Sold out. Thank you for your support. You may find copies @thebeguiling @floatingworldcomics @goshcomics @drawnandquarterly @galleryhakusen and other indie shops who've bought wholesale. Thank you again.thanks to @mangaberg Asakawa-san #seirinkogeisha #shinichiabe our printers #taiyoshuppan #galleryhakusen @snjr_hakusen our wonderful letterer & anyone I've forgotten. #garo #gekiga #downandout #showa #1970s via Instagram
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Got my copy of VÉRITÉ 02, have you? I've just started reading it and it's looking a very solid line up - #seiichihayashi #nazunasaito #ryanholmberg #susumahiga If you enjoy the lead story 'Midnight Mover' by Takahashi Fukutani be sure to pick up Dokudami Tenement using the discount code inside Vérité. #dokudamitenement #downandout #takashifukutani #seinen #gekiga #blackhookpress #bumlife #indiepublishing #comixindia 80s via Instagram
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#littlethunder has a new comic out. I've started reading it and will post a review on the #blackhookpress blog next week. It's a nice print similar the other publications #katol of Hong Kong has done with LT. Thank you @jesi.mok for sending me this comic! (And Little Thunder of course.) via Instagram
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This coming Sunday and well worth a visit to the gallery! At #MOMAT on Saturday then us Sunday. Gallery Hakusen is running a special exhibition in celebration of 2019 Pulitzer Prize winning poet Forrest Gander's new Japanese book translation Eiko & Koma. In this gallery show photographs from the book by Anna Lee Campbell will be featured along with footage of Gander reading. There will also be video of Eiko & Koma, the Japanese performance artists who inspired Gander’s poems. Gander will appear in person at the opening reception and read alongside his Japanese translators Eri Nakagawa and Matthew Chozick. The reception will also feature Gander's friend and special guest, the poet Keijiro Suga. Photographs and book copies will be on sale. Exhibition runs 13:00-20:00 August 25-27, 2019 Free opening reception on Sunday August 25, 18:30-20:00 with light catering and complimentary drinks (both alcoholic and nonalcoholic) . 2019年ピューリッツァー賞を受賞した詩人、フォレスト・ギャンダーの新刊『Eiko & Koma』(日本語・英語版)の出版を記念して、ギャラリー白線にて特別展が開催されます。 本詩集に収録されたアナ・リー・キャンベルによる写真の展示に加え、詩作のインスピレーションとなった日本出身のアーティスト、エイコによるパフォーマンス映像や、詩人自身による朗読映像等の上映も予定。 オープニングレセプションにはフォレスト・ギャンダー本人が登場し、日本語版訳者のマシュー・チョジック、中川映里とともに、作品の朗読を行います。さらに、ギャンダーの友人でもある詩人の管啓次郎が特別ゲストとして参加。 展示写真と詩集の販売もあります。 -------------------------------------------- ■ オープニングレセプション 8月25日(日)18:30-20:00 (入場、軽食、ドリンク、すべて無料) -------------------------------------------- 【フォレスト・ギャンダー】 現代アメリカを代表する詩人。詩、小説、エッセイ、翻訳など、その文筆活動は多岐に渡り、数々の文学賞を受賞。ピューリッツァー賞および全米批評家協会賞ファイナリスト。パブロ・ネルーダをはじめ、ラテンアメリカの詩人を数多く英語圏へ翻訳紹介するとともに、吉増剛造や野村喜和夫の英訳(編集・共訳)でも知られる。ハーバード大学、ブラウン大学で教鞭を執ったのち、現在カリフォルニア州サンフランシスコ近郊在住。 【Eiko & Koma (エイコ&コマ)】 日本でうまれ育ち、1976年からニューヨーク在住のEiko(尾竹永子)と Koma (尾竹隆)はダンスパフォーマンス、映像作品、インスタレーションなどを二人で共同制作。ニューヨーク近代美術館(MoMA)、ホイットニー美術館 などで公演。マッカーサー賞、スクリプス賞など受賞多数。 【管啓次郎】 1958 年⽣まれ、戌年、⼄⼥座。⽐較⽂学研究。50 歳を過ぎてから詩を発表しはじめる。詩集に『AgendʼArs』4部作、『数と⼣⽅』。最新の英語詩集 Transit Blues (2018)は、すでに スペイン語訳も出版されている(2019)。近刊詩集に『狂狗集』『⽝探し/⽝のパピルス』。海外での朗読も数多く、今年はすでにキューバ、アメリカ、トルコ、モロッコ、 フィンランドで、⽇・⻄・英・仏の各語による朗読を⾏っている。最新の訳書はエドゥアール・グリッサン『第四世紀』。明治⼤学理⼯学研究科総合芸術系教授、東京在住。 【マシュー・チョジック】 ライター、タレント、俳優、⼤学講師、出版社 Awai Books . via Instagram
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Holiday reading. Started the new @simon.hanselmann out with @fantagraphics books. It's a tome and beautiful and too big and heavy to take back so I'll probably leave it in my mum's spare room for guests to appreciate. #meggmoggandowl #simonhanselmann #fantagraphics #goshcomics via Instagram
