blenspoetry-blog · 6 years
A Christian Warrior
In order to win in a battle,
We don't need a body big and tall
A christian warrior will never fall
As long as to God we call
We can hit our target or goal
For with God nothing is impossible
Our enemies might think we're weak and little
But we'll win the victory against them all.(♡˙︶˙♡)
"For nothing is impossible with God".
-Luke 1:37
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blenspoetry-blog · 6 years
Faithful Friend
Friends come
Friends go
Some are fake
Some are true
But there's something
I am so sure
We have a friend
Worthy to treasure
He is Someone
Always with us
He's a faithful friend
His name is Jesus.
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blenspoetry-blog · 6 years
May God Bless You
From the rising of the sun
'til its setting in the sky today
May the beam on your face
always stay
From the time you wake up
'til you sleep to take a rest
May God bless you
with all the life's best:-)
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blenspoetry-blog · 6 years
Keep stronger, keep the faith
The Spirit of the Lord saith,
'Hold on, Fight Fight Fight
With all your strength, with all your might'
God is not yet finish of you
Hold on until His plans come true
You will win; You will see
Your heart will be filled with glee😇💞
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blenspoetry-blog · 6 years
There are seasons in life. Season of happiness, season of sadness; Season of spiritual high's and low's. But God is faithful. He never leave us whatever season we are in. Even the time we change, His love never changes.
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blenspoetry-blog · 6 years
If you love because someone makes you laugh, what happens when you no longer find them funny? If you love because someone is beautiful, what happens when that beauty fades? If you love because someone can provide for you, what happens when they lose wealth? Real love defies all reasons. When you truly love someone, you do not look for reasons, you look beyond reasons.❤
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blenspoetry-blog · 6 years
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blenspoetry-blog · 6 years
Despite the pain lasted so long
I need to be tough and be strong
In God's hands where I belong
I always have in my heart a song.❤
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blenspoetry-blog · 6 years
The One without sin was died for the sins of the whole world.
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blenspoetry-blog · 6 years
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Commitment is being faithful not only when it feels good, but faithful even when it don’t.
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blenspoetry-blog · 6 years
Every thing that happens has a reason. It's to give God the glory in every situation.❤
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blenspoetry-blog · 6 years
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Everyday God shows to us His undying love, and shower us with blessings from above.❤ #ThankYouLord😇🙌🌟
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blenspoetry-blog · 6 years
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Whether our blessings are big or small, we need to be thankful to God who supplies them all.❤ #ThankYouLordForEverything😇❤🙌
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blenspoetry-blog · 6 years
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Only Jesus has the power to save!❤🙌 "Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved." -Acts 4:12 #ThePowerInTheNameOfJesus😇🙌🌟
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blenspoetry-blog · 6 years
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The wisdom from the Lord is fathomless. Nothing can compare to it even the wisdom of all geniuses in the world combined.❤ "I’m a young man, and you are all old and experienced. That’s why I kept quiet and held back from joining the discussion. I kept thinking, "Experience will tell. The longer you live, the wiser you become." But I see I was wrong. It’s God’s Spirit in a person, the breath of the Almighty, that makes wise human insight possible. The experts have no corner on wisdom. Getting old doesn’t guarantee good sense. So I’ve decided to speak up. Listen well! I’m going to tell you exactly what I think." --Job 32:7-10 #WisdomFromGod😇🙌❤ #OmnicientAllKnowing🌟
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blenspoetry-blog · 6 years
Age doesn't matter when it comes to God's ministry. Whether you are old or young, God has called you for His kingdom. You are not too old or too young. You're just in the right time.❤🌟😇
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blenspoetry-blog · 6 years
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God is the healer of broken hearts, broken dreams, and broken lives.❤
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