現在は未邦訳のスタトレ作品を邦訳中。英語力日本語力共に足りてません��楽しんでいただけたら望外の���びですm(_ _)m
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
THERE were footsteps in the tunnel. Caught in the open corridor, I rapidly rifled through my options. Only one. Lifting the edge of the tapestry, I tucked myself in behind it, and pressed myself flat against the wall which had a distinct curve I had not previously noted. I listened attentively as several pairs of feet passed by and began to descend the spiral stair, accompanied by a rustling sound. As I stood with my back to the wall, I noticed a point of bright yellow light emerging just above my left shoulder. As soon as I was sure the passers-by had gone I turned around and put my eye to the hole in the crumbling mortar. What I saw was a strange, circular room that, like everywhere else in that place, was the colour of flame. This time, however, the decoration actually imitated the pit of Hell or, more probably, the crater of a boiling volcano. Painted fire licked the round room, twisting into orange shapes like barley-sugar canes and merging into patterns of deep crimson lava. The room was dominated by a massive round table with four ornately carved chairs set about it. In them had been placed straw figures, exactly like the one I had found in Professor Verdigris’s coffin. The air seemed heavy with oily incense. Its foggy weight hung under the ceiling, swirling like a nest of serpents as it was disturbed by draughts from the crumbling walls.
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The Vesuvius Club 14-2
Bending down, I peered through the rusted keyhole. I could just make out a suggestion of a gloomy corridor beyond. I sank down against the wall then leant forward as I became aware of something poking into my back. I had a dim remembrance of a similar feeling, connected to a yellow villa in Islington but this was not quite the same. Exploring under the tail of my ruined shirt my fingers closed upon the warm, reassuring presence of my revolver, still strapped in the hollow above my buttocks that nature almost seemed to have provided for the express purpose. I took it out, opened the chamber and span it. ‘That won’t help you,’ came a whispered voice from the darkness. I started and whirled round, brandishing the pistol. Nothing. ‘Who’s there?’ I demanded. A hissing chuckle sounded close by. I crept towards the far wall. Just about visible was a tiny, barred window, evidently connecting to the cell next door. I pressed my face to it, making out a crouched figure in the gloom beyond. He turned his face towards me but little detail was visible in the filthy mass of hair and beard. ‘Oh…’ I cried. ‘Hullo.’ ‘Good evening. Or is it morning? I no longer know.’ ‘My name is Box.’ ‘And mine’s the Count of Monte Cristo! Hee-hee!’ I pulled back from the window slightly, alarmed at the fellow’s crazed laughter. He fixed me with a wild eye and shuffled across the floor of his cell. ‘As I say, that weapon of yours won’t do you any good. They don’t feel pain. They don’t feel anything!’ ‘Who don’t?’ ‘They came for me, you see. I was getting too close. Too close to the truth. Mr Poop – he was on to them.’ My ears pricked up. ‘Poop! What do you know of Poop?’ The strange old man coughed noisily. ‘Looting they was! Stripping the excavations bare and flogging the stuff to keep this wretched place going!’ ‘Excavations?’ ‘They’ve forgotten me now. Hee-hee! Thrown away the key. Maybe you’ll rot here too!’ As if in response, a key rattled in the lock and my door was thrown open. A strange figure was framed there; very tall, clad in black and wearing what appeared to be some kind of brass helmet. I rubbed at my eyes. Was this still part of my strange purple dream? Had the notion of a lead-shoed diver sprung to life before me? My neighbour in the next cell jumped to his feet and pressed his grimy face to the bars. ‘Look out! They’ve come for you! Don’t resist! They don’t feel anything! Hee-hee!’ The extraordinary helmeted figure stumped across the cell towards me and opened his great arms as though offering an embrace. I thrust the revolver into my pocket and backed away. Pale as death, the man’s jaw hung slackly open, a strand of drool dangling from his lips. His eyes, staring blankly ahead, were a horrible yellowy grey like the yolks of over-boiled eggs. My gaze was drawn, however, to the strange brass thing that covered the top part of his face. On the closer inspection I was now afforded, I could see it was like a Norman helmet, though the upper part was made of glass and glowing a weird, sickly purple. Great brass screws were inset at the temples, effectively clamping the helmet to his head. Stepping quickly to one side, I raced towards the door, bargaining that the brute’s sluggish gait would count against him. ‘No good!’ croaked my neighbour through the barred window. ‘He’ll get you!’ At once the creature changed direction and cut me off, his eyes rolling in his head, arms outstretched in deadly intent. I resorted to my pistol but he swung at me, knocking the weapon flying. As I moved to retrieve it, his sweaty hands jerked forward and clamped about my throat. I staggered backwards, gasping at the terrible pressure. ‘Hee-hee!’ cried my neighbour. ‘Now you’re done for!’ Images are removed here
”それはあんたの助けにゃなら��よ” 暗闇からささやき声がした。
”何処だ?” 私は聞いた。
”おぅ…” 私は大声を出した。”やぁ”
”こんばんは。若しくはおはようかな?もう私にはわからんのだ ”
”奴らは私を迎えに来る、そうだろう。私は近づきすぎた。真実に近づきすぎた。Mrポープ−− 彼は真実に気付いた”
”ダメだ!” 格子の嵌まった窓越しに隣人がしゃがれ声で言った。”君は捕まるぞ!”
”ヒーヒー!” 隣人が叫んだ。”もうダメだ!”
