck. And if you find Roslyn, invite her and Cedrik to dinner.ā€ He then reached forward, took her hand, and brought it to her lips.Ā ā€œAnd please. Donā€™t come to me tonight with prospective husbands. My heart is already weary. It might stop.ā€
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bloomandthorns Ā· 5 years
Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā The warmth between siblings managed to keep away the cold. A lovely smile danced crossed her lips upon feeling his head rest against hers. It was remarkable how Gareth managed with a son and four younger sisters. It hardly helped that Mariela could be unpredictable when it came to ladies, though it seemed Gareth knew her quite well. ā›ā› Or theyā€™re as stubborn as old iron. How do you think they would fare with the heat at Highgarden? āœāœ She posed with a playful brow, laughing moments later when he pinched her side. ā›ā› Stop that! āœāœ She managed through bubbling laughter, still smiling in his presence and the opportunity to see her wedded sisters soon. ā›ā› I should hope so. I bring radiance into their lives, and Loras is such a sweetling. After all, he should be spoiled by all of his aunts. āœāœ Mariela hinted with a mischievous smile, her eyes taking in the wondrous flowers surrounding them.
Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā The air surrounding her seemed to shift with the conversation, and Mariela could not help but pull her furs closer. ā›ā› We have grown strong, and we shall continue growing until we reach the heavens. āœāœ She interrupted before his next words sunk in. The cold continued its brisk path beneath her furs, yet she only tilted her head up to get a better look at her brother. ā›ā› And what, pray tell? āœāœ She inquired with some curiosity, feeling her jaw clench softly at what Gareth might say next. With numerous lords gathered at Winterfell for the coronation, the young lady could imagine what upsetting topic he wished to discuss.
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He turned to her, brushing some hair out of her face. His head slightly tilted, his eyes locked on hers.Ā ā€œI spoke with our sisters. Madalena in particular. Weā€™ve allowed ourselves too much freedom, I fear.ā€ His hand slipped down her arm and he found his fingers intertwined with hers.Ā ā€œLaila is wed, as is our Roslyn. Maddie wouldnā€™t say it, but she has been hoping for a while that Iā€™d find her a suitable match. And then thereā€™s you and I.ā€ He shot her a slight smile, one that was slightly marred by the knowledge that it was not her greatest wish to be married, and the fact that he would be watching all four of his sisters leave their home.Ā ā€œI grow lonely, though you and Maddie are fantastic company. But there is a kind of ache that not even you could soothe. And... Well... Youā€™re of marrying age, youā€™re beautiful, and youā€™re ready to make some poor sodā€™s life absolutely miserable.ā€
He chuckled at his own joke, unable to keep a straight face.Ā ā€œI have told Maddie that Iā€™d find someone for her hand by Harvest. And I plan the same for you.ā€
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bloomandthorns Ā· 5 years
The crown rolled listlessly between his fingers. Watching over his knuckles as men attacked the straw targets in front of them with their chosen weapons. The twanging of arrows, somewhat to his right, presenting a constant buzz in the air. Slowly fat flakes of white snow drifted from the sky, impregnating the air with a silence that was thick as the blanket the snow had knitted over the top of tower, stable and wall. The thick gambeson on his body, immaculately sewn and shaped to his figure like a well-tailored tunic, protected him from the cold. His squire sat underneath the covering behind, eagerly oiling his liegeā€™s tall blade. He had yet to decide what he would enter the melee with, though the consensus among the competitors seemed to lean towards arming swords and a buckler. Gareth saw little point in the melee. In different times, perhaps he might have taken a hostage. When there was more to gain and less to lose. But here, there was little to gain, and all to lose. A delicate peace hung in the balance, and Gareth, better than most, understood that keeping that peace was paramount.
