Silver Shadow
2K posts
“Do not ever mistake my silence for ignorance, my calmness for acceptance, or my kindness for weakness.” My name is Athena da Jova. It means 'the Shade of Grey'. I am the Balance, a creature of both darkness and light, but I belong to neither. I was old when time began. I am older still. Universes are kept in my palm; I spin them, tilt them and play them like marbles. I will devour you with nothing but a thought, and still hunger for the life of the stars. Be careful where you tread. NSFW is tagged as jasmine on the sheets.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
betwixtdarkxlight-blog · 7 years ago
can everyone please send @cherriiko some love and support. i’m very worried about their safety right now as they are not responding to messages and have fallen into a depressive state and might do something dangerous. please let them know they are loved and cherished and their life is valuable.
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betwixtdarkxlight-blog · 7 years ago
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betwixtdarkxlight-blog · 7 years ago
He glanced at the computer, felt his face making a little moue of distaste.  “All right,” he agreed, shut the laptop and rising.
Smiled as he approached, kissing her cheek.  “Okay.  I’m coming, my love.”
"I'm pulling an all-nighter."
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   “You pull so many of them as it is, Adam…come on, come to bed. Please?” she asked.
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betwixtdarkxlight-blog · 7 years ago
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Hit the lil heart for a starter!
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betwixtdarkxlight-blog · 7 years ago
reblog this if you actually like following me.
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betwixtdarkxlight-blog · 7 years ago
“No” she admitted. “Is it not different for everyone?” 
She had always imagined ruling as difficult and had never considered it for herself. But when she discovered the kind of man her father was, how he had ruined the kingdom. Mina just wanted to be left alone but she had been pulled in and now…..
“I’m scared of him.”
“It is,” she agreed.  “And it isn’t.  Power takes from you.  It feeds from you.”
Smiled slightly.  “You should be.”  Turned to face her, studying the curves of her face.  “Power took too much from him.”
Shades of Red||Athena and Mina||Closed
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betwixtdarkxlight-blog · 7 years ago
100 years ago everyone owned a horse and only the rich had cars. Today everyone has cars and only the rich own horses.
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betwixtdarkxlight-blog · 7 years ago
The Fair Folk: “I can’t believe this. Twenty years I’ve cleaned your house and you DARE to try to REPAY me with GIFTS. This is such an insult. Fuck you, you insolent humans. I’m leaving here and never returning because you have insulted me so deeply.”
Also the Fair Folk: “Remember that one time you pulled a thorn out of a cat’s foot? That was me. To show my gratitude, here is a house made of solid gold, a life-debt, my daughter’s hand in marriage, and a promise that all your children will be gorgeous and successful at all that they do. I can also throw in a blow job if you want. I hope this is enough. I don’t want to seem ungrateful.”
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betwixtdarkxlight-blog · 7 years ago
         what wouldn’t                               i do                                     to save                                                you ?
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betwixtdarkxlight-blog · 7 years ago
Why do I want polyamorous representation?
Because when someone doesn’t want to date me because I’m poly it’s ‘understandable’ but when I don’t want to date someone because they are monogamous it’s ‘ridiculous.’
Because all relationship advice tells you that if you have feelings for someone else while you’re in a relationship you’re a bad person.
Because even feminists try to slut shame me.
Because when I tell people me and my partner have an open relationship they assume it’s because we’re going through a rough patch.
Because people equate ‘multiple partners’ with ‘predator’ and think everything I say is an attempt to get in their pants.
Because I am fed up of love triangles as easy plot devices in my media.
Because the LGBTQA+ movement are so desperate to show ‘allies’ they are ‘just like everyone else’ that they shit on everyone with a non-monogamous dynamic.
Because when a monogamous couple have sex with each other every night it’s having an active sex drive. When I have sex with a different partner every night I’m a nymphomaniac.
Because people think that monogamy = validity, always.
Because monogamous hetronormativity is so ingrained that I don’t even feel like I can dance with someone without telling them the complete logistics of my love life.
Because people genuinely believe that raising a child communally is damaging to development.
Because when I say ‘I could never be monogamous’ I get dirty looks.
Because too many people have tried to confide in me when they’re cheating because ‘I thought you, of all people, would understand.’
Because I can’t talk about my relationship troubles with my monogamous friends because ‘I always have something to fall back on.’ As if my relationships are meaningless.
(please reblog and add more if you like)
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betwixtdarkxlight-blog · 7 years ago
Reblog if you write fan fiction
Doesn’t matter if you write in a frequent basis, or once in a blue moon, just how many of us are there?
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betwixtdarkxlight-blog · 7 years ago
if ur a guy and you continue to hit on a lesbian when they’ve told you that they’re a lesbian and thus not interested in u, then u are a piece of shit congratulations
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betwixtdarkxlight-blog · 7 years ago
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Chris Hemsworth for Men’s Health Australia
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betwixtdarkxlight-blog · 7 years ago
The silent room, the heavy creeping shade, The dead that travel fast, the opening door, The murdered brother rising through the floor, The ghost’s white fingers on thy shoulders laid, And then the lonely duel in the glade, The broken swords, the stifled scream, the gore, Thy grand revengeful eyes when all is o'er, – These things are well enough, – but thou wert made For more august creation! Frenzied Lear Should at thy bidding wander on the heath With the shrill fool to mock him, Romeo For thee should lure his love, and desperate fear Pluck Richard’s recreant dagger from its sheath – Thou trumpet set for Shakespeare’s lips to blow!
Fabien Dei Franchi || Oscar Wilde
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betwixtdarkxlight-blog · 7 years ago
reblog this if you actually like following me.
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betwixtdarkxlight-blog · 7 years ago
and that was the thing about her, she kept on surviving. with bullet holes in her lungs, and knife marks etched in her back. she never let anything get in her way, resilient. a fighter, not by choice. but a warrior at heart.
k. azizian (via wnq-writers)
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betwixtdarkxlight-blog · 7 years ago
Love is not a feeling of happiness. Love is a willingness to sacrifice.
Michael Novak
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