Street Rat
38 posts
Independent OC, est. 2014, penned by Mare
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                 I am here now y’all!
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@streetxcat @famebounded Saw this and thought of you guys!
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          I’M SEEING A JIMMY BUFFET TRIBUTE BAND ON SATURDAY AND I AM FUCKING PUMPED! Anyway hey I’m kind of here, mostly gonna work on making my new blog n moving all my drafts to there. Will keep ya guys posted!
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I'll probs be moving to a new blog tonight or tomorrow so i can refollow some old peeps, ill keep ya updated
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6, 61, 98?
006. What sense do they most rely on?
Hmmmm I’m gonna say probably sight and sound, especially when she’s trying to sneak around and steal stuff. Taking away either of these senses would probably make her life on the road a lot harder. And while it probably won’t devastate her, it would probably hurt her quite a bit know she’d have to compensate how she went about getting things she needs to live.
061. Does your character prefer adventure or safety and security?
This is a no brainer, adventure defiantly! While safety and security would be nice for a change, it is a luxury Wicker has never in her life ever known. At least not for any extended period of time. She’s learned to adapt to a life of threat and uncertainty. But she is an explorer at heart. She loves traveling to new places nd new heights (quite literally) and if given the choice of continuing her life on the rod or being in a stable home, at this rate she would choose the life she’s always known. Because at this rate she sees living in a home as a prison of sorts and being on the open road as some twisted form of freedom. This is the only life she’s ever known and the only one she could ever see herself living.
098. Does your character like animals?
Oh definitely! I mean she might not go crazy over animals but she does like them a lot! Dogs (any breed) and horses are by far her favorite type of animal. If she were to see one she’d get sidetrack and have to go over and pet them. Most likely name them and try to adopt them as well!
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Flynn Rider usually made his camp in the forest nearby since it provided perfect cover in the shadows within the inky night. However, upon coming BACK to his hide a way, he found a girl sitting right beside his flickering campfire. Crossing his arms, his gaze narrowed suspiciously. "I hope you can pay rent because I know I didn't set this up for you."
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           The girl peered up from where she was lazily sprawled upon the ground, using one hand to keep herself propped up. Her free hand currently held a drumstick that had been roasting over the fire. She feigned a look of innocence as wide eyes stared up at him while she unapologetically to a nice bite out of the meat she had stolen. (There was still a nice sizable chunk of food left cooking over the flames for him, so her guilt for stealing was not so severe.)
            “Well I’d love to give you money for your hospitality friend, but unfortunately for you, and even more unfortunate for me,” She pointed to both him and herself with the food in her hand. “I’m poorer the the dirt I’m sitting on. Or else I’d not be here using your fire to keep warm and stealing your food to keep from going to bed hungry once more,” Before continuing to speak she took another bite from her stolen meal.
              “C’mon show a little kindness! Would you really turn away a homeless child into the cold night with no food? Just let me stay for the night, I’ll be gone in the morning, please? Look I’m all skin and bones!” Lifting the hem of her shirt it showed she was not lying. Her stomach, marred by scars, was so frighteningly thin her ribs were just barely visible in the dim fire light.
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"What are you doin' here? I thought I told you to stay at the camp?"
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           “Well judging from the amount of yelling you were doing I figured you needed help! Good thing I came too, you were almost this thing’s meal!” She snapped dislodging her knife from the clicker’s throat. She had gotten the thing just before it could come up from behind Ellie and sink it’s teeth into her skin.
           “Now I think a thank you is needed. I’ll stick around since it seems like you could use some extra help. Or you gonna give me lip about that too?”
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Think maybe I should move to a new blog......again. I don't think some ppl realize im (semi) active again.
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"You need rest!"
My muse is sick, and won’t admit it. Send “You need to rest.” for their reaction.        
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           The signs of her illness were clear as day. Her scarred hands and twig like legs shook no matter how hard she tried to hide it. She could feel the heat emanating from her flushed cheeks and forehead. The teen had no idea how her face looked, though she could only imagine how pale it was growing as she pushed herself on. And she prayed her father did not notice the heaving of her chest every time she she fought against a coughing fit.