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IN the distance, a clock struck four. I stirred and found myself lying prone on cold stone. Shifting a little, I cracked open stinging eyes, peered blearily about, coughed and opened my mothball-stale mouth. I tried to sit up but sank back at once on to the chilly floor, skull throbbing as though it were fixed about with a tight iron band. Where the hell was I? I raised my head again, widening my eyes in a last-ditch attempt at wakefulness. I was in some kind of cell, windowless and cramped. Slimy straw lay all about me and there was a pervasive odour of ammonia. Head splitting, I somehow managed to stumble to my feet and then sank back against the wet bricks. Looking down at myself, I saw that I was in full evening dress, my shirt-front torn and the lapels of my coat plastered with mud. I could recall nothing at all. Never mind where was I! Who was I? I hammered my fist against my forehead and screwed up my eyes. Something about a box. A box with a centipede in it. No. That wasn’t right. Perhaps it was a book. A book in a box. Daniel Liquorice! Was that my name? No. A Jack in a box? Jack Box? Jackpot? That was someone else entirely, I felt sure. My name is Box. Ah! Lucifer Box. Yes. Yes. I placed the flat of my hands against the chilly wall and willed myself to remain calm. Lucifer Box. Of Downing Street, London. I shook my head over and over. I must concentrate. Where was I? Italy. Italy, of course. Naples! But why? Why? I snapped open my eyes and struggled to focus on the cell door. It looked depressingly solid.
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Vesuvius Club 13-5
‘But you want to know about a man called Poop.’
I sat up. ‘Go on.’
‘Well, he came in here a while ago, asking questions. Thought he was a punter. He stood me a drink but he weren’t interested in getting, you know, friendly. He just give me some moolah to keep me eyes open. Said he was on to some kind of racket.’
I frowned. ‘Racket?’
Charlie nodded. ‘Treasure. Seems that he’d had some kind of nark sniffing around but he’d gone missing. Wondered if I’d be interested in taking up where the nark left off –’
The boy stopped dead.
‘What is it?’ I cried.
‘Dunno. Can you smell something?’ Charlie coughed. His hand flew to his throat and he coughed again, more raggedly. Then it was my turn. The air had somehow turned too stifling to breathe, like being in an overheated steam bath. I turned and saw the thread of some strange, purplish smoke drifting towards us. Feeling suddenly sick, tears sprang to my eyes and I too began to cough uncontrollably. I tried to reach out to Charlie but suddenly found my limbs weighed down as though they were statuary. Scarcely able to move, I half-stumbled, half-fell to the floor. Through a mist of stinging tears, I could just make out Charlie’s broad back. He tumbled to the floor, scrabbling at the air as though it were attacking him. With a titanic effort I hauled myself on to one knee and peered blearily about the room. What devilry was this?
A Venus fly trap – and us the flies! Clutching at the oriental cushions, I staggered to my feet and tried to head towards the door.
Every step seemed to take an eternity. It was as though I had a diver’s lead shoes upon my feet. Coughing constantly I put my hands to my face and slapped myself in an attempt to clear my befuddled brain.
My mind seemed to be swirling and tumbling and swimming madly, as though I’d drunk a quart of absinthe. Reeling around, I found I had lost the door. It was as though I’d been transported to some other room, so strange and alien did Venus’s boudoir appear.
The dressing table stretched crazily before me on stilt-like legs. Great heaven! The furniture appeared to be moving! The drawers of the dresser gaped open like hungry maws, snapping at my legs as I lurched and stumbled across the floor.
The oil-lamp loomed largest of all. It was then, with my eyes almost popping from my bursting head that I saw that the lamp was the source of my terror. For, gushing from the shade like a spectre or genie was a billowing quantity of some noxious gas, mauve in colour, settling heavily on the floorboards and sending me into near-convulsions. I reached for the lamp but the closer I got the more dreadful were its effects. My fingers seemed to bend and stretch like the talons of a terrible bird as I groped at empty air, the image of the lamp blurring and multiplying before my exhausted eyes. I looked wildly about for Charlie but could make out nothing in the greasy smoke.
