bilboxbgns · 4 years
I had a nightmare about you and I wanted to make sure you were okay
Summary: You had a nightmare about your boyfriend Draco, and stopped at nothing to make sure he was safe. 
a/n: It has been over two years since I last posted anything or written any imagines. I am so glad to be back and I hope you guys enjoy and start requesting. Also, it has been around 2 years since i’ve written any non fiction, so please help me out to get back in the groove and get better. Thank you all :)
Imagine Prompts 
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The hallways were quiet. Dead. All the students in every quarter were soundly asleep, regenerating for the next day full of tests. The past two weeks were packed full of late night studying and cramming for the upcoming O.W.L.S. You had seen Draco a few times within the chaos of studying, but the one thing you two took seriously in your relationship was the importance of independence. These tests determined a lot for your future career, and Draco had a family legacy to carry on. So, for test weeks, you two kept the distractions to a minimum, and once they ended you celebrated greatly. 
Everyone seemed to be sleeping around you, but you were awake, sweating. Frantically searching for any source of reality, but your bedroom was dark and your eyes were still adjusting. You could hear your heartbeat in your head, in your chest. You felt your whole body throbbing, your heart was racing. 
All you could remember was blood. There was so much blood on the ground, surrounding him. Surrounding his body. He was so lifeless. He was so still. You couldn't tell what had happened to your boyfriend, you couldn't do anything to stop it. His once grey eyes were black. You tried so hard to scream, but your throat was voiceless. Your body was hard to move, like an invisible force held you back from holding Draco and trying to fix him.
And then you woke up. 
You hadn’t had any nightmares since you were a child. You weren’t used to feeling this helpless, the images of Draco lying lifelessly in front of you. You needed to know it was a dream. You had to see Draco. 
How you managed to find your way to the spiral stairs was purely luck. It was still pitch black and you didn't want to wake anyone by rummaging for your wand or lighting a candle. You could see the dimly lit fireplace at the bottom of the stairs that lit up just a little more when you entered the room. 
You were a little more calm, hoping that he was just right up these stairs. You didn’t want to break the rules at all, but you were sure nobody would mind. You hoped.
You slid up the stairs, grabbing a candle in the hallway on the way up. You were lucky at least, to be going into the boys room. They slept like rocks and hardly noticed any movement outside of their beds. 
At the top of the stairs, you noticed that familiar white hair. It was tucked slightly under covers. He was sleeping on his side, hugging the blankets tightly to him. Draco was adorable to say the least. You adored everything about the way he slept, so peacefully. 
You walked quietly over to him, consistently stepping on piles of rubbish and clothes in the pig pen that these boys called a room. You weren't sure how to wake him without starting a ruckus. Not that the other boys would really care, just because you two have never been the love bird issue, but who knew what on the walls was listening in. The paintings might have gone to bed, but that doesn’t mean they couldn’t wake up either.
You set your candle on the side table, carefully moving his clutter to the side. You rubbed your hand on the side of his face, raking your fingers through his head. He was there, he was okay. You saw his shoulders move up slightly when he breathed, and he seemed to settle a little more into his pillow when he felt your hands on his head. 
He seemed okay, and you sighed a little when the nightmare stopped replaying in your head. He was here, and alive and well, but that wasn’t enough. You needed to see his grey eyes, his beautiful grey eyes. 
You grabbed the candle again in your hands and kneeled to the side of his bed. You were now eye level, taking your hands and running them through his soft hair again, moving down to his shoulders. 
“Hey.” You whispered quietly. You shook his shoulder a little bit. “Draco, hey.” You whispered again. This caused him to jump, quickly sitting up on his elbow and frantically looking around. “What..”
“Hey, shhh shh. Draco, it’s me. Honey, it's okay.” You grabbed his face, rubbing your thumb on his cheek. When he heard your voice, he settled a little bit, looking at you with a scared look masking his tired eyes. He sat up a little more, now confused. 
“Y/N? I... What? What’s wrong baby? Why are you up here?” His voice was tired, but comfortable. He grabbed your hand off his face and held it in his. In this moment you now know what it was all just a dream. You had already forgotten about his lifeless body, and the blood. All you could think about was his eyes now. His beautiful eyes. 
“Follow me.” You whispered, leading him out of bed.
Everyone knows Draco as a hardass. He doesn’t do anything he doesn’t want to, no matter who you are. You’d like to say he has a soft spot for you, which is true for most of the time. He cared about you though. You didn’t ask for much. You didn’t find yourself needy. You just wanted him, and he just wanted you, so when you wake him up in the middle of the night, he's there.
The two of you snuck downstairs to the Slytherin common room and stood in front of the fire. He looked at you, waiting for a reason that you woke him up. He was shivering from climbing out of these comfortable and warm sheets. You laughed.
“Y/N. What's wrong? Are you okay?” 
“Yes, yes. I’m so sorry for waking you Draco. I had a nightmare about you and I wanted to make sure you were okay. I’m sorry I know that’s stupid, but I just got really scared.” You said, breathlessly. You just looked at him, His eyes lightened a little bit, still that beautiful color just now flickering in the fire light. 
He laughed a little bit, quickly grabbing you and taking you into his arms. He held you so tightly, taking any worries away at all. That dream now was just a distant memory. You knew he was okay. 
“I’m sorry, I just got scared.” You whispered. 
“Don’t even worry about that. I’m here. I’m sorry I haven’t been around much. You don’t need to apologize. I’m sorry you had that dream, but I am here for you honey.”
He was so unapologetically sweet to you, and for that, everyday, you were so thankful for Draco. He was good and you knew it, your sweet boy.
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bilboxbgns · 6 years
These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things - Newt Scammander Imagine
Summary - Newt is showing you some of his favorite creatures
a/n - please feel free to request! I really enjoyed writing this 
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“A what?” You laughed, admiring the beautifully bright owl looking bird that was perched so elegantly above where you and Newt were walking. He laughed a little too, stopping to admire the bird as well.
“A fwooper. Their quite enjoyable really, but you can't stand around him too long or he’ll start singing, and you’ll go mad.” Newt explained with a little too much giddiness. Your heart sunk a little at his words. You were relatively new to the “creature” scene and it all still scared you a bit.
In reality, you did it mostly for him. He was kind and generous and he was all you seemed to need.
“Now the next one, you need to be calm. He won't harm you, but I want him to get used to you.” Newt said, not looking back at you, but sliding his arm out from yours and grabbing your hand, leading you up a a small set to stairs to a platform. 
“Wait, what? Newt? I don’t know i’m a bit nervous maybe we should try another day.”
“No, no. It's the perfect time to see him. Just stay here, let him come to you.” He looked back at you, his eyes warm and calming. The feeling of safety overcame you, and his words guided you to a relaxed state. Newt understood you,and you could really tell how well he was going to protect you, which included never even brining you near harm.
“Okay, I trust you.” You quietly spoke, folding your arms and looking into the sky. You didn’t notice him still looking at your face, at your eyes. He was smiling and couldn’t even bring himself to take it away when he also looked up to the sky. 
In this corner of the case, it was a desert. In front of you was a large stone, and beyond that was vast lands, as far as you could look. It was gorgeous. It had to be though, it was holding quite a large creature.
Newt started to call for the creature. You continued to look up and didn’t see a thing. “He’s probably out for a fly, I’m sure he’ll be coming back any moment.” Newt reassured, looking back at you. 
A fly? You searched your memory for anything that could fly. A dragon? Maybe. A phoenix? Perhaps. Was Newt just actually insane?
“Well there he is.” He happily sighed, looking up. You quickly looked around for the creature, and once you found him, you were in a state of awe. The gorgeous gold feathers, his brilliantly colored eyes. He was a thunderbird, Newt talked about him all the time. How he rescued him from Egypt, and how comfortable he was around him. 
“Frank.” You laughed, uncrossing your arms. “That’s right. Hes brilliant isn’t he?” Next said, wrapping his arms around the thunderbirds beak. Frank seemed very comfortable around Newt. It was a trend apparently.