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My guilty secret is enjoying academic studies/papers (is that a guilty secret?) As Black Hook Press gears up for the Abe release I'm trying to get a better understanding of where he fits in internationally. @mangaberg has said that Abe was the first Japanese comic artist of note recognised as a trailblazer in warts'n'all life storytelling around the same time Justin green's Binky brown ( around 71/72). This book published in 2018 is a great read for anyone wanting to get a better understanding of autobiography in comics. Autobiographical Comics by Andrew J Kunka. Thanks for this! #dokudamitenement #downandout #garo #gekiga #blackhookpress @edkanerva via Instagram
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Junji Ito will have an exhibition of original art next month in Tokyo(Ginza). He'll been signing at the gallery on the 6th of April (ticketed) The gallery will have 6 different limited (signed) prints available & some newly designed tee shirts. So see you on the 6th at 3pm, I'm ticket number 24! 23/3-9/4. pM me for further information about the gallery or check the web. #junjiito #horrormanga #vizcomic #shintarokago via Instagram
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#Repost @mangaberg (@get_repost) ・・・ Happy to announce that a collection of Abe Shinichi's work will be published by @blackhookpress in a few months. I finished the translation last week. Titled That Miyoko Asagaya Feeling, this is an important collection of stories about the artist’s own struggles with romance, art, alcohol, and mental illness, originally published in Garo and other venues in the early and mid 70s. Tsuge Yoshiharu is usually credited for pioneering quasi-autobiographical shishosetsu-style manga in the mid-late 60s, but these Abe stories are really the first case of a Japanese cartoonist writing regularly and in a brutally frank way about his personal life. They are more or less contemporaneous with Justin Green's Binky Brown (1972), but without all the cartoony absurdities and neurotic self-flagellation. Abe's freeform drawing, sometimes scratchy sometimes fluid, is also really amazing. Interestingly, a couple of the stories are told from his partner Miyoko's point of view. Rounding out the volume is an essay by Asakawa Mitsuhiro, who also selected the works. Pictured here is the cover of the February 1973 issue of Garo, featuring an image from Abe's story "Love" (which will appear in the Black Hook edition), with colors by Hayashi Seiichi. This will be a must-have book for both alt-manga fans and people interested in the history of comics as literature. #shinichiabe #安部慎一 #garo see #autobiographical #downandout #blackhookpress #alcoholism #70s #cultclassic via Instagram
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REGRAM! Mini review ! @Regran_ed from @keenanmarshallkeller - BADASS BABE! Sex & Fury and Other Stories By Bonten Taro Published by @blackhookpress This books is a fuckin blast. Violent naked fun. Thanks Black Hook!! Ps- I love his artist photo is cover of his record he put out (which I am now searching for) PPS - the painted covers are soooo good - #regrann Thank you Keenan Marshall Keller! #indiecomics #blackhookpress #70s #manga #indiepublishing #gekiga #tattoos #girls #actioncomics #bontentaro via Instagram
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The Comics Journal reviews our most challenging Dokudami Tenement volume - Volume 3. Ryan Carey does an excellent write up and holds a valid opinion , '..contains some scenes that will surely put modern sensibilities about gender identity to the test, but is surprisingly ahead of its time in striking ways, as well." Thanks Ryan. We always knew this story would challenge a section of it's modern audience but it's part of the definitive collection in Japanese and also in the French volume 1 edition and so it's inclusion nicely sews up choices by other editors (the next edition will be solely curated by BHP) . Dokudami Tenement - It's not high art, it's low brow, and of it's time. It is comic stories from the 80s, it is long-gone Japanese-pulp comic stands fodder, and it's the