bianca-wooo · 3 years
concept 2 -Facebook
This is my more refined animation in the facebook format.
the only difference between the insta and fb format is that its adjusted to its designated size fb- landscape, insta - vertical
- added date and designer info
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bianca-wooo · 3 years
Concept 1 - facebook
from feedback, i changed the word light to warmth as it made more sense for the narrative of my animation
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bianca-wooo · 3 years
Concept 2 - Instagram
My idea of the second concept was to showcase the type and its features (weights, numbers, language support)
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Rough storyboard concept
Rough animation using frame by frame animation
with the fxf, I yet have to fix the delay of each frame to make sure it moves at a readable pace.
at this stage, it's still a work in progress i have yet to add fira sans and more features of the type in the animation. I also have to make sure it advertises the font.
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bianca-wooo · 3 years
Concept 1 - Instagram
concept 1 is my interpretation of the fira sans font. originally designed for Mozilla, they wanted to convey the concept of fire, light and joy but in a 'language agnostic' way. That way it can convey to the fonts global nature or in other words all round use.
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Illustration storyboard
one of my ideas on the storyboard that did not end up on my rough animation was the rotating 'light' around the sun. I decided to not go with it since it felt the light idea is already portrayed by the sun and the transition of the word going up into the sun like its lightweight portrays the idea enough
Rough animation using timeline animation
at this stage i need to figure out the pacing and shorten the video as it exceeded past 15 seconds.
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bianca-wooo · 3 years
brainstorm/storyboard ideas
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I storyboarded for 4 concepts but stuck with 2 and combined some of the concepts to make 2 full concepts out of a 15 second animation
i considered adding photos of fire to my concepts but figured using stock photos would be hard to reformat across facebook and instagram
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bianca-wooo · 3 years
Animation research/examples
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bianca-wooo · 3 years
image and text animation
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storyboard plan
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final animation
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bianca-wooo · 3 years
Project 2
Social media typographic
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Week 7 practice animation
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bianca-wooo · 3 years
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Compositions inspired by my booklet layout
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bianca-wooo · 3 years
sample text language reference
sample text paragraphs that have been copied and pasted into my booklet to showcase in fira sans in various language scripts
Minden személynek joga van a neveléshez. A nevelésnek, legalábbis az elemi és alapvető oktatást illetően, ingyenesnek kell lennie. Az elemi oktatás kötelező. A technikai és szakoktatást általánossá kell tenni; a felsőbb tanulmányokra való felvételnek mindenki előtt -érdeméhez képest- egyenlő feltételek mellett nyitva kell állnia. A nevelésnek az emberi személyiség teljes kibontakoztatására, valamint az emberi jogok és alapvető szabadságok tiszteletbentartásának megerősítésére kell irányulnia. A nevelésnek elő kell segítenie a
Greek ΑΡΘΡΟ 2 Κάθε άνθρωπος δικαιούται να επικαλείται όλα τα δικαιώματα και όλες τις ελευθερίες που προκηρύσσει η παρούσα Διακήρυξη, χωρίς καμία απολύτως διάκριση, ειδικότερα ως προς τη φυλή, το χρώμα, το φύλο, τη γλώσσα, τις θρησκείες, τις πολιτικές ή οποιεσδήποτε άλλες πεποιθήσεις, την εθνική ή κοινωνική καταγωγή, την περιουσία, τη γέννηση ή οποιαδήποτε άλλη κατάσταση. Δεν θα μπορεί ακόμα να γίνεται καμία διάκριση εξαιτίας του πολιτικού, νομικού ή διεθνούς καθεστώτος της χώρας από την οποία
Russian (Cyrillic script)
Статья 2 Каждый человек должен обладать всеми правами и всеми свободами, провозглашенными настоящей Декларацией, без какого бы то ни было различия, как-то в отношении расы, цвета кожи, пола, языка, религии, политических.
Vietnamese Mọi người đều có quyền được học hành. Phải áp dụng chế độ giáo dục miễn phí, ít nhất là ở bậc tiểu học và giáo dục cơ sở. Giáo dục tiểu học là bắt buộc. Giáo dục kỹ thuật và ngành nghề phải mang tính phổ thông, và giáo dục cao học phải theo nguyên tắc công bằng cho bất cứ ai có đủ khả năng. Giáo dục phải hướng tới mục tiêu giúp con người phát triển đầy đủ nhân cách và thúc đẩy sự tôn trọng đối với các quyền và tự do cơ bản của con người.
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bianca-wooo · 3 years
Page 2-3
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bianca-wooo · 3 years
Front cover
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bianca-wooo · 3 years
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bianca-wooo · 3 years
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bianca-wooo · 3 years
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week 2 - varying weight in type class activity in libre franklin font
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bianca-wooo · 3 years
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bianca-wooo · 3 years
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