the Girl with the Black Box Recorder
13 posts
It is about every thing everywhere. It is what I see, listen, taste, feel, or at least that's what I thought it is.
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blackboxrecorder · 12 years ago
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Bali, 26 Juni 2013
Meity Fitriani
  Band hardcore asal Bandung ‘OUTRIGHT’ yang digawangi Hardi (Vocal), Bharata (Gitar), Irvan (Bass), dan Ryan (Drum) sekali lagi berhasil menyelesaikan sebuah rangkaian tur 3 pulau 13 kota yang bertajuk ‘United by Hardcore 2013’ berdampingan dengan dua band lain, FRAUD (Surabaya) dan SECRET WEAPON (Pontianak); khusus untuk rangkaian tur di kota-kota yang berada di provinsi Jawa Tengah, INJECTED (Bandung) pun turut meramaikan rangkaian tour ini. Untuk Outright sendiri, formasi band dibantu oleh Luke (HellBeyond) sebagai additional pengganti Bharata yang berhalangan.
Tur ini dibuka dengan sebuah panggung di Bekasi (8 Juni) yang sangat disayangkan harus mengalah pada hujan yang turun tanpa henti sampai membuat sound system tidak berfungsi. Penampilan yang sudah ditunggu-tunggu di Bandung pun harus hangus karena pihak berwajib menghentikan acara setelah band ketiga naik panggung. “Ya udahlah, biar aja, kita udah biasa jadi anak bawang kalau urusan bikin acara/gigs dan dibubarkan, selama temen-temen masih mendukung, kita pasti bakal maju terus!” Ryan, Outright, angkat bicara ketika ditanya bagaimana perasaannya gagal manggung di kota sendiri. Hal ini terbukti tak menyurutkan semangat, rombongan berandalan tour UBHC 2013 terus melaju ke Tasikmalaya, Bandung, Yogyakarta, Salatiga, Magelang, Sidoarjo, Kediri, Malang, Surabaya, Bali dan Lombok non stop.
Surabaya sebagai rumah dari Fraud pun menyambut rombongan berandalan UBHC 2013; di panggung terbentuk kolaborasi dadakan antara Outright, Secret Weapon, Fraud, dan Full Frontal. Kemudian bertolak ke pulau Bali, dimana lagi-lagi rombongan berandalan ini dijamu dengan sedemikian rupa oleh masing-masing tuan rumah. Panggung di Bali pun dihentikan lebih awal karena terjadi kemunduran waktu, terlepas dari siapa yang salah, padahal kalau dari sisi panggung dan crowd gigs yang satu ini udah enak banget settingan-nya; Outright dan Secret Weapon pun memutuskan untuk kembali menggelar sebuah gigs penutup setelah mereka kembali dari pulau Lombok untuk memuaskan hasrat-hasrat liat Die Hard Friends.
United By Hardcore 2013 ini memang berhasil menambahkan pulau Lombok dan setelah beberapa kali melakukan tur di pulau Jawa dan Bali, tentu saja hal ini menjadi salah satu point tambahan yang membuat semua rombongan tur senang. Karena walaupun waktu yang dimiliki cukup singkat, mereka semua berhasil setidaknya bertemu dengan para Die Hard Friends (sebutan untuk fans outright) Lombok yang telah menunggu lama untuk menyambut rombongan tur UBHC 2013 dengan antusias. Sayangnya, Fraud tidak dapat ikut meramaikan gigs di Lombok dikarenakan ada alasan pribadi yang mengharuskan mereka kembali ke Surabaya secepatnya.
Tour United by Hardcore 2013 ini tak akan mungkin dapat terlaksana tanpa dukungan dari para Die Hard Friends dan tuan rumah yang telah menjamu rombongan berandalan ini dan membantu terwujudnya rangkaian. Sekali lagi, kekuatan komunitas bawah tanah membuktikan bahwa untuk menjalankan rangkaian tour 3 pulau 12 kota dan 13 panggung, mereka tidak membutuhkan sponsor besar. Support and Respect!
Akhirnya, Twice Bar (Tattoo Shop) yang berlokasi di Poppies Lane II, menjadi tempat dimana UBHC 2013 berakhir dan untuk kalian semua yang telah meliar disana, you guys Rawks! Crowds yang udah ngumpul santai di sepanjang poppies menunggu acara dimulai makin menambah semangat rombongan berandalan tour UBHC 2013 untuk meliar di panggung terakhir ini. Ditambah dengan kolaborasi seru dengan Erick (Secret Weapon, Pontianak), Anton dan Bejo (Target Lock, Malang), Gustra (Lorong, Bali) yang berhasil makin membuat area moshpit banjir keringat. Semua yang datang pasti setuju kalau malam itu Twice pecah dan meledak!! Total!
Untuk para Die Hard Friends di luar sana yang telah mendukung dengan membeli tiket dan merchandise sampai sold out di hampir setiap kota, rombongan berandalan UBHC Tour 2013 titip salam ucapan terima kasih. Semoga secepatnya kita dapat bertemu lagi di panggung-panggung dan moshpit-moshpit yang lebih panas dan liar!
                    Journal Tour lengkap akan segera dirilis melalui official Outright, silahkan ditunggu kabarnya.
    Outright twitter official account: @outright_hc
Contact person: Ryan (085624169351)
Fraud twitter official account: @fraudbeatdown
Contact person: Kecenk (085733731000
Secret Weapon official account: @secretweaponhc
Contact person: 08993927823
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blackboxrecorder · 12 years ago
Last Tuesday was definitely not like any other Tuesday. There was music on the air. Not just another music, this one was a good one kind of music. Last October 9th, BIRHAUS presented its regular program ‘Acoustic’ Vol. 4 with performances from Anto & Arief, Kimz, CUSAD, and Davis.
