blkhospitaluz-blog · 6 years
Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery Cost in India
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BLK Hospital is the best minimally invasive spine surgery in India and it has the top 10 minimally invasive surgeon for spine surgery and specialist for diagnosis and prevention. BLK Super Speciality Hospital, we have a special team of neuro-surgeons offering Minimal Invasive Spine Surgery. The goal is to treat a patient by giving minimal invasion while conducting a surgery which is helpful in fast recovery. Minimal invasive surgeries involve lesser risk and the recovery time is also faster. Spine surgery would have given anyone a chill if it was to be conducted a decade ago.
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blkhospitaluz-blog · 6 years
How does Mesotherapy Works in Facelifts ?
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Facelift cosmetic surgery in India has finally established its step into the international standards with advanced technology and experienced plastic surgeons. Facelift surgery in delhi, mumbai and chennai are a common choice among the surgery seekers as they have some of the best hospitals and doctors to perform the treatment.
With growing demand and continuous research in the field, today, there are a number of treatments and therapies used to perform the surgery. One of them is Mesotherapy. Mesotherapy is the treatment where the surgeon focuses on the mesodermal layer of tissues under the skin. Using injections, the surgeon provides the essential vitamins, hormones, enzymes, plant extracts and pharmaceuticals into the skin to promote the loss of fat and cellulite. This gives the skin more younger and healthier appearance.
Some of the factors that Mesotherapy works on are: • Remove fat in areas like the stomach, thighs, buttocks, hips, legs, arms and face • Reduce cellulite • Fade wrinkles and lines • Tighten loose skin • Lighten pigmented skin • Treat alopecia, a condition that causes hair loss
The mesodermal layer (or the middle layer) is the cause of a number of factors that causes the skin to look dull and damaged. Repairing the mesodermal layer with extremely fine needles not only give a rejuvenating look but also gives minimal post surgery scars. Every doctor has their own approach towards the treatment. Moreover, it depends on the requirements of the patient about the formula that the surgeon uses to inject the skin with.
Once you decide to get a facelift or any cosmetic surgery, the first step is to find a doctor. You must be aware that you need to explain your requirements and your expectation from the surgery to the doctor so that he or she can give you a thorough go through of the treatment and procedure they will use on you. As expected, the doctors use different formulas on different patients depending upon their skin factors and their goals through the surgery.
The Mesotherapy treatment takes place in sessions. In every session, the patient may or may not be given numbing medication. In the beginning the patient has to get the treatment in every 7 to 10 days. It is when the patient starts to showing results of improvement in their skin; the sessions are moved to every two weeks or once a month.
Mesotherapy is referred to as a non-surgical replacement of liposuction. But where liposuction has shown high success rate with permanent weight lose, Mesotherapy treatments are a little uncertain. This is because various doctors use different techniques and every person reacts to the treatment differently. You must talk to the doctor before going into the treatment as it is a long process (approx six months) and is not covered in insurance. Moreover, it helps you keep realistic expectations from the surgery and you’ll be well aware of the treatment and the complications that may arise after the surgery. The decision to get a cosmetic surgery must be taken with an open mind so that it helps you understand the procedure better.
BLK Super Speciality Hospital
Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Pin code - 100114
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blkhospitaluz-blog · 6 years
What is the Procedure of Organ Donation When You’re Alive ?
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Donating organ is a form of charity that can give life to not one but several people at the same time. When a person decides to donate his or her organs, he or she saves around 7 lives. Unfortunately, the data collected by the organ transplant hospitals, the number of organ donators is very low compared to the number of patients in need of a transplant. India experiences around half a million loss of lives every year due to the shortage of organs. The number of transplants performed through deceased donation is less than one thousand where kidney is the most donated organ and pancreas being the least donated one.
According to an unrelated donor transplant center, there are two types of organ donations: living donation and deceased cadaver donation.
In living donation, the organs are donated while the person is still living and healthy. The organs that can be donated are kidney and liver. Human body is capable of surviving with just one kidney. Through a surgery, one of the two kidneys are removed from the donor’s body and operated into the patient’s body. On the other hand, in liver transplantation, a part of the liver is removed from the donor’s body and replaced with the defective liver of the patient. Both the patient and the donor grow back the partial livers into there bodies as the liver has the capability of healing itself.