With one last attempt at clear thought I grabbed hold of the lamp’s iron base and picked it up. Perhaps I intended to smother the damned thing or hurl it into a dark corner but, in truth, I do not know. My senses whirled, a great blanket of mauve darkness enveloped me and I was falling, falling, falling into an abyss…
チャーリーは頷いた。”宝の。どうも彼にはタレコミ屋が居たようだけど彼が行方不明になったって。もし俺に興味があればその続きを引き受けないかって−−” 少年が言葉を切った。
”どうした?” 私は大きな声を出した。
ハエトリグモ−− 私達がハエか!登用風のクッションをひっかき私はふらつく脚で何とかドアの方へと向かおうとした。
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Star Trek II: Biographies 98
Dear Mother: I wanted you to know my further thought on what we discussed about the Enterprise. As I said then, I understand your reasons for keeping me from my biological father. You had your world and he had his. Both are unique and can only touch in the most tangential of fashions. The first of those "touchings" produced me, the second was of great benefit to humankind. Although I can only praise your efforts throughout me life to be both mother and father to me, to deny certain needs within yourself to care for me. I can say now that I am most happy to acknowledge James Kirk as my father, and to rejoice in his acknowledgement of me. I know that you asked him not to interfere, to, in effect, remove us from his memory. But he exists in me, as I exist in you, and we cannot successfully deny that, whatever the subsequent feelings. I'm proud now to be the son of James Kirk. Not because of his great rank and fame, for you know my feeling toward the quasi-military aspect of Starfleet, although I acknowledge their necessity. I'm proud to be his son-- and your son-- and trust that I shall live up to the standards I perceive in both of you. I am proud to be the son of James Kirk because he is a special kind of person who accepts the the responsibility, not only for his own life, but for the life of his crew, and, indirectly, the lives and well-being of the billions who live under the law of the Federation. To hold the loyalty of such as Spock, Dr.McCoy, Engineer Scott, yourself, and others, one must be a special kind of person. I hope, someday, to be that kind of person, one of strength and trust and honesty. All my life I had been denying him, fighting against what I thought he was I suppose that, in that, I am no different from billions of others sons throughout history. We perceive our father and our mother in ways that are perhaps untrue, or misleading. To have seen him in action, to have seen his strength, imagination, and almost intuitive decision-making is to see why he commands respect-- not because of his rank, but because of him. Now I may see him more clearly but, in truth, perhaps simply through a different set of rose-colored glasses, as the ancient adage goes. I thank you for selecting him to be my father, and someday, circumstances permitting, I shall thank him for knowing you, however briefly. Your son, David Dear Mother: エンタープライズについて話し合った事についての更なる僕の考えを貴女に知ってほしい。あの時言った様に僕は母さんが僕の父親から僕を離しておきたい理由についは理解している。貴女には貴女の世界が、彼には彼のものがある。どちらもユニークで感動的なものだ。最初の ”感動 ”で僕が生まれ、二度目は人類の利益になった。 貴女が僕にとっての母であり父であるように奮闘してくれた事はただただ称賛しかできない、自分の世話は自分ですると否定しながらもだ。僕は今僕の父親であるジェームズ.カークを知ることができて幸せだし、彼が僕を認めてくれた事を嬉しく思ってる。 母さんが彼に僕たちの事は忘れて口出しなどしないでくれと頼んだ事を知ってるよ。けれど彼は僕の中に存在している、僕が貴女の中に存在しているように、感情的にはどうあれ僕たちにそれを否定する事は出来ないんだ。 僕はジェームズ.カークの息子であることが誇らしい。彼の地位や名声によるものではないよ、彼らの必要性は認めるけれどStarfleet が軍に準ずるものであるというのが僕の感覚だからだ。僕は誇らしい、彼の息子でーー 貴女の息子でーー 二人を基準に僕は生きていくと信じて。ジェームズ.カークの息子であることが誇らしいのは彼が彼自身の生命だけでなく彼のクルーの生命や間接的にはFederation の法の元に生きる数十億の生命への責任を受け入れた特別な人間であるからだ。 スポックやDr.マッコイ、エンジニアのスコット、貴女や、他の人たちの誠実さを受けるのは特別な人間であるからに違いない。いつの日か、強さと信頼と正直さを持つそんな人間になりたい。 ずっと僕は彼の事をそんな風に思うまいと戦ってた、それは数十億のこれまでの息子達と違わない。僕らは父親やや母親を虚偽や誤解をしていると気づくものなんだろう。彼の行動、彼の強さ、創造力、直感的意思決定が彼が指揮��として尊敬されているのだと気づいたーー 彼のランクじゃない、彼だからこそなんだ。 今僕は彼をはっきりと見ている、実は古い格言にあるように楽観なのかもしれないけれど。 僕の父親に彼を選んでくれた事を貴女に感謝したい、そしていつの日か、状況が許せば少しだけでも貴女と知り合ってくれた事を彼に感謝したいんだ。 Your son, David Star Trek II: Biographies 98 https://benikoumori.livejournal.com/25337.html via LiveJournal
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Star Trek II: Biographies 97
We have very few facts to reconstruct the years spent in exile by this former prince of the Earth. His death in space, along with all with followers, closed us off forever from factual reconstruction. The planetoid formed from the wreckage of the Reliant and from hydrogen atoms swept in from a vast cubic area of space, leaves no clues(1) But Starfleet issued a report(2) of their examination of the Khan survival colony on Ceti Alpha V, and I summarize their official prose here. The shifting of Ceti Alpha V into its new orbit swept away must of the atmosphere, put vast amounts of dust into the air, and created a turbulence within the remaining biosphere that will last for centuries. "Perhaps permanently like Jupiter", Dr.Gail