BIRHAUS Acoustic night is a monthly event hosted by BIRHAUS, inviting musicians from all genres, known and/or unknown; the only requirement is they play good music and don’t mind to share the joy with others. For free.
The city was literally stormed by heavy rain for the last couple of days, I was a bit concerned about the weather but apparently even mother earth gave us a chance to actually enjoy the music without any meaningful disruption. 
Crowd started to fill in spaces since 6 pm; the music itself didn’t start until 8 pm. People who came mostly regulars, but those who are not didn’t seem to have any problem sticking around just for the sake of their curiosity. Who can stand a good music anyway.
The show was nicely opened by Anto&Arief who claimed that it was the first time they decided to perform their own written songs. I still am very glad to hear the collaboration with
Apink on Sax. My mind’s muttered, oh hell, the music tonight is full of taste. Sweet!
Kimz who was behind the microphone on second turn took over the stage by himself confidently. The crowd was getting closer to the front, you could really see that they appreciate every performer without differentiating or categorizing them by genre. A good music is a good music no matter what genre it belongs to, yes?
As the night getting older and the wind blew harder, bottles of beer soon enough decorated most of the tables at BIRHAUS. If not, you could see people hold on to it and sit freely on the ground, creating no barrier between them and the musicians. Interactions kept on going and on, laughs fill in the air. It was definitely a warm environment, something you can’t put a price tag on.
  CUSAD entertained crowds with the only deep heavy voice female singer that night. The group was a bit in a rush, had to ignore the request to play more songs as they have another event to catch on. Maybe more later. 
Davis closed off the night perfectly. Filling in with guitar, cajon, and harmonicas on the line. I – as others – enjoyed the jamming and battle between players, for someone that young I would say he will be a badass musician and heartbreaker in the future. People started to sing along, microphone was being passed from one to another. How could one asked for more? BIRHAUS Acoustic Volume 4 made us impatiently wait for the next volume. Oh yes, you should’ve come. 
Musik telah menjadi sebuah elemen yang tak bisa dipisahkan begitu saja dari keseharian kita. Sangat disayangkan, kenyataan bahwa musik live berkualitas kini bisa dibilang adalah salah satu komoditi yang mahal kalau harus terus menerus bergantung pada pengadaan konser dari musisi-musisi lokal maupun mancanegara. Live music yang disajikan berbagai tempat hiburan pun kemudian hanya menjadi sekedar side dish saja tanpa ada penghargaan pada para pemainnya. Rasa bosan seringkali menghinggapi telinga kita, hanya mendengar tapi tak lagi menikmati. BIRHAUS berhasil membuat acara acoustic reguler yang menyegarkan. Di acara ini, semua musisi kembali berdiri pada level yang sama; tak perduli berapa album yang telah keluar, tak pandang bulu siapa muda dan siapa yang tua. Mereka yang datang dipersilahkan untuk menikmati sajian bir dingin, duduk di kursi ataupun berdiri; this event might be free but the music played and the crowd who came successfully made the experience of attending Acoustic Vol.4 priceless.
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blackboxrecorder · 13 years ago
Gerbang Kerajaan Serigala: KARAT
(this post is taken from Meity Fitriani)
I received an invitation to attend the launching of 'Gerbang Kerajaan Serigala', an album released by Karinding Attack which is also known as KARAT. The event took place on March 13, 2012; at Dago Tea House, Bandung. One thing that attracted me the most was the fact that this album might be the first Karinding album ever recorded in a form of music album and publicly released in the whole world, and hopefully it won't be the last. Not only that, this concert also is considered as the first Karinding concert ever held. For this concert, Karat collaborated with other artists and/or musicians such as Trie Utami, Budi Dalton, Sony Akbar Trio, Paperback, Risa Sarasvati, Shofia Khanza, Sofia Azzahra, Siti Herdianti, Karina Putri, Handriansyah Nugraha, Mochammad Dwivo Rahayu, Mochammad Latief Prabowo, Avatar Marvel, Ma Awas, Abah Olot, Mang Engkus, Mang Maman, Mang Utun, Mang Dedi, and Iwan Cabul.
The concert itself is a representation of Karat's personnel commitment and dedication for karinding music development; it's an official introduction of the music to those who aren't familiar with the instrument. It is a reminder for Indonesian, especially the young generation, that a traditional music isn't lame; that traditional music is adaptable to current trends; that traditional music is precious and it is important for us to prevent it from vanishing. This concert is a result of deep and thorough exploration; a concrete re-discovery proof of the-almost-forgotten traditional music inheritance by great, crazy, nice, funny, weird, scary, determined artists who refuse to give up in reaching their objectives and spread their unlimited verve in doing so.
Karinding is a small shaped bamboo (20 x 1 cm) separated into three main parts; there are different shapes of the instrument depending on age difference, place of origin, and gender of the player. The instrument is also recognized in other countries such as Nepal, China, and even some countries in Europe. Aside from bamboo, there's also Karinding made from metal or steel; it has been said that the material used to make the instrument could determined its origin.
Karat itself is a group with a dominant influence of metal culture which could be heard from its punk and metal sounds' nuance on the songs, both musically and lyrically. Hampura Ema (Forgive me, Mother), Wasit Kehed (Unfair Referee), Sia Sia Asa Aing (Snob), Maap Kami Tidak Tertarik Pada Politik Kekuasaan (Sorry, We Are Not Interested in the Politic Reign), Nu Ngora Nu Nyekel Kontrol (The Youth Who Holds The Control), Ririwa Di Mana-Mana (Ghosts Everywhere), Lapar Ma (Mother, I'm Hungry), and other songs inspired by daily routine and/or experiences of Karat's personnel were on the set list that night.
please do forgive me for the weird translation of the song title, I tried my best, really.
