WIP: Bloodless Heir
8K posts
Hey, I'm Jacques! || 27 || your local bunny friend 🐰 || I REBLOG other writers on @jacqueswriteblrlibrary || this is a developmental blog for my WIP: bloodless heir || home of some Bastard Princess (Astrea) and Pirate (Elijah) adventures || tip me on Kofi if you wanna support what I do! || header and pfp art OC commissions by @whiimsie (:❤️
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bloodlessheirbyjacques ¡ 8 hours ago
another smut prompt? in thou inbox? yes
let's sayyy. Astrea x Elijah
finding a somewhat private area at a fancy party to fuck (coat closet, empty office, secluded corner on the big balcony, hedge maze if we wanna get dramatic, etc)
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Happy Smut Sunday!
PROMPT: finding a somewhat private area at a fancy party to fuck
Kinks: Whore House | Jealous Sex | Body Worship | Oral (Female on Male) | Seductive Attire | Bondage With Dubious Consent (Female on Male) | Praise (Both Ways) | Exhibitionism with Dubious Consent | Foreign Sex Customs 
Song inspo: Good To Be Bad
Her outfit for the evening was designed to blend in with the pirate den they were visiting. He tried to focus, but he couldn't help winking at her whenever she caught him staring. Who could blame him? The loose wraps only covered her chest, flattering her figure and revealing more of her body than he was accustomed to seeing in public. Although he had seen her in similar attire in the privacy of his chambers, it was different now with everyone else able to see her. Every time she moved, the small bells attached to her sleeves jingled in a seductive manner. And the reds in her outfit ascended the sultry red in her gaze whenever she caught someone's eye.
With the audience this pirate den attracted, of course, his eyes weren’t the only ones on her.
Elijah had been in this den before, and everyone knew him as the elusive Phantom Pirate. No one would dare take what was his. While he engaged in conversations with pirates he knew, as well as some he didn’t, he always kept a watchful eye on her. If she ever wandered too far or if any unsavory scum approached her or looked at her in a way he disliked, he wouldn’t hesitate to leave a conversation, break a finger, and grasp her arm to pull her back to him.
They had been in this pirate den for hours, gathering intel. And throughout it, she kept giving him subtle touches—brushing her fingers against his arms and even backing up against him. Unfortunately for him, his arousal was becoming obvious, and she only encouraged it. Perhaps it was something about this pirate den that revealed her courage, but he was enjoying every fucking minute of her on him like this. Where everyone could see. 
Finally, she had managed to sneak them into a nearby secluded room, about the size of a closet. The room looked familiar at first, but he stopped paying attention the moment his back slammed against the wall and her lips collided with his. 
A pleased chuckle left him as his hands flew to pull her to him, digging his nails into her hips. With the intensity of her desperation gyrating against him, he throbbed with the need for her. He growled at the clothes that separated them, laden with the need to push her clothes aside and press inside her until she was crying his name. The way she combed her fingers up into his hair to desperately pull her down to him did nothing to help him— and neither did the way she breathed his name into his lips. With a desperate grunt, his hand flew to her hair, feeling it cascade through his fingers before gripping her neck, trailing his thumb down the column of her throat. She released a whine as he tightened his grip, sending a thrill through him. 
Gods, he wanted nothing more than to rip the pathetic excuse for clothing off of her and take her against this godforsaken wall. 
His senses almost returned to him when she peeled out of his grip. 
His breath hitched as her hand trailed down his chest. Her name was a chaste question on his lips, but it fled as her fingers tugged at the strap of his trousers. He watched her slide down against him, drop to her knees, pulling his trousers down with her. 
“Astrea—” he gasped her name in surprise as she took his length in her grip, never removing her hungry gaze from him. “Fuck” he panted as she started stroking him. 
“Do you like this?” She asked, almost too innocently— almost as if she didn’t realize what she was doing to him. 
He would have chuckled at her nerve if he weren’t so— Gods, she felt so good around him. His nails scratched into the narrow walls encircling him— something about the walls felt strangely, oddly familiar. But the thought was gone as soon as it came as he struggled to find his breath, watching as she sloppily removed his length from her throat and licked the tip, slowly pumping the rest of him. 
He couldn’t contain the pleasure as it leaked from him in rough growls. He wanted to touch her— pull her on his hips, and fuck her. But Gods— this was just as good— she had never done this before, and he wouldn’t ruin the moment. 
“Fuck, Astrea—” Biting his lip, he spared a glance down at her— and she took his unrestrained arousal as encouragement. Still, he added, “Gods— you’re doing so good. Please—”
“Please, what?” She asked, a kiss against his tip, sending a shiver up his spine. 
“Please— just—’ He released another breath as she slowly sped up her pumping of his cock. “Fuck, Princess. Slow down.”
