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Corona Diary

I have been painting a lot during quarantine as a way to stay busy and also as a way to relax. Painting has always been an escape for me. During these times of uncertainty and stress, being able to paint has been really good for me. I really enjoy doing this and try to paint or draw a few times during the week to relax and unwind.

I have cooked so much during this time, which has been so fun! I made homemade pizza dough the other night and made some yummy pizza for my family and I. It has been really fun trying new recipes and expanding my cooking skills. A few of my favorite things that I have made so far is tortilla soup, enchiladas, truffle pasta, and chicken piccata.

Exercising has become a part of my daily routine during quarantine. I’ve been finding some fun, free online workouts that have been great. This dance party workout is one of my favorites. It’s super fun and is a workout without really feeling like one.

Every night, my family and I take a walk with our two dogs around our neighborhood. My little dog always seems to get tired really quick and has to be carried for the rest of the walk haha. It has been really nice to get outside and enjoy the fresh air during our nightly walks. It has been a good time to bond with my family as well.

One thing that I really miss doing is going out for a drink with my friends. Usually during the weekend, my friends and I make our own drinks at home and have a FaceTime cocktail hour. It’s been a really nice way to keep in touch and stay connected with my friends.
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Education can change the course of a girl’s entire life for the better. Education for girls should be a fundamental right as it would improve and make the world a better place in so many different ways. In many cultures, educating girls isn’t seen as a priority and in countries where poverty is prevalent, many parents choose to only have the boys of the family to get an education. If girls were educated, gender equality would definitely improve. Educating girls opens up a range of possibilities that are otherwise out of her reach. It allows her to make her own decisions and plan her own future. Education expands the whole world as well, it improves society and it enhances the economy. Equal access to education, therefore changes the entire world for the better.
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Immigration Stories
On my father’s side, my grandparents grew up on the island of Hvar in Croatia. My grandparents were from neighboring villages and met, eventually getting married. After they got married, they moved to Chile in search for better opportunities. A few years later, they emigrated further to the Central Valley of California, where my grandfather’s uncle ran a vineyard and had jobs waiting for them both.
My grandparent’s from my mother’s side also immigrated from Hvar, Croatia to the Central Valley of California. After the war, my grandparents parted ways to find better opportunities than their small island home could provide. My grandfather lived in South America for awhile and eventually emigrated to the Central Valley of California. My grandmother moved to Germany and was working as a nanny. After years apart, my grandfather asked my grandmother to marry him and move to America to be with him. She took a chance and moved so they could be together.
On both sides, my grandparents worked very hard and saved their money. They were both able to invest in farmland and run successful vineyards. Their farming community soon became a home for many Croatians looking to start a new life, full of hard work and dedication. It was very comforting for my grandparents to have other people from their home country around, but it didn't help with them learning English. They each depended on their kids (my parents) to teach them English as my parents were in school learning it themselves.
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Lady Gaga’s Impact on Covid-19 Relief

"I think kindness is something we should all deploy right now." - Lady Gaga
Celebrities today are using their power to help fight the coronavirus pandemic in many ways. Lady Gaga has used her fame and resources to not only provide financial relief, but to help people struggling as well. She has already raised $35 million for Covid-19 relief, which is incredible! The donation will go towards global PPE supplies, testing kits, and to help improve lab capacity to process tests. Lady Gaga has also helped organize, and will be performing in a virtual concert on April 18th, along with other celebrities to benefit the World Health Organization. This virtual concert is a great free source of entertainment for everyone with the world’s current state. I know for myself and others, this concert will be an amazing way to bring some positivity into everyones lives during this time.

