it's hard enough just making money ; it's hard enough just trying to feel alive ; meanwhile our fever is r u n n i n g and the kings bow down to the ( $$ sign )
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.

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blake + instagram [x]
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Lucian was hanging outside the building, the last bit of a cigarette dangling from his lips. The wisps of smoke curled up as he took it from his mouth, and dropped it to the ground, snuffing it out with the toe of his shoe. It was decompressing, but it was also a new place– one with new, well, customers. Definitely a few of his neighbors. His eyes scanned the area, before resting his eyes on someone just approaching the building. Lucian put on his best smile, and immediately strode over to the other tenant, an air of confident around him. “Hello! Hi, I think you might live in the same building as me, but you see, when I came out to have a cigarette, I think I have might have left my keys in the apartment.” That was a lie, but no one could tell with him any longer. The language that explained that long since repressed. “Do you think maybe you could let me in? Sorry to be a bother. The name’s Lucian Baz.”
It was another typical night, coming back from a shift that wasn’t too special. It was usually a quiet walk back to her apartment, but Blake stopped at the stranger coming up to her, not expecting anyone to actually want to stop and chat, let alone ask her to let them into the building. Normally, she would’ve, because, well... people don’t lie about that kinda thing, do they? Turns out---they do. And having the benefit of the doubt with everyone could eventually get her into a lot of trouble, even if she was overthinking it. “Oh, um,” she started saying, looking at the front door and then back at them, “Are you new here? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you around,” She says, with a friendly smile, mostly avoiding the question at hand but not completely-- still managing to be civil about her caution.
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which disney princess would you say you most strongly identify with?
I really don’t know how to answer this, but, uh… maybe Anna? From Frozen? My sister doesn’t have magical ice powers, so we don’t have that in common, but, y’know. She’s optimistic and cares deeply about her friends and family. I'll take one of those personality quizzes and get back to you.
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any predictions for the people of marlborough?
Payton is gonna be the first princess of the New World, Isaac is gonna be a billionaire, Cammy and his kittens are gonna inspire world peace, and everyone here is gonna live happily ever after.
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tinycameron :
It’s been ages since his last cigarette. Having used them primarily as a comfort and to stave off bad habits, he hasn’t found a need to light up until now. With everything caving in on itself in his life lately, the little stick of familiarity is a well needed anchor, returning solid ground under his feet. He doesn’t feel comfortable doing on the little balcony of his and Izzy’s apartment; he doesn’t want to subject his lover to the secondhand effects of his vice. So he’s crouched on the curb just outside the entrance to Marlborough, a safe enough distance away to not bother anyone nor get him into any trouble. Or so he thinks. As he hears footsteps nearby, lit cigarette dangling between his fingertips, Cameron turns his head in the onlooker’s direction. “I’m, um, I’m really sorry,” he instantly apologizes before the other can even speak, smoke coming out of parted lips in curling tendrils. “Am I bothering you? I can, uh, I can move.”
Blake had been the opposite of social lately. Ever since the festival, which was weeks ago, she just couldn’t find it in her to put towards the energy of doing anything outside of work. Which was sad, when she thought about.. since the majority of her friends live in the same building as her. But, alas, she stuck to the same routine every day, and a part of her felt like she was going a little stir-crazy. She was coming back home from a quick stop downtown, and notices a familiar face on the way to the front doors. She tosses the idea of saying hi around for a second, just in case he in fact wanted to be alone, but, she decides it can’t hurt. She’s just about to say hi when he speaks up first, and she quickly wants to reassure him once he’s done, “Oh, no, no you’re fine,” She says, shaking her head, not paying much attention to the smoke, “I just wanted to come say hi.. I haven’t seen you in a while.” She offers a friendly smile, hoping she’s not the one being a bother. “Is this a bad time?”
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Maia Mitchell photographed by ©Jordan Taylor Wright
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@blake_delaney: fully convinced that anyone who doesn’t have payton in their life is living a life without any sunshine ( @paytonssimons )
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aidenwest :
She speaks, damn. He was hoping that she wouldn’t say anything, but oh no, she just had to have her piece. “I’m sorry love,” Starting with a false apology is apparently the way to go, “I didn’t see you standing there. I’m sure you don’t mind if I just quickly go in front, do you? I’ll only be a second.” Whether he is only a second or not doesn’t mean she’s going to allow it, but either way he is getting out of here without having to stand around and wait, so he thinks.
Right off the bat, Blake is not a fan of how this stranger is talking to her. Mostly because she hates being taken for some kind of fool who can’t tell what this guy was really trying to do. “There’s, like, an entire line behind me, and you’re telling me you didn’t see that?” She asks, her hand pointing over her shoulder to the other customers who were now looking in their direction. “I kind of do mind, by the way, and I’m sure I’m not the only one.” At the end of that, it’s not really that big of a deal, but she was ultimately just not about to take it.
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paytonssimons :
The fact that Blake actually does like where she’s brought her brings a smile to Payton’s face, a genuine one at that. She’s glad that she’s found someone at Marlborough that has an appreciation for scenery like she does and that she has come to trust and enjoys spending time with. When Blake mentions that she feels homesick, Payton nods in absolute understanding; she’s been in the same boat for a while now but that doesn’t mean she likes the idea of Blake being in that situation. “I feel that.. it really sucks being so far away from home, huh? Talking to them over the phone is just not the same as being with them. ” Payton likes listening to the other female talk, in more ways than one yet more so she feels rather honored that Blake finds she can talk to her. “I’m glad you like it. I hoped you would.” She comments, her head lolling to the side and downward slightly for only a few seconds before her attention is reeling back in Blake’s direction. “I’m really sorry you’ve been feeling like that, and you should have rang me; I would have been over in a heartbeat.” It’s the truth; Payton would drop anything to comfort her friend, no matter the time of day or night. “I’ve been doing alight, yeah, cannot complain really. Just going about life as of normal you know? Work, eat, sleep, repeat pretty much. But like you, a little homesick alas. It’s not a fun thing at all.” The brunette replies whilst coming to a stop at some large rocks, setting her backpack down and sitting down.
It’s all the more comforting for Blake hearing that Payton knows where she’s coming from. It wasn’t like Blake wanted to go around telling people she missed her family and would get a flight back home if she could afford it--or whether or not that last part is actually true-- she also didn’t like confronting those feelings. But having her friend understand and empathize with her just reassured Blake that she definitely wasn’t on her own here in Baltimore. Of course she wasn’t literally alone at any given point, but sometimes those feelings are harder to overcome than just by saying hi while passing your neighbor in the hallway. “It does.. it’s just hard, y’know? Knowing they’re so many miles away and you’re just.. not with them,” Blake shakes her head, “We Skype, too, but.. it’s still just a really disheartening feeling sometimes,” She knew she could tell Payton all of this without feeling judged, and getting it off her chest felt better than Blake could imagine. “You’re the best, though, did you know that?” She smiles as she sits down next to Payton on the rock, listening to her answer the question Blake had asked before. “Work, eat, sleep, repeat, is literally my life in four words,” Her eyes widen at how accurate that was, but then she turns to look over at the other girl and gives her a genuine smile, “but it’s the same for you, you know? If you ever need anything, I’m just right across the hall, or a phone call away, or anything, really.”
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What one thing in the world would be hardest for you to give up?
Even though I’m not actively competing now, I’d say swimming. It’s really the only thing that I’ve ever clicked with on such a strong level and I’d be such a different person without it.. even if my dream to turn it into something bigger than what it is now didn’t really work out, doesn’t mean I could just give up on it.
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