benevolent-yoon · 18 days
fucking hate it when the stuff everybody says "actually works" does actually work.
hate exercising and realizing i've let go of a lot of anxiety and anger because i've overturned my fight-or-flight response.
hate eating right and eating enough and eating 3 times a day and realizing i'm less anxious and i have more energy
hate journaling in my stupid notebook with my stupid bic ballpoint and realizing that i've actually started healing about something once i'm able to externalize it
hate forgiving myself hate complimenting myself more often hate treating myself with kindness hate taking a gratitude inventory hate having patience hate talking to myself gently
hate turning my little face up to the sun and taking deep breaths and looking at nature and grounding myself and realizing that i feel less burdened and more hopeful, more actually-here, that i am able to see the good sides of myself more clearly, that i am able to see not only how far i have to grow - but also how much growth i have already done & how much of my life i truly fill with light and laughter and love
horrible horrible horrible. hate it but i'm gonna do it tho
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benevolent-yoon · 1 month
CUT from the Same Cloth [Series] Ch. 3
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☆theme: Hybrid/Supernatural!AU
♡pairing: wolf!Hyunjin & leopard!Reader (Gray Wolf & Snow Leopard)
✧genre: Romance/Angst/Slight!Thriller
⚠︎warnings: |Death/Suicide/Religion/Cult|
❀summary: Hyunjin could never put his finger on it or describe the feeling perfectly, but something always felt off with his life… A little different from the rest of his clan, he manages to find solace with you. But the more he learns, the more he realizes who his family really is… ✑word count: 1.8k Author's Note: So school and work both kicked my ass simultaneously for a month, I am slow to upload but I'm not usually that slow, so I wrote this really quickly cause I was like damn it's been a minute... so apologies if it is short, I decided to break up this portion into three parts.
|Chapter 3| Lies on Lies on Lies [ACT I]
Howls. Hyunjin woke up frantically, his good night sleep ruined by howls… He knew they were for him, he pulled away from you and his steering caused you to wake up as well. 
“What’s going on?” You asked, rubbing the tiredness off your face. 
“I have to go.” He deadpanned, taking off the sweater you let him borrow. Knowing he’d be questioned on where he got it from. He walked over to your table, grabbed his old ripped up one and put it on.
“Already?” You asked as you sat up, but the look in his eyes said everything. He didn’t want to, but if he didn’t go, he was going to be in serious trouble. 
“I promise I’ll try to see you again.” He sat down beside you and caressed your cheek. 
“Don’t.” You whispered.
He looked at you in disbelief, “What?” He asked, hoping he didn’t hear you correctly.
“Don’t.” You repeated. “Don’t try to see me again, I don’t want you to get hurt because of me.” 
“You don’t mean that.” The first part he was referring to, not the latter.
“That’s not the point.” You both got up and you hugged him. 
“I’m going to find a way see you again.” He said holding you in the hug, it felt so natural.  
“Fine.” You huffed. “How are you going to get back without them knowing?”
“I have a plan, don’t worry about me.”
“You say that like it’s easy.” You sighed, holding his hand and walking towards the door.
Your comment made him smile as he opened it. “Okay worry, but don’t stress yourself out.” He caressed your cheek. “I’ll be back soon.” He didn’t know what compelled him, but he kissed your cheek quickly then jumped out the treehouse before you could react. 
To your surprise he landed very cat-like, a grounded stance. The jump was very high, it would usually throw a wolf a little off balanced, at the least, but not Hyunjin.
But before you could process this knowledge, he was sprinting off. Watching him made you wonder, What else he could do? You could tell that’s why his clan was so controlling when it came to him.
You quickly realized how different Hyunjin was from the others last night, his regeneration was better, which was a threat. You knew his sensing is one of a kind, another threat. And he had a lot of cat-like tendencies, which you were silent about knowing it's a sensitive subject for him. You weren’t afraid of Hyunjin, but it was easy to see why his clan was…
Hyunjin had a plan, one that he knew would work. After kissing you on the cheek it was as if he was on fire. A fire that burned all doubts and fears, leaving a clear mind and open heart. His senses were like no other, he chuckled to himself… realizing how self-assured he felt after being with you.
He could tell where everyone on his and your territory were, each member, each scent, sound, wavelength, everything. All of this had been a struggle in the past and now came with ease… Hyunjin felt powerful.
He ignored the howls, knowing how much time he had to pull of his plan. He raced towards Dahlia Mountain and built a quick yet messy shelter. He then thrashed and cut certain trees to make it seem like he had raged through there last night. He removed all of the bandaging you’d put on him, made a small fire close to his makeshift shelter and burned it. After that, he ran towards the cottage, he could tell everyone else was inside as there was only one member left howling for him.
Hyunjin speed and ferocious took Minho by surprise seeing the boy run in from the west instead of east, where he was supposed to be.
“Where were you?” Minho asked.
“I built a wood shelter outside of Dahlia Mountain.”
Minho tsked. “That’s why you took so damn long and why your covered in sticks.” Commenting on his messy appearance. “Why weren’t at the shed house?”
Hyunjin huffed, “What kind of stupid question is that? Why would I be anywhere near the cottage after what happened yesterday? Chan beat my ass and you guys just want me to act all normal about it?”
Minho sighed rubbing his forehead. “You know he’s still pissed right?”
“Of course.”
“So, follow the damn rules instead pissing him off even more by making your own.” He pointed out. “Also you’re staying in the shed house for a month.”
“Fine by me.” Lies… He was enraged, he knew Chan was going to watch him like a hawk. So finding time to sneak away and see you, was going to be hard. He could tell, Chan was giving him a challenge, one he didn’t think Hyunjin could take.
“What with that face?” Minho asked, snapping Hyunjin out of his thoughts. Usually Hyunjin wasn’t this stoic, he seemed a little gritty and steadfast.
“What face?”
“You went all serious there for a second.”
Hyunjin rolled his eyes. They really are watching me like a hawk. “Yea well my ass is in serious trouble, aren’t I?”
Minho shrugged playfully in agreement, assuming it due to the tension from the big blowout. “Did you eat?”
“No.” That was the truth. He didn’t manage to eat anything when he was with you, as he was caught up in conversation.
“Hungry?” Minho asked. Hyunjin nodded, walking over towards him. “Come on,” Minho said put his arm around the younger one’s shoulder. “I’ll make you something at the shed house. I think you and Chan should just avoid each other for the month.”
That was something Hyunjin could definitely agree on.
Within the first week of his toiling punishment, Hyunjin was on night watch.
Which if he was going to be honest, he loved. There were less members of the clan out in general, and he was stationed high up, which conveniently reminded him of your treehouse. Most wolves hated night watch for those exact two reasons. Although wolves can see in dim lighting, the do not have night vision like their counter cat clan. Which is why every night Hyunjin was persistent on keeping his awareness heightened. Every night in the same comfortable seated position, eyes closed, with a clear mind and open heart; he could sense anything.