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Antisocial Media: How Facebook Disconnects Us and Undermines Democracy
Antisocial Media: How Facebook Disconnects Us and Undermines Democracy by Siva Vaidhyanathan

Facebook allows us to spread information, share our personal lives and communicate with others online. In the Facebook age, celebrities have been redefined as it is no longer just for actors, singers and other personalities. Being a celebrity on Facebook is being known among a group of people and sharing your opinion or life. Facebook has changed celebrityhood and the way we view what a celebrity is. Many celebrities use Facebook to talk and connect with their fans. Facebook always us to do this and also be very unsocial online as well.
Facebook was first intended to be a platform that connects people from around the world. There has since been a shift and Facebook now control what and who you seen. Facebook has worked with many celebrities and people involved in politics. Facebook uses political campaigns for example, to target and persuade users. This platform can reach many people to gives messages that are designed around personals interests and tastes. Facebook helps those with power to capture the attention and tailor messages around users to gain their following and essentially become a fan.
The book draws attention to the filter bubbles that Facebook has formed to feed users content that we are deemed to like. This makes sense in terms of increasing our attention on Facebook, but the way in which this filter is formed changes the way users look at social media. Facebook must collect a lot of information to build user profiles and accurately create a feed that increases user satisfaction. Facebook ultimately becomes a surveillance machine.
This kind of surveillance and its filter abilities can make Facebook a manipulation machine. Facebook delivers content that conforms to their biases and preconceptions. This ability can be dangerous for not only business practices but also for democracy itself. Technology firms increasingly have control over our lives whether we are aware of that or not.
This book shows how social media poses a threat to us all and gives us reasons why we should all be careful on sites like Facebook. “If you wanted to build a machine that would distribute propaganda to millions of people, distract them from important issues, energize hatred and bigotry, erode social trust, undermine journalism, foster doubts about science, and engage in massive surveillance all at once, you would make something a lot like Facebook” (Vaidhyanathan 19). Facebook does connect the world but works by encouraging engagement, which can be a good or bad thing depending on the type of content created. It operates through user satisfaction which uses surveillance, data and disinformation to get to that. Facebook has been good for connecting individuals, but it has become bad for us collectively. This book gives readers a more in depth explanation to what’s currently happening on social media sites and how we can be more aware of what’s going on.
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Homecoming: A Film By Beyonce Review

Homecoming: A Film by Beyoncé is a documentary focused on Beyoncé’s Coachella performance and the work she put into it to create the spectacular performance. I was at Beyoncé’s Coachella performance and it was truly an unforgettable experience being there for the live show. This documentary was amazing as viewers were brought behind the scenes to see the work and dedication to make this show happen. Beyoncé wanted to give the audience an experience that they would remember and impact them for a lifetime. And she truly accomplished this.
Beyoncé’s 2018 Coachella performance was history making as she became the first black woman to headline at the popular music festival. Coachella isn’t known for attracting a diverse crowd and Beyoncé worked very hard to inspire people and let her voice be heard. She payed homage to black American life and history in her performance. The documentary gave a very open look into Beyoncé’s creative concepts and cultural movements used to make her performance dreams become a reality.
Beyoncé’s performance was an experience that celebrated black culture and united the audience to come together. Her performance hindered historically black colleges and universities with music and dance that is specific to that culture. It was Beyoncé’s way of uniting everyone and giving respect to the black culture. This was especially shown as she sang the song “Lift Every Voice and Sing” which is viewed as the black national anthem.
As the first black woman to headline Coachella, it was very important for Beyoncé to represent her culture. She symbolically highlights this in her performance by incorporating artifacts of black culture through outfits and dance routines. It showed her respect and appreciation for historically black colleges and universities and pays tribute to other writers and musicians. Beyoncé’s work reflects the desire to showcase contemporary black culture and she did this by bring a historic performance to Coachella and through her film.
In Homecoming, Beyoncé made sure to give credit to everyone involved and it wasn’t just about her. This performance was a defining moment in her career since she was the first black woman to headline the Coachella music festival. However, she wanted each person, community, and culture to shine and be seen. She has become a cultural icon and paves a way for many to be represented.
This documentary was a way for Beyoncé to celebrate black culture specially historically black colleges and universities, as the foundation of her message. Homecoming is a community event and naming the film this celebrates bringing everyone together. Beyoncé also showed the importance education has always held in the black community. Homecoming gave people the chance to celebrate black culture and the importance of education.
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Miss Americana Review