“Well come on. Slowly, don’t make a lot of sudden movements. He won't intentionally harm you, but he just gets frightened easily.” In one hand, you took Newts. His other hand was on Franks beak, guiding to show you where to put yours. He squeezed your hand a little bit, to reassure you that he had you. 
Frank backed up a little and thrashed his head around, but you didn’t flinch, you just stood still and calm. You didn’t watch him though, you looked at Newt who smiled and nodded. “Come now, try again.” 
You looked back at Frank and slowly walked towards him again. He was looking at you, studying you. 
Once you reached to where Newt was standing, you raised your arm. You were a little more hesitant, nervous at this point. Newt noticed and grabbed your free hand with his. He lead your hand to Frank’s beak, and laid it softly. You just left it there after he put his hand back down, and Frank nudged it a little, giving you the okay. You let go of Newts other hand and placed them both on Frank. 
You were giddy and happy, and Frank was just the same. “There you are my dear. You’ve done it.” Newt said, stepping back just a step or two to give you the space. 
Quietly, he was admiring you. He was looking at your body loosen a little, how your hands would softly glide over the bird, careful not to startle him. We was purely and wholeheartedly in love with you. There was no doubt in his mind.
“Alright, alright. Frank, we’ll leave you to it.” Newt interrupted. You backed up and watched him reach into his pocket and grab a piece of meat and throw it into the air. Frank caught it and flew away. 
You watched in amazement and he so easily glided away into the dessert. 
Newt reached to you, grabbing your hand. “Come on,we have plenty more to see.” You smiled deeply in excitement. You wrapped both hands around his one. “Lead the way.”
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bilboxbgns · 6 years
Hello friends!
So after a long lul (lool?), period, of just forgetting my roots of how much I love to read and write, I’ve finally decided to go back to them and start writing again. But I would love to try request again and not so much as prompts that I follow. Just so you have an idea of what I write about here is a list. Please request !! Thank you dearly.
• The hobbit / lord of the rings
• supernatural
• Star Wars
• Star Trek
• narnia
• Harry Potter
• Jurassic world
I can’t think of any more at the moment but if you see any on my page that you’d like to have, feel free to let me know!
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bilboxbgns · 6 years
So What If? - George Weasley Imagine
Summary - Fred and George always have a trick up their sleeve, and with as long as you’ve been dating George, you have always been sucked into their tricks, but not this time.
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“Hey y/n! What are you doing in the library so late?” A small, tired voice spoke behind you, startling you out of your deep thoughts, well, pretty much sleep. When you looked up you saw a tired Hermione in her pajamas and a robe, crossing her arms for warmth. The library was cold and silent. Even the books had stopped moving at this point. Hermione’s eyes were red and the circles under her eyes we deepened. She was exhausted, but never the less she must had noticed your empty bed and worried.
 “Oh, I’m sorry to keep you awake, you didn’t have to come looking for me. I’m just… reading.”
“Reading?” Hermione scoffed, “The book was really just a pillow, you’re exhausted. I think it’s time for bed.” You nodded, folding the book and shoving it back into the shelf. You stood up, noticing that you were still in your day clothes. You really must had been there for a long time, and in that whole time you never noticed even what book you had picked up. Hermione smiled at you and started walking in hopes that you would catch up. “I saw George before I left, he said he was looking for you.” She said from in front of you, turning her head just a little to look back.
You stopped in your tracks, shaking your head. “Oh no, I’m avoiding him.” You mumbled, walking back up to Hermione and grabbing her hand to get her to walk too. 
“What? Why? Has he done something wrong?” She asked, pulling her hand back. “No, I just overheard him and Fred talking about something they had been planning on doing during the owls and I just can’t be a witness. I am tired of getting in trouble because of guilty by association.”
“The owls? Well they can’t do that! These are so important, and I just need….”
“Woah! I get it, I understand. Don’t worry, I’ll talk to him. Let’s just go before we get yelled at.”   
The morning quickly came, and with that came breakfast in the dining hall and with the dining hall came George. You weren’t upset with him, in all honestly you were looking forward to spending time with him and getting to kiss him good morning because you had missed the night, but good lord if that boy dragged you into his shenanigans you were going to murder him.
Once dressed and ready you followed Hermione and Ginny to the common room but allowed them on their way as you waited for George and Fred. Your head whipped around when you heard the familiar voices descending the stairs. You smiled and met him halfway, stopping him in his tracks. “Good morning baby.” You smiled, pulling his tie down so you could meet his lips. He smiled and kissed you back, wrapping his arms around your waist. “Good morning.”
“Gross, get a room.” Fred groaned, pushing past the two of you. You smiled and intertwined your fingers with his, leading him down the rest of the stairs.
Breakfast was light and quickly enough classes were starting. Within the crowded halls, the two of you walked slowly through, hands still intertwined. Mornings like this were nice. The air still a little chilly and brisk. The first years were sprinting around, worried that they were going to be late. In a quick motion, you pulled George out of your path and into a secluded hallway. Careful of anyone seeing you, you pushed George against the wall to make sure that not even the Umbridge inquisitive pack could find you. As you searched around, you noticed George wrapping his arms around your waist. “I mean we might be late for class baby, but if this is what you want we can…”
“No! No! No, George, no. I wanted to talk about something that I overheard yesterday.” You pressed your hands-on George, pushing him away from you. “Oh. Right, yeah sure. What’s up”
“Look, I just heard you and Fred talking about something you were planning on doing during the owls and I just had to say that I don’t approve, and I think you shouldn’t. Okay bye, love you.” You turned around to walk away in a panic, but he was quick to grab your hand. 
“Wait. What?” You sighed and turned back around, showing an awkward fake smile that you used when you tried not to get annoying. “I love you, but so many people have been working hard on these…”
“So many people have been working hard? Have you been talking to Hermione? Don’t you hate Umbridge too?” He questioned a little too loud. You shushed him, placing your hand on his mouth.
“Yes but, look. I think that maybe you should just give Umbridge a different taste of her medicine is all.” George pouted. You smiled and led him out of the hallway, but now at a quicker pace to get to class on time. It was silent for a few moments, but Georges mind was running a mile a minute.  “Alright, I wonder what else we can do? Oh! Okay, so what if—”
“No.” You pushed him back into another separate hallway, but this time it was forceful and angry. 
“What do you mean no?” 
“Every time you start with what if, we end up in some ridiculous scenario and I’m in some sort of trouble I don’t need to be! If you are going to plan something keep me out of it.” You angrily pointed your finger at him. He rolled his eyes, grabbing your finger. “Seriously woman, I just don’t understand you sometimes.” 
 “I’m sorry, but you are just going to have to get in trouble without me.”  “Alright, but you are no fun.”  
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bilboxbgns · 6 years
The Untold Story (Teaser)
So like 5 years ago I put a story on Wattpad that had around 12 chapters and 12 thousand reads. It was a lot and because of my inactivity Wattpad deleted my account and I lost everything, but I really really like the story. So, I’ve decided to re-write it and so here is a little teaser. Tell me what you think.
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Silently the figure moved through the shadowed forest and placed their back against the nearest tree, catching their breath. Their search for prey had proven to be useless in this early hour. The clouds were shifting above and revealed an orbed moon in all its magnificence. The soft rays of light filtered through the trees and broke lightly over the protective barrier of shadow, revealing the figure.
The figure, in fact, was a girl.
Her dark brown eyes covered in a sort of haze, they trailed the turn of her head, exhaustion trying to pull them shut. The dirty blonde hair on her head was in a way peculiar. Some hung from tangled clumps that stuck to the sweat on her back whilst others stood up in spikes as if she walked through a hedge backwards.
The short top she wore only covered her chest, leaving her skinny flesh to the eyes of the world, revealing a bit too much of her jutting out bones. Her trousers were dark brown and the top of it consisted of a mass of leather. On her wrist sat two leather grieves, and on her right had was a beaten leather glove which wrapped its way around her shooting fingers so that little damage would occur when an arrow had been shot. A bow was held tightly in her grip. It was small, smaller than of Elvish make, the Dwarven pride gripping her wherever she went. A springy string was made of fine horsehair and the bow itself was made of whippy willow that fought hard against the recall of the strings momentum.