He was on his 4th night when he sensed you coming towards the treaty line, he’s been tracing on whether or not you’ve been at your treehouse. And he hasn’t sensed you there until tonight. He knew you left a little after he did, probably due to the work you had, as your clan relied solely on you for a lot of tasks.
In his mind however, your aura shined brightly, as he sensed you getting closer towards your place. Your energy zoomed upwards and then was stagnate, for a long while, possibly 10 minutes. Why isn’t she going inside?
Intuitively Hyunjin opened his eyes, and it was as if his world brightened up as he could see you staring directly at him. Probably pondering thoughts about your last meeting, he gave a small wave and saw you perk up immediately, a small and quiet laugh escaped from his mouth. Cute.
When you ran towards your treehouse that night after being down with your week’s work, it had nothing to do with getting away from your family. And everything to do with trying to get a glimpse of Hyunjin, just to make sure he was alright.
When you were close to your tree house you could tell he was sensing you, if anything you don’t think he ever stopped sensing around your shared area. So after you climb up to your surprise, you see him sitting in a tree of his own.
You’ve seen plenty of wolves perched up there on night watch but none ever seemed nearly as relaxed or comfortable as Hyunjin looked right now. So you decided to sit and stare at him for little wondering what he was thinking, you knew he could sense you but no wolf has ever been able to see you. You stared at him for maybe 10 minutes before you saw him open his eyes.
You could tell he was focused on your treehouse but what surprised you was the wave. You perked up immediately to make sure you weren’t going crazy, and you saw him smile to himself from your energetic reaction. Which meant your theory was in fact correct. You held up your index finger, motioning to him that you were going to be gone for a moment.
“What the hell is she doing?” He whispered to himself with a smile, entertained by you.
He saw you come back with a notepad, and he didn’t think he could smile bigger, but it did. He saw you scribble on it before holding it up. ‘You can see me right?’
He nodded, and saw you flip the page to write some more.
‘Are you okay?’ Realizing he could only answer yes or no questions.
He wiggled hand and shrugged, basically meaning ‘yes and no’, or ‘more or less’.
Your brain felt a little bit messy, but you confessed anyways. ‘I miss you.’ You wrote.
Hyunjin cheeks were hurting, he hadn’t smiled this much in a while. He made a heart, indicating he missed you as well.
‘I have to tell you something important’ You wrote on the next page, ‘When can we meet?’
He sighed and shrugged despairingly. He really didn’t know; they were hounding and pestering him senselessly. Even indirectly talking to you from afar could get him in a ridiculous amount of trouble, but he didn’t care.
He held up his index finger indicating he needed a moment to think, to come up with an answer, an idea, anything really. And then it hit him… He placed his fingertips together to create a peak then made a circle with his hand and held it up where the moon would be.
‘Dahlia Mountain,  Next full moon?’ You wrote almost immediately.
That’s my girl. He thought, happy you understood so quickly and nodded. He pointed at you and made a resting motion with his hands, indicating you should go to bed for safety reasons.
You nodded, waved and sent him a kiss. He sent you one back before watching you close your door. He sighed contently, he was pretty sure he knew what you needed to tell him; he realized something, the moment he left your side that night.
He looked around his surroundings once more, smirking to himself.
These past couple of days Hyunjin felt an intensive change within his soul and body. With his old blockage being removed, his ability to sense his entire territory is becoming easier than ever.
And now, with his new enhanced night vision kicking in, he thought to himself. There’s no way they’d be able to tame me now.
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benevolent-yoon · 3 months
If I ruin my sleeping schedule for you, consider yourself special
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benevolent-yoon · 3 months
One of the worst feelings is when you notice someone getting bored of you
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benevolent-yoon · 3 months
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    no problem, i don't care. you are you, i am me
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29 notes · View notes
benevolent-yoon · 3 months
CUT from the Same Cloth [Series] Ch. 2
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☆theme: Hybrid/Supernatural!AU
♡pairing: wolf!Hyunjin & leopard!Reader (Gray Wolf & Snow Leopard)
✧genre: Romance/Angst/Slight!Thriller
⚠︎warnings: |Death/Suicide/Religion/Cult|
❀summary: Hyunjin could never put his finger on it or describe the feeling perfectly, but something always felt off with his life… A little different from the rest of his clan, he manages to find solace with you. But the more he learns, the more he realizes who his family really is…
✑word count: 3.9k Author's Note: So I had Ch. 1 and 2 already half written beforehand, which is why they are only 2 days apart. Ch. 3 will probably take me a week to upload but that's because I am slow and quadruple check everything that I write just to make sure it makes sense.
|Chapter 2| The Boy in the Cold
Thoughts of the mysterious wolf boy swarmed your mind after meeting him, it was as if memories were restored… You think that the first time you sensed him was a couple of years ago when you went swimming in the lake one summer. You remember trying to catch a fish, but it swam past the treaty line, so you got out the lake and waited… Once it was swum back on your side you pounced and caught it with ease. In that moment, you sensed someone watching you, not in alertness but in awe.
You suddenly remembered when the first time you went over to try and investigate Dahlia Mountain. You only got a couple meters off your own territory before seeing the graveyard. When you smelled the area, you could tell no one had been there in years, and yet it didn’t make this ominous feeling go away. So you ran back towards your treehouse, at the time not realizing the danger you sensed was a pack on its way back from hunting. Unbeknownst to you, a certain wolf in the pack was aware of your presence and was silent about it.
Another memory that came to light was when you were collecting fallen sticks in the woods last winter, making huge piles across the land as it was another punishment; to collect firewood for the whole clan. You sensed some wolves not too far from you but didn’t pay them any mind knowing you were on your side of the land, until they started getting closer. You could hear them play fighting and wrestling, and once realized they weren’t aware of their own surrounding you became immediately aware of your own. You climbed up the nearest tree and hid, watching the three of them still wrestle until they were close to the treaty line, which seemed to knock some sense into them. As they came to and decided to head back home, all of them could smell you but only one saw you hidden in the tree, making eye contact before leaving you be.
You’re most vivid memory was a couple of months ago, you remembered it clearly because your family was choosing to let you starve that night. You had gotten into a big argument, one that brought you to tears and made you run off into the woods. Running off was common for you, you knew your side of the woods like the back of your hand. You headed for your treehouse, far enough from your family, but still safe on the territory, right before the treaty line. As you’re just about to climb up your tree you stop at the smell of food. And you notice on a stump, within your eyeline there was raw veal; fresh... You smelled it earlier but paid it no mind because you could’ve sworn there was another presence here. Just right before you arrived. Assuming first comes first serve; you didn’t expect anything at all. And yet, there was a literal chunk of veal just waiting… So you grabbed it with a little hesitation then ran to the well to clean it. Afterwards, you cooked half of it then stored the other half in an ice bucket back in your treehouse.
Surprisingly lady luck played in your favor because it was only 3 weeks later until you saw the boy face-to-face again.