In case of a living organ donation, both the patient and the donor go through a surgery in order to donate and receive the organ. The surgery is performed through an incision which can sometimes give rise to some risks or complication. Moreover, until the patient and the donor completely heal from the after effects of the surgery, they are supposed to follow a care plan intensively. He or she has to maintain regular check-ups and take up any unusual occurring (if any) with their doctor. This ensures that recovery is successful and the donor will be able to live a normal and healthy life.
If the donor donates one of the kidneys, then, he or she must avoid anything that can cause any harm to the organ (like excessive consumption of alcohol) as it can add complications.
Deceased cadaver donation is the act of donating organs when a patient is declared brain dead. This is the preferred method for donating all the other organs (kidney, liver, pancreas, cornea, heart, lungs, small intestine and tissues). Usually, this method of organ donation is for unrelated organ donor’s whereas, the living donors are related to the patient most of the time.
According to the organ transplantation of human organ act (1994), organ donation is legal in India as long as the donor and the patient follow the given guidelines. Complete organ donation can only take place once the patient is declared brain dead by the specialized doctors assigned by the government.
To be an organ donor, one needs to fill in a consent form which ensures that they were in a healthy state of mind and took the decision while being completely aware of the consequences. The form can be filled on the national organ and tissue transplant organization (NOTTO) website. The donor is handed a donor card which he/she must keep with them at all the time. In case of an accident, this card is the proof that you agreed to donate your organs. In case of a cadaver donation, the family’s consent is required to donate the patient’s organ. Nowadays, the patient can also fill his consent in the driver’s license but it is not as certain as a donor’s card.
Organ donation does not harm the patient’s body by disfiguring it. The surgery is performed through incisions so no bodily harm happens. Moreover, the body is handed to the donor’s family respectfully and in good condition.
Signing one piece of paper can make many people’s life healthy. Donating organs does no harm to you instead, it only helps the other, so don’t hesitate to be a part of a bigger and better community. Talk to your doctor about the procedure and what are the necessary steps that one must take to prepare him or herself about the donation.
BLK Super Speciality Hospital
Tashkent, Uzbekistan
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blkhospitaluz-blog · 6 years
Medical Tourism India, Low cost Medical Tourism Packages in India. Medical Tourism & Health Tourism Packages provided by BLK Hospital at affordable rates at the top notch hospitals at low prices.
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blkhospitaluz-blog · 6 years
Bone Marrow Transplant from Your Own Stem Cells
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Bone marrow is fatty, soft tissues which are responsible for the production of blood cells in our body. When there is a defect in the bone marrow, it can affect our whole body and reduce the immunity gravely. In this situation, it becomes extremely necessary to treat the condition or it would lead a person to their death bed.
Normally, the doctors perform chemotherapy to get the situation under control and then they perform a transplant surgery to replace the defective tissues with the new healthy ones. This ensures that the chances of returning of the disease are close to miniscule.
When a person is asked to go through a transplant surgery, he/she may be given several options. For instance, the person can use his/her own stem cells to replace the defective tissues. This is called Autologous stem cell transplant. In this procedure, the doctors will collect the stem cells from the patient’s blood before performing chemo. Once the chemo is successful, the frozen stem cells are used to replace the bone marrow which has been creating problems.
BMT treatment in India has taken a huge leap in the past decade. The hospitals are equipped with high-end machines and the doctors are highly qualified and experienced. Bone marrow transplant in Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Hyderabad are the best known. They have the top hospitals where the surgery is performed with extra precision and care.
More and more doctors are encouraging autologous stem cell transplant as it has two main advantages over a donor transplant. First of all, since the stem cells are extracted from one’s own body, the body does not reject or attack the replaced cells after the surgery. This makes the recovery easy and there are more chances for the patient to become healthy. Secondly, there is no hectic of finding a suitable donor. You are your own donor, which helps you to avoid the chaotic process of finding a perfect donor for the stem cell transplantation.