Powered by Atap Promotions and supported by Djarum Super, Karat has proven its three years of existence and influence its caused through hundreds of audience which half of them wearing Iket Sunda and brought karinding to the venue. There is a gate with a big writing of the concert title and couple of backdrops available around the venue, a lounge prepared by the sponsor with small coffee bar and merchandise stall placed just before the main door. To be honest, I thought I am going to see a complete black decorated hall but instead the only thing that covered in black was the stage. Crossing my finger, I did expect for one unforgettable concert.
Gerbang Kerajaan Serigala - literally translated as the Gate of Wolves Kingdom - was opened by Trie Utami's beautiful chanting. I was intrigued by Trie Utami's participation in the concert, her voice totally hypnotized the audience into silence; a strong thrill of goosebumps, I must say. Karat then continued to entertain the audience with its performance; Man (Vocal, Karinding) was quite interactive with the audience, although the jokes were real fun to hear, it was confusing on which direction the group would like to take the audience to. It could be a good way to break the ice between KARAT and its audience but I wouldn't mind if there's more "punch" from the performance.
One thing that I have to brag to you is how the visualization on the screen surprised me. Ever since I came home and attended various concerts, Gerbang Kerajaan Serigala is the first concert with more than just the average visual. There's this one image of how zygote turns into human inside the uterus; I am not sure why but the images were so strong I could not get it out of my mind up until now. I think I have to say my sincere appreciation for the men who are responsible for the artistic and the video art for what they have produced.
Before Karat started with its song "Nu Ngora Nu Nyekel Kontrol", a young girl (who was with 5 others as backing vocal) screamed "Rek kieu-kieu wae hirup teh?" - a strong question asked which although made audiences laughed, it actually throw a bit of slap on the face for me us who live without any willpower to make a change in my our live; to set a goal; to become a better individual; to define objective in living our life and not wasting more time for something useless.
In between sessions, intermezzo through "Wayang Orang" projected on screen consoled us while the personnel changed their outfit and took a short break. Man (Karinding, Vocal) who was accompanied by Edi Brokoli as master of ceremony also humor the audiences with hilarious statements and comments. As I said before, on the contrary of what I have expected before the concert, I was more likely being entertained by the jokes thrown from the stage rather than just the music itself.
As this concert was also a celebration for the third anniversary of Karat, it could have been better if the concert is focusing more on the music itself rather than a parody presented. Nothing wrong with intimate interaction between the group and the audience, it was great and all - but when it comes with a bigger resonance of the music, the concert would be perfect if the closing is as great as the opening act. I understand fully the meaning of collaboration of all artists involved covering the song 'We are the World' but somehow I feel like I expect something...more. But again, it's my (humble) personal opinion.
However, we could see how powerful Karat influences young generation, especially who's residing in Bandung. It's now common to see music enthusiast (especially those who come from the underground scene) wearing Iket Sunda. Karat consistently exploring its limit and found (also proved) that there is no such thing as limit in music. Traditional musicians should get rid of their low self-esteem when being faced with modernization. Standing applause for Karat and every one who's behind it.
This concert may be the first concert of Karinding in the world but without any regeneration and proper revitalization, another beautiful inheritance from our ancestor would be gone without we even realizing it. Why should wait until other countries claim out our culture to care about it? Why don't we study and show the world how culture rich our country is?
Why don't we re-introduce Indonesia to the world by giving them wide variety of beautiful traditional music harmonization? Why don't we let them know that Indonesia is not only about corruption, a singing president, a racial/religious war, and a stampede with our neighbor? Why don't we let them know that there are other traditional treasure aside from angklung, gamelan, batik and such? Why don't we let them know that Indonesia has so much more than just that?
or should I say, "Rek kieu-kieu wae hirup teh?"
If you are interested in learning Karinding, you could drop by at Common Room or Gedung Indonesia Menggugat where a class is being held for public. Information related to karinding attack could be read at Jurnal Karat.
The men behind Karinding Attack are; Man (Karinding, Vocal), Ki Amenk (Karinding, Vocal), Wisnu (Karinding, Vocal), Kimung (Celempung, Vocal), Hendra (Celempung, Vocal), Papay (Celempung, Vocal), Okid (Gong tiup, Toleat, Vocal), Jimbot (Toleat, Suling, Serunai, Whistles, Bird voices, Vocal), and Yuki (Suling, Saluang, Serunai, Whistles, Bird voices, Vocal).
Karinding Attack crew are; Viki, Ghera, Mang Tahu, Zemo Cabalero, and Uwok.
Bandung, 17th March 2012
written by Meity Fitriani
photographs used in this post is a private property of the writer
personal video documentation is available here
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blackboxrecorder · 13 years ago
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Karinding Attack Dago tea house, 13 Maret 2012
Gerbang Kerajaan Serigala tampak sudah bersiap untuk menyambut kedatangan kita, menghisap sari jiwa tenggelam dengan alunan berbagai rasa yang dihasilkan sekumpulan orang luar biasa, setengah sinting, setengah iseng. 
Jangan kaget bila aura ruang Teater Tertutup Dago Tea House Bandung nanti menggoda melalui aroma berbeda, wewangian khas akan menyelimuti jalannya Konser Tunggal Karinding Attack.
Saya harap bisa menikmati keseluruhan acara dan kemudian berkata, "Wow."
Kota Bandung dan Indonesia perlu membangunkan kembali dunia musik yang belakangan mulai menjemukan.
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blackboxrecorder · 13 years ago
Polyester Embassy kembali menyapa melalui konser bertajuk “Silent Yellow Ensemble” hari Sabtu, 1 Oktober 2011 yang lalu di Dago Tea House Bandung. Konser ini digelar sebagai ucapan terima kasih dan penangguhan eksistensi band yang telah resmi meluncurkan album keduanya “Fake/Faker” ini.