It was around midnight, and you were sleeping in your tree house again, not that you minded it though. But you heard growls, and sensed something was wrong. You jumped out of your treehouse and ran towards the sound, then when you got close enough to the treaty line, you saw the wolves fighting. You climbed up the tree to hide yourself and to keep yourself safe just in case they saw you. 
That’s when you saw him, the mysterious boy who’d been looking out for you. He was fighting a shorter but stronger curly haired man. Why is he fighting an alpha? You wondered. You see him get thrown to the side and you think the fight’s over, but the moment the alpha’s back is turned he pounces for a sneak attack. 
“Hyunjin stop!” You hear one of them shout. 
You see Hyunjin on top but that switches in two seconds, with the older male overpowering him then smashing him into the snow. 
“Chan he’s had enough!” Another one calls.
“Stay down!” You heard Chan growl loudly at the boy then walked away with the rest of the pack followed.
It took a couple of minutes before you felt their presence was far enough for you to make a move. You jumped down and ran towards the boy still on the ground, but he pounced onto you before you could get close enough. He growled with his sharp teeth bared in your face. But the moment he realized it was you he stopped.
It’s her… IT’S HER. “I didn’t... realize it was you.” He barely came to.
You two were very close, you saw scratches all over his face, a little bit of fresh and dried blood mixed together and his left eye was bloodshot.
“Are you okay?” You asked worried, instinctively you cupped his cheek.
She cares, and she’s here. He was shocked to say the least, “Why?” He looked confused, his eyes still watery and he was bleeding in various places, on his face, his arm, his legs.
You brushed his hair out of his face looking at the scars on his face to see how deep they were. “Does it hurt badly?” 
Where did she even come from? We’re nowhere near the lake, or the well. Why is she here?
Hyunjin did not expect to see you, at all. In fact, he didn’t expect anything other than abandonment. He was so afraid of going back home, he figured he'd stay in the woods and make a shelter until tomorrow, weeping over his own actions, over their words. And yet, here he was hovering over you.
I can’t believe I just tried to maul her. That fight... wasn’t supposed to happen… that was probably the worst fight I’ve ever had, and it was with Chan... It wasn’t supposed to go that far… I didn’t think I’d get caught... And I definitely didn’t think the elders would rip into Chan like that... 
“You really think that minx cares about you!? Is she going to feed you!? Shelter you!? Care for you like we do!? Like we’ve BEEN doing!?”
Honestly Hyunjin did not feel like breaking down the logistical effects from the situation he just caused, so luckily your voice snapped him out of the thoughts he was drowning in.
“Hyunjin?” You saw his eyes refocus on you.
“How do you know my name?” He asked quickly. 
“I saw the last part of the fight.” You admitted. “Are you okay?”
“You’re here.” He said blankly.
What’s wrong with him? You thought. It’s as if he’s reprocessing this information. His eyes looked slightly empty, slightly surprised and yet sad all at the same time. He’s stressed. He has to be, his thoughts seem too erratic, and he can’t seem to focus on what I’m saying.
“How are you here? What are you doing here? You can’t be here. If they find you-”
“Hyunjin stop.” You said firmly. He froze up. “Calm down. Breathe.” You held his face. “Focus on me and breathe.” He slowed down, he was listening. He finally started calming down. “We’re safe-”
That was the wrong thing to say, and you realized it quickly. Hyunjin’s heart started racing again.  “No, we’re not.” It was starting back up again. “We’re just l-lying in the snow and they could be watching-”
“Okay, okay, okay.” You cut him off strongly.You could tell he wasn’t going to listen unless he felt safe. “Get up.” You barked, he listened and helped you up as well. “Follow me.” 
“W-Where are we going?” Hyunjin asked, shaking. It was a mixture of the cold temperature, the adrenaline rush and anxiety. 
“Somewhere safe, and close.” You grabbed his hand and squeezed it. “Trust me, please.” 
He was reluctant for a second. “Okay.”
“Let’s go.”
You ran back to your side of the woods with Hyunjin trailing closely behind you, you sped up with the icy wind hitting your face. Hyunjin was desperately trying not to slow down even though he was in pain, his fear of getting caught helped him keep his pace up. Within a couple of minutes, you were both back at your tree house. 
“Wait here.” You said to him and quickly climbed up to the tree. 
“What am I doing?” He whispered to himself. 
You threw the ladder down for him and he climbed up. Hyunjin was beyond confused, the tree house was more the size of a master bedroom. When he entered, he saw a large futon in the far corner of the area. The place was nicely decorated, hand painted floral designs on the walls, there was a floor table with pillows; various items scattered across it. A mini fridge, a small grill, a heater, a generator and a dresser.
“Do you live here?” He asked. 
“Technically no, but this place is mine. I come here when my family and I have issues, which you could probably tell... is often.” You said sitting on your futon, you pat by your side indicating him to sit next to you and he did. “You don’t have to worry, it’s too far for any of my kind to care about. They avoid the edges of the territory, and most of my kind leave the moment they become adults, so there aren’t a lot of us here anyways.”
“Thank you.” He sighed deeply, finally letting his shoulders rest and leaning his head back.
He still couldn’t believe he was here, with you; it was all kind of feeling like a fever dream to him. He closed his eyes to collect himself, but thoughts were still swarming. He heard you moving around and when he opened his eyes you were walking towards him with a bottle of water. 
“It’s no problem, drink this.” You instructed.
“I realized I never got your name.”
“Oh yea.” You decided to properly introduce yourself. “How are you feeling?” You asked afterwards.
He blankly stared. “I don’t know.”
“That’s okay.” You could tell he was going through it and held his hand. “Let me patch you up?”
He nodded and as you got up, he laid down. “How’d you find me?” He asked.
“I heard the fighting from here.”
“So you ran towards it?” 
You chuckled. “Only cause I had a feeling you were involved so… I wanted to check on you.” 
She cares…… No… No, she doesn’t… She can’t...
Hyunjin didn’t want to indulge in his actions, but he couldn’t help it. It was as if God himself was blessing him, he couldn’t believe you were here with him. He had gotten into so much trouble because of his interest in you. He was told his efforts on you were a waste, and at one point believed it himself. And yet here you were…
“What you did... wasn't safe. You can’t be on my territory-”
“But you can be on mine?” You retaliated, kneeling down next to him. You had an array of medical supplies, as the treehouse was more of a healing space than anything. Your family being the main cause of that. 
He smiled; you were able to make him feel warm. “My kind… aren’t the nicest, I had to learn that the hard way.” He looked the other way, a little embarrassed, when you were too close.
“You don’t have to explain it to me.” You said letting silence fall. You grabbed the antiseptic cleaner and slowly worked on his face, he hissed. “Sorry.”
“It’s okay.”
“What do you think they would do to me if they found me?” You asked to start the conversation back up.
“They’d most likely scare you, and then demand compensation from your tribe.”
“Fun.” You sarcastically sang. 
“This place is nice...” Hyunjin said, looking around your treehouse. 