Her sword sat in a dull scabbard on her hip that stretched the length of her fairly short legs, and slammed against the leather of her dark brown boots. The quiver on her back, filled with a dozen or so arrows, created a barrier between her and the tree.
In all the silence, it was easy to hear something stirring even from far away. A small sound caught her ears, making her raise her head. She turned around quickly and pulled herself up the tree, hiding from the light.
The young archer sat perched up in the tree, still enough to be a part of it. The only noise was her breath, her chest heavy from the climb. A deer had made its way out of a bush below her, silently grazing on the tall grass. It was unaware of her presence. Careful not to scare the deer, she pulled an arrow from the quiver and placed it on the string. She had strong balance for being so weak.
The deer started to move to a new plot of grass even farther from the archer. Disappointed by the new found complication, she sighed and pulled up the bow. Her hands shook terribly. A few days of starvation felt like a lifetime. This deer was her lifeline. She needed it.
With a deep breath she pulled the string back to her ear, and with full confidence in her skills, she relaxed her mind. But just as she went to release, the deer ran. Her arrow still flew to the ground, but only landed in a plot of grass. In full anger, she slammed her fist onto the branch that was holding her up.
“Damn you.” She mumbled.
Her focus was even more lost when a sudden voice called out below her. The grip she had on the tree had failed, and she fell to the ground, landing with an audible thud. She groaned in pain as a shadow moved over her light. The familiar voice spoke to her again. “My dear Ibaesien! Are you alright?” She  recognized the voice, causing a sigh. She looked up to the voice, and it was exactly who she thought it was. “Gandalf, I do love when you visit me, but i beg of you not to scare my meal away. It's quite rude.” Gandalf, the ever so famous wizard who by some work of a godly figure was brought into the life of Ibaesien Alcarin at such a young age.
Gandalf reached out a hand to Ibaesien, helping her up. His normally joly face was nowhere to be seen, but it was replaced with concern and disappointment. “Miss Alcarin, you look rather terrible.” He said bluntly. Ibaesien drowned. “I do not point out your flaws Gandalf, I would appreciate it if you did not point out mine.”
But he was not wrong. Her eyes had sunken back into her skull, and her bones were a lot more noticeable than usual.
“If our friendship lives off of lies, we will never thrive. Are you truly alright?” He questioned. She shook her head and bent down to pick up the arrows scattered on the ground. “I haven’t eaten in days, and my skills have been off.”
“Things are changing in Middle Earth, and not for the better. That’s why i’ve come to you.” Gandalf declared. Ibaesien stopped and laugh. “What have you come to warn me?”
“Ravens have been seen flying back to the Lonely Mountain as it was foretold. The dragon is awakening, or soon he will be...” She scoffed and returned back to the task. “I hardly see how this affects me.”
“It will affect everyone Ibaesien, you must turn away. You of all people should understand the pain that is your home being taken away.” Gandalf said, becoming a little angrier each word. “Your father was once a dwarf of Erebor...”
“My real father. The one who died when I was only an infant.” She interrupted.
“And Vognus to, the one who raised you. Do not doubt your kin, Ibaesien. They were all from the Lonely Mountain, that is your home.” She stopped picking up arrows and turned towards Gandalf. She was disappointed, he could tell, but in her head there seemed to be nothing. SHe could think of nothing to say. “I don’t have a home Gandalf, and if I can recall, we had a similar conversation about the mice returning last week. I think you are just paranoid.
“I am not paranoid and you are being heavy minded. Listen to me and you might notice that I have a good reason for this visit.” He stuttered angrily. Her back straightened up a bit, listening to Gandalf talk so seriously. She carefully watched him. “There is a quest I plan on taking which would bring a plentiful benefit to many many people.”
“Go on.” She insisted. Gandalf nodded a few times, looking down at the ground around him and leaning over to sit. He pulled out a pipe and waited to Ibaesien to understand to sit as well. The pair sat in silence for a while, Gandalf blowing smoke rings and watching them fade away. The sun was starting rise, allowing for a little more light.  “Miss Ibaesien, you are one of the most strong hearted, and headed, dwarves I’ve ever met. If there was anyone to lead people back to their home I would think it would be you.”
“And what makes you think that I can help anymore than you can?”
“Because you’re you and you just seem to have a way with convincing anyone to do your bidding. You are also a master swordsman and archer. You know how to fight.” Ibaesien nodded and sighed, knowing that this was pretty much true. She didn’t think of herself above others, oh goodness no, but when it came to her charm, she could make any one person build her an empire. Whether it was truly her beauty or how scary she could be, they always fell into her trap. Dwarves on the other hand are stubborn. The might not get caught so easily.
“Can you meet me in Bree tonight? There you can get more information, and one of the members of the company should be there and he will bring a contract.” Ibaesien dropped her head from looking at Gandalf to watch her hands fiddle in her lap.”
“I cannot just drop everything and leave.” She said reluctantly. Gandalf laughed. “What would you leave behind?”
“Alright, alright.” She laughed, looking back up to meet his eyes. He finally had a happier look on his face, he was relieved. The two stood up and walked over to Gandalf’s wagon. “Meet me there by dusk.” He instructed. Ibaesien stopped walking. “Dusk? That not too far away will I even have enough time?”
“I trust you will.” And with those final words he climbed onto the cart and thrashed the whip, pushing the horse along. Ibaesien hasn't moved, despite the lack of time she had.
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bilboxbgns · 6 years
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This wedding had been in the planning for over a year and a half now, and by the last few months, you and Loki felt that you were drowning in flowers and invites and the planners. You were dragged away to always help with your gown and your hair and makeup trials. Loki was always dragged away for his suits, and the occasional family business.
But when the day finally arrived, it seemed as if all the planning was only the calm before the storm. Even in this past week, the two of you never really got to see each other, and by the time it was time to go to bed, you were too exhausted to do anything but sleep.
Never the less, you were so appreciative of everything that was going on, but in reality it was all too much. When Loki proposed the two of you knew that you wanted it to be relaxed, but with Loki being a prince, a relaxed wedding wasn’t even an idea.
After all this planning, the moment had finally arrived, and soon enough you stood in front of the love of your life in front of hundreds and hundreds of guest, probably the entire kingdom. His emerald suit was glowing, his hair slicked back to a ponytail resting behind his head. You, however, wore a glistening white gown, it’s train cascading down the steps, and in your hair were flowers of pure white, but on your bougette were flowers of green.
None of these little details mattered though. Not even the glorious lanterns floating above your head, or the enormous crowd who took time out of their day to see your wedding. No. All you cared about was the man in front of you who you never lost eye contact with the entire time. You kept a quiet little conversation while the holy man behind you talked his heart out.
“I’ve missed seeing you these past few days.” Loki whispered. You smiled back. “We’ll feel free to admire me now, because you’re going to be seeing a lot of me for now on.” He continued looking into your eyes, he smiled growing larger. “I’m quite alright with that.���
And so the ceremony went on and finally the two of you were bound together, and though the chaos never did stop, it was okay now. It was okay because you were together, and that’s what this was all about right?
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bilboxbgns · 7 years
Leaving On A Jet Plane - A Dean Winchester Imagine
Summary: This imagine is based off the song “Leaving On A Jet Plane“ By John Denver 
A/N: I in no way own any rights to this song, I just really like it and I thought of a really good idea so I used it. Feel free to request any song imagines!
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All my bags are packed
I'm ready to go
I'm standing' here outside your door
I hate to wake you up to say goodbye
But the dawn is breaking'
It's early morn
The taxis waiting'
He's blowing' his horn
Already I'm so lonesome
I could die
You didn’t mean to have to leave, but now that your bags were packed and your car was waiting for you in the driveway, you knew you had no other choice. Standing outside the kitchen walkway, you couldn’t find the will to walk in. The look on the brother’s face was heart wrenching when you had told them that you were leaving. They begged you to stay, but you knew in your heart that you had to go. 
