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It is used to tell the supervision of an office if someone is entering into the restricted sites. The authorities might have rules of not using social networking sites or gaming sites during work. If any worker is using them, the admin will get to know about it because of the best proxy server

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【Joker Game DramaCD】Cigarette Code (English Translation; Tracks 1 & 2)
Hello everyone, Joker Game’s finale was really something, no? As promised, here’re the translation for Joker Game’s first Drama CD: Cigarette Code. These are tracks 1 and 2 out of 5 (plus 1 track for the cast comment.)
If you’ve read my translation of the 1st chapter of the based-short story, Scene 1 is basically the same. I’ve improved the grammar and POV for this though so it’s better to read this instead.
Track 3
Keep reading
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The lone program in Victoria this Monday will take place at Ballarat. The weather is overcast, the track is soft (6) and the rail is in the true position for the entire circuit. BONUS #1: $501 FREE BET BONUS at Sportsbet.com.au BONUS #2: $500 FREE BET BONUS at Ladbrokes.com
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Hello! okay plz forgive me if this is a dumb question but I really want to buy some of gusari's djs and I have. no. idea where? Can you tell where/how you got them and put a link if it was a site? thank you so much(*^ω^)
oh it’s not dumb at all! im glad you are interested hehe
Well first, I follow gusari on twitter so i can immediately know when they have a new doujin!
Gusari usually posts on their pixiv where to buy, and usually it’s available on fromagee and toranoana (and Animate, but not on the english one??) sometimes on the mandarake japanese site too. However, you’re gonna have to use a proxy service for these sites. If you don’t know what a proxy service is, basically they order the item for you and you pay them their service fee + the price of the item, and sometimes the shipping. So it can get expensive. You use proxy services because some items are only available in Japan.
There are alternatives however if you don’t want to use a proxy service; if you order from the Mandarake eng site, theyre almost always cheaper because they’re secondhand (not all, if you look at the top you can sort the secondhand from the not but currently they dont have an unused gusari doujin). There’s also OtakuRepublic but… I don’t like them since the prices are waaay too expensive, plus some of the items are already secondhand so I’d rather order from Mandarake.
NOTE: The thing with buying secondhand items is, well. The money won’t go to Gusari.
So I just use a proxy service for like, everything because I don’t have a credit card or a paypal LOL. If you’re from the Philippines, I highly recommend XenoToys as they’re super accommodating and speedy with their replies. Aside from them I used to order from onegaioniichan but….eh i dont particularly like their service (suuuper slow. ive been waiting in on some doujins for like a year. slow replies and more expensive than xenotoys too)
Anyway if you’re gonna use a proxy, make sure to do some research first! Here’s a thread where ppl share their experience buying doujins from proxy, and here’s some more tips!
If anyone has any more tips to share, please feel free to do so!
**BTW all links are directed to gusari’s items only in case you have trouble with japanese so it’s easier ^-^b have fun!
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Where do you get the Tokyo Ghoul:re coasters from? I like to get one too!
The coasters are bonus items from buying tgre volume 10 from some Japanese bookstores. Since I do not live in Japan to be able to get them this way, I bought the set from an auction on Yahoo Auctions. Some sellers always sell limited TG merch on Yahoo Auctions, or similar sites, and some of them even sell individual coasters. You can use a proxy to buy from them or bid on Yahoo Auctions.
If you really want to get some and is confused by how it works, I can write a summary guide.
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Taecyeon is so so cool. Read this
Somene had bulk-bought his concert? tickets and selling them at really high price like 50K yen worth of ticket for 120K yen. Like someone bought 28 tickets!!!!!!!
Fans were complaining on Twitter (not directly to him I think. More like talking to each other) and he found out.
He said: (Korean tweet)
★Please don’t buy tickets from proxies and scalpers. Cannot take responsibility for the disadvantages.
💬Mental note: OK CEO mode on💬
Then this: (in English)
★DO NOT purchase tickets unless it is from the designated official site
i am going to find a way to cut these overpriced tickets
💭Me: Pissed Taecyeon? Uh-oh. 💭 💭also me: Taecyeon is so cool. 💭 💭Also me: Marry me!!!💭 haha
And its 3AM but he found the screenshots where fans were complaining and tweets “It’s this one, right?” with screenshots of the seller’s tickets. And now he is probably busy doing something about it.
I stan the right guy.💚 so proud.
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If you are in need of the best proxy server you have to go to your favorite Search Engine and type in “Best proxy server”. It all matters on your requirement and budget. You can have a high budget or a lower one.

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In the network of computers, a proxy server is any workstation system that provides a service that turns as an intercessor between the interconnecting groups (the users and the servers). There is no straight link between the client and the server. The client requests for the page he or she wants to visit

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Estou me afogando, me afundando cada vez mais. O mundo; as pessoas; as ações; as palavras mal ditas e não ditas; consolo e o abraço não dado; as verdades nunca faladas e ouvidas, faz com que me sinta assim. Preciso me livrar dessas coisas que não me elevam, das pessoas que não me compreendem, que não me conhecem, e só conhecem o que elas querem ver. Uma redenção das coisas que me esvaziam, quero me libertar. Quero poder enxergar as coisas boas que o mundo e as pessoas podem oferecer, quero poder aprender a enxergar e aprender com minhas falhas e assim poder realmente crescer, e ficar mais forte pra qualquer coisa que vier.
Chrislayne Lima, Quoteografa em Palavras escolhidas. (via quoteografa)
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