Shulman suggested. "The orbital speed was altered, the rotation period increased by about 18 percent and the axial tilt increased by 5.4 percent". In layman's terms, the planet was wrecked. It would be eons before any sort of stable environment might be produced. The Starfleet report said that the primitive shelter created from rock, bits of shale, and portions of the planetary ship that had been wrecked was indeed a great comedown for a man who had once lived in palaces, drunk the finest of wines, eaten the best of foods, and had about him the genetic "cream of the crop". The report stated: "The survivors had lived on short rations, and their underground food-generating 'farms' had frequent failures because of a deteriorating generator supplying power to the 'fast-gro' lights. The water supply was polluted physically with sand and biologically with coris bacillae. Only human beings with a superior immunologic system could have lived past the first months". Elsewhere the report suggests that a portion of the surviving population had been rendered sterile by their bodies' constant fight against the diseases running loose. Water was a constant problem. Severe ruptures of the rock mantle of Ceti Alpha V had caused underground water to come to the surface, but subsequent rupture had drained most of it away. Water, according to the Federation scientists, was obtained only by a dangerous route underground, in almost total darkness, through frequently collapsing rents in the rock, and a nest of Ceti eels. The water was transported in makeshift waterskins of tough plastic creating material, a myriad of small capped containers, and a single primitive waterskin. "Life on Ceti Alpha V", wrote Dr.Shulman in her summation, "must have been more difficult than we can imagine. Only Khan's genetically designed creatures could have borne the adversity. This must have fed on Khan's mind constantly, driving him into monomania concerning his old adversary, Captain James Kirk". 1. This planetoid has been given the designation Ceti Alpha VII by Starfleet, but the popular press its already calling in Khan. 2. Starfleet Special Report 11-008-B6, "Investigation of Ceti Alpha V", authorized by Starfleet Command. この地球の前王子の追放の年月を再建するには我々の持つ事実は極めて少ない。彼の死は宇宙であり、仲間の全てと共にであった為に我々による事実の再建は永遠に閉ざされてしまった。残された手がかりは小惑星をつくったReliant の残骸と宇宙にばらまかれた水素原子だ(1)。 Ceti Alpha V のカーンのサバイバルコロニーのStarfleet の調査報告書(2) と公式の散文を私は纏めた。 新たな軌道へ入ったCeti Alpha V は大気の大部分が吹き払われ空気には大量の塵が含まれ生物圏には何世紀も続く乱気流が生まれた。"恐らくは木星の様に永遠に" Dr.ゲイル.シャルマンは示唆した。"軌道のスピードは変わった、回転期間およそ18パーセント、傾きおよそ5.4パーセント増加した" 惑星としては破滅だと明確に述べられている。安定した環境が生み出される以前の状態が永遠に続くのだ。 Starfleet の報告書によれば岩や僅かな頁岩、そして墜落した惑星船の1部を使って原始的なシェルターをつくっていたとある、それがかつては宮殿に住み素晴らしいワインを飲み、最高の食事をしていた "最上の人" としての遺伝子を持つ男の凋落だった。 報告書によると: "生存者達は僅かな食糧に頼って暮らしていた、'fast-gro' ライトの供給パワーの質が低下した事で食糧供給の '農場' が頻繁に落ちてしまっていたからだ。供給される水は物理的には砂に生物学的にはcoris bacillaeに汚染されていた。最初の数カ月を生き抜いたのは優れた免疫機構を持つ人間だけだった。 報告書は他にも生存者の1部は常に病と戦っていただろうと示唆している。 水の問題は常の事だった。Ceti Alpha V の酷い地割れによって地下水が地表へ上がり続く��裂によって大部分が排出されたからだ。Federation の科学者によると水はほぼ暗闇のしばしば崩落でできた岩の裂け目を抜け、Ceti eel の巣を行く危険なルートでしか手に入らなくなったとある。水は硬いプラスチックの梱包材を無数に継ぎ足した有り合わせのコンテナで、それが唯一あった原始的な水入れだった。 "Ceti Alpha V 上の生活は " Dr.シャルマンは要約に書いている、"我々が想像する以上の困難だったに違いない。唯一カーンの遺伝子デザインで生まれた者だけが逆境に耐える事ができた。この事がカーンの精神に常に影響を与え彼をかつての敵、ジェームズ.カーク船長へと偏執的に駆り立てたに違いない" (1) 小惑星はCeti Alpha VとStarfleetによって名づけられたが大衆紙では既にカーンと呼ばれていた。 (2)Starfleet Special Report 11-008-B6, "Investigation of Ceti Alpha V", authorized by Starfleet Command Couple of gen fics gone missing https://st-ficfinder.livejournal.com/1008951.html via LiveJournal
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Star Trek II: Biographies 96
I visited Jim Kirk during that time after the V'ger affair. We had gone on for some time in space and had a series of adventures I'm afraid paled somewhat in comparison to that experience. Oh, the Enterprise was fine, better than ever, in fact, much like a patient not only made healthy but made better by an experience. But, in time, we were ordered back to Earth. The crew was dispersed here and there. My old sparring partner Spock took over the final assessment of cadets in his usual manner. Chekov was transferred to the Nelson. Dr.Chapel went to Vega for research there. Scott went on the Academy staff, chaffing as always at being out of action. Sulu was on staff, too, until he wrangled a berth on the Republic. Uhura taught Emergency Communications for a while, then she, too, managed an assignment to the Hornet. Scott went aboard the Yorktown when Massoglia caught a minor radiation sickness. And I plugged away, the only one stuck permanently with a staff job. Maybe it's dissent for doctors. We do the patch jobs, fixing up