a for-fun multimuse sideblog for all my muses, made for ease of access!(Do NOT reblog my headcanon posts.)
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Sorry guys!!! There was a huge meteor storm yesterday and we couldn't land anywhere, so we played games on the ship all day. But today we managed to get past the storm and to a new world! It's called Tatooine? There's so many aliens!!!! And this guy, um, Hondo Ohnaka? He owns a spaceport and he asked us to help him with some supplies. Lea says he tricked us into helping for free, but it was still fun! I got to pilot a real spaceship! Lea was doing engineer stuff and Roxas got to shoot lasers. We're going to the cantina to eat now! Lea really wants to try the food.
#yesterdaywaslazy #sorryfornocontact #stormmeantnosignalouthere #spaaaaaace #theyhavebluemilk #ittastesfunny #leaismadathondo #butimpressedtoo
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Aaaa, sorry guys! Jack and Sally invited us to join them for a rehearsal for their big Halloween parade and it was really fun! But it took ages...and then we hit a little storm in gummispace! Blech. But we're parked somewhere safe now and camping in the ship for the night, and we'll see you all tomorrow :) Goodnight Isa!!!
#leaisasleepalready #theygaveusalotofcandy #ithinkitswhatrikucalledasugarcrash #candytho #gnightguys
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WE'RE IN HALLOWEENTOWN!!!! In COSTUME THIS TIME!!! :DDDD I'm a cute doll, with a face this time :DDD Lea is a clown but like a scary clown it's awesome!
#hesayshesa #harlequinithink #itsreallycool #everyonesgettingreadyhere #apparentlyhalloweenisclose #supercool
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Lea isn't having much fun, and we didn't find that many heartless, so we're heading out again! Roxas wants to make up for making him seasick so he's picking the next world as a surprise!
#imetjacksparrowtho #hesreallyfunny #cheeredleaupabit #leagotahat #nextstopsurprise
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Port Royal is so cool!!!! Roxas and I caught a bunch of white crabs because they came to say hi, and Miss Elizabeth said we could borrow Sora's ship!!! Lea doesn't like it as much as he thought but I have a close eye on him! :)
#roxasisntallowedtodrive #heturnedtoofast #leawasgreen #imdrivingtheship #thisissofun
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@multiimuse you got it, Isa! I'll keep both eyes glued on him! Responsible Xion hat is on :)
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We're going to drop by the Caribbean next! Only a little bit of a heartless signal there but Lea is really excited to see the world so we're dropping by to check it out! :)
#leasayspiratesarecool #hookwasntcooltho #icantwaittosee #howdoesitgo #apirateslifeforme
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Good news we got the heartless! Bad news is we found the yeti. He broke the train tracks and uhhhhh on the one hand that was scary, on the other hand Lea promised to explain rollercoasters later?
#afterhesitsdown #hescreamedreallyloud #roxaslaughed #whateverrollercoastersareilikethem #alot
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From big tree to big mountain, a new world awaits!! :D Apparently there's some heartless up there so off we go! Though the locals say there's a monster called a yeti up there too...
#imnotscared #therailwayuplooksum #rickety #butwegottadowhatwegottado #dutycalls
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What was the word Hayner taught me? OMG!!!!!!! The banshees were flying!!!!! WE FLEW ON BIG FLYING LIZARDS IT WAS SO MUCH FUN!!!!!! Lea didn't like it as much but it was soooo cool!!! And the na'vi (that's the name of the people here) kids gave us presents before we left! :)
#sonice #leadoesntlikeheights #itwasalotfasterthaninneverland #lookatmyprettynecklace
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We found natives!! They were pretty and blue and they helped us to their village :) the wise woman (she used a word I don't know how to spell) said since we were keybearers we can go with the hunters to ride something called banshees!!!
#imsoexcited #soundsfun #leasnervous #everythingglowshereguys #evenandienzoaregonnadie
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I think we got lost....
#leasayswearent #butithinkso #iveseenthesameglowyplantsixtimesnow
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It's so hot here!!! Not like Agrabah either, this heat is wet and sticky. Ick ick ick.
#boycottorgcoats #sogladwedonthavethoseanymore #leaiswhining #itwouldbeworseinblackleathertho
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We're on a world called Pandora now! It's soooooooo pretty!!!!! I hope the people here are friendly...
#theanimalsdontseemtobe #butheythatsokay #theyreprobablyprettytoo #illtakepicturesforeven #ienzotoo
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@multiimuse Okay Isa!!! Lea's pouting hehe, but I told him. Don't have too much fun without us!!
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Look at the size of this tree!!!!!! Wow :O
#youcouldliveinthere #betterthantheorgcastle #lealaughed
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Hi guys!!!! I'm going on an adventure this weekend with Roxas and Lea!!! I'll tell you all about it, hehe :))
#me #lea #roxas #rookiekeybearersadventure #amireallyarookiethough? #superfunanyway #istolesorasjackethehehe
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