There was the familiar smell of the morning coffee flowing out of the room. You could hear the screech of the wooden chair running against the cold floor as Dean pulled it back to be able to sit, and the flip of his morning paper that just seemed to keep him calm in the early morning hours. Sam was over at the stove; you could hear the sound of the spatula scraping over the pan as he made his eggs, like he made every morning. He walked over, his slippers scuffing the ground, and sat in front of Dean. They didn’t talk.
The sun hadn’t even risen yet, but this was every morning. They didn’t like being awake at this hour but sleep rarely graced them so generously anymore, now it was like a distant friend.
You wanted to walk in. You wanted to walk in, kiss the boys on their cheeks and grab your own cup of coffee, sitting in between them at the other end of the table. Typically you woke up last and so your breakfast and coffee was waiting for you. It was a sweet routine the three of you found. Today, though, you stood outside holding the cold metal that was your car keys, and no longer in your comfy lounge clothes, but a pair of jeans and an old sweatshirt.
So kiss me and smile for me
Tell me that you'll wait for me
Hold me like you'll never let me go
'Cause I'm leaving' on a jet plane
Don't know when I'll be back again
Oh babe, I hate to go
Forgetting everything that you were feeling, the fear, the sadness, and loneliness, you took in a breath and walked into the kitchen. It was as if someone shined a bright light right into your face as the boys turned to you. You could see the sadness on Dean’s face when he realized that you weren’t, in fact, wearing your pajamas, but you were already ready to go. Sam, on the other had hid any other emotion, and smiled. You smiled back, realizing that there was a cup of coffee still in the place where you always sat, and a small plate of eggs.
“Before you leave, would you eat?” Sam asked quietly, his voice still tired, and a little pained. You nodded and went to sit. It was a little awkward honestly. You quickly ate, however, and sipped your coffee until it was gone. There was still not chatter, no small conversations about your night or what your plans were for the day. Dean would often not look at his paper, but just stare at you overtop it.
It was about twenty-five minutes later, and you still sat in the same seat. You knew that any longer would make this even harder. You sat up, your seat making that familiar screech as it pushed back, and walked over to the sink to rinse off your plate.
You turned around and the boys were just staring. They just looked into your eyes. You broke the silence by looking at the door. “Well, i’m going to make sure that I have everything.” You simply stated, walking out. The tears in your eyes were starting to fog up your vision. This was such a home for you, everything here was better than anything you had ever had. The boys were like your guardian angels.
You walked into your dark, empty room. The only thing left was the furniture. No pictures, no clothes, nothing. It was like you were never there. “Yep, that’s everything.”
When you turned around and walked back into the kitchen, the boys were standing there at the doorway. You didn’t expect them to look so sad. It wasn’t like they had never lost anyone and it wasn’t like you were going to leave them forever. You just needed time.
They saw that you were sad, and Dean came over and embraced you in a hug. It was warm, and safe.
Now the time has come to leave you, one more time let me kiss you
Then close your eyes, I'll be on my way
Dream about the days to come when I won't have to leave alone
About the times I won't have to say
Kiss me and smile for me, tell me that you'll wait for me
Hold me like you'll never let me go
“I’m sorry” you said quietly into his chest. He shook his head and laughed a little. “There’s nothing to be sorry about. We just want you to be safe.” He said just as quietly, hugging you a little tighter. You pulled back and smiled. “I’ll be okay, really. And I’ll be back.” You said, looking at Sam. You grabbed his hand and led him and Dean to the door. “I’ll be back, I promise.” You said happier than last time. You embraced Sam in a hug, reaching to kiss him on the cheek, then kissing Dean as well. “I’ll call as soon as I get to to where i’m going, and we’ll keep in contact I promise.”
“We’ll be counting the minutes, and this door will be wide open for you any day, at any time.” Sam said through a smile, and with those words you opened the door and looked out at your dingy old car. “I love you guys.” You smiled and grabbed Sam’s hand again. “Please be safe.”
“Always.” He said, before letting go of your hand. They watched as you walked to your car, and got in. You started it up quickly, and drove away. You watched as the boys stood outside the door and waved, then walked back into the bunker. A small smile graced your lips as you drove away, and the boys back at the bunker had the same one.
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bilboxbgns · 7 years
Childhood Dreams - Dean Winchester Imagine
Summary - You and Dean were childhood friends and it wasnt until a vampire attack years later that you met again
A/N: Wow I haven’t written in ten years. Wow this isn’t going to be great but please feel free to request!
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You watched as Dean packed the little bag he owned into the trunk of the impala, shutting it hard behind him. You could tell he was upset about leaving, but there was nothing he could do so he just dealt with it. The two of you were only just over 10 year of age then. You had known Dean for a little bit, not long but just enough that the two of you held a strong bond together. But now, he said he had to go help his dad with the “family business” and with that he left.
You figured that that day was the last you’d ever talk to Dean or his brother, and so many years passed and the memories of Dean started to slip away into the back of your mind, repressing themselves as far back as they could go. It wasn't like he was your only friend, but he just always held a special place in your heart, and leaving him leaving was a painful time.
You had graduated college and were finally out on your own, living in a small apartment in your hometown. Working as a bartender wasn't your first choice of careers, but it was something to pay your rent while finding other jobs.
On one night, you were behind the counter cleaning up from the rowdy night that had just ended. You heard the last person leave the bar, the bell dinging behind them, and sighed. You turned around and started to put everything back where it should be, just tidying up for whoever was opening tomorrow. Then, the bell above the door rang again, tell you that someone had just opened the door.
“Sorry, were closed.” Typically you didn’t even have to confront these people, they would just groan and stumble back out, which you assumed that they would do the same. You didn’t even look up until you heard the familiar locked of the front doors. Your heart seemed to stop as you watched the man turn around. “Hey man..”
“Shhhh. I don’t mean to startle you but i just need your help with something.” He said in such a fake tone that he couldn’t even hold in his devilish grin.
“Get out. Im warning you to get out right now.” You said through your teeth. He smiled even wider, still walking towards you. Suddenly, you had remembered the the bar owner did own a gun, but he had only said that it was in his office but never said were it was your only chance at this point. Without even a thought, you jumped over the counter and sprinted towards the office. You couldn't tell whether he was following quick behind your or still just had his slow pace.
Quickly slamming the door, you turned to the messy room that was your bosses office and sighed. There was no way you were going to find this gun, but never the less you started to rip apart cabinets and drawers only to find a small little pistol gun. “How the fuck do you even work this thing?” You mumbled under your breath, upset that in all this panic you had forgotten everything.
It happened so quickly, the door breaking open and the man suddenly holding you by your neck a bit off the ground. You were in such shock that you couldn't think straight or rather comprehend anything that was happening. Only bits of his sentences registered in your mind.
“I’m....done....treat....you...” It was all too blurry. It never even registered in your mind when you fell to the ground, you were just suddenly there. Trying to look up, you watched a quick fight between the man who just tried to kill you and two other new people. While watching them fight, you scooted to the back wall and tried to catch your breath.
Slowly, you started to regain your sanity and the scene in front of you was more comprehensible. You watched as one was thrown against the wall, yelling in pain, and the other standing back up and swinging a rather large knife at the man, and then suddenly the knife went through his neck, and the attacker was now headless, bleeding on your bosses floor.
You screamed in shock, watching the two new guys sigh in relief. “Holy shit.” You mumbled. They started to walk over to you, but you panicked and put your arms up in defence. “No please! Please don't hurt me!” You begged. The taller once kneeled in front of you. “Hey, hey it's okay. We won’t hurt you. I think you hit your head though let me help.” You looked up to meet his eyes, and they were sincere and gave you a sense of relief.
“O-okay.” You sighed, looking over to the other guy. He was looking down at the dead man on the ground. “You just killed a man.” You spoke softly. He looked down at you and sorta chuckled. “Yeah, well I guess it’s better his life than yours.” He smiled.