from the actions done by others. But it was Jim who seemed to suffer the most. I know he wanted to get back into space. But, being the good officer he is, he also wondered if perhaps he wasn't getting just a bit too old for the job. Starship captains are young, at least by the standards of the old sailing ships and the first interplanetary vessels. Those pioneering astronauts were not teenagers either. I visited him at his San Francisco quarters when we were both on leave. We drank and reminisced and laughed, and I think he was both glad and sad to see me. Glad of the comradeship, glad of the memories we started, and saddened, too, because it seemed to have come to an end. "Maybe I won't get a ship ", he said. "Jim, you're valuable to Starfleet right where you are ", I said. "How many ship's captains have been through what you've been? You've got to help those kids. It's a bizarre universe out there; you must give them a hand, a chance at survival ". He had nodded and said I was right, but I knew his heart was not in agreement. Men like Jim Kirk, they should die with their boots on, die on a strange world under a distant sun. To die of old age, on Earth, in a most ordinary way, that was not the proper finish for a man like Kirk. Understand: He was not morbid, not sorry for himself, not suicidal, not angry. He said to me, "Bones, I remember once, when I was a young man, at college-- the campus was still in Westwood then, though it hadn't looked like those postcard campuses in decades. I was driving to the beach at Malibu. Has a fine little Turboford. I saw this woman. I was sixteen, I guess. She was, of, twenty. Had that kind of beauty that looks okay at first glance, better at second look, stunning at third, and you are in love at fourth ". "She looked at me. Our eyes met. She smiled. I was too dumb, too young, too anything to react. She was watering a lawn. Little strip of green in front of an arcolog. Blondish hair, blue jumper. I remember every detail ". "And? " I prompted. "And the light changed, the air traffic started thundering by, I moved on and never saw her again ". "Jim, you've seen a lot of women since then ". "Yes, Bones, I know. I never knew her name, never saw her, never tried to find her. But I remember her ". "Ships that pass in the night ", I said, trying to lighten it up. I poured him some wine. "Missed opportunity. That's the way I feel now. The feel's going on without me. I'm beached. A has been ". I'm afraid I laughed. He glanced at me for a second before he relaxed. "You'll never be a has-been, Jim ", I said. "What you are is an individual in preparation to be ". "Be what? " "Be anything. Look what you've gone through. You've done things no man has ever done before. You and Spock-- you saved the Earth, Jim. V'ger was going to-- " He cut the short. He smiled ruefully. "But what have I done lately? " I had no answer for that. We talked of other things, of old shipmates, of starships lost and starships returned, of Saurean brandy and Tribbles, of shoes and ships and cabbages. I left looking after midnight. We were both mellow, but there was an edge to his mood, a sadness. V'ger 事件の後でジム.カークを訪ねた時の事だ。あの時、私たちは宇宙へ居てその経験は幾分青ざめざるを得ないものだった。あぁ、エンタープライズは素晴らし��ったさ、実際50パーセント以上の可能性で健康になるだけでなく経験をより良いものとする患者の様にだ。 だがそんな時、私たちは地球へ戻る様に命じられた。クルー達は散り散りになった。私のスパーリングパートナーであるスポックは何時もと変わらぬ様子で士官候補生の最終評価を引き受けた。チェコフはNelson に転属となった。Dr.チャペルは調査の為にVega へと向かった。スコットは何時もの様に活動的でない事を冷やかしながらアカデミーのスタッフになった。 スールーもまたスタッフになりRepublic の寝台を手に入れようと手ぐすね引いていた。ウフーラもまたHornet への配属を調整しながら暫くの間Emergency Communications を教えていた。スコットはMassoglia がちょっとした放射線障害にかかってしまった事を受けYorktown へ乗船する事になった。 私はといえばたった一人の専任職を押し付けられて離れて働いていた。それは医師とは異なるものだったろう。私たちの仕事は他の者の行動によって宛がわれるやっつけ仕事だった。だが最もそれに苦しんでいたのはジムだっただろう。 彼は宇宙に戻りたがっていた。しかし、彼は良い士官で職を得るには少しばかり歳を食っていると考えてもいた。宇宙船の船長は若かった、少なくとも古い帆船や初の惑星間船は。開拓者的な宇宙飛行士はティーンエイジャーではなかった。 ふたりともが休暇の時に私はサンフランシスコの彼の部屋へ行った。私たちは酒を飲み思い出を語り笑いあい、そして私は彼が私を見て喜びを悲しみの両方を感じていると思った。同士を歓迎し、思いでの共有を歓迎し、終わりの悲しみも感じているのだと。 ”船はもういいと思う ” 彼は言った。 ”ジム、君はスターフリートにとって貴重な存在だ、居るべきだ ” 私は言った。”どれ程の船長達が君がしたような経験をしたと思う? 君は子供達を助けるべきだ。宇宙は異様なのだから。生きるチャンスとなる手を彼らに差し出すべきだ ” 彼は頷き、私が正しいと言ったが彼の心は同意していないと私には分かった。ジム.カークの様な男は太陽から遠い世界で殉死すべきなのだ。地球で老衰で死ぬ事が普通の道だろうがカークの様な男に相応しい最期ではないのだ。 分かってはいる。彼は病的ではなく、自分を憐れんでもおらず自殺的も怒っている訳でもない。彼は私に言った、”ボーンズ、私はカレッジ時代、若かった時の事を覚えているんだーー キャンパスはまだWestwood にあったし十数年後にはポストカードになる様には見えなかった。私はマリブのビーチに車を走らせていた。かわいいTurboford だったよ。私は女性を見つけた。私は確か16歳。彼女は20だったか。ひとめで美しい人��分かり、ふためでもっとだと思い、三度目で硬直し、四度目には恋に落ちていた ” ”彼女は私を見た。眼が合った。彼女は微笑んだ。私はあまりにも愚かで若すぎで、何にでも反応した。彼女は芝生に水を撒いていた。アーコログの前にある小さな緑に。金色がかった髪、青いジャンパー。私は細かなこと全てを思い出せる ” ”それで? ” 私は促した。 ”それで、ライトが変わり轟きが起きエア.トラフィックが動き出し、私は移動し再び彼女を見る事はなかった ” ”ジム、君はその時から多くの女性を見てきたんだな ” ”そうだ、ボーンズ、そうなんだ。私は彼女の名前を知らない、彼女を見つけてもいないし、彼女を探そうともしなかった。だが私は彼女を覚えている ” ”船は夜を行くんだ ” 私は明るくしようとして言った。私は彼にワインを注いでやった。 ”機会を逃したんだ。今はそう感じるよ。置いていかれる感覚だ。私は引き揚げる。時代遅れなんだ ” 私は笑ってしまったのだと思う。彼はちらりと私を見たあと力を抜いた。”君は決して決して時代遅れにはならんよ、ジム ” 私は言った。”個々のものがそれぞれ準備だからだ ” ”なんのだ? ” ”全てのもの。君が何をしたのか思い出せばいい。君は前人未到の事を行ったんだぞ。君とスポックはーー 君たちは地球を救ったんだ、ジム。V'ger はーー ” 彼は口を挟んだ。彼は残念そうに微笑んでいた。”だが最近の私は何をしている? ” それに私は答える事ができなかった。私たちは話をした、かつての船の仲間の事、失われた船と戻ってきた船の事、Saurean brandy とトリブルの事、立場と船と金の事。 私が彼の元を去ったのは深夜になってからだった。私たちは穏やかだったが彼の雰囲気には悲しみの鋭さがあった。 Star Trek II: Biographies 96 https://benikoumori.livejournal.com/24582.html via LiveJournal
