Even the happiest person can be depressed or fucked up or messed up.
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Why is it that it hurts when you say something and your voice sounds deep of emotions even when you think about something it just fucking hurts.
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Why are people taken for granted? Is it cause we have a heart? Or we care alot?
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“When she is alone in her rooms I hear her humming to keep herself from thinking.”
Jean-Paul Sartre
Buy Jean-Paul Sartre’s books here
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I need the comfort of someone at the moment and it sucks cause I don't have it. Can't even talk to anyone.
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Could be scary but awesome. You get the adrenaline rush of doing something or saying something to someone.
And you don't know the consequences but you can't take it back cause you did it.
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Credit to whose Quote this is.
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When we like someone, we don't tell them right away cause we are scared of rejection so we beat around the bush dropping little hints and like the person in silence
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Those are all just precious things we cherish knowing nothing will go back to those moments. Nothing will be the same and it sucks cause we were happy. I was happy.
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Sometimes I'm the one in need of a hug but there's no one around to give me one.
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little self care tips
- apply Vaseline to your eyes, lashes, brows, and lips before bed
- never brush curly hair while it’s dry
- on that note, applying products/oil to curly hair while dry is useless
- use a t shirt to dry hair to avoid frizz
- sleep without pants. trust me.
- avoid watery body lotions like Vaseline’s lotion. only dries you out
- avoid crystalline, jagged scrubs (sugar, coffee. St. Ives, etc.). Use round/gentle ones like oatmeal
- avoid coconut oil on face. if you apply it to your hair wash your face afterwards
- don’t put lemon on your face. it might seem like it’s helping but it weakens its protective layer in the long run. if you do use it, dilute it and avoid sun for a while.
- no toothpaste on pimples either it’s a myth
- why do u have a bra on at home. take that shit off and live a little.
- apply deodorant before getting dressed so it doesn’t rub off on your clothes defeating the purpose
- reapply sunscreen every 3-4 hours
- don’t text the fuckboy he don’t care about you
- wake up 30 minutes earlier to have a more relaxed morning and avoid rushing
- wash panties by themselves so you don’t get the gross dirt and germs from your other clothes mixed in. dry them in the sun to kill bacteria if possible.
- hand wash all hijabs they’ll last longer
- don’t use rose water with added fragrance. always check label
- eat at least one fruit or vegetable a day
- leave menial tasks for the end of the day. don’t drain yourself before getting to the important stuff
- before saying something mean or a nasty joke, take 5 seconds to think about it.
- apologizing first doesn’t make you weak
- being vulnerable doesn’t make you weak
- exfoliate after using foundation or powder
- clean phone screen with rubbing alcohol/sanitizer
might add more later or y'all can reblog with your own tips
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You can't blame me for something that I'm supposably doing to you when you know you're it doing to me. Guilty fuck.
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Time doesn't heal we just get used to it.
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Nothing ever stays the same but you know what, you go through the change no matter what.
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You can always delete things physically but never mentally.
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I look up at him. "Relationships are no good even though they are so cute."
"Hmm? relationships are no good?" He asks.
"You get hurt from them." I mumble.
He sighs running his hands through his hair. "Yeah we do."
"It's like a rose🌹something so gorgeous can be painful." I say shrugging.
"You just have to find a rose that fits your hand without poking you." He replies smiling a little hugging me.
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