“So then let me ask, how did you know he was in here? Like how did you know he was..” You trailed off, all these new questions running in your mind. He other game came and kneeled on the other side of you. “Were in the fbi ma’am,” He held up a badge but lowered it just as quick. “And we’ve been tracking this man for weeks now. We can’t tell you much more though.”
“Oh i see.” You spoke softly. You looked at him very closely. He partners eyes were sincere, but his were comforting and home like; a brilliant green.
“What’s your name?” The guy asked. “Y/n.” You said softly. His eye widened just a little at the sound of your name. He looked at his partner then back at you. “Y/n?” He said, looking deeply at your face. “Yes?”
“Oh, nothing sorry.”
“Well what are your names?”
“‘I’m Dean, and this is Sam.” He said, and you suddenly remembered everything. You remembered the late summer nights and him packing up and leaving you.
“Oh my goodness.” You said in shock, standing up a little quickly, losing a little of your balance. Dean stood up just as quickly and caught you. “Dean.” You laughed. “Dean, oh my goodness Dean.” You continued to laugh, and then you slapped his arm. “Dean.” You said in a calmer tone, looking up at those eyes that you finally remembered. “I don't think you remember me. I’m y/n. I used to live across from you until you left because of...”
“Family business.” The two of you said together. He laughed a little too. “Y/n y/l/n. I don’t believe it.” He said softly, hugging you. You let go and turned to Sam. “And little Sammy. Oh my goodness you're not little anymore.”
“Yeah, nope.” He chuckled. “Oh my goodness.” You sighed in relief. “Thank you.”
“For what?” Dean tilted his head. “For finally coming back.” You smiled, looking at him, just staring at Dean. “Can I get you guys a drink?  I think it’s gonna be my last night here.” The brother chuckled and nodded their heads. “I’d love that.” Dean smiled.
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bilboxbgns · 7 years
I Want My Best Friend Back, Please
Prompt: Draco attempts to distant himself from you because that's the only way he thinks he can keep you safe. (Half Blood Prince time)
A/N: I’m back and better than ever
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Originally posted by crystelgreene
Around the 6 year at Hogwarts, the happiness just all seemed to fade. Everything was just happening, and that was it. Nothing was exciting. Nothing was out of the ordinary. Everything was just, happening.
Before summer though, everything was bright. You and Draco had been bright; better than ever. He seemed to smile more often, and actually attempted to be a happier person whilst around you. It was an unusual change in character, but never the less you embraced every second.
Now, even since the first moment entering Hogwarts, everything just turned for the worse. Every year for the past three years, Draco would find you at platform 9 ¾, eagerly awaiting your arrival with stories upon stories of his summer adventures, just waiting to be told. This year, however, he wasn’t in sight. Murmur went around that he was already on the train, just sitting amongst his other friends. You decided to go look for him, but before you could even take a step onto the train, your other friends had dragged you away in excitement that you were actually alone. Shrugging, you figured he was occupied and had a good reason for his disappearance.
By the first dinner, and after the sorting ceremony you still hadn’t come into contact with Draco. Not even had seen a glimpse of his oddly blonde hair stalking around in the corridors. You weren’t able to go and find him within the Slytherin rooms because of the barrier that you two had been sorted into different houses. You shrugged of this as well, assuring yourself that you’d see him first thing in the morning.
That never happened. And it never happened for two weeks. For two weeks he avoided you in every way. You assumed maybe you just didn’t have any classes together, but never even at meals did you see him. You had asked a few of his friends, hoping they’d have some insight to his whereabouts, but they only ever answered, “it’s better you just stay away.”
It’s better if you just stay away.
That phrase rung in your head constantly. It’s better if you just stay away.
By the end of the third week, everything was just, there. Nothing seemed to excite you. Nothing gained your interest anymore. Your mind was set on school and school alone. And this broke you.
Finally, you had enough with this trial, and set forth to go and find the blond headed bastard. Angrier than you had ever been, you stormed through the hallways of the castle, your robe flying around behind you. Though you passed by some friends who were happy to see you walking around, you ignored their remarks and continued to the dining hall.
You knew that at the same time every day, Crabbe and Goyle sat in the dining hall and ate the midday snack while “studying”.  Typically, last year you could find Draco here after not seeing him for a while.
You stomped your way to the Slytherin table and whipped out your wand, sticking it to the neck of Crabbe. You pushed a little too hard, making him and his friends stand up in all the commotion.
You were a good student, and never dared to break the strict rules, but today nothing else seemed to matter. “Alright you bastards! Where is he?” You sternly questioned, finally pushing Crabbe to the wall. You gained the whole dining halls attention at this point.
Crabbe raised his hands in defense. “I-I don’t know!”
“What do you mean you don’t know?” You yelled a little louder. Your blood was boiling with anger. “Draco never told us nothing. I swear!” He shily spoke, fearing to anger you even more. “This is ridiculous.” You took the wand off the boy’s neck and raised it high above him. But before you could do anything, in all of the madness, an owl swept in and dropped a letter to your feet, causing everything to just stop.
You looked down at the letter and back up at the boys, then back down at the letter. Slowly you bent down and picked it up, studying the handwriting. It was easily identifiable as Draco’s. Within the closed letter, all that was written was,   “Black Lake.” You crumpled up the paper and stormed out without looking back at the startled boys.
The anger that filled your body as you walked down the corridors was unmatchable. The emotions that raged through your mind were like a storm, not being able to focus on one or the other. On one hand you were happy, you got to see Draco finally. But on the other hand, you couldn’t wait to strangle this boy alive.
You saw him, trying to hide behind a tree, making sure not to make a big commotion of this ordeal. You had a completely different plan. You rushed down to him, watching his face. He refused to make eye contact with you.
Finally reaching him, you swung your arms, pushing him backwards. He stood his ground, allowing you to let out your anger. You pushed him, hit his arms or chest, pushed him a little more. At this point you were sobbing.
“You bastard. You bloody bastard. How dare you? How dare you show your face here. Where the hell have you been? Where the hell…” you had broken down finally. He looked up at you, his eyes as lifeless as you had expected.
“You’re a jerk Draco Malfoy.” You sobbed, looking up at him.
“I didn’t want to do this. I didn’t want to leave you.”
“Obviously you did. I deserve an explanation Malfoy.” You said. He nodded.
“You do, but I cant say. There’s just a lot going on.”
“Y/n, I don’t deserve your forgiveness…”
“No, you don’t.”
“y/n, please just understand. I’m doing this for your safety.”
“My safety? I can handle myself. I didn’t appreciate being thrown away like that. Do you know what that did to me? Do you understand what you’ve done?”
Malfoy scoffed at your comment. “Do I understand what I’ve done? I can argue I hurt more than you. Do you think I’ve been sleeping? Or eating? Why do you think you never see me around? Y/N, I’m in pain! I miss you. I’m not doing this for myself.”
“Malfoy come back. We can work through this together.” You walked closer to him, wrapping your arms around him for the first time in forever. It felt safe. You felt him wrapping his arms around you, sighing in relief. “Y/N, I can’t.” He mumbled.
“You don’t have to tell me what is going on, but I can’t lose you. I need my best friend back.”
“I need you too. I don’t know if I can keep you safe forever. You have to trust me though,”
“I never did stop trusting you Draco.” You smiled. This wasn’t going to be easy. Oh no. But the world In that moment seemed to just be bright enough now. Just right.
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bilboxbgns · 7 years
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While in Kingsmen mode, Eggsy was ruthless. He had to do things nobody ever wants to do in a lifetime. Watching people die, or being the one to kill them was in a way, his job. This toyed with his mind on the daily. 
With this job required a bit of time off so he would keep his sanity. Some other kingsmen took up athletics, while others took small hobbies like reading or writing. Everybody had their own way of taking their mind off the job. Eggsy’s was playing board games with the one he loved most. 
He would come home from a mission, tired and beaten, and come straight to you. You would listen intently to his rantings and misfortunes, and often his successes. He then would shower and eat, settling in for the night.
