bethnotbetter · 5 years
Mood for the day
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bethnotbetter · 5 years
Why have all the guys I’ve dated/ been interested in, pass more for having an eating disorder than I do.
This is getting tiring.
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bethnotbetter · 5 years
active ana blogs in september 2019
i’ll check out everyone who reblogs this, i need similar blogs to follow.
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bethnotbetter · 5 years
im attracted to men but at what cost
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bethnotbetter · 5 years
there is something I’ve been seeing a lot that is becoming very concerning. that is pro ana/thinspo content on tik tok. Body checks, girls making weight loss accounts where they eat less than 1000 cal per day or where their goal weight is under 100 lbs. The biggest problem with this is that tik tok suggests random videos for you, called the “for you page” and these videos can pop up on anyone’s page. CHILDREN. THIS CAN POP UP ON CHILDRENS PAGES. this is toxic so please if you use tik tok and see any of this please report it. Here’s one example. This girl proceeds to say she needs to lose weight after this bodychecking. Please just don’t do this. Not on tik tok.
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bethnotbetter · 5 years
there is something I’ve been seeing a lot that is becoming very concerning. that is pro ana/thinspo content on tik tok. Body checks, girls making weight loss accounts where they eat less than 1000 cal per day or where their goal weight is under 100 lbs. The biggest problem with this is that tik tok suggests random videos for you, called the “for you page” and these videos can pop up on anyone’s page. CHILDREN. THIS CAN POP UP ON CHILDRENS PAGES. this is toxic so please if you use tik tok and see any of this please report it. Here’s one example. This girl proceeds to say she needs to lose weight after this bodychecking. Please just don’t do this. Not on tik tok.
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bethnotbetter · 5 years
The thing with EDs is you start just wanting to be skinny
But you end up wanting to look sick
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bethnotbetter · 5 years
All To The Bone did was give me a raging crush on Keanu Reeves.
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bethnotbetter · 5 years
My dashboard is kinda dead
If two or more apply reblog and follow and I’ll follow back! :
13+ y/o
Have anorexia/bulimia/ed
Post your own ed experience/thoughts
Post low cal recipes
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bethnotbetter · 5 years
Notes to Thirteen Year Old Girls
When your best friend tells you all she had for breakfast Was a packet of Splenda and a Diet Coke, And she tells you that she’ll stop after she loses five more pounds, Do not believe her. Tell her mother. It does not matter how angry your friend gets. The pain of that will always be preferable to the pain Of seeing your best friend in four years Weighing as much as she does now Half-dead in the hospital.
When your father sneaks into your bed in the dead of the night, And he tells you that this is how fathers love their daughters, Do not believe him. Tell your English teacher. She will have read millions of stories of girls like you. There is a one in six chance that she will be a girl like you. There is a five in six chance that she will know what to say to you. There is a six in six chance that she will help you.
When your veins whisper to you in the moonlight And say that there are so many nightmares inside you That could be free If you would just open your arms, Do not believe them. Tell your school’s guidance counselor, No matter how scared you are Because whispers are liars, And opening your arms will only open the passage For more nightmares to climb in.
And when the therapists say that you are better, Totally better, And you don’t need to worry about the sadness again, Do not believe them. Always be cautious, because sadness has a way Of sneaking up on you When you’re not looking. Be careful. Be careful.
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bethnotbetter · 5 years
My dashboard is kinda dead
If two or more apply reblog and follow and I’ll follow back! :
13+ y/o
Have anorexia/bulimia/ed
Post your own ed experience/thoughts
Post low cal recipes
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bethnotbetter · 5 years
Hey ED community,
This is a blog documenting my recovery. So far it’s been...less than ideal. Join me in documenting everything, the good and the bad. I follow back ed/recovery accounts.
At first, I was eating more, at least 1000 cal per day, I was doing only yoga and stopping my compulsive exercise. I thought I was getting better and I really was.
But now, it’s been about a month, I’ve gained around 5 lbs and I’m feeling so terrible. I’ve started eating less, exercising more, and I even purged once. I feel better when I’m hungry. I feel better when my body feels worse. I’m trying to get better, I really am, but my brain thrives when my body is barely surviving. This is the hardest thing I’ve ever done, so join me.
My blog will probably have triggering content as I am not doing great in my recovery right now and I am counting calories.
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bethnotbetter · 5 years
Hey ED community,
This is a blog documenting my recovery. So far it’s been...less than ideal. Join me in documenting everything, the good and the bad. I follow back ed/recovery accounts.
At first, I was eating more, at least 1000 cal per day, I was doing only yoga and stopping my compulsive exercise. I thought I was getting better and I really was.
But now, it’s been about a month, I’ve gained around 5 lbs and I’m feeling so terrible. I’ve started eating less, exercising more, and I even purged once. I feel better when I’m hungry. I feel better when my body feels worse. I’m trying to get better, I really am, but my brain thrives when my body is barely surviving. This is the hardest thing I’ve ever done, so join me.
My blog will probably have triggering content as I am not doing great in my recovery right now and I am counting calories.
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bethnotbetter · 5 years
other people : let's play just dance! it's gonna be so fun!
whole ed community : let's bUrN CAloRieS
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bethnotbetter · 5 years
adult: what do you want to be when you grow up?
me: an old lady with a garden, soulmate, tons of animals, & a peaceful forest home
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bethnotbetter · 5 years
Can I just be alone and starve myself
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bethnotbetter · 5 years
dumb ed brain: omg look at that girl she’s so skinny
rational brain, like 5 seconds later: wait that’s a child
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