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hlvrai fixation is back which means im back to shitposting about them
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What the penguin do to deserve this
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are you -shudders- gay???
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I— What?? That's non of your business!
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Treat anything on Discord as media that will be lost
Do not use Discord to host your files. Do not rely on Discord to preserve your text. DO NOT RELY ON DISCORD FOR ANY KIND OF PRESERVATION OR HOSTING!!
It CAN be lost, it WILL be lost! You must consider Discord as a part of the Core Internet, controlled by one company that hosts the servers.
I thought it was impressive at first that it replaced IRC, but now I am horrified. If the company behind Discord went under today, how many friends would you lose?
How many relationships? How much writing?
You may think this won't happen, but I remember when AIM went down and along with it, entire novels worth of interaction with my oldest friend.
Back up your files! Download anything you've saved to Discord NOW, before the API changes go into effect! And DO NOT RELY ON THEM FOR HOLDING IMPORTANT FILES!
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gordon started it
(tiktok screenshots taken directly from the original tumblr post that started this mess. gonna link the post in a reblog 👍)
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hold your breath, I'll make it worth the wait.
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Happy Little Workers Halloween edition comic 🎃
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shivrye, where my allegiances lie
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a wide variety of prompts i forgot to post yesterday.
truly, car is my magnum opus.
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in case anyone on here needs to hear it:
if you're hitting yourself during your "panic attacks," that's more likely an autistic meltdown not a panic attack
if it's really really hard to speak when you get overwhelmed, that might be verbal shutdown (you might have heard "going nonverbal" but those who are nonverbal - all the time - have asked not to use that phrasing)
if you get really angry over seemingly little things like people making noise, too many things happening, etc. that might be sensory overload
if you hate tags, or "fancy clothes," or the wrong kind of socks, or the way the belt doesn't sit quite right on your hips, or the feeling of doing dishes, or lights, or the sound of your air vents, or being the tiniest bit sweaty, or being hot at all, or the wrong types of fabrics, or the way your shirt creases at your elbow, that could be sensory issues
if you can "make eye contact" but you feel like you're staring into their soul, and you feel kinda weird and anxious about it and don't quite know where to look or how often to break it, and you can only do it when the other person's talking but you have to look around when you're talking to be able to "think," that's still having trouble with eye contact
if you've accumulated a huge list of comorbid conditions (OCD, BPD, chronic fatigue, EDS, anxiety, social anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, sleep disorders, ADHD, epilepsy, IBS, eating disorders, PTSD, psychosis, OCD) autism can often be the underlying missed diagnosis
if you had an evaluation before 2013 and were diagnosed with only ADHD, you might still have autism because the diagnoses used to be exclusionary (they would only choose one) even though they very commonly occur together
if you identify as a "highly sensitive person" you should definitely look into autism because the traits all overlap
if you "can socialize fine" but it's actually just people-pleasing and putting on a mask to fit in, that's not socializing naturally like a neurotypical would
if you "don't have special interests" but you're obsessed with a band, or a show, or psychology, or makeup, or some other socially acceptable interest.. those can still be special interests, it doesn't have to be something obscure
if you "don't stim" by hand flapping/jumping/using fidget toys, but you play with your phone all the time, or your hair, or pick at your skin, or repeat words/phrases/songs in your head, or hum to yourself, or make random noises, or crack your knuckles, or play with the clip on your pen, those are also stims (note: everyone stims to some degree)
if you have trouble with eating but can't quite figure out why, it feels disordered but you're confused because it has nothing to do with weight/body image, alexithymia and ARFID are both common issues that cause eating difficulties in autism and ADHD
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some bonus jeff + benny doodles for u guys :3c they mean so much 2 me… im a sucker for platonic love
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you ever see Splatoon fanart and you can tell they put bones in that squid
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1 idk rigjt now
2 lighter
3 no
4 the little white leggy guys just because theyre funny
5 blue and red
6 why did i did huh
7 short hair
8 none
9 i never had coffee
10 yeah
11 what
12 night
13 like an hour ago
14 i dont like rain
15 no
16 i dont know i never tried it
17 neither
18 shampoo
19 might look a bit shit but if you want sure
20 soda
21 like nothing i think
22 chill
23 i dont like it it cold
24 idk being on a rooftop i guess
25 none
26 chilling with my boyfriend cuddle style
27 when
28 sometimes when the airs cold so i dont cold air inside me
29 wet
30 no dishes but theres a cup on my desk
31 idk whaat that means
32 i have one towel
33 huh
34 normal people things by lovejoy
35 3 46 am
36 i havent
37 yeah
38 i use liquid soap
39 no
40 yeah like an hour ago
41 i never had coffee
42 discord steam minecraft
44 idk
45 no
46 i dont watch movies
47 damn
48 i didnt
49 no
50 idk
here’s weirder asks
who is/are your comfort character(s)?