Though autologous stem cell transplant has its advantages, it is not free from risks or complications either. The person can suffer from infections, bone marrow suppression, sinusoidal obstructive syndrome, interstitial pneumonia syndrome or graft failure if not taken care of properly. This is why it is extremely important for the patient to be well aware of his or her condition and to trust the doctor regarding the surgery. The patient must not hesitate is he or she has any questions related to the surgery as it will only help them to understand the treatment better.
Before the transplant surgery, the patient is given high dose chemotherapy or sometimes radiotherapy to destroy the disease. This is called conditioning therapy and can be a little uncomfortable for the patient. Usually, the patient is allowed to leave the hospital when his/her blood count starts to rise and the tests confirm the successful surgery.
After that it is patient and their family’s duty to maintain regular check-ups and keep according to the care plan provided by the doctor.
BLK Super Speciality Hospital
Tashkent, Uzbekistan
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blkhospitaluz-blog · 6 years
How to Keep Your Heart Healthy in Worsening Air Quality ?
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We can observe the worsening air conditions in our country, especially in Delhi. There’s research going to reduce it and find an eco friendly way of living, so as to not harm the environment any more. Air pollution not only harms the environment but every living being occupying it.
As reported by the cardiology hospitals in India, the number of patients suffering from various heart diseases has consecutively gone up for the past years. The air is getting more and more infected with various pollutants. For instance, inhaling high levels of carbon monoxide causes the blood to thicken and makes it prone to clotting. It disturbs the blood flow which may result in stroke or cardiac arrest.
Though heart surgery in India is very advanced and way cheaper from other countries, it cannot protect us from the poisonous environment. Doctors askheart patients to carry a mask every time they go out and they had to take extra care when leaving the house because we have managed to ruin the only thing which didn’t come with a tax.
People who live near high trafficked roads or industrial areas, where there is constant production of harmful chemicals, have more risks of developing heart diseases than any other parts of the city. Cardiology hospitals in India presented a report which showed that the number of people suffering from heart diseases due to air quality is much more in metro politans than any other states.
With depleting forest cover and worsening situation we require some essential precautions that could help our heart from succumbing to the poor conditions. The most important step is to install air purifiers in your house and offices (if you have a personal workspace). Air purifies removes contaminants present in the air. They are specially prescribed for smokers as to keep their living space clean for their families.
Some more precautions that you could apply in your daily lives are: • On hot and humid days, the air quality is normally poor, so you should avoid stepping out for long hours. • Wear a charcoal mask (or any other purifying mask) when going to areas that are exposed to loads of air pollutants. • If you are in a healthy habit of taking morning walks, check the air quality levels on Google before stepping out. If the levels are too high you should avoid external exercise and do a light workout inside. • Maintain a healthy diet. Stop consuming junk more than once a week as it makes your immune system week and lacks the essential vitamins. B-complex and C vitamins are water soluble i.e. they are drained out every day and cannot be stored by the body. To keep your heart healthy, you need to ensure that your diet have enough of these vitamins so your body won’t lack them.
In the end it comes to you maintaining yourself to keep your heart healthy. Carelessness can make your body week which may lead to serious hazards.
BLK Super Speciality Hospital
Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Pin code - 100114
24 HRS Helpline: +91-8800791529
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blkhospitaluz-blog · 6 years
How to Take Care of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm ?
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An artery is a type of blood vessel which carries blood from heart to different parts of the body. Along with blood, there is oxygen too. Aorta is the largest artery in the body. It starts from the left ventricle of the heart and continues down to the abdomen. With the help of periodic and regular circulation, it distributes oxygen to body parts. But there are some conditions which are related to aorta. They don’t let the heart perform in the way it should. One of those conditions is abdominal aortic aneurysm. If you are suffering from this condition too, then you should contact BLK Hospital. It is one of the best known abdominal aortic aneurysm hospitals in India.