Mendekati jam 7 malam venue terlihat relatif sepi, banyak penonton yang memilih untuk diam di luar dan berfoto-foto. Personil dari pemilik acara pun tampak santai berlalu-lalang dan menyapa para tamu dengan ramah. Dengan penggunaan ruang indoor, membuat saya sedikit bertanya-tanya konsep apakah yang digunakan oleh band yang pada awalnya terkenal melalui “TRAGICOMEDY” yang direlease oleh FFWD records di tahun 2006 ini.
Keramaian mulai terlihat ketika pintu menuju venue sudah dibuka, di area lobby terlihat beberapa lelaki yang bermain menggunakan synthesizer dan effect-effect DIY dengan tulisan “TRY ME”, mengundang beberapa penonton memilih menikmati sajian musik kilat ini sembari menunggu konser dimulai.
Ketika masuk ke area utama, yang terlihat adalah kosong dan hitam. Panggung terlihat sepi, hanya ada alat musik dan monitor, sisanya gelap. Terlihat 4 screen tergantung di belakang, saya menebak bahwa selain permainan lighting, penonton akan disuguhi oleh visual yang saling beriringan dengan lagu nanti, sisanya berdiri pada konsep minimalis.
Space and Missile membuka konser tepat pada pukul 20.00 wib, selama kurang lebih setengah jam menggoda penonton dengan permainannya. Ruangan yang semula terlihat lowong sudah terisi penuh, penonton duduk dengan santun dan terlihat mematuhi larangan merokok di dalam ruangan.
Lebih dari satu jam, Polyester Embassy yang digawangi oleh Elang Eby (guitar/vocal), Sidik Kurnia (guitar/synthesizer), Ekky Darmawan (guitar/sampling), Ridwan Aritomo (bass) dan Givarie MP (drum) sukses menghibur penonton dengan set list yang seakan menghibur telinga, terutama ketika mereka memainkan sebuah lagu dari M83, salah satu dari sekian banyak inspirasi bagi Polyester Embassy. Interaksi dengan penonton yang minim pun meningkat karena kesalahan kecil di awal lagu “Don’t Save Us from the Flames”.
Secara keseluruhan, konser ini kembali membuktikan pada industri musik Indonesia bahwa kita memiliki kemampuan untuk menyuguhkan pagelaran musik yang secara konsep dan isinya tidak kalah dengan band yang datang dari luar negeri. Terlihat dari konsep yang diambil oleh Polyester Embassy kali ini – despite the minor interruption – konser ini layak dan pada kenyataannya mampu menghibur dan memuaskan mereka yang telah membayar 25k IDR.
Selain menikmati musik yang disuguhkan, konser ini telah berhasil juga menjadi satu momentum bagi beberapa orang untuk akhirnya saling bertemu. Tentunya dilanjutkan dengan acara after-party yang diadakan di Salute, Dago Resort.
With a well-prepared concept like this, in short-time Indonesian musician would be able to be the host in their home country. But of course aside from the dedication from the artist itself, it would be very much helpful to have the local government supporting us in developing the music scene – not just for the mainstream but also for those who come from the underground scene. 
Text: meityfitriani
Photo: aditya kurniawan
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blackboxrecorder · 14 years ago
the Pleasure of Lullaby
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Ever dream about having one special person singing you lullaby or simply read to you before you go to sleep but there is no one around or maybe you know no one to ask? No need to worry now, because now you can just open up your browser and search for Antelope because they are posting one lullaby every two weeks for you.
First step to be always updated about these lullabies is to follow @antelope_id on twitter.
Second is to open and click like the page, just to make sure you'll get any update about the project and to see the artworks from the lullaby itself.
Third is to bookmark on your browser, so you can download and enjoy the lullaby you've been longing to hear before you go to sleep.
Fourth is to check out just to make sure. 
So who is this Antelope again? What is it? Why do they nicely offer free lullabies for you?
Antelope is a group of three unique individuals who loves music especially when its being played in the park with bird chirps as their personal choir. Sanggra Alam, Bakti Aditya Putra and Rabita Syahbunan are using this lullaby project as a way to be productive in creating music and increase their creative inner. Through their instrumental ambient sounds, they wish to take you to the world of dreams.
So what makes them different than other bands who's offering free songs? 
Aside from their music, this three creative members of Antelope also offer you an artwork for each of the lullaby they made.
You can see the artwork both on their Facebook Fan-page or from this Page. 
That's it? No, for the second lullaby, Sanggra Alam wrote a simple and sweet paraphrased words as follow:
Wish it would snow, a nice dream of a beach, a landscape of clouds, mountains valleys, craters and seas, a sign; private woods dream hallway access.
And no, they did not stop over there. They are now planning to have a story being read to you along with the lullaby, oh how great is that? For me who's crazy about lullaby and a bed-story, the project sounds good enough already.
Each of the Antelope's give a fair contribution into the music, basically they are forming this band with two guitars and one violin although from times to times, there's piano involved and sometimes additional player are invited to join them. 
The Antelopes were all born on the same day, Thursday, which is why they pick that particular day to release their lullaby. Superstitious? Not exactly, Sanggra claimed that for a reason they do not know, three of them just bond perfectly which is why it's hard to add up personnel into the band. The emotional bond just doesn't exist, maybe just yet (who knows there'll be another Thursday-born musician suddenly show up and bond with them, right?) 
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Their ambient, folk, classic, instrumental, etc. also being influenced by their air element. Carry you on as the wind does, playing with your emotion, running through your hair into your heart. Am I exaggerating? I am convinced after they're done developing their skills, you will surely trust me for my words.
This Lullaby project introduced you to the Antelope and the other way around.