The documentary, Miss Americana gives us a look into the life of Taylor Swift and how fame has taken a toll on her perception of self. Taylor Swift is very open in the documentary and reflects on the differences between what the media portrays and reality. After winning a Grammy, Swift recounts on how her self-worth is measured by her ability to be liked, and even after this achievement she still didn’t feel fulfilled in life. It was very interesting to watch someone like Swift who has achieved so much in her life, open up and detail her struggles with self-worth, the impact the media has on her, and her experience with sexual assault by a Denver DJ host. Miss Americana ultimately shows Swift’s journey to becoming an activist and feminist.
An important social issue that this documentary talks about is whether or not as a woman, in Swift’s case in music, should speak up and talk about what she believes in. Every time she didn’t speak up, she was praised, saying in an interview “I’m a 22 year old girl, people don’t want to hear what I have to say about politics.” The people around her would agree with this statement and since Swift was chasing approval from the people around her, it caused her to stay silent for a long time during her career. Every time Swift would speak out, the media portrayed her comments as inauthentic. As Taylor grew more confident and let her personal experiences and views guide her, she became the activist she is today.
In 2018, Taylor Swift was inspired to speak out about her political views and encouraged people who live in Tennessee to register to vote. She wrote a statement coming out against Republican Tennessee senatorial candidate Marsha Blackburn and Blackburn’s views on women and the LGBTQ community. The documentary shows a scene in which Taylor’s father and other team members argue with her not to release the statement. However Swift fights back saying, “I can’t see another commercial with her disguising these policies behind the words Tennessee Christian values. I live in Tennessee. I am Christian. That’s not what we stand for… Dad I need you to forgive me for doing it because I’m doing it.”
Taylor Swift has talked about equality and human rights in many of her songs, however, wouldn’t make a point to share her opinions. She felt using her voice to try to advocate for what she believes in and to stand behind those she loves was the only choice to make. The sexual assault trial in which Swift was groped by a Denver DJ host was another key experience for her finding her voice. It was crucial for her to speak about her beliefs and the trial gave her the opportunity to do so.
Miss Americana shows how Taylor Swift was able to learn to accept and love herself, being confident enough to speak her truth. It took a lot of confidence for Swift to share her views. The documentary uses the example of the Dixie Chicks to really show how damaging a comment could be to someone’s career. Swift firsthand saw how one comment can cause such outrage. However, she acknowledges that standing up for something isn’t always going to get you praise and that’s what being confident is all about.
The documentary further shows that we don’t have to be sorry for things we believe in and we should speak up instead of staying silent. Swift upfront activism has been emerging over the past few years and now it is being vocalized in her music as well. Her newer songs “The Man” and “You Need to Calm Down,” expresses her feminism as the lyrics shows the disparities between men and women. Swift says, “It’s time to take the masking tape off my mouth. Like forever.” This statement tells the world that she is done keeping her opinions and views to herself and us as viewers shouldn’t stay silent either.
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Leaders of Gun Control
Where do these youth leaders go from here?
Many Americans support gun control, yet Congress has failed to strengthen laws even in the wake of many mass shootings. That’s why youth leaders are so important in this. Youth leaders need to keep sharing their stories and raising awareness as it has the potential to ignite important discussions. Many youth leaders have different connections to gun violence/control and it is important for them to create a unified front. If a majority of youth leaders speak about the same message at one time, the country is going pay more attention. The message spread will lead us all to have a greater conversation about the importance of politics and gun control.
Is the reign of the NRA reaching its twilight moment?
The NRA is increasingly under attack and is not supported by many people. However, the NRA still holds a lot of influence over gun legislation.
Is the tide is turning on gun violence in the US?
It’s hard to say if the tide is turning on gun violence in the US. Many people clearly demand a national conversation and want an increase in gun control laws, however not everyone agrees on the need for extensive gun reform. Until most people agree on gun reform in the US, there will always be a debate around this issue.
Have you become more active on gun violence issues since March for Our Lives?
I was inspired by the many efforts people my age had to make the marches happen. It really shows that if we all participate and unite, it can push us forward. It made me want to talk to more people about gun control and keep the discussion going.
Have you Registered to VOTE?
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Project Drawdown Book Review
Francesca Dulcich