Abdominal aortic aneurysm is an inflammation of the aorta. It happens at the level of the abdomen. When this aneurysm ruptures, there is heavy bleeding which can be life threatening. When it is identified, doctors will closely monitor so that correct treatment can be planned. This condition grows very slowly and there are no symptoms which makes it difficult to diagnose. Some may never rupture. Some of the common symptoms are as follows - • Pulsating feeling near the navel. • Back pain. • Constant pain in the abdomen or near it.
Exact cause of this condition is not known but there are some risk factors associated with it – • Hardening of the arteries occurs when there is accumulation of fat and other substances. • Risk is increased by cigarette smoking and other forms of tobacco use. • High blood pressure is associated with increased risk of this condition as it damages and weakens aorta’s walls. • Other conditions include blood vessel diseases, infection in the aorta, trauma and heredity.
Abdominal aortic aneurysm in Delhi is done with the help of following surgeries – • Open Abdominal Surgery – It is an open procedure in which a synthetic tube known as graft is sewn into the place of the damaged section of the aorta. The recovery time of this procedure is around a month. • Endovascular Surgery – it is a minimally invasive surgery in which is used more frequently. A synthetic graft is attached to the end of a thin tube that is inserted through an artery in the leg and threaded up into the aorta. The graft is then placed at the site of the aneurysm and expanded. This process will reinforce the weakened section of the aorta. Recovery time is also much shorter.
BLK Super Speciality Hospital
Tashkent, Uzbekistan
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blkhospitaluz-blog · 6 years
What are the Different types of BMT Treatment ?
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Blood is a type of fluid which supplies essential nutrients to cells. White blood cell, a type of blood cell, protects us against infections and foreign bodies. Bone marrow is the tissue and the primary site of new blood cells production. It is semi solid and found inside some bones of the body. Hip and thigh are the most common bones where it can be found. There is need of healthy bone marrow to function normally. This function is hampered by some diseases which renders it unable to perform to its full capacity. This is the time when you need BMT treatment in India.
A bone marrow transplant is a procedure to replace damaged and unhealthy bone marrow with the help of healthy bone marrow bone cells. There are two different types of bone marrows – • Red Bone Marrow – it produces all the red blood cells and platelets. They also produce around 60-70 percent of lymphocytes. Old blood cells are also gotten rid by these cells. • Yellow Bone Marrow – it acts a store for fats. There is need of correct environment for the bone to function and that environment is provided by the yellow bone marrow.
There are different reasons to undergo bone marrow transplant in Delhi. These are – • Replacing bone marrow that has become non-functioning due to conditions such as leukemia, aplastic anemia, sickle cell anemia etc. • Cancer treatment such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy can affect the working of this body part. • Genetic disease such as Hurler’s syndrome damages the bone marrow.
One of the most important components of BMT treatment in India is tissue type. It is the type of Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) present on the surface of the cells. Compatibility of the tissue type is checked before transplanting. Tissue type is inherited which means that they are passed from each parent. A blood relative will be more likely to have a matching tissue type.
There are four different types of transplant. They are explained below – • Autologous – the word auto means same. Stem cells from the own body are used to replenish. • Allogeneic – the word allo means different. Stem cells from different body are used. • Haploidentical – Instead of a fully matched HLA donor, a half matched HLA donor is used but should be a blood relative. • Matched Unrelated Donor – it is the reversal of haploidentical. There is complete match of HLA but is not a blood relative.
BLK Super Speciality Hospital
Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Pin code - 100114
24 HRS Helpline: +91-8800791529
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blkhospitaluz-blog · 6 years
Top 10 IVF Centers in Delhi, India: BLK Hospital is providing world class in vitro fertilization treatment in India. It is also known for providing high quality IVF treatment with a high success rate.
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blkhospitaluz-blog · 6 years
Benefits of Minimal Invasive Heart Surgery
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Throughout the years, medical science has taken a great leap. Many complex operations have turned much easier with the development in the above mentioned field. For instance, minimally invasive cardiac surgery in India has taken a huge vault and more and more people are living healthy and happy lives.
Open heart surgeries are not easy and to top that, they have many complications associated with them. They can give rise to many health related issues including heart attacks, strokes or breathing problems and can bind a person to bed. On the other hand, minimal invasive heart surgeries are much less complex and do not have these many complications. Minimally invasive cardiology surgery in India is done with hundred per cent precision under the hands of specialized and talented doctors.