He felt her breath shake on his cock as she laughed. She slowed, but only so she could drag the base of her tongue from the base of his length, right to the tip. He was certain he released a noise, but he couldn’t hear anything as she worked with her tongue. 
The floor spun from beneath him as she slowly took his length in her mouth. He couldn’t recall the colourful cursing that escaped him as he succumbed to the pleasure of feeling the warmth of her mouth around his hardened length. He didn’t realize when his hand left the wall, but all he could feel was her hair gliding between his fingers. 
With a desperate jerk of her hair, just a little pull, he felt the back of her throat push against his tip, and it was nearly over for him if it weren’t for her tongue playing with his length in her mouth. 
“Princess,” he purred, hands lost in her hair, “My perfect fucking Princess.” He exhaled.  The rhythm of her tongue moving, mixed with her soft movements thrusting back and forth on his arousal, had him seeing stars. 
The moment he thought it would finish— as if she knew— she slowly removed herself from him. He didn’t realize his hand flew the finish the job until she caught it and entwined her fingers with his. He would have assumed it a romantic gesture if not for the brush of cold steel on his skin. This room— the metal— there was something he ought to remember—
“My Pirate,” she whispered, tongue dancing on his tip, “My Captain.” The side of her head affectionately nuzzled his thigh.
The title coaxed his eyes to flutter open. Her voice was enough— but the names. She had never called him that, her captain, only his crew did— just as she never knelt to him. 
He smiled at the sight of the submissive look in her eyes— the sight of her beneath him, nuzzling him— holding onto him, with a soft, desperate hold on him. Distracted by the desperate sight of her, he couldn’t hold himself back. He lifted his fingers to her cheek and slid a thumb to her lips, pressing it between them. She smiled back as he pried her mouth open for him, letting the length of him press flat on her cheek.
“Princess,” he purred, grabbing her chin, thumb still on her tongue, “Will you let me play with you next, darling?”
She smiled, caressing his thigh and sliding his thumb out. Then she apologized. “I’m sorry, but I’m not done playing with you yet, darling, " she said mockingly. 
He lifted an eye at her. A surprised sound escaped him as a metal clasp pulled his wrists to the wall behind him in a loud rattle of metal. A chain. 
“I—” He stuttered, looking around. As he watched her rise back to her feet, it dawned on him. 
 “Oh— Oh.” He softly cursed, unsure if he should be disappointed in himself or impressed with her.
She grinned as if in victory and caressed his cheek. She chastly pressed her lips to his ear, “I’m not your whore, Pirate.” She locked him in place, testing the metal chains keeping his wrists to the wall. “You pulled me around this den like you owned me.”
He blinked at her. This den was dangerous— he had known it from experience. And people knew him. They feared him. “Princess— That’s not what I— If they knew you were with me—”
She kissed her teeth. “What? You think I’d be in danger if they thought I was alone?” She asked, raising an eye at him. “Me, who’s saved your ass more times than you can count. You think I need the protection of the infamous Phantom?”
He made a face at her, knowing this was an act, but also knowing there was nothing he could say to rebut her. Now that he knew what she was going to do, there was nothing he could do to stop her— not that he wanted to. So, with his pants still at his ankles, his erection still twitching for her, and his wrists bound to his sides on a slave’s wall, he watched, impressed. 
“I’ll show you what it feels like to be treated like a prize.” Taking a triumphant step back, glancing at his still pronounced arousal, she raised her voice slightly enough to get the attention of those around her, “Be good for me, Pirate, and this won’t last too long.”
He blinked, realizing where he was. It was no closet. It was a presentation preparation room. To prepare claims and catches on display for all to see. 
For a moment, despair filled him at the thought of being displayed so pathetically to a mass of pirates who respected his title, but then he realized what this meant for her. His heart pounded—if it wasn’t racing before, it surely was now. 
With her command, the walls of the room dropped, and the rest of the den was in full view. 
He let out a pathetic whimper as she grasped a bundle of his hair, examining her handiwork. He had never been one of the pirates strung up like this, but he had witnessed such a display before. He couldn’t help but wink at her, impressed by how quickly Astrea had grasped the social hierarchy in a place like this. The culture of pirates was far from the moral purity of Oracea, nor did it embrace sexuality as a respectable passion like Pyria. No, this was the world of pirates—while they welcomed sexual promiscuity, they were showcased in a way that was unique to their world.
As the Phantom, one of the more ostentatious flags on the seas, none of his rank had ever been claimed or displayed in such a way. It was a prestigious claim, a method to establish a reputation if one asserted dominance over a powerful name. He had experienced this himself when he took over a ship from a pirate he had dominated, taking it for all it was worth. In this culture, using your body to claim property was encouraged. It could be likened to marriage or the claiming of a title, depending on how one viewed it. Elijah smiled at her. He had never told her this part ofexhibitionism the culture, but of course, she would pick up on it. 