Project Drawdown is a goal driven book which shows how to reverse global warming through a variety of innovations. It not only shows how to stop global warming, but how to reduce emission levels as the population and quality of life increases. Kirkus Reviews for example, called the book "an optimistic program for getting out of our current mess.” Paul Hawken summarizes years of research into a ranked list of the most important actions we can take to help with the climate change crisis. In addition to the reduction of carbon, many of the actions mentioned offer financial savings, increase efficacy, create jobs, and improve quality of life for people.
Paul Hawken is said to be one of the strongest voices on sustainability and has dedicated much of his life to environmentalism. Hawken is not only an author and activist, he has founded many environmentally conscious businesses and has consulted with top business leaders on economic and environmental development. Often, we hear in the news the many problems and effects from climate change, but we never hear how we can help reduce it. Hawken believes when it comes to global warming and climate change, one must focus on the solutions rather than focusing too much on the problem. Instead of focusing on the main issue, it is important to look into the possible solutions in which actually heals the future.

Project Drawdown has one-hundred solutions to reverse global warming and climate change that can be fully achieved. The point of these solutions is not to implement them. It is mainly to point out that the solutions are already being implemented by humanity and to show the potential that they solutions hold if they were scaled globally. Many of the solutions listed already have partners and supporters and are currently happening around the world. Since the solutions are already being acted out, therefore the point of the book is to not only implement them but to show how they are currently being used and the potential/scale the solutions could hold if we did them as well. A few solutions to name a couple that are already implemented are: solar farms which operate on the scale of utilities systems and electric vehicles which uses energy generated by renewables rather than fossil fuels. Solution number six of educating girls is a very important solution. When women aren’t educated and don’t have the power to make family planning decisions, it can lead to higher carbon emissions. Giving more girls a high quality education results in many great effects. Rihanna has been an advocate for education and health care, while speaking up for women and girls. She supports the Global Partnership for Education and Global Citizens which provides children with access to education in developing countries, giving priority to girls. Rihanna has raised millions for education and is advocating for additional contributions from countries to help support girls’ education in developing countries.
Project Drawdown also has a fellowship program which consists of climate leaders working to find effective and innovative solutions to solve global warming. The researchers in the program work to find new research and data that enriches the impact of the solutions. Tala Daya is one of the fellows in the program and mainly researches materials and waste for Project Drawdown. Daya’s work focuses on the management of energy systems and the use of safer materials in supply chains. She specifically looks into how products can be made sustainably and in a circular model perspective. Her focus definitely aligns with the book as she specializes on how we can ultimately reduce waste and live a more sustainable life.
One solution that I currently do and will continue to implement is ridesharing. Ridesharing reduces emissions and pressure on infrastructure, all while saving commuters money. When I lived in California, my friends and family would all ride together instead of taking separate cars to the same place. Now that I live in New York City, which is considered a walkable city, it encourages me to walk instead of driving. One solution that surprised me was the solution of bamboo. I had never really thought of this to be a solution for global warming and climate change. It was interesting to read how it has economic uses and absorbs carbon faster than any other plant.
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1. Why do you think the #MeToo movement has been so effective? Why now?
The #MeToo movement has been effective as it gives a voice to silenced women. The movement allows women to share their personal experiences of harassment and abuse on social media under the hashtag #MeToo. The social media aspect was effective as it gave women a platform to share their story and a space where they could feel comfortable sharing. The movement shows how widespread sexual harassment and misconduct are. As more people started using the #MeToo hashtag, it brought to light how many survivors are out there and that they are not alone. People who never thought of such misconduct suddenly realized how it affected many people around them. Part of the reason I believe it has been effective in this day and age is because social media allows us to share our stories and parts of ourselves.