He was awoken from his musings at a familiar sight that drew a smile across his face. The Eldest Targaryen crossed in front of him. He took the coin in hand and rose from the bench he had claimed.Ā ā€œMy Princess.ā€ He called, taking one step in her direction and bowing his head before her.Ā ā€œHave you come to eye the metal? This will be a feast for the minstrels, I reckon. Might I hope for your favour, this time? Itā€™s been too long since a She-Dragon blessed my efforts.ā€
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bloomandthorns Ā· 5 years
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# Handsome much ?Ā Ā ā™„ā€æā™„ Ā ā™„ā€æā™„
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bloomandthorns Ā· 5 years
she couldnā€™t help but allow a soft chuckle to escape her lips at his words. maybe it was true, but it was impossible to shake the idea. loras had a great father, she made sure to remind him of that every waking moment, and gareth had many other great qualities. how a blushing lady couldnā€™t see that, she didnā€™t know.Ā ā€œall right, iā€™ll stay away from any eligible ladies and leave it all to you.ā€ formulating an answer hadnā€™t been as difficult as it was after hearing his next words. even if he had his own guidelines, was her brother finally inviting the idea of a husband?Ā ā€œand what if i were to fall in love with a hedge knight, not knowing who he really was at first?ā€ she tested, mainly joking but also curious to hear his take. as much as she wished to find someone she longed for, her father had also taught her the importance of protecting their houseā€™s power and marrying well.Ā 
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He sighed. She had gotten him on a point that he was most soft about. And she knew it, which is why, when he looked at her, he did so with a modicum of undignified annoyance.Ā ā€œThen I would probably have to strike across my heart, curse the gods in private, and grant him one of the holds that weā€™ve come into possession of over the years. Caernmore or Shoresbreak, for example.ā€ He spoke with clenched jaw, but his eyes revealed that he was less reluctant that he might make it appear.Ā ā€œBut I know their type, and Iā€™d rather not bind my sister to a landless lech with no fame or glory, or an oath, for that matter. I bound myself to the Gods and House Tyrell. Hedging bastards just take up a sword and a coat of arms, and usually the men thatĀ ā€˜knightedā€™ them have conveniently passed.ā€
He then seemed to dignify himself with straightening his shoulders and his back and looked at her a little sparingly, though there was obvious warmth in every inch of his being. He could not be stern with Madalena.Ā ā€œSepton Mortain told me youā€™d grown impatient. And I canā€™t say I blame you. Iā€™ve been selfish, my flower. And I hope you can forgive me. By my word, Iā€™ll see you wed before the harvest. To a man that deserves you.ā€ He then stepped in and pressed his forehead to hers, as his hands met the small of her waist.Ā ā€œBut if you write less than once a week, I will come get you and lock you in a tower in Highgarden for the rest of your days. By the Old Gods, and the New.ā€
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bloomandthorns Ā· 5 years
after twenty-six years of life at highgarden, picking up on her siblingsā€™ mannerisms had been inevitable. rarely were words needed to understand one another, with gestures becoming more and more understood within the family. garethā€™s silence was the first hint of his uneasiness, but the low sigh and cracking of knuckles reassured.Ā ā€œi realize itā€™s been quite a few years, but forgotten how to court?ā€ she quirked a brow.Ā ā€œany lady would render themselves lucky to receive so much as a compliment from you. besides, the power you carry on your shoulders is only matched by the love you carry in your heart.ā€Ā 
madalena took a step closer to him, taking his face in her cold hands and locking her hazel eyes with his blue ones.Ā ā€œyouā€™re not alone, and you never will be,ā€ she breathed simply, giving him a look of assurance.Ā ā€œi could promise you that much.ā€ and she meant it.Ā ā€œeven if two of our sisters have left with their husbands, you still have me and mariela. and whenever the time comes for either, or both, of us to also wed, weā€™ll still all be with you. distance may be difficult to deal with at first, but you could never truly lose us.ā€ she gave him a smile before letting her hands drop.Ā ā€œif youā€™d like, i wouldnā€™t mind vetting a couple of candidates? even if itā€™s just for amusement, while weā€™re here. you could use a distraction.ā€Ā 
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ā€œAnd watch you wander off to speak to some blushing young maid on my behalf? My thanks, but I simply must decline.ā€ The back of his neck grew red and there was a hotness in the tips of his ears. He couldnā€™t quite look her in the eye either.Ā ā€œThough...ā€ He whispered, rubbing a spot on the back of his neck which had grown quite itchy over the last few seconds.Ā ā€œI never was any good at courtship, Maddie. Believe me. For all the charm people say the gods blessed me with, Iā€™m helpless.ā€
Then, he took a deep breath and rolled his shoulders.Ā ā€œWe will vet two lords, one lady. If weā€™re going to commit, we might as well fully commit. And no valiant, goldenhaired hedgeknights. Iā€™m not giving my sisters to a polished up bandit. No matter how beautiful and valiant. Landed men only.ā€
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