Easy Come, Easy Go It is difficult most times To keep the goal in mind Loving the labour Seems like a cop out. But I always knew In my heart of hearts That what I sought Could not be found In a person, thing, or place It could only be contained Within an emotion Feelings, Fleeting as they are Leave you, without any regard Only to return They always Return.
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Hail Mary So, you slipped down your slope Head first, into a nosedive Cutting loose all of your strings As you sailed on by Whether you claim it be For the sake of yourself or others' No one is left to deny But alone at rock bottom... Is this the fate you deserve to survive? (Just do me a favour Wait a second. Wait a while. You don't have to be alone Just because you no longer are a child.)
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Pharaoh The child who never got a chance To taste the sugar candy Will have it lodged in their throat Once grown Anything to maintain the taste of sweet To the bitter end To the vomit. Do not be fooled by pastel facades A grave is a grave No matter its state.
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Shadow People There is a test learnt the hard way Its method done easily Just look in the mirror Of a lightless room If you find comfort In seeing a dark void Where your face is meant to be You will know for sure That you have misplaced your soul.
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Loser Tired enough to lose sight Teary eyes with a bleary mind Cannot find peace Even in Eden Yes, you won But you won't ever know it Not if I don't show it.
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Groundhog Cycle Hey Lightkeeper, How should I read this terrain? I left the shoal then lost my way How long must I navigate these underwater caves? I miss what I had cultivated I miss having somewhere I could stay Nothing is familiar I've gone astray. Lightkeeper, Could you turn on your tower to light my way? Take me back to the starting line There I'll pave my own way.
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Petroica Australis I do not love you It'd be a lie for me to say so But I do enjoy your presence And wish to be in your company. I am a bit haunted at the moment, Soon enough the ghosts will pass away. Hopefully, You'll be around for that future I hope that you will be a part of my future.
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Of Crossings & Bridges Being in love is a frightful experience Nothing is quite adequate Nor "good enough" But, I'm getting ahead of myself Aren't I? The remnants of past loves are spurring this fascination, I'm sure That one never quite leaves my mind, The other sometimes visits too How I miss them, most ardently; I hope to never see them again.
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Intelligence Some people are meant to be avoided Based solely on emotion Each interaction Runs symport with poison I already knew this; I could've sworn I already knew this
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Impulse Bending down to tie your shoelaces And rising only to find the world gone Being left behind due to your needs Always comes with a dull kind of ache But the liminal space is the same As waiting for a shot from the starting line If the race hasn't even begun Feel free to switch directions.
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Phantom Pain How fickle the heart; If it cannot have love It demands adulation As though a medal of participation I wish that I could For a lifetime Forget this longing And accept the cards I've been dealt I traded my desire for my sanity Before I fully knew what it meant You cannot arbitrarily reclaim a promise For which you have bled. There was a reason You just haven't found it yet.
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Dandelion Torn between despair And calm As though unaccustomed to Serenity Too many soldiers have treaded The fields of my mind Rendering the existence of flowers Obsolete I was not born in war I will find peace.
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But what did it cost? I did it. I put all ducks in a neat row I herded all of the cats I even made it look effortless All was executed impeccably Beyond reproach Beyond my expectations I just did not know I would have to shoot through my own palm To make it. For my success,I was given title; A peerless reputation... It felt like a crown of thorns.
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Huntsman I refuse to call myself foolish For falling in your trap Nor will I ever deem you clever You were simply opportunistic; At the appropriate vantage point At the prime time You had a clear shot Yet, lucky as I am, No aim. If you can't even handle a shotgun, Get a machete.
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Clairvoyant Painting with emotions Yields clarity from a distance Like a Monet Looking too closely only reveals a mess By not allowing myself to take a step back I lost sight of the motif The colors overwhelmed me And robbed me of my sanity Once all you see are brushstrokes Then you are blind.
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