And, of course, she would do it to him. He truly should have expected it. 
And, like all the rest of the den, they all looked at her, wondering what she would claim for herself. His title, or his hand? Either way, they would need to watch as she finished him. And they would all witness as he made a pirate of her. They would all witness as she became the master of his ship. And they would all learn her name as a force to be reckoned with on the seas. 
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bloodlessheirbyjacques ¡ 13 hours ago
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i’m what’s left when children go to war
 joan of arc, john everett millais | jeanne d’arc, eugène thirion | pray, the amazing devil
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bloodlessheirbyjacques ¡ 2 days ago
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The Clone Wars / Sue Zhao / Star Wars Rebels
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bloodlessheirbyjacques ¡ 3 days ago
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bloodlessheirbyjacques ¡ 4 days ago
i'm choosing the number 7 because it's a lucky number 🥺🥺💝
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C'est la vie - Weathers
Pre- Book 1 | Elijah & his crew on his way to Oracea | WC: 190
tw: mentions of blood and casual killing
Elijah shut his eyes; letting the sounds of the battle consume him.
His boot crunched the neck of the pirate beneath him, and the stranger's arms fell, his sword clattering beside him. His crew cheered as they fought. A song of steel rang through the sea air as sabers clashed.
He chased the euphoria. Every day, a new battle. A new scar. And a new taste for blood.
He peeled his red eyes open, staring at the dead pirate beneath him. He grabbed his sword. He examined it.
New trophies.
Ignoring the steel clashing. Ignoring the raised fists. Ignoring the blasts of magic as they flew across the ships; bursts of flame, currents of water, spurts of sand.
Secrets. They wanted his secrets. Always his secrets. This time, they wanted the rumors he was chasing. Antor. Everybody wanted Antor. Nobody had seen him in decades. But Elijah found him.
And he was coming.
He tossed the sword over the edge of the ship. The battle wasn't worth remembering. He had seen hundreds of swords like it.
His boots rhythmically met wood as he walked through the battle back to his cabin.
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bloodlessheirbyjacques ¡ 5 days ago
A Dead Mother's Promises Left Broken
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prompt from @flashfictionfridayofficial and Bloodless Heir banner by @lockejhaven
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An entry on the collective feelings of the Oracean Heirs and Bastard on the passing of their mother, Queen Edrei of Oracea || Pre-Book 1 of Bloodless Heir.
WC: 850
She promised.
“I will always be here for you.” She had promised. “You will not need to make this decision. As long as I’m here, this is not something you will need to think about.”
But she wasn’t. She wasn’t with them.
The time had come. 
They would have to make a decision. 
But they were only children when they were left with the nation’s fate bare at their fingertips. They were only children when they were given the threads of the hearts of the citizens of their sacred nation. 
The Queen had promised her daughter, Elayna, that she could pursue her passions. It was a Queen Mother’s promise that she would not be burdened with the weight of the crown. Her Mother promised that she could love who she pleased and not need be burdened with finding a man to satisfy the masses. Her Mother promised she could travel to the very ruins she researched in her texts and investigate the matters she so desired to understand. She knew she could find a discovery that would enrich the nation and perhaps even the world. 
She had sworn to her son, Louis, that he could follow his fascinations. She promised him he would not need to bear the crown’s weight. They all knew the eldest would do it, for he was the best suited for the role. His shoulders were ready, as were his ambitions and aspirations. Their eldest brother knew he could achieve real progress. 
He was the one who could truly fit in the shadow their Queen Mother had left behind. 
She had promised them all.
Just as she promised her bastard daughter that she would be safe. 
But Astrea, the bastard of the nation, would only be safe as long as her Mother was alive to protect her. 
Elayna, her daughter-heir, would only be able to follow her passions as long as her Mother were alive to guide the nation. 
Louis, the Prince so adored by the priests, would only be able to follow his pleasures so long as there was someone to rule in his stead. 
Nobody knew that the Queen would meet such an untimely end. No one knew the Queen would burn in a blaze as hot as her lover’s magic. No one knew the Queen would leave her promises to her children broken and shattered. 
Astrea did not know that she would only be the tender age of twelve when the residents of the capital would attempt to employ assassins to slaughter her. Without the shield of her Queen Mother, she would be vulnerable to more perils than she even knew existed. She did not foresee that the residents would tie her down and push her neck to the blade of a guillotine. She did not expect that they would accuse her of the death of their Queen Mother. At the tender age of twelve, Astrea had her heart broken. The promises of her Mother were shattered in the crevices of her skin as the Queen’s husband sliced off every marker that bore her as the Queen’s blood. 