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Star Trek II: Biographies 95
There is glory in sadness and sadness in glory. The events which culminated in the disappearance of both Captain Willard Decker and the transformed Ilya were a mixture of both of these things. In a long career in Starfleet I have never encountered quite such a mixture of emotions and thought. Starfleet-- and I, personally-- are saddened by the loss of such a fine young officer as Captain Decker, and by the loss of V'ger of the Deltan officer as well. Yet, yet there is a strange and wonderful sort of glory in what happened. We can but imagine what the fusion of those two entities produced or became, or where they went. But that is not all bad. There is a special kind of romance in mysteries. We can, all of us, imagine what the fusion of Decker, Ilya, and V'ger became. They are there, perhaps in some form inexplicable to us, perhaps in some symbiotic relationship, perhaps in some form and function we cannot possibly fathom. Godspeed! 悲しみの中に栄光があり、栄光の中に悲しみがある。変化したアイリーヤとウィラード.デッカー船長が消失した所でイベントは最高潮に達した。 スターフリートでの長いキャリアの中で私は思想と感情の融合というものに遭遇した事はなかった。スターフリート ーー そして私個人も ーー 素晴らしい若き士官であるデッカー船長とデルタ人士官のV'ger を失った事を悲しんだ。 だが、それでもそこには素晴らしい栄光とも言える出来事があった。私たちには想像することしかできない、ふたりが融合し何かになったのか、何処かへ行ってしまったのか。 全てが悪いわけではなかった。そこには特別神秘的なロマンスと言えるものもあった。私たちには、私たち皆は、デッカーとアイリーヤ、そしてV'ger が融合したのだと想像する。彼らは居る、私たちには不可解かもしれず、共生関係なのかもしれないし形や機能は私たちでははかることは出来ないだろうが。 Godspeed! (幸運を!) Star Trek II: Biographies 95 https://benikoumori.livejournal.com/24450.html via LiveJournal
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Star Trek II: Biographies 94
< Entry, dated 2 January 2168 from Diary, by Janice Rand Dale: >
This is life
This is the heartbeat of you
This is you, in my arms
We are life
We are the life we know
We are a two-part love
There is life
There is life loving in us
There is a chain to the future
You are life
You are the death of loneliness
You are the other part of me
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Star Trek II: Biographies 93
Thu-hsi *1 kids me constantly about my infatuation for JTK and I just have to keep my mouth shut. I cannot compromise him in any way, either directly or indirectly. He is not only a Starfleet officer, but ship's captain. That comes first. I know that. Their ships come first to all starship commanders. I suppose it should not be any other way, really. But there are times when I might wish it another way. Thu-hsi *1 絶えず私のJTKへの執心をからかってくるのに私は口を閉ざし続けている。私には直接的であれ間接的であれ彼を危険に晒すことは出来ない。彼はStarfleet の士官というだけでなく船長なのだ。それが第一。分かっている。船はまず船の指揮官の元に行くのだ。他のどれであってもならないのだと思う、本当に。 でも、他を願ってしまう時だってあるのだ。 *ヨーマン.ランドのルームメイトで2nd class の電気工 Star Trek II: Biographies 93 https://benikoumori.livejournal.com/24032.html via LiveJournal
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Star Trek II: Biographies 92
Enter this into your navigation and computation computers with a Crimson Alert tab: YOU ARE ADVISED TO STAY A MINIMUM OF FOUR-YEARS AWAY FROM SECTOR 9, SUB 3176a-13. THIS IS CONSIDERED A DANGER AREA. (Signed) Fleet Admiral Gregory Calkins, Commanding. これを君たちのナビゲーションと計算コンピューターにクリムゾン.アラートとして入力するように; YOU ARE ADVISED TO STAY A MINIMUM OF FOUR-YEARS AWAY FROM SECTOR 9, SUB 3176a-13. THIS IS CONSIDERED A DANGER AREA. (セクター9、3176a-13 から最低でも4光年は離れておく事を韓国する) これは危険エリアである。 (Signed) Fleet Admiral Gregory Calkins, Commanding. Star Trek II: Biographies 92 https://benikoumori.livejournal.com/23768.html via LiveJournal
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Star Trek II: Biographies 91
...But I refused to kill the Gorn warrior-captain. I just couldn't have done that. I have always avoided any taking of life, except, I'm afraid, where my own life or the lives of others were involved. But I had defeated the Gorn captain; I had no need to kill him. I stated this in forceful terms to the Metrons, whose words seemed to be in our heads. I fully expected some from of horrible retaliation. Thus I was surprised when the Metrons conceeded that there might be, after all, some hope for the human race. Both the Gorn and I were returned to our respective ships and the ships pressed into some sort of immediate spacewarp, appearing at considerable distance from the Metrons. ...だが私はゴーンの戦士である船長の殺害を拒否した。私にはそれを行う事は出来なかった。私は常にいかなる生命であれ奪うことを回避していた、残念ながら私の生命や関係者の生命が巻き込まれてしまった場合を除いてだが。私はゴーンの船長を打ち破った;私には彼を殺す必要性がない。私はこの声明を強い言葉で、私たちの頭にあるがままの様な言葉でメトロン人に告げた。 私は完全に恐ろしい報復を予測していた。だからこそ私は驚いた、メトロン人が人類には幾らか期待が持てると渋々ながら認めた時に。ゴーンと私は私たちが責任を持つ船へと戻され何らかのスペースワープ状態に即座に押しやられた船はメトロン星から遥かに離れた場所へと出現した。 Star Trek II: Biographies 91 https://benikoumori.livejournal.com/23375.html via LiveJournal
