Where to find me!
These two will still be my main galleries for commissions and “finished” work.
I caved in and set up a twitter. It’ll be used mostly to post sketches and WIP stuff. If you enjoyed my sketchdumps, my twitter will be serving the same role until I find anything better.
An archive of this tumblr. It’s not great, and you can’t search it by tags, but it’s there.
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Where to find me!
These two will still be my main galleries for commissions and “finished” work.
I caved in and set up a twitter. It’ll be used mostly to post sketches and WIP stuff. If you enjoyed my sketchdumps, my twitter will be serving the same role until I find anything better.
An archive of this tumblr. It’s not great, and you can’t search it by tags, but it’s there.
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I made a twitter. I will likely not be very active on it, and my current plan is to use it mainly for sketches and WIPs until I find a better platform for that kind of content.
Finished images and commissions will still be posted to my other main galleries:
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Sorry if all this tumblr talk is grating. However, I feel compelled to ask: would itchio bundles be some sort of answer to the sketchdump problem? I will be following you regardless of platform, and support you as I can.
Releasing the sketchdumps through itch.io as larger collections was my first thought, but it just wouldn’t really feel the same. I don’t like the idea of putting them up as “products,” I liked how informal it was dropping them on tumblr. Plus the sketchdumps are hundreds of pages at this point, which make hosting them on any site unrealistic.
I might just have them available in a dropbox link, or include them in a big downloadable archive with the rest of my work.
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I've always liked your art, mostly your sketchstuff since a lotta the weird-style stuff I like most shows up in those the most; do you know which of the sites you think you'll be uploading to *most*, going forward?
I’ll probably go back to DA and FA, where I was most active before I moved to tumblr.
Unfortunately a lot of my sketch stuff won’t survive the move, as those platforms just aren’t conducive to the kind of casual sharing that tumblr excelled at. I say unfortunate because sharing the sketchdumps became one of my absolute favourite things about having this blog, and I just won’t be able to do it in the same way on any other site.
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"I’ve been slowly phasing out explicit sexual content" - Just sort of an idle curiosity, any particular reason for this? Just lose interest, or?
Part of it is me losing interest, part of it is wanting to be more aware of how I present myself online. It’s not like I was planning on never drawing a Female Presenting Nipple again, but the beauty of this fetish is that you can have content that is sexually charged but not explicitly sexual, and that’s always been my preferred way of presenting it.
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Didn’t you say at one point that you were going to archive all of your art on your website?
The reason I’ve never really done anything with the site is because I don’t know anything about building websites. I only know just enough to keep the site running, how to add new galleries to existing pages, and nothing else. I just couldn’t be bothered to learn, especially when I had a tumblr I could easily dump stuff on instead. So who knows? Maybe tumblr’s Very Bad Decision will finally force me to learn.
Though even if I do finally revamp the website gallery, I don’t think it’ll be an archive of EVERYTHING (1900 posts on tumblr alone, not counting the commissions posted to DA and FA over the last 5+ years), just a collection of the stuff I liked the best. A greatest hits album.
At some point in the near future I’ll be putting together a massive downloadable archive of EVERYTHING, like modeseven does. In the meantime this tumblr has been archived at
It’s not perfect (and you can’t search tags) but at least this blog won’t just disappear.
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So Tumbler purge is coming. I know you have a personal wed site for some stuff, are you going to move everything over to that?
Seriously? Did tumblr eat the post I literally just made about this or what?
EDIT: I know people are panicking about this, but please stop firing those asks from the hip and check the blog first, please.
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Any chance you'll create a Twitter account?
Come on, man.
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Hey, question after Giggles. When Jack and Heather are discussing the possible reasons how he got turned into a Giggle girl they mention Danny and Other Jack and the University Incident from The Lamp. Does that mean Danny and Other Jack are presumed missing or it's out in the news they're Genies now? This mini universe is getting really interesting.
It ultimately depends on what I decide to do with the half-written sequel I have lying around, until that comes out (löl) feel free to use your imagination.
That’s a pretty good bet for any question regarding my story settings. Chances are if something hasn’t been directly stated in a comic it’s because I was intentionally leaving it up to the readers imagination. I do this a lot, not only because those are the kind of stories I enjoy telling, but because I know I’m not gonna be able to cover everyone’s specific fantasy, so I leave a little wiggle room.
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So I really, really liked this one panel from @blogshirtboy‘s new comic, How I Became a Giggles Girl, and was super inspired to take a stab at it! I hope you don’t mind!
You can find the comic for sale HERE and I can’t recommend it enough if you’re into dudes losing their dudehood!
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I think Julie (from HIBAGG) might be the prettiest female character you've drawn so far.
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I ordered Giggles Girl and it never showed up, checked my spam filter too.
There’s nothing I can do for you on tumblr. Please send me a note at blackshirtboy18[at]gmail.com, include the e-mail you used to make your purchase, and I’ll try to sort it out as soon as possible.
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The Black Friday Sale...
First things first, I want to apologize to everyone who missed out on the half-off sale I ran yesterday, and I want to doubly apologize for forgetting to specify the timezone, which caused a few folks to miss the 12:00am EST deadline.
The whole thing was a real spur-of-the-moment decision on my part, and definitely could have been planned a little better. I also want to assure everyone who missed it that I will absolutely be doing sales like this again at some point in the future!
To everyone who was able to take advantage of the sale I want to extend my deepest thanks. I was not expecting much, and so I was absolutely blown away by the response.
Seeing those sales, especially on some of the older comics, really meant an awful lot to me. So thank you for your continued support, and I hope you all enjoyed your comics!
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