On those nights, where he was calm and content with the day, he preferred to lay next to you in bed and watch a movie. On the days you knew he was a little more upset and wouldn't fall asleep for a while, you would run to the closet in the hallway to pick out a game for the night. 
On one specific night, you played small little connect four till almost two in the morning. By that point you two had gotten into a lot of competitive fun. 
“Connect four my ass. You cheated!” You yelled, slamming the rest of the pieces down on the ground as Eggsy cheered. “I did not! You’re just bad at this game.”
“You’re an ass.” You laughed, pushing his chest. “Yeah maybe.” He responded with his smug little smirk. You smiled, knowing instantly that we was okay.
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bilboxbgns · 7 years
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Ever since the whole incident after the fight on the plane, Peter had never been so cautious. Around people, he was so soft and light, trying not to get in the way anymore. But with his actions came the realization that he could easily push people way with his secret, like Liz. 
Months went by before he branched out, at Stark’s request actually. In Tony’s opinion, Peter was just too cautious to ever find a spot as a better hero off the ground in whatever that future would be. That was of course before he found you. 
To him, you were easily the brightest thing in his life. He would stay up long nights thinking about all the little things he liked about you, and would attempt in so many ways to show is affection. This could mean a small flower or a note in your locker.
Peter defiantly wasn't one for the loud pda, but he appreciated your touch so much. It was soft and soothing, which is why he would constantly find reasons to hold your hand. 
“Hey, y/n, it seems really crowded up here. I think we should hold hands so we make sure we stick together.” Peter spoke shyly at you. You laughed and smiled, grabbing his hand immediately. You knew there was no reason you two would separate, or that you had to stick together so closely, but you knew it gave him peace of mind, and his happiness was enough.  
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bilboxbgns · 8 years
#42 “I think you’ve had enough to drink.”
Summary: John Laurens had been at the bar since mid-day because you’ve been off visiting your family. He misses you and had no idea that you had come home.
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*Sorry, couldn't find an actually gif of him in the show*
A/N: Super duper short sorry
The bar was wretched with the smell of body odor and liquor. Old, drunk men stumbled over the not so clean women laying around the chairs, and then stumbled outside or to buy yet another drink. The barkeep had no interest to stop them from drinking to their death because hey, money was money.
There were mostly soldiers or retired vets that found it most necessary to drink away their thoughts. It was a way to cover up the horrors that they saw. All except one who was here to drink away his loneliness. John Laurens had finally returned from war and you had taken it to be your responsibility to make him the happiest person, and to feel safe again. To him, you were his haven and his key to happiness and he felt like everything in the world was right when you were by his side.
This was all until you needed a break from his constant clinginess, or the large crowd of his friends always in your house. Not to get anyone wrong, you loved him so dearly, but saying he was a handful was an understatement. So, eventually you contacted your family down in Maryland and decided to come and visit them for a week. This tore John to pieces, making him claim that he won't survive without you, but it was set and you were down the road before sun rise.
It was in his best interest that you left so he could prove to himself that he was stronger than he felt. Never in your life have you been so wrong. He spent his week at Alexander's wallowing until Eliza had scolded him for being so childish, sending him off to get himself together against Alex’s wishes. He started to actually do the stuff you had told him to do around the house, and cleaned himself up for your arrival.
It was actually a significant change in character. He decided to wait in the sun room for your return, but by noon, you hadn't shown up and he had given up and left for the bar. He drink all day until the sky was full of stars. You knew that when you had finally gotten home where he was. Quickly you rushed over to the bar and found your way in. The girls glared at you and the men swooned, but you paid not attention to their looks. You finally noticed john slumped over the counter, an ale in his hand half drunk.
“John Lauren’s, you dog.” You spoke to him as you sat next to him, shaking his body. You laughed at the sight of him. He looked up, his eyes bloodshot. He smiled and leaned into you, kissing you very sloppily. “Y/N my love. What ‘have you been?” His words were slurred and his breath reeked of alcohol. “I came back around noon lover boy. Why did you leave?”
“I thought, I thought you weren't coming back.” He mumbled. You laughed, looking at his state, he really did think that. “I’m here now, and I think you’ve had enough to drink.” You said laughing, taking away his drink. He groaned and let his head fall onto your shoulder. You stood up and wrapped his arm around your shoulder while your other arm was wrapped around his waist. “Let's get you home now to rest up.”
“Okay. Please don't ever leave me again.” He begged, struggling to keep up. “Okay. I want.” You laughed, leaning your head onto his shoulder while walking out of the bar.
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bilboxbgns · 8 years
#21 “I want my best friend back”
Summary: Peter has been taking this king role a little too seriously, and his integrity to do the job right has took over his mind.
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AN: So I haven’t written in forever, and I do apologize for that. The next few imagines will be shorter, but I promise I’m trying to get back in the swing of things.
The fluorescent colors of the halls seemed to brighten the mood in which you were in as you walked quickly down the halls to the throne room. In there was Peter and the head of the army planning to strengthen the protection of Cape Paravelle. This was such a minor concern to the people’s well beings at this point and time, but Peter seemed very keen on the idea of it, which is all he ever wanted any more.
Nowadays, Peter just seemed to thrive to being the best ruler that Narnia had ever seen, which was far from possible saying that there were still three other highly skilled rulers, as well as Aslan who topped pretty much, anyone.
At the end of the battle between the white witch’s army and aslan’s army,  Peter grew close to you and you to him; your friendship growing stronger with everything you did. He appointed you to be the assistant general of the army, and asked you to marry him not too long after.
It was a beautiful relationship, but it grew weaker as the two of you grew older. He focused on ruling more than he did being with his lover, as you focused on your skills and many other things. It had regrettably gotten to the point where even at balls or events, he was just a mere figure next to you in throne. This completely broke your heart.
Today was the day that should have meant the most to you, your five year wedding anniversary.
“Peter, darling.” You spoke in a soft tone, walking up to him and kissing him on the cheek. He turned to you, a blank stare on his face. “Good morning Y/N, is there something that you need.” Your posture lowed at his words, them breaking you down. Your small smile was swept away. “Yes, actually, once you are finished i need you to meet me in the garden in a few minutes.”
“Look, love, I would abs…”  
“No choice, you have to. See you soon.” You quickly said, turning away and walking back down the bright hall. Peter continued to watch you walk away, sighing once you turned down a different hall. “I wonder what she wants sir.” The fawn next to him said, with a hint of sarcasm because even he knew what the date was. “I don't know.” He mumbled, looking back down at his plans.
It was about an hour after you had spoken to Peter before he made his way down to the garden, almost dragging his feet. You sat in the middle of the pavilion on the edge of the fountain. You had your practice gear on, not even bothered to change into a dress after training this morning. You noticed his footsteps, but you did not turn a cheek to look at him.
“Y/N? Is there anything you need, cause if not I really must…”
“Does it not even matter to you the day that we are in?” You spoke harshly, still not turning to him. He rummaged through his mind, trying to remember if there was anything of any significance. You had hoped he had just been through a lot, so it just slipped his mind.
“Why do you ask in such a harsh tone?” He questioned, trying to avoid the answer which he did not know. “You bastard.” You spat, turning towards him and standing up. The picture before him torn his heart into two. Your face was bright red, your eyes swollen and red from crying. He was so focused on the brokenness of your looks that when you charged him, taking him by surprise.
You pushed him in the chest, starting to cry again. “You bastard. You said you would always love me. You promised that we would be together for all our lives!” You pushed him again, this time he tried to resist. “You have no heart, you care for no one but your ego!”  
You attempted to push him again, but he grabbed your wrist. You turned and twisted trying to get out of his grasp, but you grew weak and broke down. “What are you saying? Y/N, i love you more than any man could love anything, why are you upset?”  
“You do not love me. You don’t even know what day it is.”
“What are you talking about?” He questioned. This was the end of any strength you seemed to have. You fell to the ground in tears. He followed, still holding your wrist. He tried to pull you into his embrace, but you pushed away and turned away from him. “Y/N, what have I done?” He whispered to himself.      