“Thanks, think of it as a healing center.” You said finishing his face up with a cream and a couple of band aids. You threw away all the leftover wrappers and used tissues. Then he sat up and pulled his slightly torn sweater off. “Lay back.” You instructed and he followed. You felt his eyes boring into you the entire time, when you kneeled back down you asked. “You’ve been staring at me for a while, any reason why?”
“I’m infatuated with you...” He admitted, his starry eyes burned through your soul. It didn’t help that he was cute. His hand stopped yours from working on him, trying to grab your attention.
“I’m honored.” You said slightly blushing. 
“I feel like I should explain my situation to you.” He started, grabbing your other hand as well.
“You don’t-”
“I do, because it has to do with you. And I want to apologize.” He gently squeezed both your hands.
“Huh?” You tilted your head; you were confused. 
Hyunjin wasn't sure if he felt like he was going crazy or if you were secretly a witch because he couldn't get you out of his mind. He need to figure out how in the world he was going to see you again. He was currently sitting in his room sketching a picture of you, it didn't look very good, and he'd been working on it for days, erasing and redrawing over and over. It just never looked right to him. “What the hell is this!?” Jisung snuck up on him, not realizing he left his door wide open. “Nothing!” Hyunjin hid his book. “Bullshit! You’ve been hiding something since that night we got into it.”  “Mind your business.” Hyunjin warned.  Jisung chuckled. “I wonder if Chan knows you’re up to something.” “I’m not up to anything.” 
“Then why are you so defensive?” “Why are you so up my ass?” Hyunjin hissed.  They were being so loud Minho felt the need to intervene from the living room. “What’s going on?” Minho asked, walking up and eyeing both the boys.  “Nothing.” Hyunjin said in a soft tone, which made him even more suspicious.  “Hyunjin-” “It’s nothing I swear-” He interrupted Minho. “Hyunjin go see Chan.” Minho cut him off.  “Hyung-” “GO.”  Hyunjin sighed and walked up to Chan’s office. He knocked on the door.  “Come in.” He heard from the other side. He walked in and saw one of the elders already there, a cold chill ran up his neck.  “Elder Taecyeon.” Hyunjin bowed. “Sit Hyunjin.” He said in a low voice. Hyunjin looked back at Chan who looked beaten, and he didn’t know why. “Do you know why we called you here?” “N-no sir.” He was nervous.  “The council asked me to monitor you, after you ran away in August…” Shit, it’s December…Does that mean- “I’ve been watching you for four months.” He continued. “And I’ve noticed you’ve had a habit of disappearing from everyone’s sight for about 5 minutes, maybe no longer than 20. Usually that wouldn’t be too much of a scare, if it didn’t happen so often and if we could still sense you. Now, you know your sensing range is much much much further than the rest of our kind, so ultimately you know what you’re doing. The real question is why are you out of range so often?” He paused for a moment.  And Hyunjin could feel Chan’s energy darken.  “I-I’m sorry.” Hyunjin bowed. “I’ve been reckless and curious as to what’s outside our territory even though I know the rules.” Elder Taecyeon sighed. “Well, at least you're half honest.” “W-What do you mean?”  “Do you remember in late October, when one of the veal’s went missing for our monthly gathering?” “Yes sir.” Hyunjin knew exactly where this was going. “Where did it go?” Elder Taecyeon asked.  “I–” Hyunjin cut himself off because he didn’t want to answer. “Did you perhaps give one of our veal’s to your little cat friend?” Shit, shit, shit. He knew once elder Taecyeon left, he was so fucked.  “I didn’t come into contact with her.” He lied.  They couldn’t have seen me, I made sure of it.  “I know that Hyunjin… But do you realize how many rules you’ve broken, out of your curiosity? Do you know how bad this looks on your record?” “Record?” “Yes Hyunjin, record. We have to keep one on every member, so they don’t jeopardize the whole clan’s safety.” Elder Taecyeon continued. “Not to mention Chan, he’s responsible for you since this is his pack. I’m letting you know if you have another slip up within the next six months, we’re taking you under the elder’s clan to monitor you properly. And you know they aren’t the most forgiving. Anyways,” He stood up. “That’s all I have for you right now, the elders left your punishment up to Chan. I won’t be monitoring you anymore, but that only gives you more responsibility to do the right thing Hyunjin.” And with that, he was left alone with Chan and the most intense aura he’s ever felt yet.  “Hyung-” “Don’t.” Chan growled.  Hyunjin bit his lip. “Do you know how bad this makes me look?” Chan asked.  “Hyung I didn’t mean-” “Answer the question.” “I…” Hyunjin never thought about the consequences of his actions, he was too invested in the moment. And honestly… didn’t think he’d get caught. 
Chan laughed bitterly. “They think you’re a joke and that I’m incapable. None of the other packs know about this except for the elders and God, you are so fucking stupid.” “Hyung-” “Don’t! Don’t speak unless asked.” Chan said. “You can’t convince me that you’re in the right this time Hyunjin. Do you know how stupid you sound, a wolf following around a leopard just because she’s lonely or some shit? Did she cast a spell on you or something?” “Don’t talk about her like that.” “Excuse me?” Chan seethed and glared at him. “Do you want to say that again?” Hyunjin was going to repeat himself, but a knock on the door interrupted them, Minho opened the door. “I wouldn’t have interrupted if it wasn’t serious, but Jisung found this in Hyunjin’s room.” It was his notebook drawings of her. Minho handed it to Chan and then left immediately.  “Are you out of your fucking mind!?” “Hyung-” “Shut up! You are forbidden from seeing her again. I swear Hyunjin if I catch you going to see her-” “You’ll what?” Hyunjin asked, now fired up and annoyed. “Give me up?” “Yes.” Chan said. “Now go to the shed house.” Hyunjin turned around to leave and murmured. “Fuck you.”  And that’s when Chan lost it. “You really think that minx cares about you!? Is she going to feed you!? Shelter you!? Care for you like we do!? Like we’ve BEEN doing!”
You had just finished cleaning up all his wounds as he was finished with his story. “And so yea... I’m sorry...” He said as he sat up, he tried to put his sweater back on, but you grabbed it out his hand first. 
“Don’t wear that. I have extra clothes.” You got up, went to the dresser opened a drawer and grabbed an extra-large sweater you had stolen from one of your ‘brothers’. “Here.” You threw it to him, then folded the ripped one up and placed it on the table.
“Thanks.” He said, stood up and put it on.
“Also, you do not have to apologize to me.” You said while flattening your futon into its bed form. “In fact, I’m sorry that you had to put up with that from your own clan.” You sat down and he sat down beside you. “If it makes you feel any better... they were wrong about me, I do care about you Hyunjin.” You smiled at him. Hyunjin made you very giddy, especially with your memories restored from these past years.
“Why?” He asked.