Elayna did not know that at the youthful age of fifteen, she would be burdened with the weight of trying to fill in the shoes her Mother had left her. She did not know that she would be chasing her Mother’s shadow for years to come. She did not believe she would ever have to pull her bastard sister from the goons of the capital. She did not know she would be the only voice in the world that pleaded for the life of her only surviving sister. She did not know she would have to abandon everything she knew and treasured to chase a shadow she was far too unfit to fill. 
Louis did not know that at the age of sixteen, he would have no family to turn to. He did not know that an elderly man would take his hand and his heart and give him a place to find solace and refuge. He did not know that as his Mother had broken her promise, another would offer their toxic heart and give him a new vow and a new promise. One that could not be so easily broken. One that he would be trapped in for the rest of his life. A cage he could only find peace in. 
Elayna and Louis did not know that their eldest brother would fall. They did not know that a short time later, their Mother would follow. Nor would they have expected that only a short time later would their father also pass. 
The Gods had abandoned them and left them alone with their grief. Their gods left them alone to carry the weight of their nation on their young shoulders. They were not warned. They were not given anything to aid them in their grief. They moved on, bitter in their solitude, vengeful for those who had ruined their family, and hungry to make the nation know of their grief. 
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bloodlessheirbyjacques ¡ 6 days ago
Prompt: Carrying Someone To Bed
@circa-specturgia gave me this prompt to do during a writing sprint and this is what happened. Lol sorry, I've been writing so much. Nano is like that 🤣.
Note: if you know Alister (Astrea and Elijah's Era 2 kid), note that they got the name from someone else. They named their son after someone else.
Exploring Dynamics Before Book 1 | Antor and William | Family (Father / Son) Dynamics | WC: 1.3k |
Picrews: | Kid Will | Older Will | Antor |
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The tools clunked on the table.
He grunted as he pulled his tool from the burner. It sizzled as he dipped the steaming metal into a basin of water.
Wincing at the noise, he glanced over his shoulder.
But his shoulders relaxed, noticing the boy's chest rise and fall with the same steady rhythm. The blonde boy had his hands squished in his cheeks as he sat, softly snoring.
Antor tilted his head, wondering how anyone could sleep through the racket of his work.
He glanced at Dog, laying on the table beside him, his snout resting on Will's arm. But his ears were perked beside the dozing kid, no doubt feeling the rise and fall of his breath.
Antor took one last glance around the room, ensuring nothing would catch on fire if he left. He abandoned his tools, begrudgingly leaving them out for the night.
Dog stretched and whimpered a small yawn as Antor scratched under his ears. A soft little mewl escaped from the dog as he closed his jaw and looked around.
As Dog removed his snout from Will, Will's face fell from his hands and nearly knocked against the table. Antor's hand froze on Dog's head, trying not to laugh at the boy being startled awake.
Will made incomprehensible grumbles as he rubbed his eyes. He gently spread his arms on the table in a stretch, laying his head on his arms, ready to sleep on it again.
"Hey." Antor whispered, placing a gentle hand on Will's little shoulder, slightly shaking him. "Hey, buddy."
Will's head immediately rose from his lounging. But he quickly dropped his head back to the table with a small thud.
"It's late." Antor massaged his shoulder, "Let's get you to bed."
But Will barely moved, his chest slowly rising and falling again.
"Will." Antor softly pushed his shoulder. "C'mon."
But still, Will didn't move, just grumbled on his arm.
Antor sighed, rubbing his fingers down his cheeks. "C'mon buddy, you're too old for this."
But still, Will didn't move.
"William." Antor whispered.
All he was met with was the soft rising and falling of the boy's chest.
Antor grumbled, staring at him for a little too long. But as soon as he realized Will might not be playing, he dropped his shoulders in defeat. 
He set his hands around Will's shoulder, and under his knees, pulling him up. Will's head softly dipped into his chest as his soft snoring continued, and his golden hair draped over his eyes. Antor narrowed his eyes at the kid - he could have sworn he noticed a smirk peek to the side of Will's cheeks. 
But looking down, the smile was gone, and the boy was still just breathing.
As soon as Antor used his feet to kick the doors open, the brisk cold air hit them, and the cicadas sang their fall hymns accompanying them on their small walk. The cold never bothered Antor, but he felt Will shiver in his arms.
Antor pulled his head closer to his chest as he walked.
Dogs snout brushed against his waist as they walked, softly barking up at him - quiet enough not to wake up Will.
Antor nodded to Dog and gestured in the direction of the stack of firewood beside their house. 
Dog yipped, wagging its tail in excitement as he frantically ran around the perimeter of their yard. He took a playful detour, stretching his legs, tiring himself out as he sprinted around in the cold air. A nest of crows erupted from a nearby group of trees as Dog flew past them, continuing his crescent around the perimeter of the cliff they lived on. He stood alert at the corners, peeking over the cliff, and gazing off to the village below them.
