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Wallpaper Dump
I just got a new chromebook and I figured I’d share my favorite wallpapers.
Please enjoy.
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PAX South 2018
Cosplay Music Videos are a guilty pleasure for me to create. I like to try and tell a story with the vlogs I create, but i feel like emotion and “feeling” can come through these videos. I have a few more on my YouTube channel so give those a look if you wish.
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Nintendo Knows What Sells
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Local Coffee is the Best Coffee

San Antonio is home to many that will claim to have the best coffee, but so far in my experience the best coffee comes from a place called Local Coffee. Yup I know. The Cafe is literally called Local Coffee and the irony is not lost on me. When you enter you immediately get a very chill vibe from the warm Edison lights, and neutral colors of the cafe. If you’re like me and order iced Coffee you get it straight from the tap the same way a bar serves beer, and this my friends is genius.
Check out the Vlog and see that sweet iced coffee on tap action.
And let me know if you know of another friendly spot in San Antonio that serves some great coffee.
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After E3 - Xbox One X
A bunch of people were underwhelmed with this years E3, at least that seems to be the consensus. While I still see articles about Monster Hunter World, Spiderman, Metroid Prime 4, and Mario Odyssey I still think seeing new hardware is always exciting. Microsoft finally took the lid off Project Scorpio and introduced the Xbox One X. The biggest, and baddest gaming console to eventually grace the living room.

This all comes with a big, BAD price tag of $499. $500 is a pretty big asking price and the only reason I say this is because I’m not to sure on how Microsoft will market it. I understood the Xbox One S, that it was a slight improvement and still an Xbox One but the Xbox One X is pretty much a next gen Xbox. It’s just super weird to have these good better best consoles all from the same manufacturer.

To be completely honest though I’m really apprehensive about the machine because I did not see a big showcase game for the Xbox One X. Anthem looks amazing, and Assassins Creed looks great also but it’s also on every version of the Xbox One and the PS4. I also have no idea how either of those games will look on the other older hardware, so I have no gauge for how much better the One X will look or run. I really needed to see another halo using the power of the One X or maybe Phantom Dust but give us something other than Lucky’s Tale. I mean no disrespect to Lucky’s Tale but I’m sure even the developers will tell you it’s not exactly pushing the hardware.
What do you guys think? Is The Xbox One X a definite buy for you or is this a wait and see what happens? Me? Im probably going to buy a Xbox One S before the One X, especially if there some good holiday bundles.
#xboxone#xbox one#xbox#Assassin's Creed#assassins creed origins#Xbox One X#Xbox One S#Video GAmes#Anthem#Anthem Game#E3 2017
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The Save Room Podcast Episode 45: Judging Bad Games W/ Caseman Gaming
Back again with Vic and Special guest Casey Logan from Caseman Gaming on Youtube! We discuss games that just straight up disapointed us, from Sonic Games to Gears of War. Yes Even Gears of war is not sin free.
Subscribe to us on iTunes!
Subscribe to Caseman Gaming on Youtube!
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Disfnk - BlasApe Music Artist You Should Know
Something I cannot live without is music and in each of these post you will get in inside look at the music and artist that shape my mind.
Disfnk: Pronounced!- dis•fUnk
Apparently his name is Oscar he smiles alot that’s all his profile says but this is probably my favorite mix mix of his.
An original beat with a great sample from Daniela Andrade all while covering Shakira’s- Hips Don’t Lie
Disfnk Twitter
Daniela Andrade Twitter
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Published on Sep 6, 2016
♫ Free Download: ♫ Stream it on Spotify/Soundcloud: ♫Calcanda: ♫Broke For free: ►Blastape: ►Cosplayers : Instagram: HGlllCosplayAdventures FrostQueen twitter@ahrilicious tumblr@ahrilicious instagram: ahrilicious Just Go With It Cosplay Ghostbusters SATX twitter@GBSATX Facebook: GhostbustersSATX instagram: GhostbustersSATX ►Usage Policy: ✖ Please get in touch with the label for usage of this track in your Youtube videos.
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We're at San Japan getting footage for a new cosplay video. Stay tuned to your regular Bat-channel!
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I'm playing way to much Final Fantasy Mobius. What mobile game has you in it's clutches?
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New PS4?
Is the “New PS4 or the slim ps4 model? As is the original PS4 needed a slim model we’ll know more once the Playstation Event in New York happens.
Personally I’m not fond of the design if this is real, seems to loose that sleek look and looks a little chunky next to the original.
Sound off! is this Real like the Lochness monster? Or Fake like Bigfoot?
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Pixel Wallpaper Dump
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One of the things the modern era of Video Games has brought us is the urge to complain about things we don’t like. Aside from HD remasters two things gamers hate is unfinished video games and Game genres that are normally free. Where do you stand? Is Battle born and Overwatch worth their asking price of $40 and $60 respectively? Click past the jump to cast your vote and read more.
So you just got paid and that money was not easy to get, do you save that money, not buy Overwatch and play Team Fortress 2? Do you decide to not buy Battleborn and play Smite instead? If those Questions made you upset then there’s a good chance you've already made up your mind and pre-ordered Overwatch or bought Battleborn, and thats fine to each their own.
To me it seems odd that people are more willing to support online only games with limited modes of play. Keep in mind I have not played Overwatch yet, I just want that out there. My concern is paying $40 for a game with only 4 online modes and no campaign. To my knowledge Overwatch is launching with just 4 modes and no competitive play, this is one of the things that Titanfall was blasted for. Now Titanfall was not a bad game per say but it was very limited in scope and I can only hope that Overwatch has more that a few costume updates planned for post launch. 21 Heroes, 12 maps and 4 modes of play at launch sounds like allot of replay ability, but there needs to be a better variety of gameplay modes in my opinion.
“Our plan is to bring back a newly re-designed version of Competitive Play sometime after Overwatch launches.”
- Overwatch game director Jeff Kaplan
Now I have played Battleborn and from what I played, I had a ton of fun. On paper Battleborn sounds like the weaker of the two with just 3 modes of competitive multiplayer, but the game packs in 25 Heroes and 9 story missions that can take 20 to 40 mins a piece to complete. That was a great run on sentence but the amount of content warrants that. Is it worth $60 though? I only ask this because at Battleborn’s core it is a MOBA and that style of game play can only vary so much when it comes to competitive play. I could be wrong and I really hope I am because I really had fun playing Battleborn’s Story missions, and once those are gone I really want more to the game.
For now it seems that Blizzard is winning over fans with Pixar quality character deigns and solid Gameplay mechanics in Overwatch, and Gearbox is winning over fans with that trademark Gearbox humor and a winning first person MOBA experience in Battleborn. Time to cast your vote! Let us know if you think Battleborn and Overwatch are worth your money!
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Wallpaper Wednesday!
BlastApe bringing you some of the best in gaming Wallpapers!
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