“Because... you cared about me first.” You emphasized.  “You lent me a hand just to do so, you didn’t expect anything in return. Meeting you… made me feel less alone.” You rubbed your shoulder breaking eye contact. “My 'sisters' and I don’t get along. My ‘brothers’ ignore me, and my 'parents' try to control me, so… you happen to cloud my mind sometimes. Especially after our short ‘meetings’.” You confessed. “I’m happy I got to know you on a more personal level; I am sorry about your situation though... If it makes you feel any better, you can come here whenever you like just to get away from it all.” 
Hyunjin was in awe, you were a slight ray of sunshine. “Won’t you get in trouble?”
You smiled at him, “Hyunjin you’re sweet, but I’m always in trouble. That’s why I built this place, the only reason they haven’t kicked me out is because I’m a good hunter and a good builder. My elders literally said that to my face, so I isolate myself from them. They don’t like being around me and I don’t like being around them. As long as I do my part, they leave me alone, if they found out... yea I’d probably get kicked out or worse end up working for elders like a little servant. But my kind really doesn’t pay attention to me that much, not in the way yours does to you. I’ve gone off trail many many times and they’ve never cared; I’ve never stepped foot on your territory until today though.”
“Oh, well thank you. For everything.” He grabbed your hand again. He was finding comfort in your touch.
“I’m sure you would’ve done the same for me. We should get some sleep.” You laid on the bed making room for him.
“Can I sleep on the inside?”
“Sure.” You said and he climbed over you.
There was a moment of silence before Hyunjin mustered up the courage to ask, “May I hold you?”
“Are you sure you don’t want me to hold you instead?” You asked, knowing he could use the security. You saw his eyes beam a little, as he nodded.
You both finally got comfortable with Hyunjin on top of you. One of his hands draped around your waist and the other on your hip. One of your hands was playing in his hair while the other was softly rubbing his neck and back. He hummed in your touch. 
“Thank you.” He whispered. “For making me feel safe.” 
“Please just say, ‘you’re welcome’.” He sighed; he knew you were going to brush it off as if you were doing nothing special. “Nobody has made me feel as safe as you, not even my own clan. You’re not even my kind and yet you’re sheltering me, hiding me from your own and cleaning my wounds. And you’re so right, I would do the same for you in a heartbeat. I’m just so thankful that you’re here.”
“Of course. I mean isn’t that what friends are for?”
“Sure but... I don’t know, I feel like maybe… we’re something deeper… than that.” Hyunjin lagged his words.
“Something deeper?”
“Yea like chosen family, maybe even… soulmates?” He hesitated.
“Maybe. Maybe we are…” You hummed in his hair. Both of you relished in this new feeling of reassurance and security, which helped lull you two into a beautiful deep sleep.
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benevolent-yoon · 3 months
CUT from the Same Cloth [Series] Ch. 1
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☆theme: Hybrid/Supernatural!AU
♡pairing: wolf!Hyunjin & leopard!Reader (Gray Wolf & Snow Leopard)
✧genre: Romance/Angst/Slight!Thriller
⚠︎warnings: |Death/Suicide/Religion/Cult|
❀summary: Hyunjin could never put his finger on it or describe the feeling perfectly, but something always felt off with his life… A little different from the rest of his clan, he manages to find solace with you. But the more he learns, the more he realizes who his family really is…
✑word count: 2.6k Author's Note: I am slow to upload but that's because I quadruple check what I write just to make sure it makes sense cause sometimes I can miss details that I definitely meant to put in
|Chapter 1| The Girl in the Snow
“Try being responsible for once.” Chan sneered at Hyunjin.
The two boys were in their cottage currently hashing it out on the couch, “I didn’t even leave your sight.” He defended himself. 
“That’s not the point, you know how the elders feel about us walking off territory without their permission.” Chan rebutted. “I know you meant no harm, but you can’t just do what you feel like.”
“And don’t you think that’s weird, hyung?” Hyunjin looked up at him. 
“Listen, I don't make the rules, I follow them. And they are for our protection; there are other hybrids.”
“We haven’t even seen any other hybrids other than the leopard kind that lives across the pond from us. And they aren’t even violent.”
“Yea well, they don’t stick together now do they?”
“What does that have to do with my point?” Hyunjin asked, irritated. “My point is that the only ‘threat’ is across the lake, and they aren’t even that threatening.”
Chan sighed. “Hyunjin, I get your point. My point is that we must follow the rules. That’s all.” Chan got up and walked over to the kitchen to get himself a drink while Hyunjin pouted. “Also, you’re on spring-well duty for a week.”
Hyunjin whined loudly and playfully while flailing his body around on the couch. “It’s because of the elders, isn’t it?”
“Yep.” Chan replied.
He groaned even more, and Chan just laughed.
“Hyung, you talk to the elders sometimes. Did they ever mention why we can’t interact with the other clan?”
Chan sighed. “Yes. There are a lot of reasons but the main one being they’re ultimately afraid of us.”
“They find us intimidating since we’re always in packs, and because we’re stronger.”
“And faster?” He questioned.
“Nooo~” Chan said in a high-pitched tone while tilting his head. “If I’m not mistaken the leopard-breed is about as fast as we are.”
“So, what do they have?”
“They’re great swimmers and climbers.” 
“Yea... I can’t climb for shit.”
“It’s just how we’re set up Hyunjin. Wolves just can’t climb; penguins can’t fly and they’re part of the bird species so….?”
Hyunjin hummed in agreement. 
“Why are you so interested in them now? You weren’t before.”
“I saw one of them at the lake, where our treaty line is about a couple of days ago. She didn’t seem to notice me; we were only about 10 meters away from each other. I wanted to approach her out of curiosity, that's all. She seemed friendly and I don’t know what else to tell you other than she sparked my interest.” He shrugged nonchalantly.
“I’m guessing she was cute.”
“Couldn’t tell.” Hyunjin said unamused. “It was just the first time I saw snow-pea so close.”
Snow-pea was the nickname the wolf clan gave the leopard clan, since they were technically snow leopards and even asked the wolf clan to refer to them as such. The wolves found this a little funny and came up with the nickname, snow-pea. At first, it was used to slightly insult them for being so sensitive, but being the gray wolf clan, aka the common wolf kind of made them understand where they were coming from. Wolves don’t refer to Alaskan wolves as just wolves, they call them the Alaskan-Clan. So eventually the word became an easy nickname since ‘snow leopard’ was such a mouth full. 
“Her ears were smaller than mine,” He continued, “and her tail was longer, but ultimately… it was just a sense I got from her. Shy, sweet, sad?” He tried to remember correctly. “I can’t really remember the rest, but I know she’s on the shy and sweet side.”
Chan smiled and shook his head, “You’re too curious. And you know curiosity killed the cat.”
“I’m not a cat.” Hyunjin huffed, he didn’t like being referred to them. 
He was always more curious, more balanced and more anxious than the rest of his clan, so yes, he’s always had cat-like tendencies, but he isn’t a cat. And he hates being separated from his clan like that, especially since they’ve done it to him his entire life. Plus being an orphan at birth didn’t really help with his identity issues. 