Antor made his way closer to the house, ignoring the overprotective nature of his Dog. The last time he had done that was --
Antor froze. 
The little smirk he noticed on Will's face wasn't Will's. It was a ghost of a boy. 
He brought Will closer in his arms, brushing his warm hands against his shivering arm, and walked faster to the house.
He had never told anyone about the child that haunted him. He never even bore a child. Not in this life, at least. Antor shook his head.
No one would believe him.
No one would believe how he had memories of raising two kids. A young mischievous girl who always broke the rules. He couldn't remember her name - he always remembered her running to her mother, laughing and giggling as her mother picked her up and twirled her under the morning sun. But there was also a young lad who always followed the rules. Alister. He wanted to be a soldier. The young lad stood bold and erect, pretending his father was his captain. The boy danced with his sister just as much as he dueled with her. Antor remembered teaching them how to raise a sword, how to keep their balance, and how to trick their enemies. Their mother taught them how to dance - traditional dances, and how to apply the same footwork to a duel.
He remembered bandaging them when they fell; disciplining them when they fought; comforting them after a tough day at school. And, he remembered picking them both up in his arms. They fell asleep on opposing shoulders as he brought them both to bed. Their mother kissed their foreheads before they closed their bedrooms doors.
Antor allowed Dog to enter the house before he shut and locked the door behind him - pushing away the memories that plagued him.
Memories of a life he hadn't lived.
But still, taking Will from his shoulder, and placing him on his bed, he couldn't help but see an echo of the children in Will. If he was allowed to raise Astrea. If Astrea and Will were raised together, perhaps the memories would plague him more often.
But now, Antor sat in his bed, brushing Will's golden hair from his forehead. He could see Alister's sleeping cheeks. His dark curls framed his face, just a bit longer than Wills.
Antor sighed, removing himself from the boy. He watched Dog gently place a log of firewood in their fireplace. After struggling with his snout to place it correctly, he glanced at Antor for permission.
Antor raised his metal arm, erupting his metallic runes in a Pyrian flame. It granted the dog a mirrored red glow across his body, and his tail wagged in delight.
Dog turned back to the firewood. His rib cage glowed in black and red as a small flame erupted from Dogs throat. He let out a small bark, lighting up the fireplace in a blue flame. As soon as it hit the wood, it erupted in oranges.
"Good boy." Antor smiled, watching Dog excitedly walk toward him as if it were wearing silly shoes Astrea fashioned for him.
Dog let out an excited noise as he brought his front paws onto Will's bed, and started sniffing around. Will turned his heavy-lidded eyes to Dog. He giggled, watching the glowing dog whimper, and sniff closer around Will's chest, and neck. 
Will smiled, scratching Dog's ears as he pulled him closer.
"Hey." Antor put his hand on Dog's shoulders, softly trying to peel him off of Will as if he were a small cat. "You're going to bed too."
Dog whimpered loud enough to bring another giggle to Will. 
Antor glanced at the two of them. "He's not sleeping with you again. Your bed is barely big enough for you."
Antor sighed, staring up at the ceiling from his bed. He glanced at Will's small bed, watching Dog's chest rise and fall on top of Will's small legs. His hands stayed a top of Dog's head, as they snored, nearly in sync.
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bloodlessheirbyjacques ¡ 7 days ago
🌟 🍲
Hello! | answering this ask game
🌟Night Sky: what are your writing goals for 2023? Or: how did you feel about your writing in 2022?
Since I made my Writeblr in Feb 2022 I feel like my writing skills, and output has monumentally improved.
But for 2023, I wanna finish draft 1, and get started on draft 2 for my book 1!!
🍲 Soup: share a snippet where a character does something kind.
| When Astrea and William were still kids |
William pulled her hand through the orchard behind his home. He knew the Princess had the grandest orchard in the nation hidden away behind her pristine walls. But, there was something about their garden she always liked. Something she couldn't get at home.
The blood still stained her tunics from her latest punishment in the castle - the only thing she refused to speak of. But she never needed to.
She sniffled, and wiped her eyes and nose, watching him stick his hands into the thorn bush.
He bit his lip, reaching for the nearest blackberries his short arms could grab. Rhythmically, he pulled a few out and placed them in a cotton wrap. Then reached to grab more.
"Now..." Will's soft voice cracked. His bare arms scratched and bled as he stretched through the thorns. But he didn't care. "We both bleed." He raised his scarf to cough into it. His throat was still not used to talking again.
"Will..." She stopped crying and placed a gentle hand on his shoulder.
"But this time..." He grinned handing her the handful of freshly picked blackberries. "This time, for each other. Together."