According to the statistics, MICS (minimal invasive cardiology surgery) have a 99 percent success rate. It is much safer than torturous open heart surgeries and quicker to recover. MICS can be used to cure many heart related issues like valve repair or replacement, bypass grafting and closure of holes.
MICS is also known as keyhole surgery in layman’s language. It’s so because the whole surgery takes place through a small cut beside the nipple area; there is no need to cut through the breast bone so the recovery is much less painful and the risk of infection reduces considerably. The average recovery rate after MICS is ten days and the person is as good as new. You can go back to driving, travelling and lifting weights which is not possible with an open heart surgery.
Around 90,000 minimally invasive cardiology surgeries happen yearly in India. Most of the patients have reported absolutely no complications after the recovery. Through safer than open heart surgery, MICS does not eliminate the risks that occur after the surgery which are quite similar to the open heart surgery. There’s a little risk of bleeding, irregular heartbeat and infection. This is why you need to keep scrutiny on the incision area and report the doctor if you notice anything different or unusual. Also, for being a candidate for MICS, the doctor takes you to several physical tests and reviews your medical history to make sure that you are fit to go through with surgery, as not everyone are fit for MICS.
MICS bypass surgery is performed using all the arteries or a bunch of them and some veins which are extracted from the leg. These arteries are removed endoscopically without harming the skin. MICS is not any less complicated for a surgery. The patient needs to put their complete faith in the doctor.
You need to prepare yourself and your family for the big day. The doctor and the team will discuss the directives and the concerns related to the surgery. He/she will also give you a proper advanced care plan to follow after the surgery has been successfully completed. If followed religiously, the patient won’t suffer from any complications and the recovery time will flow away faster than water.
BLK Hospital
Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Pin code - 100114
24 HRS Helpline: +91-8800791529
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blkhospitaluz-blog · 6 years
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blkhospitaluz-blog · 6 years
Complete Care of Your Circulatory System
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Circulatory system in our body has a lot of role to play. The main function of this system is to allow the blood to circulate and transport nutrients to and from the cells in the body. There are several parts that make this possible. Some of them are heart, arteries, capillaries, veins, coronary vessels, portal veins, lungs etc. There are different conditions of this particular system which can affect the working of the body. If they are not dealt with, it can result to our death. The branch of department which handles the diseases of our circulatory system is known as cardiology. BLK is the best cardiology hospital in India.
Heart is arguably the most important part of the body. It comes under circulatory system only. If there is trouble with our heart, then blood won’t be able to reach all the body parts which can be life threatening. Some of the common heart conditions are – 1. Congenital Heart Disease – it is a term which is used in case of deformities of heart which are present since birth. It can either be a hole between the two chambers of heart or obstruction defects in which blood flow is completely blocked. 2. Arrhythmia – It is the condition in which heart does not beat properly. It may beat either too slow or too fast. It occurs when the electrical impulses in the heart that coordinate the heartbeat do not work properly. They can also be fatal. 3. Coronary Artery Disease – These diseases occur in the body due to formation of plaque which contains cholesterol. It narrows the coronary artery which in turn causes heart to receive less oxygen and nutrients. This can affect the whole body.
When conservative methods fail to provide relief and ease off the symptoms, there is need of heart surgery. One of the most common heart surgeries is Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery (CABG). It is an open heart surgery in which the chest is cut open and the surgery is performed on the muscles, valve or arteries of the heart. During the surgery, a healthy artery or vein is attached to the blocked artery.
Heart Transplant is another common heart surgery in India. In this surgery, patient’s diseased heart is removed and replaced with a healthy heart. This healthy heart is taken from a deceased donor. It is a life saving procedure which is performed on people suffering from end stage heart failure.
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blkhospitaluz-blog · 6 years
Your face is the most important body part which plays an important role in maintaining our looks is our face. If our face is experiencing signs of aging, then facelift is the best option. BLK is the most preferred destination for facelift surgery in Delhi.
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