“Y/N, please, tell me what I have done to hurt you.”
“You have done nothing, and that's what hurt me the most. You seem to not love me. Today,” You sighed in between sniffling, “today is our anniversary, as you seem to not care at all.”
“Oh Y/N. Oh my love I have done you wrong.” He kneeled in front of you, taking your hands. “Peter, I just want you back, I want my best friend back. I want us to be the lovers that we once were. I want us to be happy again.” You looked up at him, his eyes red and full of sorrow; you knew that he was sorry, and so were you.  
“Y/N, I love you more than anything in this world, and I will never leave your side ever again. I’ve been blind to the destruction I have caused. Will you ever forgive me?”
“I will always be willing to forgive you.” You did not move for a while, but just stared into eachothers eyes. He eventually helped you off the ground , holding your hands. “I will forgive everything we have done to each other, and today, at this moment we will start our new life together.”  
“I love the idea of that. Together.” He whispered before leaning in and kissing you with as much passion as the same day five years ago.
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bilboxbgns · 8 years
Writing Prompt
I updated my list, so feel free to inbox me any of these prompts and what character/universe you would like the imagine in :)
1. "I will do whatever it takes to get you back.“ 2. "Come over here and make me.” 3. “Please, don’t leave.” 4. “I almost lost you.” 5. ‘Wanna bet?” 6. “Don’t you ever do that again!” 7. “Teach me how to play.” 8. “I think we need to talk.” 9. “Kiss me.” 10. “Hey, I’m here, don’t worry.” 11. “I think we need to talk.” 12. “So, I found this waterfall…” 13. “It could be worse.” 14. “This is without a doubt the dumbest idea I have ever heard. Of course im in.” 15. “I thought you were dead.” 16. “Care to dance?” 17. “You. Did. What?!” 18. “If you die, I’m going to kill you.” 19. “Is that what you are doing, trying to make me hate you?” 20. “I’m so in love with you.” 21. “I want my best friend back.” 22. “I don’t know what I did to deserve you.” 23. “How long have you been out here?” 24. “I made a mistake.” 25. “Fuck, I feel like I’ve been hit by a car.” 26. “Whoa! Buy me dinner first!” 27. “I want to go home.” 28. “I don’t even know who I am without you.” 29. “You don’t need to protect me.” 30. “You make a good pillow.” 31. “I had a nightmare about you and I wanted to make sure you were okay.” 32. “You make me feel like i’m not good enough.” 33. “You know, it’s okay to cry.” 34. “Stay in bed.” 35. “You left without saying goodbye… I hate you for that.” 36. “Please say something.” 37. “That’s starting to get annoying.” 38. “You can’t just sit there all day.” 39. “I need a place to stay.” 40. “How is my wife more badass than me?” 41. “Well you better find it before others do.” 42. “I think you’ve had enough to drink.” 43. “She’s the best damn sniper in the base.”
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bilboxbgns · 8 years
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You Know, It’s Okay to Cry - Poe Dameron
Summary: Poe returns from being captured by the first order, but he’s no where like he used to be. 
Word Count: 802
A/N: This is the first creative writing i’ve done in forever, and i’m so sorry. I can’t even really use the whole “school” excuse, i just havent been able to get myself to do it. I’m sorry :/
He was all to quiet when he returned from the First Order. Poe. The man who you loved and cherished didn’t seem to be, well, him. He wouldn’t smile as often and his laughter seemed to fade a little more everyday. He also seemed a little bit more clingy than before he left. He would stay by you when on break and hold onto your body tightly at night.
In all honesty, you wouldn’t have minded his constant appearance throughout the day, but just his attitude about everything made it grim and unwanted. You often would take those moments as an opportunity to open him up and ask what had happened, but he refused to tell anyone but Leia. It worried you about his safety on missions and in training in general.
One morning, you couldn’t stand to watch him groggily get out of bed and jump into the shower, as if life had no other meaning. His showers grew longer which constantly made him late for his morning routines.
Patiently, you waited for him to finish and get mostly clothed. “Poe.” You quietly said as he walked out of the bathroom with just an undershirt and his pants. He raised his eyebrow to acknowledge you. “Poe I need you to talk to me.”
“I am talking to you.” He mumbled, facing his dresser and rummaging through the drawers. “No Poe, I need you to talk to me. You aren’t you and it’s hurting so many more people than you think. I’m not trying to sound rude, but I need you back. You need to talk to me, tell me what’s wrong.” You spoke with a soft tone, pleading him with all you could. He finished putting on his uniform and looked at you with no expression on his face. “Not now Y/N.”
“Yes now Poe. If not now then when?” You spoke louder and angrier, crawling off the bed and to the side of Poe. “Later Y/N. I need to go…”
“You say later but you know that I will ask you again tonight and you will shrug it off once again. Now is the only time.” He started to walk towards the door, but you pushed yourself in front of him, hiding the handle behind you. “Y/N, please move. I can’t do this right now.”
“You can’t do this right now? Are you kidding me. Look at you! You are like the grim reaper walking around with nothing but your sorrow. Everyone on this base is trying to help you, but you won’t talk about it.”
“Maybe I don’t want to remember!” He spoke even louder, his voice rumbling and deep. You jumped a little at his words and felt the tears weld up in your eyes. “Poe please, I can’t do this anymore. I need you back, I need us back. You don’t even look at me the same.” You pushed on his chest, making him move backwards abruptly. “Huh, Poe? You don’t want to remember what? Why won’t you talk to me? Is it something i’ve done? Please tell me! What did they do to you?” You now started to cry, and he quickly took notice.
“You know what they told me Y/N. They said if they ever got the chance that they would hurt me the most to hurt the resistance. They said they would hurt you. They said they would come kill you!” He yelled. His eyes sunk into sadness. Your anger quickly faded away. You turned your head and walked over to him, holding his head in your hands. “Oh, no, no, no Poe. Listen to me. By thinking that, you are letting them win. I promise you they will never hurt you, I will never let that happen.”
“But how do you know that Y/N. I can’t always protect you,” He let out a small whimper, covering his mouth quickly. Just saying those words immediately broke his heart. “Poe, you are not going anywhere and neither am I. Please, just please stop worrying about it. Please.” You finally broke down, falling into his arms, you both collapsed onto the ground. You felt more loved, and in love, in this very moment then you had all your life.
“I promise.” He whispered. You looked up at him and held his face in your hands again. “You know it’s okay to cry Poe.” You gave a small laugh, and so did he.
The sight of his smile was enough to brighten the darkest parts of the universe. “Oh thank the heavens.” You wrapped him in your arms and stayed there for as long as you possibly could stay.
“I’m so sorry.” He whispered. “You’re okay, i promise. I love you.”
“God I love you too.”
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bilboxbgns · 8 years
Come Back - Part 2
A/N: I know, I know, I know!!! Its been ten years practically and im so sorry! My life has been a crazy mess, but here is part two, there will be three parts.
Recap of Part 1: You are a Jedi who once trained with Kylo Ren and Luke Skywalkers. When you are captured along side Poe Dameron, you and Kylo meet again and he will do anything to keep you there.
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You remembered Ben, the old Ben at least. The one you could confide in and talk to. Most of the time you would talk about work and the Jedi studies, and he would just be fully intrigued.  
Luke saw the potential in the two of you. He saw that you two would be his most successful Jedi’s. In a way, he was right. After the big rebellion of Ben, you went on to traveling the galaxies when they were in need. The resistance had begged and begged you to join their forces, but you just couldn’t. You supported them nevertheless, but you couldn’t bring yourself to fight against Ben.
You soon just secluded yourself to the small village of Jakku when you had heard another Jedi was in hiding. He was the mentor you needed in the times of trouble, but it lasted only a few days, until the attack of the First Order.
You could only think of the past while the stormtroopers rushed into your cell and brought you to your feet. They dragged your limp body down a few halls of the ship. You could hear the muffled sounds that echoed in the ship, like the marches of the troopers, or the yelling from rooms you passed. You wanted to fight, but the lack of energy that you had was too large, and they were too strong.
