55 posts
There’s no use in talking to people who have a home They have no idea what its like to seek safety in other people🍰
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
bjornk1tty · 3 days ago
RIP my favorite diva🤍
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bjornk1tty · 10 days ago
this kinda making me giggle again
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Summary: You lay in bed with Bjorn, settled into his arms, imagining your future together.
Context: fluff? idk
a/n: i love bones and all so much someone talk to me about it. Anyways wrote this right before i sleep so its not proofread n i don't know where i wanted this to go at all i dont even think i knew what i was writing. Also in other news my Spike keychain has been acquired😼😸 goodnight🤍
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The darkness of the room makes it feel colder than it really is, the silence eerie. You lay on your back in bed, turning your head to the left to see Bjorn, peacefully calm and quiet—something not common for him—something you've grown to admire in these moments only you know about. He lies there on his stomach, facing away from you, his bare back exposed to the coldness of the room. Slowly inching closer to him, abandoning the warmth of the blanket you held tight, the warmth of your hands touching the cool skin of Bjorn's back. You kiss his shoulder blade softly, making him stir in his sleep.
In your moment of desperation for his attention, you straddle him, sitting where you know the dimples of his back rest. You continuously place sloppy, wet pecks onto his back, as he then awakes. A hoarse groan emerges from his throat. You smile as you place one last kiss on to the middle of his back and plop down back in your original spot, the imprint of warmth your body left, now gone.
Bjorn turns his head to face you "What was all tha' 'bout, then?" his voice heavy with sleep. You smile in seeing the sleepy smirk he wore on his face, something you've become familiar with. "Nothing.." you whisper, "I just miss you." "Miss me? I'm righ' 'ere, luv." he replicates your tone.
You wiggle into his arms, both now on your sides, facing each other. You hold his face tightly, as if he were to disappear the second your grip falters. You pull him into a passionate kiss, lips clasping together as he tries to pull you closer by the waist.
Both only pulling away when completely out of breath. You brush a few stray strands of hair out of his face getting a better view of his eyes. Both of you watch each other with a longing gaze. As if you were being forced away from each other in a tragic love story. Your hand once again meets his face, your thumb brushing his now rosy cheek. You smile, analyzing his features, consumed by him as if it were the first time. After one final kiss you settle your head on his arm and close your eyes, softly telling him you loved him. Though you didn't expect to hear anything in return, he struggled to say those three words to you, thinking if he did you'd be somehow taken away from him.
But you were patient, you would wait forever for him to say them to you. Just as you were about to fall into a deep sleep you hear "I luv ya too." You feel your heart skip a beat though you can't tell if what you heard was real or a delusion. You choose to believe it was real, you both spend the rest of the night peacefully. Resting in each others arms, as you dream of how you and Bjorn would spend the rest of your lives in Yvaga once you get there with the rest of the group.
The plan would surely work, right?
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bjornk1tty · 12 days ago
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going back to my bjorn anora fic
It’s coming guys I swear(I been saying this for so long)
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bjornk1tty · 13 days ago
Bjorn, to the waiter: A milkshake with two straws, please.
Y/n: *blushing*
Bjorn, putting both straws in his mouth: Watch how fucking fast I can drink this
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bjornk1tty · 13 days ago
spike please come back to us i miss you so bad
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bjornk1tty · 14 days ago
divas im having the worst cramps but writing the craziest smut
are we winning or losing?
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bjornk1tty · 20 days ago
@bjornk1tty's masterlist
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I'm not a bad girl but I, do bad things with you🎞️ Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4-
Bjorn finds out what you do on the side for extra money. He plans to use this knowledge to his advantage.
You lay in bed with Bjorn, settled into his arms, imagining your future together.
I'll Take You To The Candy Shop🍭
When I'm Down on My Knees, You're How I Pray🪽-
While in Bjorns room you uncover some of your missing belongings leading to a deeper realization of Bjorn's feelings towards you.
Good Luck, Babe🍒-
Struggling to cope with the grief and loneliness of being the only survivors, you and Rain avoid each other and struggle to communicate. However, one day you both ponder over your own feelings of attraction towards one another after sharing a moment.