“Sorry, I forgot it was a touchy topic.” Chan apologized.
“It’s fine.” Hyunjin waved his hand as he dismissed Chan’s guilt. “I know you don’t mean it like that but the others… I just hear it too often.” He whispered the last part, but Chan still heard it.
“I understand.” 
Chan came out of the kitchen to pat him on the back. Hyunjin smiled at his hyung’s effort to comfort him. 
“Are you done scolding him now? Can we come inside?” They hear a muffled voice from the other side of the door. 
“Yes Seungmin, you guys can come in.” Chan sighed. 
The door swung open, and the rest of the clan busted through, “Thank god! I’m hungry and Jihyo noona said she’d come over and cook for us since all we can seem to make is fire and ash.” Seungmin smiled and sat next to Hyunjin. “How bad did you get it?” He ruffled Hyunjin’s hair.
“Shut up, I just got well-duty for a week.” Hyunjin pushed Seungmin’s hand off.
“Lame.” He whined. “Why are these punishments so weak?”
“Because the elders have a soft spot for Hyunjin.” Minho said loudly while in the kitchen. 
“They do not!” Hyunjin defended himself. 
“Yes they fucking do!” Jisung chimed in, “I’ll never forget when we were 15 and both Hyunjin and I got caught for the same prank, and they let his ass off with a warning while I got watch-hours.”
“To be honest you were a little shit, that had nothing to do with them favoring Hyunjin and everything to do with how much you they thought were a pain the ass.” Chanbin teased. The rest of the pack ooh-ed, while Jisung glared at Changbin.
“I mean this nicely Jisung, but as a teen... the elders hated you.” Chan agreed. 
“What the hell?” Jisung asked him. As Hyunjin, Seungmin, Felix and Jeongin were all on the couch now laughing to themselves. 
“See, you were just a rabid dog, that has nothing to do with me.” Hyunjin teased more, causing the rest of the clan to laugh more. 
His comment ticked something in Jisung. “Oh shut up, at least I act like a fucking dog! Can’t say the same about you.”
“And what’s that supposed to mean?” Hyunjin challenged.
“Oh, you know what I mean Hwang.” Jisung smirked. 
Hyunjin stood up and growled in his face. “You want to get specific with your words or are you just gonna keep running your mouth like always?”
But before anything could happen Chan intervened. “Out! Hyunjin go to the well with Jeongin and Felix! Jisung, sit down and shut up!” 
They both glared and scoffed at each other but nevertheless followed instructions. Minho gave Hyunjin the bucket to the well and the empty jug to fill the water in. Hyunjin stormed out first with Felix and Jeongin following behind, he could still hear their conversation though. 
“The hell is wrong with you!?” Chan shouted at Jisung. 
“What? He started it!”
“No he didn’t, technically Changbin started it and you took it out on Hyunjin! You’re going to apologize when he gets back.”
“As if!”
“This isn’t up for discussion Jisung, you let your feelings get the best of you and ended up lashing out at the wrong person for the wrong thing!”
And that’s when Hyunjin tuned the rest of the conversation out as he was getting further and further away from the cottage. 
“Hey you okay?” Felix asked, catching up to him. 
“Yea.” He said, still not wanting to talk about it. 
The boys walked to the well in silence, the walk was far, and they took their time. The boys could tell Hyunjin needed to cool off. As they were finally getting closer to the well, Hyunjin threw the bucket. He was aiming for the snow around it, but he guessed his strength and anger got the best of him, because that bucket was long gone on the other side of the woods.
“How did you even-” Jeongin started.
“I don’t fucking know.” Hyunjin interrupted and face palmed. 
“That’s definitely in the neighbor’s yard.” Felix simply said. 
“Yep.” Hyunjin sighed to himself, pushing his hair back.  
“We’ll buy you time, just don’t get caught.” 
“Thanks Lix.” Hyunjin smiled and ran into the forest while being on guard. 
He knew how bad this would look if he got caught, but luckily for Hyunjin his senses were the best in his clan. He could sense the whole territory if he wanted, which was rare and exhausting to him if he was honest. It took a lot of focus, blocking out your emotions, emptying your mind of all thoughts, centering on your surroundings and then pinpointing on the energy levels in those surroundings. And unfortunately for Hyunjin sometimes he had a lot of emotions. 
He tried to be quick and silent at the same time. He noticed a presence not too far from him, but he also noticed it was extremely stagnant. So as long as it didn’t know he was here, it probably wouldn’t move from its spot. He found the bucket easily, and decided to walk slowly, calmly and quietly towards it, still being cautious, then with the same grace picked it up. 
But before he could turn back, he heard sniffing, his ears perked at the sound that was coming from in front of him. It was that same presence, not too far, maybe 3 meters away. He knew he wasn’t supposed to… but his interest got the best of him, and he walked closer to the sound. 
His eyes widened at what he found. It was the same girl he just talked to Chan about, but much closer. He leaned against the tree to get a better look at her. She was sitting in the snow with her back turned towards him. Her gray spotted tail was long, her ears fluffy and short, her long curly hair covered most of her back. The scent he got from her was enticing something he’d never smelled on his side before. As he put more of his weight on the tree branch it snapped causing him to slip tumbling forward and landing right behind her…
You turned around frightened and shocked you didn’t notice anyone before. You were drowning in thoughts so no wonder you didn’t notice. You stared at him in fear noticing his ears and tail. Wolf. 
He raised his head from the snow, trying his best not to frighten you more than he already had. After about a minute of staring at each other, frozen in both areas he decided to speak. “Are you okay?” 
You nodded your eyes still on him. Cute, he thought. He slowly sat up as you were watching his every move.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” He asked, he leaned towards you. 
“Yea why?” You asked. 
“Because you haven’t stopped crying.” He pointed out.
You didn’t even notice you were still crying. You quickly wiped your face, managing to scratch yourself in the process. “Ow!” 
“Are you okay?” He asked again, but for a different reason this time. His hand reached out to you, impulsively, but he pulled it back when he noticed your scared expression. “Sorry.” He mumbled as his ears fell down. 
You fluttered your hands. “No... it’s okay.” You felt bad. 
He dug in his jacket pocket and took out a folded handkerchief, then wiped the blood off your cheek. He gave you a small smile but your face was blank. He noticed you weren’t really all there. “Got lost in your thoughts?”
His voice snapped you back into reality. “Huh?” You blinked.
“Lost in your thoughts?” He repeated.
“More like... my thoughts... consume me.” You bitterly stated. It was something only you struggled with. Your family stated you were too much of a daydreamer, it wasn’t like you could control it though. 
“So, your survival skills must be shit huh?” Hyunjin joked with a smirk. 
You sighed. “Please... don’t patronize me...” You whimpered slightly. 
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean it like that-”
“I know what you meant...” You huffed and stood up, immediately pacing left to right. The stress of it all, unfortunately made you blurt out. “I’m just tired of everyone in my life looking down on me. God– a rope looks so good right now.” 
