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Goals: achieve max comfiness. ⭐
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Hm...? Wh...it's midnight, hon, why are you waking me up? Oh, a bad dream? Okay, come here...you can snuggle under the blanket if you want. It's okay, it was just a bad dream, it can't hurt you sweetie. I'm here, it's alright...I'll scratch your head until you fall asleep, okay? You don't have to apologize for waking me, I'm always here for you hon. Come on, let's get some sleep.
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Coping 101 - a masterpost of down to earth resources
This post doesn’t contain links to many professional resources - it’s a list of coping tips from people who are mentally ill/disabled themselves and who all decided to share what has worked for them here on tumblr. In the last 7 months I have been sharing content created for and by mentally ill/disabled people on this blog - and to celebrate reaching 5000 followers, I have decided to collect all the best coping tips I’ve come across in one easily accessible place. Enjoy!
Managing emotions:
Letting go of emotional suffering via mindfulness.
DBT strengthening statements
Handling negative emotions
The “emotions are signals” method
The “mindfully recognizing emotions” method
Healthy perspectives on emotions
The “emotions are like hiccups” method
The “healthy outlets” method
Managing anxiety:
Coping statements for anxiety.
Breathing exercise gif
Breathing exercise gif 2
Things to remember when having an anxiety attack
The “just show up” method
The “panicky friend” method
Grounding techniques 
The “I can survive the next 10 seconds” method
The “distract your brain” method
The “you will be able to cope” method
Managing depression:
7 depression tips and why they work
Depression tips
21 tips to keeping your shit together when you’re depressed
Managing executive dysfunction:
The “might as well” method.
The “one step access” method.
Why self-discipline isn’t always the answer. 
The “use whatever works” method.
The “taking care of someone else” method.
The “june-bugging” method.
Tricks for pushing through executive dysfunction
The “do several things at once” method
The “accept your limits” methods
The “turn it into a game” method
The “anything worth doing is worth doing poorly” method
The “tricking your brain” method
The “untangling the spaghetti” method.
The “smaller steps” method
The “emergency cleaning” method
The “letting go of should” method.
The “my body is an animal I need to care about” method
The “fork theory” method
The “remove the barriers” method
The “half-ass things” method
Managing negative thinking:
Challenging cognitive distortions.
Finding alternative thoughts.
Challenging negative thoughts
How to get over past mistakes
Toxic positivity vs hope and validation
How to improve your self-esteem
Negative and positive cognitions
The “self neutrality” method
The “separate your negative qualities from your identity” method
Self talk to help end obsessions
Ten forms of twisted thinking + ten ways to untwist your thinking
Managing self care:
How to practice balanced self care.
Why hands-on hobbies are important
Ways to self-soothe
A list of mental illness workbooks 
Ways to start feeling again
How to get back on track after a breakdown
How to self-soothe and treat yourself
Types of healthy coping skills
The “parenting yourself” method
An interactive self care guide
The “don’t ignore your needs” method
Online self care
Making the most of therapy
Free worksheets for people who can’t access therapy
The “add good things to your life” method
Showering for spoonies
The “do what you can” method
The “it isn’t a waste of time just because it won’t cure you” method.
Self care cheat sheet
The “create something” method
Managing school:
Studying with anxiety and depression
Studying with mental illness
Coping with dissociation in school
Managing exam periods when you’re mentally ill
The “done is better than none” method
How to survive college
Managing urges to harm yourself:
What to do to when you’re suicidal
Questions to ask before giving up
Alternatives to self harm
Coping with suicidal thoughts
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what is ur favorite animal? mine is fox!! i wuv dem so much!! 
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do not interact if map.
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wan hugs
pwease send hugs i really need some pwease
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love dis
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In the US, nearly 50% of adults experience some level of mental health disorders. This can come in many forms like depression, anxiety, or post-traumatic stress disorder.
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When a condition like this happens, having something to hold onto for comfort can play a huge role in the healing process. Although our minds might not need a stuffed toy for language or social skills, we can still experience the same level of soothing comfort by hugging a teddy bear as we did when we were kids.
There’s a reason you will often see a stuffed bear for sale in a hospital gift shop. It’s because these familiar items are valued and needed at any age of life.
Teens and adults can benefit from the comfort of a stuffed toy after suffering a major health problem or enduring the death of a loved one. They can help adults heal after severe trauma, survive the stress of exams, or endure homesickness.
They also gather significant value over the years and can be treasured throughout multiple stages of life. Many adults tell their children about their favorite stuffed toy and use those memories as a way to encourage the same happy experience for future generations.
For adults, stuffed animals also make valuable gifts because of their sentimental value. A teenager or adult who receives a teddy bear from their significant other will treasure the gift because of the sweet message it sends.
No matter what age you are at, a stuffed animal can be both a helpful tool and a comforting companion. Not only do they make great gifts, but they also offer essential benefits for mental and emotional wellness.
