blackandbluecomics · 10 years
PSA; concerning greetings and starters
I don’t tend to do starters unless I really feel like it. So if you want a thread with me the best way to get it done is to either;
Jump in on my meme responses and make those a thread, no need for us to have had a thread before the meme, memes are awesome icebreakers.
Jump one of my rare open threads.
Invade my askbox both ic and ooc
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blackandbluecomics · 10 years
The boy let his guard down when he assessed that she wasn't a threat, not to him at least, but only slightly. He could tell she was at least a fair bit surprised that someone who'd grown up in such a bright and seemingly harmless city was so distrusting and wary of anyone who came up to him, especially if they helped, but she didn't know him. And it was better that way. "Well, there is, and I'm one of those people. And you assume a lot just by saving me once. Would it really do me any sort of good to smart mouth 'em? No, it wouldn't because I'd get beat harder. I'm not a fighter lady, I'm an artist and a pacifist, fighting isn't the way to solve problems." Junhong shrugged, not the entire truth, but it was all she needed to hear.. As another sharp burst of pain shot up his spine, the teen faltered a bit before realizing his wounds were indeed worse than he'd anticipated and slid off his backpack, handing it to the woman. "Name's Junhong, if you can patch me up better than I can, you can help all you want." Out the corner of his eye, he could see two of the three who had been using him as their personal punching bag earlier and was desperate to keep this lady around long enough until he could get them off his tracks. A bit selfish, but honestly, who in this city wasn't?
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blackandbluecomics · 10 years
I need you.
"And just who the hell are you?" Junhong eyed the stranger up and down, backing away for good measure as he shoved balled fists in his hoodie pockets. "Why would you need a hooligan who's wandering the streets this late at night?" 
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blackandbluecomics · 10 years
"I adore you." “You are adorable.” “I’ll protect you with my life.” “I wish you would notice me and maybe develop feelings for me.” “Storm is coming.” “You are cute but we’re not going to be a thing.” “Can I kiss you?” “Give me a sign!” “I want to be your friend.” “I need you.” “I hate you!” “Get over it.” “That was rude.” “I’m trying to flirt with you, okay?” “You are my enemy.” “I like when you smile.”
Send for my muse's reaction
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blackandbluecomics · 10 years
*safe* Hey there, I'm Key. Nice to meet you. -smiles-
{ giving a lazy wave of his own, the boy barely turned his attention from the seemingly blank sheet paper in his notebook, going back to sketching, a white pastel in his hand } "Hey, 'm Junhong, ditto."
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blackandbluecomics · 10 years
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"Sometimes the Reapers don't always finish the job."
Emergency lung surgery, 65 years old, chain smoker for 30 years and vehemently denied any troubles prior to today. Little chance of living unless a near perfect transplant was made. Yunho was brought in on special call to perform this surgery and felt seemingly ten ton beads of sweat drip down the side of his face as he carefully made almost minuscule incisions into the man’s chest. As he was heading to get the man’s new liver, the doctor’s hands froze and he felt his breath being sucked out of him as a much deeper, much more sinister voice crooned in his ear; his voice the promises the Elysium as he led you down the Fields of Punishment.
"Why should he live? He hasn’t done anything for society, nothing to help and he should get the lungs of someone who deserves them?" It hissed, as if clawing at the insides of Yunho’s mind. 'No, no I have to save him, it's my job.' He spoke internally, hands trembling as he fought for control against the voice. “No, your job, pet, is to help me execute those who don’t deserve to walk this pathetic excuse for society. Now kill him.” 
With no choice, he turned back to the drugged patient, eyes soulless and hazed over as a small smirk curled over the right corner of chapped lips, invisible underneath his mask. Just one cut, that’s all it took, a centimeter too deep, too long. 
And there it was, the joyous ringing of the flat line, the end of a patient’s chance for consciousness. As other doctors filed in, Yunho’s eyes filled out again, not quite so hollow or dazed and he did it again, another breakdown. 
Rushing out, the faint sound of broken sobs echoed throughout the East wing, simply dismissed as a visitor who lost a loved one.