Now let us do the thinking, if what they meant by presenting this project is to introduce the band to audience - what will they present when they're being known? Only the Antelope and God knows, but it wouldn't be far from a perfectionist sounds because they don't want to suggest you good sounds. They want a great one. 
Welcome to the music-jungle, the Antelope!
Written by Meity Fitriani
Bandung, 26th August 2011
p.s. Thank you for Sanggra Alam for the time :)
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blackboxrecorder · 14 years ago
The Power to be Weird of Marsha Chikita
If you ever heard about Indonesian students in Malaysia trying to make a peace using online media (twitter, facebook - you name it) during the “unofficial” war between Indonesia and Malaysia, spreading a cartoon character avatar from both countries signaling a harmony between them then I assume you are familiar with this not-just-an-average-girl.
She's one of the broadcaster in Radio PPI Dunia representing Cyberjaya-Malaysia, studying Film Animation at Multimedia University (MMU). It may sounds like she's just an ordinary girl but no - she is not and why is it?
Because aside from the fact that she just finished her final project, she is now working as a 3D Modeler, Render Artist, Animator and finally (now) a Compositor at Les Copaque - starting out as an internee, she is in fact the one and only Indonesian full time employee working at the company. Not to mention her other "activities" as a musician, and don't get me started with her hobbies. 
Oh, and if I may quote to Jim Morrisson, "Where's your will to be weird?" - I can assure you that this girl has an enormous will to be weird. In all positive way possible of course, *wink. - though I just have to mention that her laugh sometimes sounds weird, I'm never sure if she's laughing or trying to and failed. 
Anyway, I asked her to describe herself - she took her time before finally answered,
"I am a person who believe in changes without leaving my conservative side. I live my life by following the passion I have inside, though I think my skill is really mediocre. (laugh). I learn from my life-experiences. There is no regret of what happened, no matter how bitter it is because that what makes me who I am today. And one day, Insya Allah, I will enhance the 3D animation industry in Indonesia,"
Marsha Chikita Fawzi - or we can call her Kiki, has a lot in her hand. You can just google her name if you don't trust me. I spent a lot of time figuring out what she really does through many question and even with my knowledge limitation of her world, I know one thing for sure, she is indeed an artist. 
Well, many of us may associate her with the famous Ikang Fawzi and Marissa H. but from our conversation she always underline the statement how she doesn't enjoy the spotlight of being a famous couple daughter. Instead, she would like to be known for her own brightness and achievement which I understand totally. She is indeed a family oriented girl, she loves her family so much but not necessarily every time she accomplish something, it should be related to her parents status. 
Back to her works, she stated how the knowledge and experience working in this field is addictive. It is hard for her to stop learning and trying new things which in my opinion will become one of her competitive advantage in the future since the process of learning is what will make you succeed. Do not be satisfied with what you have already know or do because there'll be always more. 
Another quote from her is,
Details make perfect animation
which apparently being given to her by Aras Darmawan. 
That quotation made Kiki stalked children in the playing ground, watching them moving and reacting, studying how they interact with each other. The result of this stalking process (haha, I love this term, Kiki is a stalker so be careful - who know she's watching you and made you one of her artworks) later on will be put into the millisecond frame. So, when you're watching an animation, appreciate it! The animator such Kiki put a hard work so you can enjoy it. 
Instead of moving the character, I'd prefer to 'giving life to it' which in my opinion will work better in reaching the heart of the audience.
Since my conversation with her was a very long one and most of it was about her works because I understand nothing about it, I tried to dig more from her words. And to end this writing, I guess this last statement from her will do,
I enjoy my life, the world I'm living in. I'd love to jump in totally in both field of music and animation. I feel as if I could deliver happiness to people from what I made, and trust me it feels great! So, I won't stop here, I am just warming up.
So prepare yourself dear Indonesia, for a young talented animator who will probably bring change and development in the world of animation in this country. Who said that we don't have enough talented people in this country? They are preparing themselves to awaken this country and Marsha Chikita Fawzi is definitely one of them. 
Good luck for you my dear, learn from the best and we are waiting here for your next accomplishment. 
written by Meity Fitriani
Bandung, 16th August 2011
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blackboxrecorder · 14 years ago
the Ballads of Traveling
Before you say anything; "I am a romantic"
Not necessarily related to love but more to life. I do have a high sentimental feeling about certain time, places, events, people, and so forth. So when it came to traveling, I try to grasp anything as much as possible.
Backpacking is now becoming a trend. Although I did a couple of backpacking or budgeted trips before, I sometimes treat myself a little bit more with convenient hotels and flights. Every one enjoys a little pleasure once in a while right?
Traveling, from other point of view, is also a process in learning. From every trip, you will get a lesson, sometimes more if you are lucky. So yes, related to traveling below are lesson learned;
For New Year's Eve 2006-2007, I went to Barcelona with my friends from college. We used budgeted airline (Ryan Air) and living at International Hostel near by La Rambla (Les Rambles). It was a short trip and there were 12 of us. On the NYE we gathered at city center and celebrated it with other visitors. Hell, we even made new friends (and enemies) in such a short trip. On the second day, argument started to rise. We have different opinion on which places to visit, or not to.This wasted our time without us realizing.
We visited lots of historical places (yes, including Nou Camp) and jump out at most of every 'city-tour-bus' stop. But I did not get to visit some places I wanted to and likewise.
This kind of problem is normal when you are traveling in group and do not have a specific itinerary before the trip started. An itinerary approved by the whole group will make the trip simpler, if you are the one who organize it; be sure to include a free couple of hours each day to avoid argument/fights and to give your friends a personal time to do what they wanted to. Remember, every one has different preference when it comes to traveling and visiting new places.
So, that was the first ballad of traveling. Prepare a good plan especially when you are traveling in group.