You were set into yet another room, but this time you were tied to a table and left in the darkness. This whole situation was far worse than you had thought it ever to be.
Your Ben was torturing people, and killing them for nothing more than acceptance. You started to cry at the thought of him. He must have felt the sensation of what you were feeling for it was only a few minutes later he walked into your chamber and turned on dim lights only facing you.
“Everything we have worked for. Everything every Jedi had worked for and this is how you carry on the honor. You are an insult to our ancestors, and an insult to your grandfather.”
“My grandfather would have wanted the same thing for me. He would have wanted to know that I have carried on his legacy.”
“Have you learned nothing from Luke!? He said your grandfather was sick, and sad and lonely. He was seduced into the darkness and lost everything because of it.” You tried to yell, but your breath was too heavy. You leaned your head back in pain. His face turned to sorrow as he tried to walk towards you, but he stopped quickly.
“You cannot change who I am, or what I do, just like I cannot bring you to my side.” He said quietly. You sighed and looked up at him. You went to say something, but nothing would help in this situation.
He stared at you in awe, just like he did for the first time. Your not so slim body, but beautiful curves with your hair roughly in a braid.  Your skin was dirty and red, but he loved every inch of it.
“I'm not saying that you have to do what I do, but you can stay with me, and we could be a team.” Ben mumbled. Without lifting your head, you spoke with a hoarse voice. “It would be just as bad as holding your hand through it all. I cannot support what you do.” This made him lose it. He brought out his light saber and slashed the walls in anger, destroying everything in his path.
Now scared, you sat up and started to yell his name. “Ben! Ben! Ben, stop it! Stop it now!” It wasn’t loud, but it was enough to catch his attention. He went to turn his body towards you, but with the anger that still raged in his body, he swung his saber around too, cutting the side of your face. The searing pain of the new gash on your cheek was enough to let your body give out. The darkness finally took you over.
Ben rushed to your limp body and held your face, dropping the light saber behind him. “No, no Y/N. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” He cried, lowering his head to your body. It was enough for him to watch you in pain, so he let you and the room behind in hurry.
It was at least a day until you woke up, still in pain and still weak, but this time you were being carried out of the room by two stormtroopers. They noticed your movement and carried you into a side room which at the moment was not occupied. They held you up and one removed his helmet. Your eyes met with a warm pair of brown eyes. A man with a darker skin complexion and a bright smiled stood in front of you. “Miss Y/N Y/L/N, we are a part of the Resistance and we are here to rescue you.”
“Fantastic, but how do you suppose we do that?” You questioned as he put his helmet back on. “The same way the resistance fight got off. We must steal a tie fighter.”
“And you are sure you know what you are doing?” The man laughed. “Of course, you have nothing to worry about, but we need to know one thing. Are you able to walk on your own?” You shook your head.
“I haven’t walked on my own in days.”
“Alright then, just one last question. If you can’t walk, can we drag you so they don’t get suspicious?”
“Do whatever you need to do to just get me out of here.” And so they did. They dragged you into a tie fighter and flew off before anyone was able to even stop your ship and it was gone into the galaxy. The ride back to the base was silent. You were tired and they were just focused on getting home safely.
As soon as the fighter landed, the medic team rushed to your side and took you away. They had injected something rather calming into your body, a sedative. It felt like you were floating in air. You could hear them talking, but only a fragment of what they actually were saying.
“… lucky to have survived…”
“…. give her fluids…” and “… her under…” was the final thing you were able to process before a mask was covering your face and everything went dark.
For a while, they kept you in the medical tents at the base, until of course you were able to start walking again and made your way to Leia and other people.
General Organa recognized you immediately but frowned at your condition. The slash on your face would most definitely turn to a scar, but at the moment it was patched up.
“Y/N! Oh how relieved I was to hear you had made it here alive.” You smiled as she embraced you in her arms. To her, you were like a daughter. “I would not be if it weren’t for Poe. He is an amazing soldier you have got there. ”Leia stepped back and cocked her head to the side. “Poe? Oh no Poe was not able to tell us about you. He was still in bed recovering when we were sent to help you. We received a distress call.”
“From who?”
“We don’t know, it was anonymous.” But you knew. You knew exactly who it was. You shook the thought and smiled back at Leia. “Well I’m glad they did. I most likely would not have lasted much longer.”
“We know,” Leia sighed as she took your hand. “Let’s go sit you down so we can talk.”
Soon the night crept in and the stars were brightly out. You were in a guest sleeping room and in a new uniform which you would be a lot more comfy in.
It took countless hours of lying in bed before you realized that you were not falling asleep anytime soon. All you could think of was Ben and how he helped you escape. But why is what you could not understand, why was he so keen on keeping you with him, but then just let you go?
“I can’t do this.” You sighed, tossing yourself out of bed and grabbing a jacket. The night air was chilly as you wandered into the surround woods.  You could not even keep your mind off of him. He was just taking over your feelings. “He’s bad Y/N! He’s no good! Stop it, what are you saying!”
You stumbled further than you thought you would have, so you stopped and started scanning the area. “God dammit. “
“Y/N.” A sudden voice spoke quietly behind you. “I’m sorry; I know I should have been inside.” You stuttered as you turned around, but it wasn’t a resistance fighter, or a local. It was Ben.
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bilboxbgns · 8 years
#10 "Hey, I'm Here, Don't Worry." - Liam Dunbar
Very Important A/N!: This is not normally how I write. I normally do long, detailed imagines. This is not one of those. Im in a big writers blog right now and so I did something small to start to fix it. I promise they will get better soon.
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 The darkness of the forest lured you in. Its force was stronger then your will, and so you walked. It was cold and the air was damp. To your belief, you were alone. This never seemed like something you would do, but alas you were here anyways, wandering around aimlessly.
You could hear noises surrounding you from the loud snap of a branch to the whisperers carried by the wind. You started to become more scared by the moment. Your walk turned into a run, even though you had no idea of where to go. You went to turn around, but your foot caught on something on the ground, and you fell to your stomach.
You quickly flipped to see a darkened mass figure hovering over you. Its eyes looming and dark, its teeth showing as bright as the moon. You tried to scream, but something held you back, your body just wouldn’t let you, so with all your force you could grab, you got up and ran.
The forest suddenly turned to be a house. The house seemed nice and cozy. A fire was lit in the corner of the room with the small sound of a record player in another room. It was all too familiar, you knew that house, but you couldn’t remember why.
Constantly looking back for that figured, you continued around the house for anyone to help you. You tried speaking, but your voice was soft and your chest too heavy.
Eventually, you made it to the upstair where a single bed room was lit. You could hear muffled talking from inside the room which lifted all the worries off your chest.
You rushed the door and pushed it open, but everything seemed to start moving in slow motion. There it was, the figure, hovering over the bed, your bed. On the bed was a man, his life seeming to be ripped out of him. It was Liam. You tried screaming, you tried to yell for help, for anything, but you still were voiceless.
It noticed your efforts and flew to you in such a short second, everything was engulfed in the darkness, and so you woke up.
 Your eyes quickly sprung open and you shot up to a sitting position. Your breath was heavy and your body was slightly covered in sweat. You looked around your room for it only to be the same room you were in.
You began to sob which stirred the body from beside you. The sudden motion startled you for you had forgotten that they were there in the first place which made you even more frightened. They grabbed your arm as you cried louder, but their voice immediately soothed you to realize, it was Liam, and he was okay.
“Y/N? Hey, hey, I’m here, don’t worry. Shhhh.” He softly spoke as he wrapped his arms around your body, bringing you close to him. This wasn’t the first time these nightmares had occurred. He was slowly rocking back and forth. “Liam. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.” You whispered.
This made him laugh. He kissed your forehead and laid his head on yours. “There is nothing to be sorry about. You’re safe. Don’t you worry.” You smiled grabbing onto his arm just a little bit more. “Thank you.”
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