           And yet she could not, and would not, bring herself to rest. There was too much to do around the house. So much to do to try and help Antonio to make his life just a little bit easier. And so she would simply throw him the most convincing smile she could manage and continue pretending that nothing was wrong with her. If she told herself she wasn’t sick enough times, maybe she could make it through the day. She could rest later, but for now there was work to be done.
         “Tony, I told ya I’m fine,” Her voice was scratchy and her throat felt like it was on fire. Still she smiled as though nothing was wrong. “I can rest later after I finish cleaning. Why don’t you go rest and watch a movie? I’ll join ya in a bit.”
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Zombie (The Cranberries Cover) - Bad Wolves
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“Well I guess if I could be gifted with another power, I’d probably have the ability to fly. Riding a horse is alright but there’s something about the freedom of defying gravity and escaping into the sky that really sells it for me.”
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           “Hmmm...” Craning her neck back she gazed up at the sky in thought. Crystal clear blue with only a flew clouds slowly floating by. “That actually does sound like a nicer power to have. It’s be nice to just fly away from everything...wonder what the world would look like from up there...”
            Slowly her head dropped back down to her own scarred hands currently resting upon her lap. “I think fire just kinda fits me a little better though. Maybe...I could use my fire powers to push me up into the a jet pack or something. Not sure how long I’d be able to keep myself up there for though...”
             Hazel eyes drifted back over to her friend. “If you could fly...where would you wanna fly too?”
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    “I COULD SWING AROUND A LEG, but tha’ doesn’t mean it ain’t broken, dumbass.  It’s in pain and don’t look good, but it ain’t detached.”  She couldn’t help the short response, rolling her eyes.  Stubbornness could be combatted with MANY different tactics, but it seemed Cat liked to default with just returning the ambition.  Frown danced across her fingers as she gazed over Wicker’s hand.  She wasn’t exactly that good with medical situations – bless the ring for having had Margie for that – so the b e s t she could do herself was stare.  “Look, it looks like shit.  We should go get an opinion from someone who actually knows how broken bones are an’ all.  If you’re right and you’re fine, then I’ll steal enough money t’buy you ice cream every night for a week.”
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             Lips thinned as she stared down at her bruised hand. Cat was right it looked like it had just been run over by a semi-truck. It didn’t help that it was starting to swell significantly, one more flinch of her finger sent a stabbing pain up to her wrist. She no longer suspected that there was something broken but knew there was. Still she tucked it beneath her sleeve, out of sight and out of her mind.
              “As much as the thought of ice cream every night is tempting, and trust me it is, who exactly are we gonna see? I’m not really much in the mood to go sauntering off to a hospital. Medical staff often asks questions that I’m quite frankly not in the mood to deal with. Look why don’t we just make out own little splint for it. I’ll take some pain killers or something and I’m sure my hand will sort itself out in a few days.”
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            “I think if I were a super hero my powers would be...hmmm...maybe controlling like fire or something cool like that! What about you, what powers do you think you would have?”
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           “Wait back up, repeat that! You lost me at....the very start of that sentence!”
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          Yo back by unpopular demand here I be. I don’t really have the effort to make a fancy promo like I used to but I’m back in action. If you’re an old follower come on back if you miss my train wreck of a muse. If you’re new feel free to follow if you like what you see! This is an RP blog for an OC of mine. I’m semi active and sort of selective I guess. Say hi I don’t bite...Wicker might but you’ll learn to love her!
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             “I don’t think it’s broken...” She flexed her bony fingers. The skin was cracked and bloodied, beneath the crimson bruises were beginning to blossom. Her expression twitched in discomfort as her hand closed then opened once more. Of course she got into another fight, her fists seem to be taking on more damage lately. And she refused admit that there may be some fractured bones beneath the skin. “I can move my fingers just fine, so I’m sure my hand’s fine...”
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               “Do you think there’s such a thing as aliens?” The teen wondered aloud as hazel eyes wandered up to the star lit sky. “There’s gotta be someone else out there. It’d be a pretty lonely universe if it was just us earthlings...wouldn’t it?”
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