Hyunjin jolted at your comment. “I-”
“Calm down doggie,” You stopped him. “It was a dark joke.” You lied, looking down at your feet. You played with the snow, to distract you. “Bad joke, I guess.” 
“Do you maybe, want to talk about what’s bothering you?”
It took you a minute to process his question. “Excuse me?” You asked, offended. I don’t understand this boy.
“I said-”
“No, I heard what you said, I’m confused as to why you said it.” Your hands on your hips looking down at him. “Why do you care?”
“Why can’t I care?” He challenged. 
“That’s not what I asked.” You growled. 
“I’ve noticed you okay.” He confessed, realizing you were completely misunderstanding him. “I saw you across the pond years ago, and obviously I didn’t pay you any mind then, but I’ve been seeing you more often lately. And as the years went by... I happened to notice how you’re always alone; excluded from your kind and I know that leopards aren’t close to begin with, but you just looked lonely...” The look he gave you was so genuine. “Your family always seemed to be yelling at you and I don’t know... I’m not trying to play with you I swear. I’m just weird and sensitive and... I guess... I’m just trying to be someone you can confide in?” 
You desperately were trying to process this blabbered information that he just gave you. He’s noticed me? Now that I think about it, he does look slightly familiar. 
“Can I smell you?” You asked for permission first.
“Of course.” He smiled and titled his head upwards.
It was a slightly unfamiliar feeling to Hyunjin, having you so close to him. And when your whiskers touched his, he felt something electrify in him. Sadly, you pulled back too quickly for his liking.
“Were you that wolf I sensed a couple of days ago?” 
“Off the trail, near Dahlia Mountain?” 
“Yes!” You know remembered.
“Yea, that was me.” He cheeked. 
“Oh!” You suddenly remembered a couple of moments where you felt a certain presence comforting you. “That night... A couple of months ago, with the veal… was that you?”
“Yes…” He smiled shyly. “That was me too.” 
You sat back down in front of him, at little in disbelief. “Why?” You had always felt you weren’t alone in the woods, but you knew it wasn’t a member of your clan.
He shrugged. “Can’t a guy just be nice? Maybe it’s just a wolf thing, you look out for one another.” 
“Maybe it’s just a you thing, I don’t think the other wolves are like you. You seem to be the most sympathetic out of your clan.” You smiled. 
“Oh shit, my clan.” Hyunjin jumped up. His spike in energy startled you a bit.
“H-How long have you been gone?” Realizing the situation he was in.
“Over 10 minutes, I have to go. See you around?” He grabbed the bucket.
“Eventually.” You smiled and waved goodbye. 
That was a ‘yes’ in his book. He ran as quickly as he could and when he made it back to Felix and Jeongin, their faces washed with relief. “What took you so long?” Felix asked. 
“It was buried in the snow, took me forever to find.” He lied. 
And that was the first of many…
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benevolent-yoon · 3 months
CUT from the Same Cloth [Series]
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☆theme: Hybrid/Supernatural!AU
♡pairing: wolf!Hyunjin & leopard!Reader (Gray Wolf & Snow Leopard)
✧genre: Romance/Angst/Slight!Thriller
⚠︎warnings: |Death/Suicide/Religion/Cult|
❀summary: Hyunjin could never put his finger on it or describe the feeling perfectly, but something always felt off with his life… A little different from the rest of his clan, he manages to find solace with you. But the more he learns, the more he realizes who his family really is…
Author's Note: I am slow to upload but that's because I quadruple check what I write just to make sure it makes sense cause sometimes I can miss details that I definitely meant to put in
PREVIEW His eyes widened at what he found. It was the same girl he just talked to Chan about, but much closer. He leaned against the tree to get a better look at her. She was sitting in the snow with her back turned towards him. Her gray spotted tail was long, her ears fluffy and short, her long curly hair covered most of her back. The scent he got from her was enticing something he’d never smelled on his side before. As he put more of his weight on the tree branch it snapped causing him to slip tumbling forward and landing right behind her...
CHAPTERS |Chapter 1| The Girl in the Snow word count: 2.6k |Chapter 2| The Boy in the Cold word count: 3.9k |Chapter 3| Lies on Lies on Lies [Act I] word count: 1.8k
34 notes · View notes
benevolent-yoon · 2 years
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warning: yandere | not requested
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it’s the middle of the night when you feel the bed dip and the blankets shift. it’s not long before strong arms wrap around your waist, a face pressing to your back, nuzzling into the soft fabric of your shirt as fingers interlock with each other and press you close, locking you in place. that distinct scent you’ve come to recognize reaches your nose, your lips stretching into a lazy smile, knowing exactly who’s come to visit.
“hyunjin…?” you mutter drowsily, unconsciously leaning into his gentle touch, “…you’ve come again…”
there’s a sniffle, then another, and then you feel him trembling, his hold on you tightening as if he never wants to let you go, even though you know that by the end of the night, you’ll wake up and he’ll be gone. “i-i just…i can’t help it, i love you so, so much.” there’s a tinge of neediness in his shaky voice, the same desperation you notice every time he visits, only these days it seems to be growing more and more in intensity. “b-but what did i do wrong, baby…? do you…do you not love me anymore? is that it…?”
“…what do you mean?”
“i-i haven’t seen you in what feels like forever…” he stutters, obviously on the verge of crying. “without you, i-i feel like i’m gonna die…!” he sniffles again, making your heart clench from hearing him in pain. “please…i-i can’t take it anymore. i love you and i need you…”
you slowly roll in his arms to face him, your hand reaching to caress his cheek reassuringly as you gaze into his passionate, loving eyes with your tired ones. he leans into your palm with a sad smile as if he’s bracing himself for a negative reply. the edges of his figure are hazy in your vision, but he still looks as ethereal as when you first saw him, his soft skin glowing from the cool moonlight that shines through the open window, his beauty making your heart race.
you lean over to give a kiss on his forehead, and a pink blush instantly rushes to his face, his eyes large in surprise as you pull away. “hyune…you didn’t do anything wrong at all, don’t think like that. things just got so, so busy…” you trail off as the frantic memories of the past couple weeks flash by, making you bite your lip.
“busy…?” he asks, swallowing hard, clearly assuming the worst. “busy how? you always make time to come see me and everything. what happened, baby?” the tears are watering now, you can see them glitter, threatening to spill.
“my sister…” your lips start to quiver with emotion as you remember, “…she became sick all of a sudden, and there’s noone but me who can be there for her. so i’ve been staying by her side at the hospital to help her fight through it when i can after work. i’m sorry…”
you can see the sympathy, the understanding in his eyes now through your hazy vision as he recollects his thoughts. “n-no, i’m sorry,” his voice is apologetic and guilty. “i didn’t know, it’s okay. i-i hope she gets better soon.” he pulls you close to him so that the side of your face leans into the crook of his chest, engulfing your nose in that scent of his you can’t exactly identify.