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Star Trek II: Biographies 90
...The Metrons stated that the winner of the individual combat contest would have his ship freed: that loser and his crew and ship would be destroyed. I did not find this a equitable solution; however, temporarily matters were out of my effective control. Captain Kirk vanished from the bridge, to appear on the surface of an uninhabited asteroid which they had roughly terra-formed into an desertlike landscape of approximately equal discomfort to both Captain Kirk and the creature they placed opposite him. We identified the creature as the opposing starship captain a mature Gorn. The Gorn are intelligent but highly belligerent, and resemble a two-meter [seven-foot] reptile, not dissimilar to a Terran tyrannosaurus, a Vulcan scal, or a Vegan sicanosaur. The events to follow we monitored on our view screens throughout the Enterprise, a solution which was convenient but which gave me great concern about the integrity of our defensive screens. The Gorn was indeed the one who had destroyed the base on Cestus III, a must illogical act, as the colony there was undefended and productive. However, the Gorn considered it a hostile invasion into their territory. The Gorn had the advantage of a natural armor and superior strength over Captain Kirk, but as a mature human in excellent condition, James Kirk was swifter in his reactions and in his ability to move. Our resourceful commander kept out of the claws of the Gorn long enough to combine the local mineral resources-- placed there as a subtle test by the Metrons-- into a crude gunpowder. He managed to construct a very inefficient cannon and, with the use of a rocky projectile, wounded the Gorn. ...メトロン人は格闘の勝者となった者の船は解放すると述べた:敗者のクルーと船は破壊すると。私にはこの解法が公正であるとは思えなかった;しかしながらこの問題は私の実効支配外だった。 カーク船長はブリッジから姿を消し、地球にある砂漠とほぼ等しい風景の彼と対峙する生き物双方にとって不便な無人の惑星上に姿を現した。我々は相対する宇宙船の船長を成熟したゴーン人であると特定した。 ゴーン人は知的ながら非常に好戦的で体長は2メートル[7フィート] 爬虫類の様な、地球のティラノサウルスの様な、バルカンのscal、Vegan のsicanosaur の様にも見えた。我々は成り行きを全てEnterprise のビュースクリーンで観察していた、その解法は手頃と言えるものだったが私には防御スクリーンの完全性に関して大きな懸念となった。 ゴーンはCestus III にあるベースを破壊��ていたからだ、コロニーは無防備な生産型でその行為は非論理的であるべきだった。だがゴーンは彼らのテリトリーへの敵対的侵入であると考えたのだ。 ゴーンは天然の鎧とカーク船長に勝る強さを持っていた、だが優れた状態の成熟した人間ジェームズ.カークは彼の反応と移動の能力で上回っていた。 我々の臨機応変な指揮官はミネラル資源が十分に結合されるまでゴーンの鉤爪から逃れ続けたーー メトロン人による名状しがたいテスト場だったのかもしれないーー 天然の火薬が出来上がった。彼は何とか非常に能率の悪い大砲を組み上げ、それを使い岩を発射させ、ゴーンを負傷させた。 Star Trek II: Biographies 90 https://benikoumori.livejournal.com/23170.html via LiveJournal
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Star Trek II: Biographies 89
We arrived at Cestus III and found that the Federation base here, a harmless agrarian community directed by the Federation Department of Agriculture, had been destroyed by an alien race we had not previously encountered. We followed the ion trail into an in uncharted region of Sector 9/34-9a. There the ship was captured in an energy net that we could not break. Subsequent development revealed that our captors were a godlike race called the Metrons, who disliked trespassers and who seemed to hold all other races in distain, if not outright contempt. They believed that physical combat was more suitable for individuals, rather than groups, and were preparing for combat with the alien vessel. 我々はCestus III へ到着しここにあるFederation のベース、Federation Department of Agriculture によって指導された平和的な農業コミュニティが我々がこれまでに遭遇したことのない異星の種族によって壊滅させられているのを発見した。 我々はイオン.トレイルをSector 9/34-9a の未知の領域へと辿っていった。そこで船が我々には壊すことのできないエネルギーネットに捕まった。その後の展開で我々の捕獲者はMetrons という神の様な種族であり彼らは侵入者を好まずはっきりとした侮蔑ではないものの他の種族全てを軽蔑している様子があった。彼らはグループよりも個人のフィジカル.コンバットを信じており異星の船との戦闘を準備した。 Star Trek II: Biographies 89 https://benikoumori.livejournal.com/22988.html via LiveJournal
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Star Trek II: Biographies 88
There seems to be a wall between JTK and myself. I can't break it down. Only he can do that. I'm a yeoman, he's a captain, with so many responsibilities. But he needs a woman: if not me, then someone! THE GIFT OF LOVE The gift of love is mine to make, to child or man, jade or rake. A gift of love is a loving thing, built from what you to it bring. This gift of love is the gift I give, to a sky brave heart, to make him live. I feel this life, racing past, is much too swift for one love's task Star Trek II: Biographies 88 https://benikoumori.livejournal.com/22529.html via LiveJournal