Not as a man who had fallen into the pit of insanity.
"Good pet." 
Literate | AU | Para&Action&Plot Friendly | Trigger Warning | Reblog/Follow | About
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blackandbluecomics · 10 years
Elsa approached the other with careful steps. She found the boy strange, the vibe he gave out as well as the appearance. He didn't look like any other boy she had encounter but it didn't stop her from tapping him on the shoulder. "Excuse me. Will you take this flower and bring it joy?" She extended her right hand, allowing the daisy in her hand be exposed to the boy. Her smiled grew stronger as she looked up at the other.
Looking up, the blonde turned away from the comic book display when he felt a hand tap him on the shoulder. When he turned to face the stranger, he was met by a mismatch of contours and features. Sharp bone structures met with soft eyes and a blinding smile, to say the least, she was beautiful. Slowly regaining focus and looked down to the flower the seemingly younger woman had been talking about and stared at it with a suspicious glint in his eye. "Lady, if I took that flower, it'd be dead within three days. You're better off keeping it." He pursed his lips some as he went silent, eyes almost analyzing her before he gave a small, upward tip of his mouth. "I could bring you to life though, all I need is a pencil and some paper." 
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blackandbluecomics · 10 years
reblog if you’re willing to interact with my female muse.
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blackandbluecomics · 10 years
{ Tracker - 310114 }
Owed Replies
-  -ftxwonbin (para) - -dragonwufan (drabble;game) -soyvmi (drabble;enamor me) - - -sleeplessxminki (para;the outcasts who stuck together)
Waiting On 
-dysphoriaxkai (AU para)
{ starting now, I promise. maybe idk. }
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blackandbluecomics · 10 years
Because of this Virus thing:
If your going to send me an anon or are a new follower trying to send me an ask, please put the word ‘safe’ before hand so I know that it’s okay to answer. Example being if you want to say ‘hello’ please message me ‘safe, hello’. This way I know your cool and I can continue having anons. Other wise, I’ll probably ignore you just to be on the safe side.
Again, the word safe.
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blackandbluecomics · 10 years
Typist will be out of town with no laptop for the weekend so replies will be put off until Monday-Tuesday ish
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blackandbluecomics · 10 years
At his first complete glance at the woman, he crossed his arms and looked her over critically. "You look familiar. Like I've seen you somewhere before." With a light shrug he brushed off the idea with a slight of his head, holding out a hand. "Junhong, pleasure to meet you, Miss."
"Kiss me."
Joohyuns eyes grew wide at the strangers statement. “Um no..”
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blackandbluecomics · 10 years
Abusive plots;
Please like/reblog if you’re fine with abusive, kidnapping, torturous plots. I need some people to para with so yeah. Thanks.
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blackandbluecomics · 10 years
Tell My Muse, Anon Or Not, What You Find Sexually Attractive About Them
**Bonus Points for explicit detail!**
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blackandbluecomics · 10 years
↳ Here’s a shorter drabble list as I find the massive one is a bit repetitive. If there’s nothing that you want to send here, just send it as a request.
Amuse Me: I will write a funny drabble about my character trying to cheer yours up.
Accept me: I will...
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blackandbluecomics · 10 years
Suddenly Junhong wasn't so sure he liked this plan. Never one to be flustered, the blonde wasn't sure why his cheeks felt so hot or why he really wanted to pull away before he made a fool of himself but once the danger had passed, he immediately pulled away. Giving her a faint upward tip of his lip, Junhong rubbed the back of his neck and tried to will away the red staining his cheeks. "Thanks for that, miss..uh, sorry for the weird request."
"Kiss me."
Joohyuns eyes grew wide at the strangers statement. “Um no..”
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blackandbluecomics · 10 years
Groaning as a very angry man of grow man who looked none too nice came running down the street after him, Junhong pulled his mask down, eyes showing a desperate sense of urgency. “Listen, those nice fellows over there want to kick my ass. If they don’t see it, they won’t. You don't have to actually kiss me, just look like you are."
"Kiss me."
Joohyuns eyes grew wide at the strangers statement. “Um no..”
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