between-the-paper-eyes · 11 months
Being the supreme arche angel wasn’t what I thought it would be, it mostly felt like busy work so far, getting ready for the second coming of god.
He had me give all the angels swords so they could protect themselves when they walked among humans, makes sense humans can be quite violent to things they don’t understand, and so I did it.
I even got one, it made my chest hurt in such a strange way when I saw how the flames danced across the blade.
I wish he could understand what I was doing, that to make something new amazing happen you have to be a little uncomfortable for a little while, that to make change happen you have to do things you don’t like, the walls up hear are empty and silent, the way people just stare at me when I walk by has never made me feel so alone, I remember this feeling, I feel younge again, when I was first in heaven, I wish I could bottle this feeling and word it anytime I think about rejoining heaven, so I can remember just how bad this feels, but I know once we go back down to earth I forget the full extent of this pain.
I got a new uniform, it was required of the supreme arche angel altho I never saw Gabriel wear it, and it seemed more sturdy then necessary for heaven. It reminded me more of the steal suits of armor that use to be so popular, everyone got a new outfit actually, must look out best for her after all.
We stand in a feild surrounded by flowers, the outskirts remind me of the garden, whilst the middle reminds me of all the battle grounds I’ve been on, we were waiting for the lord.
I see something in the distance and it gets larger with each step it takes and it becomes more apparent what it is, demons, do they want to stop the second coming? Do they not know they too could earn her forgiveness like Crowley did?
Of course we may not look very friendly either, Standing amongst angels in our tough outer shells and weapons at the ready….wait!
Could dripped down my face and soaked into my veins, pins stabbed themselves into my back and I felt all my insides fall out.
The second coming….this is a war!
My jaw went slack and all that would come out was undignified sounds. The demons took their position and started to hoist a cross in the air, on that cross laid a demon, nailed down to its arms, stripped of his glasses and cloths draped in a black cloth.
His eyes looked tired and he laid limp despite how much it probably burned. He lifted his head and met my eyes for only a second before scowling and looking away.
“He had refused to punish humans and you for your sins” satan shouted, he was draped in silver and black cloth, curly black hair dripping down his shoulder and a smile that would light up starts but only took the breath from my lungs.
“But….but I did everything right….”was all I could say my eyes locked onto crowley's unmoving figure with tears dripping down his face. We stopped armageddon, I was going to fix heaven, so humans could have someone on their side..
“Yes, aziraphale. You did everything right” metatron.
My newest good omens fanfic you can find it on ao3!!! Any other ideas you guys have you should comment!
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between-the-paper-eyes · 11 months
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A character from my short story I’m making! She has the magic of fire and adhd which sometimes makes it hard to hear your own thoughts, but she is ready to learn how to cope with them!
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I hope it moves!
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Some days feel like good days and then it turns out they were manic days and that really sucks a lot because it feels like your either sad or manic and there is no winning.
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