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Star Trek II: Biographies 87
Kirk's promotion from First Officer on the El Dorado to Commanding Officer of the Saladin was a major step in his career, and in his attitude toward himself. An unfortunate experience as a young lieutenant on his first mission, on the Farragut, had created a certain hidden insecurity I Jim Kirk that was not to surface for some time. (See Chapter Twelve.) Kirk has written of his first time on the bridge of the Saladin a MK-VIII, Saladin class destroyer: "Heavy cruisers are the ships of Starfleet, but still, there is something about your first ship, and something about your first command. You love them or hate them, but you never forget them. The Farragut was my testing ground as an officer; the El Dorado my testing ground as a diplomat; the Saladin my testing ground as a commanding officer, and the Enterprise my proving ground. "The bridges of destroyers are smaller, but not much smaller than those on Heavy cruisers. They have all the same functions, except that the larger ship has more of each. I kept my eyes down-- I don't know why-- until the turbolift doors slide back, then I raised them, taking it all in at once. "The captain was Lieutenant Commander Leonard Konigsburg, who was transferring to the Rigel Kentaurus as First Officer. He was a heavy man, muscled and slow, but his mind was as quick as a cat. I saluted him and gave him the formal words of relief. He turned my salute and told me the ship was mine. We shook hands and he clapped my arm and left. It was all formally. The real hellos and good-bye had already happened. "We were in orbit around Lieberman's World, with the scout ship Ursa Major on our starboard, took take him to his new ship in the Prontaris sector. Konigslorg had already made his personal and professional farewells, and we had had the ritual drinks in his cabin, with him filling in on the personnel files all those little things, but important things, that cannot go into any official dossier. "Then the ship was mine. I wanted to sit down in the command chair and give the order to have the ship taken out of orbit on impulse engines, but I had to wait. It seemed like an hour but I'm sure it was only minuets only minuets before the Transporter Room reported than Lieutenant Commander L.Konigslorg had left the ship. "Then it was truly mine. All mine. I gave the order, and we moved carefully out of the clutter and invisible orbits that net each civilized world. We set course for Wolcott-7423. It was an ordinary mission-- show the flag on a world making rumblings about seceding from the Federation. No real action was anticipated, nor was it desired by Starfleet. "A milk run at Warp 5. Nothing important, nothing like sailing the wine-dark seas with Ulysses, nothing new, nothing special, just my first order as commanding officer. "My first ship. "My first command. "No Saurian brandy is quite so heady." El Dorado のファースト.オフィサーからSaladin のコマンディング.オフィサーへの昇進は彼のキャリアでも、彼の自分自身への態度においても大きなステップとなった。若き大尉のFarragut での初のミッションが不運なものであったが故にジム.カークには内面的な不安感が作り出されていたからだ。(Chapter 12 を見て欲しい) カークはSaladin クラスの駆逐艦、MK-III、Saladin の初めてのブリッジの事を書いている: ”重巡洋艦はスターフリートの船だ、それでもやはり、最初の船、最初の指揮というものには何かがある。君がそれを愛そうと憎もうと君はそれを決して忘れない。Farragut は私の士官としてのテスト.グラウンドだった; El Dorado は外交官としての私のテスト.グラウンドだった; Saladin は私の指揮官としてのテスト.グラウンドで、エンタープライズが私の演習場だった。 ”駆逐艦のブリッジは小さいが重巡洋艦ほど小さくはない。それらのファンクションは同じだ、大きな船だからより大きいというだけで。 私は眼を伏せ続けたーー 理由は分からないーー ターボリフトのドアが閉まるまで待ってから一気に上げた。 ”船長はLeonard Konigsburg少佐で、Rigel Kentaurus の副官に転属する。彼は筋肉質のゆったりとした男だったが彼の精神は猫の様に素早かった。私は彼に敬礼し改めて労いの言葉をかけた。彼も敬礼を返し船は私の物だと告げた。私たちは握手をし彼は私の腕を叩いて去った。それは全て公式のものだった。本当の挨拶と別れは既にやっていた。 ”私たちはLieberman's World の周回軌道上にいて、私たちの右舷にいるスカウト.シップUrsa Major が彼の新しい船があるPrantaris sector へ連れていく事になっていた。Konigsburg は既に個人的にも職務的にも別れは済ませており、私たちも彼のキャビンで儀式の酒を酌み交わしていた、彼のファイルしてきた個人ファイルは全て些細な事だったがどれも重要で公式文書には少しなりとも含める事ができないものだった。 ”そして船は私の物となった。私はコマンド.チェアに座りインパルス.エンジンで船を慎重に軌道から離すようにオーダーしたかった、だが私は待った。L.Konigsburg 少佐が船を離れたとトランスポーター.ルームから報告があるまでほんの数分だと確信してはいたがそれは1時間の様にも思えた。 ”ついにそれが本当に私の物になった。全て私のものに。私��オーダーで私たちは慎重に文明世界を繋ぐ目に見えないネットで混乱している軌道をでた。私たちはコースをWolcott-7423 へ設定した。それは通常の任務だったーー Federation 脱退すると不満を持っている世界へのご機嫌伺いだった。現実行動は予想されず、Starfleet も望んではいなかった。 ”Warp 5 でのミルクランだった。重要な事はなく、ユリシーズのぶどう酒色の海を渡る様な事もなく、新しいものもなく、特別なものもない、ただコマンディング.オフィサーとして私がする初めてのオーダーというだけのものだ。 ”私の初めての船。 ”私の初めての指揮。 ”Saurean brandy 程には重くない ” Star Trek II: Biographies 87 https://benikoumori.livejournal.com/22409.html via LiveJournal
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