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bloodlessheirbyjacques ¡ 8 days ago
Hi hello buddy ☺️ Since you requested family fluff from me, I’d like to request family fluff from you with Antor and the squad.
Maybe a moment where Antor is just a tired dad keeping these kids from running around a market? Or something quiet where he’s resting but he wakes up and the squad is huddled around him? I don’t know if that’s too weird 😅
This request was the absolute cutest. But it had me stumped for the longest time 🙈. Hopefully I got this now 🤣💕
Before Edrei dies. Ages of Astrea, William, and Galhad (10- 13)
Between Prequel & Book 1 (Behind the Scenes)
Will's First Words at a Market Place | Family Fluff
Antor lay on Dogs side, both of them snoring under the hot afternoon sun.
"He's dead. I'm telling you." Astrea nodded matter-of-factly. She placed her tiny hand on his bicep, feeling it rise and fall with every shallow breathe Antor took. "There's no pulse. There's nothing. I'm sorry. He's quite dead."
Will gasped, and brought his hands to his cheeks. His large brown eyes started to water, as his bottom lip quivered.
Astrea narrowed her eyes, and scoffed. He still wouldn't talk. All he does is cry and cry and cry!
Even she could see that Antor's chest was rising and falling. If he was this easy to trick, he deserved to be tricked.
Will blubbered something between his soft sobs.
"What? Speak your peace now or-" Astrea yelped, noticing Galhad take a peek around a market stall, and ran towards them. She grimaced and tried to shoo him away.
Will noticed her concern, and nearly turned. But Astrea quickly grabbed his shoulders and pulled him back before blurting in a quick breath, "SPEAK NOW OR FOREVER HOLD YOUR PEA-"
"-HEY!" Galhad's harsh voice rang through the alley. "What are you doing?" He looked at Will and panic struck his face, "Did you make him cry again? How dare you!" Galhad took the shorter boy into his arms, and soothed his back. He caught a glance at the sleeping soldier, and lowered his voice, "What did you do?"
Astrea gathered herself as regally as she could, standing up straighter than she had before, but disappointed she was still shorter than him, "Will is just a cry baby. I wanted to make him talk."
Galhad didn't stop soothing the blonde's back, and kept whispering as the boy's sobs slowed, "Like this? Really, Princess? You really are just a bad as your siblings!"
He slowly let Will go, and sauntered up to the sleeping soldier, unmoved by his harsh words to Astrea. He grunted, and lightly kicked the soldiers boot, "And you! I know you're awake!"
Antor didn't move, but he did stop snoring.
Dog's ears rose to attention, but even her eyes remained closed, as if embarrassed she did something wrong.
"You let the Princess make your son cry! Again! Why?"
Astrea swallowed, looking at Antor.
Even Will stopped crying, and looked between Astrea, and Antor.
Will wiped the last of his tears and watched one of Antor's eyes peek open.
"I wanted to see if it would work." Antor's gruff voice with a ring of amusement surprised them all, as he pushed himself to sit up right to get a better look at the kids gathered around him. He shamefully rubbed the back of his head, "Sorry."
Astrea rose a quick hand to her mouth, and tried to stifle back a laugh.
Dog took this as permission to squeeze herself from under Antor, and jump to Will's side.
Will's tears quickly turned to giggles as Dog excitedly barked and jumped on him. Dog was the same height as Will and easily pushed him to the ground in a burst of new slobbering licks.
"Hey!" Will spoke, surprisingly them all, "Stop that! Hey!" Will's laughter filled the alley. Unaware he captured the stares of everyone, he tried to feebly push away the affection of his large puppy.
Galhad turned his gaze from Will and shot a harsh glare back to Astrea and Antor. The biggest I told you so plastered to his face.
They both shamefully looked in opposing corners of the alley.
But they both peeked at the boy, because they couldn't help but be enamoured with the beauty of the scene.
Will was laughing his heart out, struggling with an overtly affectionate dog. A dog that was clearly not aware of how large, heavy, or successful she was in breaking the iron walls of a traumatized young boys heart.
But some might argue that she knew exactly what she was doing. Because she loved the boy just as much as anyone in that little family, perhaps more. And she would be by his side protecting him just as fiercely as any one of them.
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bloodlessheirbyjacques ¡ 8 days ago
Hey, Jacques! Happy STS, my friend! What's your endgame for your project? Do you have a direction you want to take or are you just having fun and winging it?
Oh hell yeah! For the most part. I know the direction I want Book 1 to end. While there's some details I'm not set on there's a general ending I do want it to have. I'm mostly winging how I'm gonna get there until I decide on a good path.
Book 2 is a bit more loosy goosey. I know the pathways but I don't know the ending yet.
Book 3 i know the general direction I want it to end but haven't decided on certain details yet. I think I'm also fucking around till I find out with this one as well lol.