My ex-boyfriend planned a weekend get-away to Belgium for both of us. Since it was only couple of hours by bus and it seems like fun, we took a ride from Utrecht Centraal to North Brussels. The bus was empty considering it was summer already, there weren't more than 10 people on it. I could see that some of them are backpackers like us, the rest didn't seem like traveler at all (with the tie etc.).
We did not reserve any room and worse was we did not have any map. Once we stepped out from the bus, it felt like we were on the other planet. The station was empty! After 15 minutes we found an officer just by the stairs. Assuming he speaks English, I asked for direction. Holding his tasbeh, the officer shook his head, he did not understand whatever it is I am saying. I tried to ask again in Dutch and still no respond or comment. I gave him the "jungle" language, and then he started to speak in French.
Yeah, second thing to remember; Find out the local language(s) and study the map of your destination.
Apparently, we stopped on the "french" side of Belgium.
We tried to walk inside the station wishing there is someone speaking English. Not long after the tarzan conversation with the officer, we met one of the bus passenger. His name is Max Lee, he is a dance-student in England but originally come from Hong Kong. He was spending his summer holiday by having a Euro-trip by himself. We talked and apparently he was lost too but he offered us to join him, we did. After all, we haven't got any room for tonight.
Third lesson: Pay attention and be nice to other travelers, it would be helpful and nice to have new friends from all around the world.
On our first night, we were lucky there was two beds free in a 4 bunks room. We shared the room with one English girl and one American guy. After the sight-seeing with Max (we ended up traveling two days together), at night we gathered with other guests at the YMCA hostel's bar and socializing. Though most of them thought Indonesia is a country near-by Bali, we tried to explain geography lesson also promoted Indonesia as a traveling destination. We exchanged contacts, I personally still keep in touch with some of them up until now.
Fourth lesson: Exchanging email addresses or else will give you expand your circle - and who knows if you're able to visit their country someday. If you stay at hostels, always socialize! Though, still be careful with your belongings, and always prepare a padlock.
After lunch on the second day, my ex and I went to Gent. A small city not far from Brussels. A friend of mine lived there with his family but it was impossible to stay a night at his house because his house was full at that moment. We decided not to spend a night and catch the last train with a little hope there will be a room in Brussels. But we enjoyed the city anniversary too much, time passed by without us realizing and by the time we arrived at the station it was already too late.
We first tried to open the locker at the station to get our backpacks but apparently the locker room opens from 5'00 a.m. until 12'00 a.m. - so yeah, I have to survive the cold with a tank top, one cardigans and a short. My ex was only wearing t-shirt and short. In the cold, we waited up at the station for the earliest train but could not stand of the wind and the security asked us to leave the station.
Last option was hotel because hostel was too far and there was no bus running anymore. 3 km from the station we found a hotel and asked for a special price since we checked in so late, I was actually kidding with the receptionist. Guess what? Not only we pay for a half-price - we got an upgraded room and a late check-out!
Fifth lesson: I was lucky with my upgraded room and discounted price but you could actually avoid that unfortunate situation by thinking ahead. If it happens, always ask for special price when you check in late, the hotel won't suffer for that. Enjoy your time and party - but always consider scenarios. Make use of your local-friend, usually they are a good guide although by traveling alone you will grasp more experiences and have more stories to tell *smile*
Ballads of Traveling is a series of short writing about trips I made, lesson I learned and maybe someday could be more than just that.
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blackboxrecorder · 14 years ago
Rundown Bandung Berisik
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blackboxrecorder · 14 years ago
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Bandung Berisik.
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blackboxrecorder · 14 years ago
When the Classic Works
                             The Classic always Works is a pilot project organized by Backside Community Bandung involving classic music talents who live in Bandung. It was being held on 12th February 2011 at Braga Café & Craft Bandung as a part of their weekly program “Saturday Night ala Braga”.
Many asked why Backside chose to pick Classic music while there are other genres of music out there which might attract more audience to come. Adriansyah Damanik as the leader of the event organizer explained that other genre and its musicians are appreciated and known enough by public, not only in Bandung but also all over Indonesia – generally. Ironically, classical music as the root of musical age which unconsciously being the basic for music study has been slowly forgotten and left behind as soon as the study is done and they cross-over to their preference genres. We must admit that in Indonesia there are only certain people from specific class who have the access and sincerity to enjoy the beauty of classical music.
Hence, classic music is considered as an expensive genre – if not old, which is why in this particular event, Backside intentionally only performing talents whose ages are 10 to 22 years old with an expectation that classic music will be accepted more by young talents and music appreciator.
One step at a time, “the Classic always Works” is targeting young audience to become more familiar with the music and its history. The next step itself is to prove that classical music could also be combined with other genre and being adapted in many ways whether by rearranging existed symphonies nor by fetching classical nuance into your own choice of music.
The idea of altering the stereotyping of classic music to public in general apparently had caught the interest of the owner and teacher from one of best music school in Indonesia. Purwa Caraka who has generously given us young talented classic musicians to participate on the event, he gave more support than we expected.
Not to mention, the Musik Klasik 3, an intern student organization from SMAN 3 Bandung, known as MK3 whom celebrating their 10th anniversary and performed both in collaborating with other talents and as well made the finale together with its full mini-orchestra. MK3 is also known as the only high-school intern organization that focusing themselves in classic music in Bandung.
Other than the students from Purwa Caraka Music School and MK3, this event was also featured by other talents such as Bakti Aditya from Neonlight Daydream, Andhika Sarasono, and of course Dissa Kamajaya from Jakesperiment.
The talents performed re-arranged pieces from composers such as Max Richter, Olafur Arnalds, Ryuichi Sakamoto, Motohiro Nakashima, Chopin, Erik Satie, Mozart, David Foster, Karl Jenkins, and many more.