lighter or matches?
do you leave the window open at night?
which cryptyd being do you believe in?
what color are your eyes?
why did you do that?
hair-ties or scrunchies?
how many water bottles are in your room right now?
which do you prefer, hot coffee or cold coffee?
would you slaughter the rich?
favorite extracurricular activity?
what kind of day is it?
when was the last time you ate?
do you love the smell of earth after it rains?
are you a parent? (all answers qualify)
can you drive?
are you farsighted or nearsighted?
what hair products do you use?
imagine we’re at a sleepover, would you paint my nails?
do you say soda or pop?
something you’ve kept since childhood?
what type of person are you?
how do you feel about chilly weather?
if we were together on a rooftop, what would we be doing?
perfume/body spray or lotion?
a scenario that you’ve replayed multiple times?
about how many hours of sleep did you get?
do you wear a mask?
how do you like your shower water?
is there dishes in your room?
what type of music keeps you grounded?
do you have a favorite towel?
the last adventure you’ve been on?
is there a song you know every word to by heart?
what’s your timezone?
how many times have you changed your url?
someone in your life, other than a relative, you’ve known for 10+ years?
a soap bar that smells good?
do you use lip balm?
did you have any snacks today?
how do you take your coffee?
an app you frequently use besides this godforsaken site?
what’s your take on spicy foods?
you get a free pass to kill anyone, who is it?
can you remember what happened yesterday?
favorite holiday film?
what was the last message you sent?
when did you first try an alcohol beverage?
can you skip rocks?
can i tag you in random stuff?
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*wakes from coma* Fuck *walks to the nearest tree and starts punching it*
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how it feels to buybthe hit video game splatoon 3bfor the nintendo switch but i cant play it without nintendo online subscription but i cant buy the nintendo online subscription because im broke because i bought the hit video game splatoon 3 for the nintendo switch
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how it feels to play hit video game splatoon 3 for the nintendo switch
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Bot accounts and Real people with accounts.
I’m pretty sure the tumblr community is well aware of this problem and probably loads of other people have already made posts about this, so I’ll keep it brief.
So recently blogs like this keep appearing in my followers list (these are recent ones)
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Now when you get a spam blogs or p*rn bots you’re supposed to blog them. But some these blogs are actual people who are new on tumblr and have the default icon, so you’re supposed to check before who block them. But here’s the problem…
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some of these blogs don’t have anything. No posts, No description, No title. So you’re gonna automatically assume that these are spam and block them.
Now I hate fact that some of these blogs belong to actual people and I’ve been blocking and reporting on blogs like these for the past few days, and that they’re probably wondering why there being blocked or reported. ( sorry to the people who own blogs like these that I blocked you)
So a couple of tips for new blogs on this site,
1.You could change the title (a catchphrase, a favorite quote, a random sentence etc.) or type small description, or whatever random stuff you like!
2. You could change the your avator or icon (it be a picture of you, a cartoon, again it’s your choice do whatever)
3.If you’re not planning to frequently post stuff and just sign in to check out other people’s stuff, just put a put a post something like this just to show you’re new here.(again u can write down anything)
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if you’re reading this and new to this website I hope you found these suggestions useful and should stop you from getting blocked immediately. Happy posting.
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playing in th snow, splish splashin around, havign fun, frolicking with wild abandon
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these are a kind of animal
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