We Can't Be Friends☕️
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bjornk1tty · 21 days ago
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i need bjorn writers to come back i need help please
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bjornk1tty · 22 days ago
curled up on my bean bag eating chocolate covered pretzels listening to oasis songs on repeat and it’s cold and rainy out🤍🤍
mhm yes. i take everything back.. i love living
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bjornk1tty · 22 days ago
I'm not a bad girl but I, do bad things with you (Part 4 of 4)
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Summary: Bjorn finds out what you do on the side for extra money. He plans to use this knowledge to his advantage.
contents: smut, cam girl reader, masturbation, angst, not proofread, not accurate to alien universe
a/n: this is so shitty. crazy how i started this december 7th and its literally february.. anyways. this is so shitty
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You've dreamt of times like this. Bjorns hands wrapped tightly around your waist, his face buried in the crook of your neck, desperate for your scent, as if he couldn't survive without it.
Through, instead of this happening to you, it was gifted to a girl across the bar. No one in the group knows her. Bjorn was all over a random girl, not you. Her short skirt, shorter than anything you'd dare wear out of the house and her highest heels, taller than Bjorn with them on.
The low cut top being the only thing keeping his attention. And her hair, her long horse tail, copper hair. Ironic really, as you knew Bjorn hates that type of hair.
He'd made it a point to make your life hell when you decided to try a new hair color, conveniently the same as the girl whose hands were all over the boy who you deemed yours since childhood.
The scowl on your face evident to everyone, the rest of the group steered away from making you apart of the conversation. They too have have sensed your falling out with Bjorn.
You knew that the day Bjorn found out about your side job it would be challenging and potentially even hurt your relationship though, you never assumed it would be this much.
You should've know.
It was typical for Bjorn to run away from anything he couldn't control. And as the thrill from making your tapes died down, so did he. Now, he won't even look at you most of the time.
Before you can even think about what you're doing, you stand abruptly and charge towards Bjorn and the coppered haired girl. Your friends puzzled with your unexpected move and call your name in confusion.
In your haze, you ignore them, pushing through the dancing crowd, jerking Bjorns shoulder roughly. "What the fuck are you doing?" you yell over the music, you throat already tightening in realization that this was a foolish move on your part.
If there was one thing Bjorn did, it was never taking any shit from you.
He leans toward the girl whose face was now scrunched with annoyance, to whisper something in her ear. She looks a you up and down then scoffs as she walks to the bar setting herself neatly on a stool.
Bjorn forcefully grabs your arm and yanks you through the building's back door and out into the alley. Once outside, he releases your arm and looks at you with a crazed expression, gesturing towards the building behind you.
"Now what the hell was that?" he demands, his voice sharp. You try to mask the hurt in your voice as you respond, "You tell me."
He shakes his head in frustration, pacing back and forth for a moment before turning to face you with a sharp expression.
"What is it that you want, exactly? Ya think I can't be with anyone else just cause I'm fuckin ya?" he asks, his gaze searching your hurt face.
You swallow the lump in your throat and respond with a hint of defiance in your voice, "Yes. Yes, I do think that. Because it wasn't just nothing, Bjorn. It didn't mean nothing to me, and you can't tell me it meant nothing to you either."
He grips your biceps firmly, pushing you against the wall, now speaking to you as if you were a child who didn't understand.
"Nah I can tell ya and I will, it means nothing. I got bored is all it is." Tears well up in your eyes at his words, but he continues on, unbothered by your visible distress.
"Ya get it now, right?" he sneers. "I'll fuck who I want, whenever I want. You're nothin' special, ya know? Nothin' at all." He releases his grip on your arms, and you're preparing to defend yourself when the door to the bar swings open.
The group steps out the door into the alleyway, the blaring music from inside abruptly quieted.
Everyone falls silent as they notice your tear-streaked face and Bjorn's angry expression. "Bjorn, what the fuck man?" Navarro says, concern etched on everyone's faces.
The girls immediately rush to your side, gently leading you away from Bjorn further down the alley. Andy sticks close to you and the girls, while Tyler lingers behind, shouting at Bjorn, though, you can't make out the words being said.
You lay in bed your cheeks moist with tears, your hair matted. It's been a week since your were walked home by Kay, Navarro, Rain, and Andy and the one time you left your house since then was to buy a new lock for your door.
