Pink Haired Beauty
92 posts
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bitchyninja · 10 years ago
you don't act very much like Sakura
    {{ That is because I’m not actual Sakura, I’m an AU Sakura where Sakura is an Akatsuki Member. My Sakura does not treat everyone the same as the actual Sakura does! Please don’t get mixed up, my Sakura won’t be kind to everyone she used to, she will just be civil with everyone. }}
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bitchyninja · 10 years ago
"Lucky Me"
Put “Lucky Me” to my askbox and see what you’ll get
1st person owns my muse handcuffed for3 days
    ❝Handcuffs are pretty uncomfortable. But I guess I will be stuck in them for the next three days.❞ Letting a small sigh pass her slightly parted lips as she looked at the raven haired male, this was not quite what she had in mind but it would have to do. 
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bitchyninja · 10 years ago
Put "Lucky Me" to my askbox and see what you'll get
1st person owns my muse handcuffed for 3 days
2nd person has my muse as an their prison for 24 hours
3rd person gets kiss from my muse
4th person gets hug from my muse
5th person has my muse as their pet for week
6th person gets bitten by my muse
7th person gets letter from my muse (love letter, goodbye letter, hate letter, whatever comes to my mind)
8th person will get a dinner with my muse
9th person can choose any of the above
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bitchyninja · 10 years ago
{{ I don't even have to try to be able to be Sarada Uchiha :'3 }}
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bitchyninja · 10 years ago
msharuno replied to your post:Private message rp of Gaara x Sakura?
( //pulls up the ship fleet so me, you and our other twin can help steer// ♥ )
    {{ Yup, thanks. I will need the help with the amount of ships I have. }}
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bitchyninja · 10 years ago
Private message rp of Gaara x Sakura?
    {{ Pardon what? …If you are asking me about my opinion on the ship or if I ship it, I pretty much ship everything, I just ship some more than others. because I’m a multi-shipping whore. }} 
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bitchyninja · 10 years ago
    ❝You might not have noticed, like him, but you have picked up that strange impediment  that Diedara has at the end of his sentences... and it's very peculiar.❞ 
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"My speech patterns are becoming anything but peculiar. And,—…."
Oh god this is awful—.
"I’m nothing like him…. Yeah.”
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bitchyninja · 10 years ago
    She had been running low on a few things therefore she decided that she would take a trip to the nearest place possible in order to get them. Waltzing into the hospital she took a look around before walking over to the other pink haired girl. ❝Yes, you can. where can I find bandages, pins, and sterilized wipes?❞ 
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"I have done all I can— but this one will have to stay in the hospital for a few days.” The young medical ninja in training said as she removed her gloves, hearing the door open she blinked looking behind her.                              ”Can I Help you.”
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bitchyninja · 10 years ago
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    ❝Sasori, you have been spending too much time with Deidara. You are starting to pick up his peculiar speech pattern.❞ 
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"…. I am alive…. yeah.”
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bitchyninja · 10 years ago
    The pinkette had just finished a mission and was heading back to the hideout when  she heard a loud noise. Usually she would just ignore it but with having nothing else to do, and recognizing the chokra she decided why not check out what that was. She hid her chokra as she moved closer to where the sound had come form, just in case it was supposed to be some poor excuse of an ambush. When she was close enough a small smirk laced her lips as she understood what it was that made that noise. With one swift move she jumped down from the tree that she had previously been stood in, landing only a couple meters from the broken wood that used to make up a wooden training post. ❝You have gotten a lot better since the last time I saw you.❞ 
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starter for bitchyninja
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The lotus was a double edged sword, Lee knew that. Using it was forbidden unless the rules fit or Gai allowed it. But today he would train the frontal lotus. He neglected it for way too long. The wooden training post was ready, after a few seconds of preperations Lee dashed forwards and kicked it up, soon following him, he wrapped his bandages around it and attacked. He had to let go in the very last second, where he could feel the preasure of the attack touching the ground, where his stomach told him to let go or something terrible would happen. A loud noise, much dirt in the air, then silence. Lee huffed for breath, the wooden post was destroyed, the only thing that was left were splitters and a gigantic grater.
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"That was a good one!"
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bitchyninja · 10 years ago
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May be
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bitchyninja · 10 years ago
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The 8th icon in your folder is your muse's reaction to being asked if they're a virgin.
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bitchyninja · 10 years ago
Sasuke remain quiet before giving her a small wave "Hello there"
    Blinking several times as she looked down at the small child in confusion as she was almost one hundred percent sure that this boy was Sasuke when he was a child. But that would be unlikely since she had seen him just a couple hours ago looking his usual age. ❝Sasuke..?❞ She questioned while still being slightly unsure with what exactly was going on here.
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bitchyninja · 10 years ago
Reblog if you are a Naruto rp blog
My dash is pretty dead so I need more people to follow.
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bitchyninja · 10 years ago
    Emerald orbs averted to the door of the room which was the direction that she could sense her partners chokra rising, along with someone else who she was guessing that he was fighting. With her being deeper in the hideout than the male it meant that she would not run into any enemies that may try to infiltrate unless they somehow get past the raven haired male, which was very unlikely. Well that's what she thought anyway.
    Only a minuet or so had passed since her partners chokra had risen, yet already she could feel a strange presence closer to her than the raven haired male. ❝How did they get passed Sasuke..?❞ She quietly spoke to herself as she fully turned towards the door readying herself for anything to happen. If this person had gotten past her partner that meant that they were strong so she wasn't going to take any chances. Her partner was obviously locked in combat with whoever had come along with the person who was currently approaching her so she was going to have to stop this person on her own.
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    Bringing her fist down near her waist as she gathered chokra in her fist she waited until the second the person walked around the corner before launching at them and hitting them as hard as she could with the amount of chokra she had gathered. This attack usually worked on her enemies so she was pretty sure that this would at least injure the infiltrator greatly, if not put them out of combat for a while. With that she turned her back and begun to walk away. 
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bitchyninja · 10 years ago
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✿ - Independent rp/ask blog for AU Sakura Haruno from Naruto
✿ - Open Para, gif/icon, crack, pretty much anything if you ask.
✿ - Multi-ship friendly.
✿ - Multiverse, Crossover and OC friendly.
✿ - Askbox is always open for plotting, m!a’s, questions or just for chatting. 
✿ - Skype given to mutual followers upon request.
「Home | Ask | Rules | About」
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bitchyninja · 11 years ago
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I'm just gonna leave this here....
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