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I am a simple kiddo
I see a big stick
I pick it up
I wack things
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Monsters Part 03: Make your own monster! (for printing)
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Tip On Feeling Excited When Smol
Ever see a toddler/kid desperate to be the one to push the button for the elevator? There’s a big reason for this: the Sense of Agency.
The Sense of Agency is our ability to recognise our influence over aspects of the world, such as pressing a button and then a few seconds later, the elevator appears. We lose the excitement over this as we get older because it becomes the mundane. The “OMG Press the BUTTON and the ELEVATOR DINGS! ANd I DID THAT!” becomes “ugh, this elevator is slow.”
To heck with that. 
Get excited by your agency in the world again! Rush forward to press the button with your carer. Ask to be the one to tie your shoes (even if you’ll eventually need help cuz babies aren’t very good with such things). Pout if you can’t choose the ice cream topping. These are YOUR influences in the world. See them for how awesome they are!
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sanrio userboxes ! rb if used please ^^
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♡ Little Things To Do While You Stay Home™️ ♡
🧸take a bubble bath (so you can stay clean!)
🍯pretend to be a doctor and cure your stuffies of the virus!
🍪start an agere journal (you can have plenty of time to decorate it to perfection)
🍑make your own home theatre with all of your stuffies and snackies. You can even watch your favorite movie!
🧺video call your best little friend or your cg
🧴bake your favorite treat (be careful of hot objects like the stove or oven!)
🧸practice learning a new language. You can even print out kiddie worksheets for your new language to make you feel even smaller while you learn
🍯clean and decorate your room. Turn that corner full of dirty clothes into your own reading/coloring nook!
🍪doodle or write out what your perfect day would consist of whenever you can go outside again
🍑use this time to clean/disinfect your baby gear like pacis, bottles, sippys, and teethers
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♡ Rule Ideas For Babies W/o CG’s ♡
Keep in mind, rules are meant to help you be your best self and keep you healthy and happy! You have no obligation to follow these rules, but if you’d like to, feel free!
🧸For Physical Health🧸
Brush your teeth twice a day
Take a shower at least every other day
Drink 3 sippy cups of water every day
Bedtime: 11pm (maybe later on weekends)
Eat at least 2 meals a day
Try to fit in at least 10 minutes of exercise a day
🍯For Mental Health🍯
Make your bed every day
Try to tidy up your room at least once a day
Absolutely no talking bad about yourself!! (Treat yourself how you want others to treat you! You deserve it!!)
Talk to a friend or family member once every few days (isolation can’t be bad for the brain!)
Take about an hour (at least) a day to be baby! It’ll help your brain with all the stress of the day
Take your meds every day! (If you have any that is)
🧺Self Rewards🧺
Extra sweets!
A bubble bath
An hour to do whatever you want to do
A break to watch your favorite little show/movie
🍪Self Punishments🍪
There shouldn’t be any! Love yourself and if you can’t manage to brush your teeth twice a day or forgot to shower, that’s okay. You should just reward yourself when you do the good things, and when you get a little lost, tell yourself “tomorrow’s a new day and I’ll get it done”. It’s all about loving yourself and doing what’s best for you! We’re all rooting for you!
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Things to do with your stuffies + toys:
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Play at a playground
Play dress up / have a photo shoot
Make a blankie/cardboard box fort together
Show them your favorite stuff!
Sleepover! -movie night/video games, snackies, pjs!
Play outside/look for treasure outside!
Tea party
Casual conversations
Have a picnic outside
Watch cartoons/tv together
Make an art project together! It can be anything!
Research/learn something new together
Make them a bed/house/clothes
Watch clouds/stars
Move your room around together!
Spa day- bathe them, add a scent, brush fur or clean scuffs
Make a stuffie/toy zoo
Play video games together
Make a webkinz account
Snack break! - real food or play food
Play superheroes/super villains
Play pretend restaurant - you or your stuffie can be a chef! it can be a fancy restaurant or one with cool fun kiddy food! serve your stuffies/toys pretend or real food!
Play pretend store - you can make your own money and sell things!
Play princess/prince/royalty
Play pretend city- make buildings, roads and citizens! name your city! if you want you can give it a theme! like a candy city!
Adventure in a pretend jungle
Play Pretend Spaceship/astronauts
Pretend camping
Play pretend school- Have a teacher, maybe some art projects, assign everyone homework and have them play at recess! Don’t forget to pack a lunch!
Play pretend of something else you love- for me i play five nights at freddy’s, combo panda videos, and chuck e. cheese pretend with my stuffies!
(Anyone sfw only can add more if they want!)
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Black kitty age regression outfit 🐱🌑
~dont interact if youre a nsfw/kink blog~
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A Quick Guide to "SFW" in Age Regression
🤔 Would you show that picture to a child?
🤔 Would you read that text to a child?
🤔 Would you explain your community to a child?
🤔 Would you read that conversation to a child?
If you answer "no" to any of these, then it is not "sfw". Simple.
And yes, I'd explain my age regression to a child, including why I call my husband "Dada" when regressed.
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