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bloodlessheirbyjacques ¡ 8 days ago
“Can I braid your hair?”
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Bloodless Heir: Prequels Exploration | Young Princess Astrea and Sir Antor [Father / Daughter] | WC: 800
Antor has decently long hair that always gets sweaty and messy, especially when he's at work or training. Young Princess Astrea is the first to notice how inconvenient this is. So, she decides she's had enough of it, and fixes it herself.
Antor brushed the sweat-soaked hair over his face. He quickly took an arrow from his back and positioned the bow and arrow over his cheek with a deep breath.
Edrei had requested that he introduce Astrea to the different skills he could teach her-- and various other lessons she could get from the guards. But, as the arrow whisked from his cheek and wood cracked against wood, Antor knew the hidden request in her words. It wasn't for Astrea.
Edrei wanted him to demonstrate to the guards how his skills paralleled their own. She wanted him to impress her soldiers. If he were to command her soldiers anywhere, she needed him to earn their respect.
Unfortunately, using bows might have been widely used in her army, but it was a task not widely known in Pyria. He would much prefer fencing or brawling, or even duelling. Fortunately, it was easy enough to learn.
The bullseye stood full of his bundle of arrows, all positioned in the middle of the target. He huffed. Tucking a stray hair behind his ear, he reached over his shoulder for the last arrow.
But, it was something unexpected that earned the affection of her guards.
"Antor!" Astrea's girlish yell boomed through the training area, startling a group of guards. She stole their attention away from the target and towards her shout.
Holding his bow a tad tighter, the warrior swerved to the young Princess, who stood furiously looking up at him.
"Come here!"
Wondering what he must have done to deserve the wrath of a normally quiet Princess, he shared a confused look with her guard, who only shrugged at him. He tossed his bow over his back. And like an obedient beast, he stalked towards her.
She tossed her hair behind her shoulder and pointed to the dirt before her. "Kneel. Please." She spoke softer, as if apologetic for yelling earlier.
He sighed. Knowing there was not a single thing he wouldn't do for her, a single knee was quick to meet the dirt. So, he leaned an elbow on his knee and lifted a questioning eye at her.
"Thank you." She stepped closer, and placed her hand on his sweaty cheeks, evaluating something around his head. "Now. There is something we must do about this."
He blinked, watching her lift a small comb to his hair. "Uh-- Princess--."
She lifted his long black hair and combed it in gentle motions down to his shoulders, "Yes?"
"I--" He stumbled. Trying not to blink as she worked through his sweat-soaked knots, words failed him. Then, her tongue stuck out at the side of her mouth as her fingers combed through his side bangs.
"You should take care of yourself." She spoke, her voice returned to the tenderness he was used to.
Looking at her so close, it took him back for a moment. But, he remained quiet, trying not to recall how Illyera delicately brushed and braided her children's hair as they sat beside her. Nor did he think about the echoes of Ezekiel's eyes burning in the face of his daughter in front of him.
Astrea quickly took his chin, lifting it back to her. "Don't move. I'll mess up. And then your hair will get all over your face again. It's a shame, really. What will you do if you come across a monster and your hair gets into your eyes? Will I perish because you refuse to cut it? That would be absolutely unacceptable." She lectured as she finished her first braid, framing half of his face.
The soldiers of this nation hardly regarded him. If they did, it was either pivoting away in fear or a hateful scowl towards him. But now, kneeling before the small princess, the beast they all feared was tamed. Finally, the terrified soldiers softened, and they shifted into something else. Something he didn't expect to see so soon.
There were sweet sounds of admiration and gentle laughter at the scene as Astrea moved to braid the other side of his face. He supposed they had never seen a young girl, taming a beast, bringing it to its knees with a single utterance. Nor had they witnessed a child, braiding flowers into the hair of a monster, just so he could see better.
Astrea, with her tongue sticking out in focus, stood oblivious to what her scolding had done for him.
"It's not just for you, you know. Mama likes your eyes." She beamed up at him, raising herself to her toes in excitement as she completed her flowery arrangement. "Perhaps she'll like it!"
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bloodlessheirbyjacques ¡ 10 days ago
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"Those halls are not his to wander. Those floors are not his to step on. The blood seeping through the ancient pillars was not his to spill.
Together, they will haunt him. They will see the end of his days, no matter how long it takes.
He will get distracted. In the corner of his eyes, he will see the ghosts of those who should have been residing in these halls. He will get startled, hearing the laughter of the children whose blood he spilled. And he will go mad, getting chased by the feet of those he shouldn't have cursed.
We named compassion, so we must understand it. But we also know cruelty. A lot have seen it, but too many have met it fist-to-throat. But this man named it. He carved it and polished it. Still, it was alive. It wasn't an object to be etched. But a creature, with love and rage of its own. And it will come for him with a Vengeance.