The talent’s line up might seem like just “ordinary” but if only you were there to see one of the best Purwa Caraka’s 10 years old guitarist name Al Kautsar showing off his skill playing ‘La Cumparsita’ originally composed by Gerardo M. Rodriguez, I am sure – and yes, I dare you to bet with me on this one – you will get goose-bumps all over your body.
Another unique performance that was quite memorable from the event is Dissa Kamajaya. Before his performance, he bluntly announced that he is not going to play a pure classic music during his session. Supported by his electronic equipment, he gave an example how to adapt classic music with other genre through new technology. In this case, he was performing the classic cross-over with a help from the violin quartet from MK3.
For you who didn’t make it to the show, don’t worry - we have provided an event guide so you can see the list and the details of all the performed talents, to read it you can click “the Classic always Works Guide”.
Last but not least, on behalf of the team and Backside community, Adrian, Dissa, and the other team members would like to give our best regards to Braga Café & Craft for making it all possible and for your helpful hand and energies, it was surely not going to be our last event over there.
And our media partner; PJTV, STV, Teropong, SUAVE magazine, Pratama Sound, and Marsono’s Sound who have helped us in documenting the event “the Classic Always Works”. Not to mention, for our documentary team and everyone who has spent their time to sit back and enjoy the atmosphere of classic without being old, nerd, boring or (the most important) expensive.
In addition of what I have said before, if Backside community could make this event happened and succeeded in organizing this event with only fourteen days preparation based on one simple vision in changing the perception of classic music nowadays. Imagine what we could do by having you participating in making a well-prepared event for the sake of classic music and maybe even other genres too.
And remember guys, whatever you do; playing music, collecting cars, drinking coffee at an old coffee-shop, or even making a move on a girl…
The Classic always works.
  Pictures are not available at the moment but you can see some of them on ‘Working out the Classic’
Credits: Backside Community as Event Organizer, Braga Café & Craft as Sponsor, PJTV – STV – Teropong – SUAVE magazine as Media Partner, Pratama Sound – Marsono’s Sound as Sponsor, MK3 SMAN 3 Bandung – Purwa Caraka Music School – Bakti Aditya and Friends – Dissa Kamajaya, and Andhika Sarasono as Talents and Amanta Shakina as the editor.
Written by: Meity Fitriani
Kuala Lumpur, 22th February 2011
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blackboxrecorder · 14 years ago
the Classic always Works
Remember the time when jazz was under-rated and considered as the music for either old, geek or boring people? During that period, jazz events were nothing interesting. And then suddenly, it became every one's favorite. Generating hideous amount of music festivals all around the country, making a new image in the music industry.
And after Jazz, I just think that it is time for Classic music to obtain the same recognition as others. It is just the perfect timing to change another perception and generalization of music. Classic music. And why do I said so? 
You shouldn't run or close your eyes as soon as I mentioned Classic music. It won't be that scary. I promise. 
Many thinks Classic music is only about sleepy tunes played by man in tux with a full team of orchestra supporting him. Or one big lady in a big dress with crazy make up singing a song that you can't even understand. Well, one surprise for you, it is not.
Ever heard of Max Richter? Ludovico Eiunadi? or maybe Olafur Arnalds?
An idea in increasing the interest and introducing classic music came into mind especially with classic crossover emerged recently. The only way to achieve this objective is by creating an event performing different kind of music interpretation by various artist. 
Given title, "Classic Crossover versus the World" -is a preliminary process in conducting one series of event to promote the classic music and its musicians. Klasik SMAN 3 Bandung enthusiastically agreed to be featured in this event, giving a tribute by covering a crossover version of Ryuichi Sakamoto, John William, Olafur Arnalds and Max Ritcher, directed by Dissa Kamajaya.
It is such ashamed that the Higher Education of Music Institute Bandung are not going to be able to participate due to its examination schedule. Hopefully the ITB Student Orchestra would be able to join and perform a delicate sounds of classic music. 
Should there are any other classic musician who'd like to be involved, you guys are very much welcomed to support us in any way that is possible. If you are a musician, then give us a performance. If you are someone who care for classic music and share the same will to spread the music, you can support us by coming to the event. If you are students who have free time, you can offer yourself to help organizing the event. Last and my favorite, if you are (simply) one organization with extra budget for community like this, you can just write 'em a cheque ;)
This event itself is expected to be the pioneer in developing classic music in the music industry. Had it succeeded, there will be another series of events coming up. 
The organizer of Classic Crossover versus the World is lucky to have the support from Braga Cafe & Craft (Bandung) to use their premise in holding the event.
(Thanks to them) You don't even have to pay a single penny to come!
Located just beside the historical building of AACC (Asia Africa Cultural Center), it makes Braga Cafe & Craft as the perfect place to hold this event. This will not only change the perception of the classic music and its musician but also in proofing to the audience that classic music could be enjoyed while you were sipping your coffee in a cafe or enjoy a glass of wine in a lounge. Assuring you that classic music could be so much fun. 
In fact with the involvement from Klasik SMAN 3 Bandung, it is clear that the event wants to attract teenager and young adult because classic music does not belong only to a certain exclusive community. 
So what's your loss in coming and supporting the event? Nothing. Instead, you'll meet new people, you'll make more new friends and you'll have a different point of view of music.
The event being prepared to happen on 12th of February 2011 - and you can help to make it happen.
One last message from me, from food to clothing - from drinks to cars - from style to music, the Classic always works.
written by Meity Fitriani
Kuala Lumpur, 22nd January 2011
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blackboxrecorder · 14 years ago
the Symphony of Jakesperiment
He said his roots is classic, some says he actually belongs to classic crossover, ambient, electronic. But he clearly said, "It is classic, definitely classic," he paused for a moment and then added, "But since I also play various genre of music, I think it is fair if you said that I belong to other genre,"
Who is he? 