You hardly got out of bed. At least four times a day the group would swing by trying to get you to open. The one time Bjorn tried to come by he didn't say anything.
You heard keys being messed with followed by the sound of door knob rattling. You walk to the door after the noise halts, peeking through a window seeing the familiar silhouette walking away.
You roll to the other side of the bed checking the time. Almost 9pm. Your stomach growled. You had started running low on food, going through it faster than you had hoped, meaning you'd have to leave the house.
You groan as you rise to your feet. Standing for a second then ultimately collapsing back into bed. You lay in silence, thinking about everything yet nothing at all.
Your eyes land on your packed suitcase across the room. You should've just left that day.
You haven't felt any better since then, that being the only thing that stopped you. Assuming that you'd get over what Bjorn said.
You had enough money to get out of this trailer. And as long as you keep making videos, even alone it would keep you secure.
You pull the side of your hood closer to your face. Scared of anyone seeing you. You hop up the steps of the trailer the grocery bags crinkling as you put them down to reach for your key.
Pushing the door open, you pick up the bags and kick the door open wider to step in.
Suddenly you get pushed into your trailer an arm wraps around your waist the other around your mouth. A scream is ripped from your throat, muffled and strained from it going unused for some time.
The bags drop to your sides as you hear the door close. Your hands immediately scratch and push the hands away before you hear a familiar voice telling you to calm down.
The hand around your waist loses and you push away from the body behind you. The sight almost making you fall to your knees, almost.
Bjorn stood there in his usual baggy clothing, smelling of sweat and coal. Though the hair on his upper lip and chin seemed to have been grown out a bit, seeming almost unkempt.
Your face contorts "Why would you do that?" you say annoyed as he scoff walking deeper into the trailer, picking up the bags of the floor and walking into the small kitchen area, laying them on the counter.
"You changed your locks." he said nonchalantly as if he hadn't made it seem like you were about to be attacked. "And so that means you force your way into my trailer?" you follow behind.
He huffs digging through the bags pulling out a box of cereal, ripping the packaging open and digging a hand full out "I didn't force myself, i just walked in behind ya." he shrugs, shoveling dry cereal into his mouth.
You roll your eyes and start to unpack the bags, finding it was useless to try and argue with him.
You put everything in its respective place in silence, aside from Bjorns loud crunching.
"What are you doing here?"
He shrugs once again.
You snatch the box out of his hand close it up and put it in the cabinet. "You're rude ya know." he says referring to his now missing snack.
"That's the first thing I've had all day." you shrug mimicking him "I don't see how that's my issue Bjorn."
"Well 's kinda your fault." You frown and plop down on the couch looking at him for an explanation as to why his empty stomach is your fault.
"Kay stopped making my lunch after you went all dramatics on us like that."
You sigh "I didn't ask her to do that or anything.. if that's what you think."
"Nah, I didn't say none of that. Jus' sayin that she's upset with me. They all are."
"And so what? You're here to get my forgiveness so Kay'll make you lunch again." he tilts his head "More o' less." he smirks.
You huff standing up to storm away. He rushes towards you putting his hands on your shoulders to keep you there, all too familiar with your tactics.
"I'm jus' messin' with you, alright. Calm down will ya, you're no fun like this." he pouts.
He sits you back down and sits on the table in front of you. Holding your hands in his gently.
"Ya know 'm sorry, right?" you shake your head "No. No, I don't Bjorn. You never really are, are you?" he runs a hand over his face "Look I was drunk that night. I didn't know what i was saying. So can you just forget it?"
"So you do remember then, what you said?" He rolls his eyes dropping your hands and he throws his in the air.
"Why'd you gotta be like that. I'm saying sorry so why can't you accept that. Ya know, tha's why you don't got no boyfriend." You scoff.
"I 'don't got no boyfriend' cause you wouldn't let me, remember."
"Great. Now she's lying. Brilliant!" he says standing up and talking to no one in particular. "It's not a lie. And you know it."
"Alright. No, it's not a lie, but its cause I knew they wouldn't treat you right. Ya think they woulda lasted this long with you. You got issues ya know, and the second they saw that they woulda left you."
"Oh, THANK YOU, BJORN. Thank you for preventing these fake scenarios from happening. Thank you."