art, stories, and humour of the Japanese proles of the time. It's crass, disgusting, honest, and unforgiving. It was written for a Japanese working and underclass of 30 years ago. In Orwell's 1984 Winston Smith believes the proles are allowed intellectual freedom because they lack intellect. This series is important to BHP for a few reasons - it's proletariat writing; it's shining a light on a period and section of Japan's social history that is worthy of retrospections; it doesn't care for political correctness as it comes from a time in Japan when the term P.C. wasn't a mainstream term; it tells us the ridiculously romantic stories of humans trying to live meaningful lives against the backdrop of rigid Japanese middle class social and market norms. For these broad reasons Dokudami Tenement falls into the canon Japanese proletarian literature/manga/gekiga (albeit of the crass and politically incorrect kind) and for that reason we're happy to publish it. #dokudamitenement #blackhookpress #proletariat #manga #galleryhakusen #politicallyincorrect #socialhistory #tokyo #80s #transgender via Instagram
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Thought for the morning...if you know that this is genuine please share the information as I'd like to buy a copy. Can dream. Stolen from a friend who works at the British Embassy. #blackhookpress #peanuts #charliebrown #charlesschulz #stickittotheman #americancomic #anarchistcomics #anarchylibrary #koenji via Instagram
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So today I bought this original drawing by Namio Harukawa.... #namioharukawa #bondage #bbwfacesitting #tomoffinland #blackhookpress #koenji #rope #dominatrix #bdsmsubmissive #ropeplay #kimbaku #pencildrawing via Instagram
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I like this image from my previous post so much that i'm gonna repost it here as a single image. #youonlyliveonce #toshiosaeki #hellraiser #blackhookpress #jimbocho #70s #screenprinting #vintagebooks via Instagram
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Ken Niimura did the CAT cover/poster this year. Save the date on your calendar. It's FREE admission, we have a host of talks, Jung Gi Kim will be live drawing (yes THAT Jung Gi Kim) we'll have Charlie Adlard from Walking Dead, the TCAF crew, and a whole lot more so please check the website. We have a few tables left for zinesters and comic artists so please check! #cat #comicarttokyo2018 #kenniimura #thewalkingdead #zombies #indiecomics #junggikim #tcaf #torontocomicartsfestival #templejapan via Instagram
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XOshit 'Super Shit' reception party @void_asagaya today from around 6pm! Stuff the rain and come a check out some art and maybe steal some stickers. #xoshit #viz #blackhookpress #streetculture #tokyostickers #streetillustration #politicalart #stickittotheman via Instagram
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March against the proposed 'safety' redevelopment of North side of Koenji. The huge police presence is supposedly to protect the demonstrators from extreme right wing groups who may turn up which is a bit of an oxymoron as the police as a collective are probably as right wing as groups come. #protest #dokudamisou #koenji #blackhookpress via Instagram
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Transgender issues in 1980s Tokyo. That's Dokudami Tenement 3's theme in this dark story of Yoshio's friendship with a troubled transgender salaryman Frankie. This story pulls no punches and is likely to offend some. 144 pages inc. bio and bonus materials. At printers, ships upon delivery, link in bio. Thank you pre-order supporters. #seirinkogeisha #dokudamitenement #takashifukutani #transgender #sliceoflife #80s #crossdresser #nichome #ladyboy #manga #gekiga #blackhookpress #illustration #charlesbukowski #downandout via Instagram
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