Namely Dissa Kamajaya, one tiny-funny-weird-musically and artistically gifted adolescent from Bandung, Indonesia. Take a quick glance at him and you will find an ordinary young man, then try to have a conversation with him and you will find that this person is way far from ordinary. 
He launched his first symphony in 2009 which ironically titled symphony no.25 instead of symphony no.1 - I asked him why during our morning talk and he answer lightly, 
"Because number 25 has a very special meaning in my life and I could not give you anymore details. (pause). Except you give me LSD."
The Jakesperiment: Symphony No. 25 and Their Glories of the Night offers you an ambient, dreamy and classical feeling through five exceptional songs. Even so, this album considered as one interpretation from musical experiment that combine the roots of post rock and ambient melody. Influencing your consciousness to sink deeply into a beautiful imagination.
I, myself, accidentally got two opportunities in enjoying his music live. Supposedly, it'd be one of the performance that I won't forget for its quality - instead, the first show at Cikole, Bandung was cancelled due to technical errors and the second was not satisfying since he's not really playing his music but it was fun to hear him collaborating with Avenue on the tribute night of Radiohead. (he did give an interesting touch onto the song but unfortunately the lack of preparation resulting a bit disappointment due to high expectation).
So I asked him again why he faced failure in performing live, again with his laid-back style he answered,
"I failed in delivering a perfect live performance because it is difficult to accomplish the exact voices expected using Windows OS. While using MacBook Pro gave me more confidence in performing my music. This theory is proven during my performance with avenue which only has a slight technical error."
Well, young man - you better equipped yourself with a more supporting instrument then if you are planning to continue performing without any errors or creating another failure and disappointment to your fans. Right?
In 2010, Jakesperiment gave birth to his second baby. The Jakesperiment: Symphony No. 26; Die ist scwarz die Rhetorik schwarz, weiss, grau und der Regenbogen. Don't ask me what was that all about because it is difficult to explain and the best way to understand is to listen to the songs. 
Again, presenting conceptual instrumental tunes poured into four songs with different stories behind it, supported by (unspoken) poem. I personally enjoy listening to 'Rhetorik' not because of its dreamy impression but more likely for its relaxing nuance which succeeded in turning the anxiety I have into a solitude phase (and in my humble opinion, I think this is one of the good song you can listen while you were with your partner, IF you know what I mean). If you are into a story-telling melody then you can pick the 20 minutes duration of Schwarz Weiss Grau (translated; Black - White - Grey) where you will find yourself being taken back and forth. This song is literally playing with your emotion's flow. 
Considering his instrumental music which accompanied by poem, I was curious and couldn't help but to ask, "Why? Why did you put a poem inside the album while all of your music is instrumental?" - this time, he answered shortly but I failed to determine if he's serious or not. 
"Because it is instrumental, when you are just bored and got nothing to do, you could read the poem while listening to the song,"
Trying to catch on the conversation before he should leave for his examination, I threw another question. "Being a musician, is it what you aspired to do? Or is it because you have no other choice?"
"My aspiration is not to become a musician but more to become a composer. I'd love writing and producing songs but prefer to have it played by other musician on a big stage supported by a full team of orchestra,"
He fooled around a bit and we had an intermezzo for a while, then he added up his previous answer, just to make a point, I think.
"Because I can not play any instrument well enough but I am capable of producing songs which I, myself, could not play due to my limitation,"
Just before I thought he's done answering, a joke came out from his mouth,
"I think I would like to be a drug dealer,"
which of course followed by us laughing out loud. As I said before, this young man is funny in a (good) weird way, we share some stories whilst waiting the sun arise. He was showing off his Sinatra's collection (yeah, quite surprising for me to know that he apparently enjoying the king of swing-vocal jazz-classic pop) and he suddenly asked me if I ever wonder why he chose 'Jakesperiment' - which I do not know the precise reason but was guessing it has to do with his nickname 'Jakes' and the word 'Experiment'. 
"This is an exclusive statement from me for you (pause and laugh)."
"I would like to compose songs from every genre existed, which is why I put the word experiment. Up until now, I succeeded in making classic, electronic and ambient music while jazz, pop, rock and others are not there yet. I feel very enthusiastic about it, especially in producing a blues song."
"Later on when I have my own full album,  I would like to have various genre inside it."
The light conversation suddenly became a bit serious when Dissa openly stated that he fed up with people who talks only about certain genre or sub-genre. For him, there are only three genre existed which are Art, Popular and Traditional. 
Our conversation did not stop there, we talked about his cancelled plan to visit me here in Malaysia due to some personal reason which I agreed upon. I must say that I am disappointed not going to be able to welcome Jakes and forcing him to play some tunes that made my head goes round and round. 
But you know what, at least I succeeded in making my own symphony of Jakesperiment. One young talented artist from my hometown who hang out on the side of the road but still have the capability in producing creative product (in this case, music) and proved that there are a lot of talented people out there in Indonesia regardless their status or education. 
Thank you Dissa for letting me write this symphony and see you later!
You can access the Jakesperiment's music at:
The Jakesperiment: Symphony No. 25 and Their Glories of the Night is supported by Fathan Fitriadi and Prahara Munthe 
The Jakesperiment: Symphony No. 26; Die ist scwarz die Rhetorik schwarz, weiss, grau und der Regenbogen is supported by Sanggra Alam (cover artwork), Rizki Agus Wibowo, Rabita Syahbunan & Meity Fitriani (Poem), and special acknowledgement for Bakti Aditya and Fauzia Handayani.
written by Meity Fitriani, 
Kuala Lumpur, 21 January 2010
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