“thank you…”
“but still…y-you should come see me again! take a break…you sound so, so exhausted from it and you’ll crash at this rate. please? for you and me, for us…i-i’m sure she won’t mind. o-oh, and i hope i don’t seem like i want to force you or anything, i just want to make you feel better…you just sound like you’re dealing with so much, you know? and—”
you smile up at him sleepily, cutting him off as you nod. you can’t deny the power of his sincerity, the way he always comforts you and wants nothing but the best for you. “i know…thank you, hyune. i think you’re right, actually…i’ll come tomorrow night, okay?”
“promise?” he whispers softly.
your eyes flutter closed, eyelids becoming too heavy to keep open any longer. “promise…”
the next day is a busy one. you get up super early in the morning, work hard even through your breaks so you can leave first before the traffic to see your sister. it breaks your heart always, seeing her lying there so weakly, hooked up to a bunch of monitors as you clasp her hand in yours, praying that this will be over soon. when you tell her about your plans later, she nods in understanding and asks you to go, to please go because you deserve it, you’ve done so much for her already so go and relax for a bit, because she hates seeing you have to suffer with her. it’s a tough thing to do, to leave her hospital room so early before the evening rolls in, but you do it anyway, waving to her, feigned smiles on both your faces.
all so you can see hyunjin, the electric guitarist and vocalist of the popular local band you’re a huge fan of, aka the crush that’ll never amount to anything more than the time you first saw him, when he held your hand from the stage as he sang to you, that gentle smile on his face directly aimed at you, only at you, making you melt right then and there.
after that time, he’s been appearing in your dreams at least once a week, always holding onto you, never letting go like last night. those blissful dreams make you fall even more from him, and it makes you want to see him more at the weekend concerts his band holds, but…
but it’s a crush you’ll know you have to give up soon, because medical bills are stacking up, and it looks like you’ll have to find a job or two for the weekends just to barely pay it. it’s unfortunate, but you love your sister and you would do anything to keep her alive and well, so you know you have to enjoy it for the last time, because even if you do get out of this financial abyss, they might not even be in town anymore. they’re meant for bigger things than this place with the quality of music they’ve been making.
besides, you have a promise to keep. even if the hyunjin you know isn’t the hyunjin in real life, he still is someone special to you in a way. he comforted you in your dreams, and you won’t forget that kindness.
you walk to the doors of the venue, only to find a crowd’s surrounding someone at the entrance, screaming and chattering away. you frown, as this has never happened in all the times you went, so you try to make your way around the bustle only to feel slender fingers close around your wrist. you look back to see it’s hyunjin wearing a white sleeveless top and a beige overalls-like outfit, an earnest look on his face.
you nearly let out a yelp, jumping a little from how sudden it was. fuck, he looks so good, and he’s holding me by the wrist? holy shit! strangely, it doesn’t feel as much of a shock as you expect, but you’ll take it anyway, heart beating rapidly in your ears over the confused murmurs of the crowd.
“you came!” he exclaims, his voice sounding like honey.
you freeze, not knowing what to say. he’s expecting you…? only um’s leaving your mouth as at least a hundred pairs of eyes zero in on you. he notices your nervousness and quickly leads you away, letting the bouncers at the door block anyone else from coming in. you make your way backstage, still being led by the hand on your wrist, your eyes absorbing the sight of the lights and the equipment and the instruments, widening in awe, footsteps slowing as you take it all in.
soon enough, you happen upon a waiting room with his name on the door, and he brings you inside, sitting a dazed you on the comfortable chair in front of the led mirrors, and that’s when you snap back to reality, realizing your literal crush just brought you back here, you and only you. the thought makes a wild blush rise to your cheeks as you stare at the floor nervously, not knowing what to do.
“sorry that i pulled you back here outta nowhere,” he says sheepishly, walking to the water cooler and filling two red solo cups. “it’s just been a couple weeks since i’ve seen you come here…i was just worried, you know?”
you blink in disbelief. “you…you remember me?”
he nods, kneeling in front of you and handing you a cup, which you barely take with trembling hands because of how nervous you are right now. you’d been planning on forgetting this silly crush of yours after today, but how can you do that when he pays attention to you like this? “you’re one of my biggest fans, how could i not? and besides…” he gazes up at you through his lashes shyly, causing your breath to hitch, “…i can’t not remember someone as pretty as you.”
“ah, i-i-i…” you stammer. you don’t know what to say, your blush burning more intensely on your cheeks.
“oh…did that make you feel uncomfortable…? did i? or are you sick?” his hand flies to your forehead, kind eyes etched with concern. “i’m so sorry, i didn’t think…”
you shake your head vigorously, pulling back, hoping he doesn’t see exactly how heated your cheeks are. “n-no! i’m not uncomfortable, it was just so sudden!” why is he so close to you? why is he paying attention to you like this? why?
“so you are comfortable with me then…?” he gives you that soft smile that makes your heart skip a beat. he looks exactly like the hyunjin in your dreams, the way that smile captivates you and draws you in, the way he looks at you with all the love in the world, even to the way his voice sounds…it’s all the same somehow, even though you have no way of telling if he feels the way his dream self feels about you, and you’re afraid the lines are blurring now, so much now that you can’t tell the difference anymore.
you nod. “even if we haven’t talked before, i feel very comfortable with you,” you reply shyly, somewhat confused at why you feel that way, but you just assume that it’s the dreams, the dreams making your brain turn like mush in front of him.
“good, because i love you so much, baby,” he says, pressing his pillow soft lips to yours immediately, his hand on the back of your head to gently hold you in place before pulling away, an apologetic look on his face. “i-i’m sorry, i just…i need you so much…” even the way he speaks and the words he says are the same, you realize, but the butterflies in your stomach swarm your mind too, chasing away any precautions as you engulf him in a hug, accepting his love, whispering that you love him too, inhaling that scent you recognize so vividly from your dreams, the scent you’ve come to love along with every bit of his dreaminess.
a part of you feels bad for associating the real world hyunjin you have a crush on with the dream hyunjin you love, but honestly, they’re exactly the same except for the way you’ve met. you’d recognize those habits anywhere, that smile and the way his eyes only have you in them, the love that comforts you and completes you. you trust that this hyunjin in front of you won’t break your heart, that he’ll treat you gently and treasure you.
your phone vibrates, making you jump in surprise. “sorry hyune,” you say, showing him your phone screen, “my sister’s calling, i need to pick this up.” even when he’s not doing anything, just nodding at you in understanding, he’s so, so dreamy that you almost miss his next words.
“really? tell her i said hi, and that i hope she gets better soon.”
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note: hello everyone, sorry for not writing for so long. just so many things, yk? i won’t bore you with any details, but now let me introduce you @whatsk-poppinhomies​ for making me ascend into hyunjin brainrot. pls read her fic here! anyway, i hope this plot was understandable and everything and that you like it. i had some fun writing it. thanks for supporting me and reading as always!! <3 let me know how you’re doing or any thoughts you have. it’s been a while since i’ve interacted with my readers.
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