And when that day comes, I will look down with a cruel smile on my lips, and welcome him."
- Queen Edrei's Diary Entry on The Usurper.
banner by @lockejhaven
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bloodlessheirbyjacques ¡ 11 days ago
Bloodless Heir Prequel
Main Romance: Sir Antor x Queen Edrei
Bloodless Heir - WIP INTRO
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commission by the lovely @rselkie ❤️ Go check her out! ❤️🔥
Their song & voices: (I imagine them singing this together often)
Snippet from Queen Edrei's Diary:
My dear daughter. I'm writing to you because I know you'll uncover my diaries, and you need to know my secrets to survive. If you're reading this, then these secrets led to my death, and I'm sorry it had to come to this.
I would like to tell you my story. A story of love. Because the greatest thing you'll learn is to love and be loved. No matter what may come with it.
This is a story about a man. He is a traitor to some and a hero to others. They say he broke the laws he forged in his blood. Others say he gave hope to the nation with his selfless acts. Those rumours do not say how he is just a man. This is a man who is capable of a love that can compete with the Gods themselves.
Because tonight, he and I danced under the moonlight, as he sang to me... Come what may, I will love you until my dying days. 
That silly man has told me that countless times by now. And I know that's true for me as well... Seasons will change, and time will pass, but we will love each other until the end of time.
So please daughter, do not be angry with him. If he lives while I do not, please, help him. 
He will need you, and that brilliant brain of yours. And you will need him to uncover the sinister plot that killed me.
This is a love story between a Queen, and a foreign knight that developed a love, despite all odds. But, this is also a story of darkness raging in our home. We are facing a threat that has taken the heart of this nation. And I fear we can not defeat it. Here is what we uncovered, so that you will have secrets that we did not. You need to work together with your sister, and your brother. You need to make friends. You need Antor. 
Here are the secrets that you seek.
The only thing I ask of you is... Survive. Allow Antor to live out his life. And bring your sister home.
Here is a short snippet of her daughter finding the next page of her mother, Queen Edrei’s, diaries.
Thank you for reading ❤️✨🥰
Let me know if you'd like to be added to the Taglist ~
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bloodlessheirbyjacques ¡ 11 days ago
but if I don't get weird and horny about this then who will
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bloodlessheirbyjacques ¡ 11 days ago
Bloodless Heir's Main Romance:
Bastard Princess Astrea X Pirate Elijah
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commission by the lovely: @rselkie 🥺❤️✨ (thank you again for doing such a lovely job bringing my OCs to life.)
Bastard Princess Astreas first impression of him:
"He had a smile that commanded you to fall to your knees. All of his movements - all of his prancing around her guard - they were flirtatiously balanced, but still reminiscent of wild lions gnapping at eachother. Or perhaps wild snakes hunting prey. But this man... This man was a lion that could lead a pack to their deaths. He could curl around your neck with his lips next to yours and call your slow death a mercy. Astrea knew she needed to outplay his games, or she would surely be trapped in one.”
TLDR for under the cut: Their meeting, and bonding becomes a catalyst for the shaking of the world, and toppling of empires.
Elijah is a scoundrel pirate that comes into her life, promising everything she's been starving for. He promises her:
adventure, power, and the knowledge she's been pursuing.
to take her to a new land that will love, respect, and kneel to her. Away from a nation that only sees her as a bastard.
to set her free from the title of a bastard, and from the chains her country had put on her.
he claims to see endless possibilities and potential in her,
As you saw, Astrea sees the manipulation in his voice the moment she meets him.
She sees someone she can manipulate too.
So, she pretends to be the naive girl Elijah sees, so she can get the knowledge she's been seeking.
She never believes any of his claims
But she eventually sees some truth behind his different faces.
They are thrust in life or death situations, and slowly become more open, vulnerable, and trusting. Slowly, they start to see the real person behind all the façades.
Eventually, their exploits make them impressed of the other, so eventually, they start relying on, and trusting eachother in earnest.
After Elijah tells her what shes been searching for, Astrea learns that hw really wasn't lying when he said he saw endless possibilities in her.
She finally starts to see it, and feel it too.
Their meeting, and bonding becomes a catalyst for the shaking of the world, and topping of empires.
WIP intro for Bloodless Heir
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bloodlessheirbyjacques ¡ 12 days ago
touch-starvation needs to be written with emphasis on the starving part. you are hungry to be touched. so hungry that even the very taste of it makes you nauseous. it has been long since anything has ever touched you, ever fed you - that your body has grown more used to that gnawing emptiness more than anything else. it's better for you to be held, to eat but it makes you sick to try. you know
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bloodlessheirbyjacques ¡ 12 days ago
oh man no one got me like the fictional characters in my head got me
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