"No you know that's not how i mean it." You stand in front of him, your chest puffed to match his height. "Oh no? How do you mean then Bjorn?"
He sighs and rolls his eyes, his voice now unsure "You know you.. ya know you mean a lot to me, and i guess.." He shrugs and collapse on the couch. Your face softens at his sudden weakness. You hardly ever saw him like this.
It was only ever Tyler or Navarro who took care of him when he was like this. "Jus' wanna make sure you're alright, with someone who'll love ya."
"Bjorn.." your voice shakes and you sit next to him. His head is thrown back his forearm covering his eyes. "I love you. You. Why can't you see that?"
You shake your head tears threatening to spill from your eyes. He shoots up and faces you. "Ya don't mean that. Ya don't. I know ya don't." he says almost angry, pointing an accusatory finger at you.
"I do." you yell at him. "I do. But.. you make is so hard Bjorn. You make it seem like you don't care, like you don't feel the same. And i just want you to- i need you to-" he cuts you off pulling you towards him, his lips pressing on your.
Something you've waited for, for far too long. Your hands cling to his clothing, while his hands clutch your face.
Pulling away from each other was like trying to stop the flowing of a river. You sit in silence, only each others gasping for air heard.
He slowly guides you to rest on your back. You comply with his gentle movements. His lips connecting to your neck, savoring the feeling of you.
You slowly awake with the feeling of your head slowly rising and falling. Your eyes flutter open to see Bjorn sleeping beneath you.
You analyze him. His long eyelashes, his thick eyebrows, the headband that was nearly falling over his eyes, and the drool that slipped down his cheek.
You scrunch your nose in amusement and stile out a giggle. Slowly you peel your bare body away from his, throwing a blanket over him once you're off.
You pick up the hoodie he discarded the night before and shrug it on, shielding yourself from the gloomy weather. Tiptoeing into the kitchen you pull out ingredients to start breakfast. Eggs, bacon, berries, and toast.
You quietly get to work, as you start a pot of coffee you feel Bjorns arms snake around you. You smile and he shoves his face into the crook of your neck, taking in your scent nibbling on the skin soon after.
He follows you around the kitchen, refusing to unhook his arms from your waist. You cut the flame on the stove and turn to him, rearranging stray hairs and fixing his headband "Hungry?" you say softly, tracing circles over his cheeks.
He hums a response and you get to fixing two plates. You roll your eyes slightly and scoff "Bjorn you gotta let go." he shakes his head no tightening his grip, now squishing you.
You wriggle in Bjorn's grasp as he holds you tightly, not wanting to let go. Finally, he gives in and lets you lead him to the table, like a puppy being led by its owner. You pat him on the head and tell him to sit down, before rushing away to finish preparing breakfast.
You rush serving him a mug of coffee and piling food on a plate for him, knowing how much he can eat. You set the plates down then go back for the mugs.
You both eat in silence for a second, Bjorn immediately showing bacon in his mouth as you slowly sipped your coffee.
"Bjorn?" you watch him eat, grease from the bacon coating his lips "So what now?"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean what did last night make us?" he shrugged, wiping his hands on his pants. Silence consumes you both again.
"I know what I want it to mean." he says. You hum for him to continue, staring at the marks you left on his collar bone.
"I wanna be with you. And only you. Should said that was early, way fucking earlier. But 'm saying it now." he takes a deep breath. "I wanna be your boyfriend. I wanna take care of you and I want to be the one who'll treat ya right."
A smile grows on your face as he speaks. You nod and he releases a breath he didn't realize he was holding. "And no more fighting." you say simply. He nods and agrees "No more fighting."
You both finish breakfast and head to sit on the couch together, both having hope in your newfound relationship.
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bjornk1tty · 23 days ago
𓏲˚ ۪ ♥︎ ݁⸝⸝⸝ ⑅
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bjornk1tty · 25 days ago
Spike Fearn via Talia Ryder's Insta story
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bjornk1tty · 26 days ago
watching alien Romulus trying to get back into my spike/bjorn era
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bjornk1tty · 26 days ago
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Fittest man alive and fuck every Brit that is able to buy tickets
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bjornk1tty · 1 month ago
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bjornk1tty · 1 month ago
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bjornk1tty · 1 month ago
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