2. What other impacts have you observed of the #MeToo movement? How has it affected you?
The #MeToo movement has changed how people not only view sexual misconduct, but gender and power. The movement has showed the continued power imbalance between men and women across institutions. I’ve never dealt with abuses of power but hearing other women share their stories made me think more about how gender, power and sexual misconduct and how they’re all interconnected. Women are powerful, but in general in the world we live, men have more power in certain workplaces. The power imbalance between men and women is the foundational fact hat the #MeToo movement addresses. The movement has revealed how much change is needed. #MeToo has really addressed this power imbalance and has given women the opportunity the be more powerful than men.
3. What is the celebrity lens here? What did celebrities risk in joining #MeToo? What have they gained?
Celebrities using their platform to speak out against sexual misconduct and gender inequality have generally created positive change. Celebrities were able to bring more attention to the movement and promote a global conversation around these issues. I’ve read stories about women who were assaulted by Harvey Weinstein and were initially afraid to speak out, in fear it would ruin their career. I wonder if this is still prevalent for some celebrities as they may think joining the movement wouldn't be good for their career. Celebrities involved in #MeToo helped bring new awareness and traction to this movement.
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Young Visionaries with Solutions
Francesca Dulcich
1. How do these stories help people locate not just hope but solutions?
The scale in which a lot of these challenges can seem very daunting, but we can all contribute in some way and do something to help. These stories help people relate to the issues and provide specifics in finding long term solutions. The stories show that we can all do our bit to tackle problems surrounding us.
2. Which of these individuals had to overcome the most obstacles to realize their project?
Each of these individuals had to overcome challenges during their projects. Melati and her sister, Isabel faced challenges when campaigning to rid the Indonesian island of plastic with their movement Bye Bye Plastic Bags. Due to their age, they weren’t taken seriously by the governor. They took a petition containing signatures to the governor of Bali and after being turned away they staged a hunger strike. Through these obstacles, they were able to meet with the governor and put change into effect. These two sisters are true example that shows obstacles don’t have to stop you to get to your goal.
3. Which of these stories has the most resonance for you in terms of solution-making?
Lauren Singer’s story about becoming zero waste resonated with me in terms of solution making. She has always been very passionate about the environment, yet wasn’t doing much to help the problems surrounding it. Lauren decided to take conscious steps to reduce the amount of waste she created. She started by analyzing her daily life and realized she needed to make adjustments. She spoke about how much plastic she saw in her home and how much trash she created. Through this she found plastic is everywhere and it’s hard to buy plastic free products. Lauren started making products herself and ultimately reduced the amount of personal waste. It was very inspiring to see how she was able to keep years of waste in one mason jar and how she is able to live in a way that perfectly aligns with what she believes in.
4. Is there a key environmental problem are you inspired to solve? How would you execute it?
Fast fashion is resulting in pollution, more waste and other negative environmental problems. Many of us are attracted to fast fashion brands like Zara and H&M because they are so affordable and the amount of styles available. But fast fashion comes at a huge cost to the environment. A main point in this is the amount of waste created from fast fashion. Disposed textiles that wind up in landfills lead to greenhouse gas emissions and toxins going into the surrounding soil and water. This is a huge problem to tackle but I would first start by informing and educating people about this issue. What many people don’t realize is that one of the biggest pollutants of our environment can be found in their closets. If more people were educated on this, they could take the steps needed to change how they dispose of their clothes and the purchasing decisions that go along with clothing.
5. How would you message a movement for your solution?
I would ask consumers to rethink fast fashion. As a consumer, there are many steps you can take to reduce your personal impact on fast fashion use and waste.
6. Locate a similar example in Project Drawdown by Paul Hawken
Hawken talks about many solutions related to food. He touches on food waste and the importance for people to reduce to the amount of food being thrown away and wasted. Food waste is everyones problem as it has personal and environmental effects.
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Melati Wijsen
Francesca Dulcich
1. What solutions are they offering for global warming, plastic pollution or overall climate change issues?
Melati founded Bye Bye Plastic Bags in 2013 with her younger sister Isabel. Melati envisioned a world free of plastic bags and a place where young people, like herself are inspired to take action and make a difference in plastic pollution. Her initial interest in this issue took place after learning her home country was one of the biggest polluters in the world coming in as the second largest source of marine debris. This overall contributes to the eight billion tons of plastic entering the ocean every year. Indonesia also made a goal to reduce waste by 70% by the year 2025. Melati didn’t see much happening to reach this goal and decided it was time for her to take action. Bye Bye Plastic Bags has successfully banned plastic bags, straws and Styrofoam on her home island Bali as of 2019. She has also started the people movement One Island One Voice and the social enterprise, Mountain Mama's. One Island One Voice has gathered over 45,000 people to clean beaches to prevent 135 tons of plastic from entering the ocean, and Mountain Mama’s gives local women the skills to produce hand made alternative bags from donated or recycled material to reduce the use of plastic bags.
2. How did they organize their work? How have they been recognized?
The social initiative Bye Bye Plastic Bags overall helps Bali residents say no to plastic bags and get involved in the effort to reduce plastic waste. Through her platform, she has raised awareness and created educational materials to be distributed to primary schools in Indonesia. The governor of Bali at that time, Mangku Pastika, eventually responded and met Melati to understand the Bye Bye Plastic Bags initiative. They agreed to work together to get Bali residents not to use plastic bags and minimize plastic pollution. Other than that, her actions have given her the opportunity to meet with world leaders, celebrities and speak at global events.
3. How did they get the word out about their projects? What has been their impact so far?
Melati said,“The problem won't get solved unless we all get involved.” Bye Bye Plastic Bags is now a global organization with affiliates in several countries. Its success is due to the amount of young people around the world getting involved and taking part in reducing plastic waste in their own communities. Melati organized Bali’s largest beach clean up in which 12,000 volunteers showed up to help clean the beach and reduce the amount of plastic waste from entering the ocean.
4. What obstacles did they overcome?
Melati had trouble dealing with the government and getting them to move in the right direction. She eventually had to start a petition and strike in order to get the governments attention. This proved to be effective as she was escorted to the governor who signed a memorandum of understanding to reduce the amount of plastic bags in Bali.
5. Imagine what they might be doing five years from now.
I can definitely see Melati continuing her work and educating young people globally about this issue. She will be a big inspiration for others to stand up and promote change as well.
6. Why do you think young people are rising up and taking to the streets for #ClimateStrike #Fridays4Future and other protests?
Melati said, "We are the future, but we are here now, and we're ready. We've learned kids can do things. We can make things happen.” Each of are involved in what our future world will turn out like and we have witnessed how choices from the past impact us now. It is important for young people to speak up and share their ideas to make the world a better place.
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My Fav Celebrity
Francesca Dulcich Spring 2020

My favorite celebrity is actress Charlize Theron. She is not only an amazing actress who has won many awards, but is also a UN Messenger of Peace and is the founder of the Africa Outreach Project.
Charlize grew up in a few town in South Africa and saw the effects of HIV and AIDs in her home country. She founded the Charlize Theron Africa Outreach Project to educate South African and Sub-Saharan Africa’s youth about ways to prevent the disease. It is very inspiring on how she wants to use her fame to bring positive change to her community and bring about awareness.
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