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benevolent-yoon · 27 days ago
Fireworks and Tingles
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Total Word Count: 40,447.
Genre: Friends with Benefits, Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, Idols AU, Heavy Angst, Smut, Romance, Drama, Mature, Optional Bias, Bias x Reader.
Pairing: Optional Bias x Reader.
Description: He was like a storm. Appearing suddenly out of a clear blue sky and then disappearing just as quickly. He was beautiful and frightening and mysterious. He was like a firework, and fireworks evanesce briskly too, don’t they? When you fell for him, he was a messed up mingle of a storm and fireworks interweaving and brawling in the sky to be on the wavelength. 
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You guess it all started that lovely morning, one year ago, when he woke up in your bed after a drunk night in an unfamiliar apartment. The curtains in the bedroom added some darker brightness to the daylight. He felt like shit, head throbbing, sleepiness dragging him back to the bed, lost and panicking in a stranger’s house.
  It was a vibrant summer almost-afternoon. He sat on a bed, wondering where the hell is he. He examined the room around and the realization hit him like a truck.   “Shit, it’s a girl’s room…” He cursed. He wondered since when he became a man like this? Waking up in a stranger’s apartment, hooking up with a random girl while being drunk? Simply fucked up.   When he got out of the bedroom, he saw a sandwich on a plate in the kitchen with a note. He was both grateful and curious. Grateful? Well, he was not hungry, he was starving. Curious? He couldn’t find anyone in this apartment, he just wished it was not some sort of thanks-for-the-sex-note. He tried hard to focus his eyes on the letters on the paper while eating. Surprisingly, it was just a number. Nothing more. Also, the sandwich was fucking delicious. He put the note into his pocket and quickly walked out of the house.
Keep reading
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benevolent-yoon · 2 months ago
is it casual now? - hyunjin (part two)
part one
— texts with hyunjin, who is definitely just your best friend. nothing more.
warnings: a little angsty, alcohol, one su!c!de joke, suggestive
☼☽⋆。°✧ ✧⋆°。☾☼
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benevolent-yoon · 2 months ago
is it casual now? - hyunjin (part one)
part two
— texts with hyunjin, who is definitely just your best friend. nothing more.
warning: mentions of a panic attack
☼☽⋆。°✧ ✧⋆°。☾☼
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benevolent-yoon · 2 months ago
I love hyunjin’s buzzcut and I’m not afraid to say it
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benevolent-yoon · 2 months ago
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benevolent-yoon · 3 months ago
unfortunately i Do feel better when i clean my living space and eat enough fruits and veggies and go outside and generally remember i am a mammal :| real pity that knowing this does not make it easier to do those things
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benevolent-yoon · 6 months ago
fucking hate it when the stuff everybody says "actually works" does actually work.
hate exercising and realizing i've let go of a lot of anxiety and anger because i've overturned my fight-or-flight response.
hate eating right and eating enough and eating 3 times a day and realizing i'm less anxious and i have more energy
hate journaling in my stupid notebook with my stupid bic ballpoint and realizing that i've actually started healing about something once i'm able to externalize it
hate forgiving myself hate complimenting myself more often hate treating myself with kindness hate taking a gratitude inventory hate having patience hate talking to myself gently
hate turning my little face up to the sun and taking deep breaths and looking at nature and grounding myself and realizing that i feel less burdened and more hopeful, more actually-here, that i am able to see the good sides of myself more clearly, that i am able to see not only how far i have to grow - but also how much growth i have already done & how much of my life i truly fill with light and laughter and love
horrible horrible horrible. hate it but i'm gonna do it tho
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benevolent-yoon · 8 months ago
If I ruin my sleeping schedule for you, consider yourself special
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benevolent-yoon · 8 months ago
One of the worst feelings is when you notice someone getting bored of you
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benevolent-yoon · 8 months ago
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    no problem, i don't care. you are you, i am me
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benevolent-yoon · 2 years ago
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warning: yandere | not requested
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it’s the middle of the night when you feel the bed dip and the blankets shift. it’s not long before strong arms wrap around your waist, a face pressing to your back, nuzzling into the soft fabric of your shirt as fingers interlock with each other and press you close, locking you in place. that distinct scent you’ve come to recognize reaches your nose, your lips stretching into a lazy smile, knowing exactly who’s come to visit.
“hyunjin…?” you mutter drowsily, unconsciously leaning into his gentle touch, “…you’ve come again…”
there’s a sniffle, then another, and then you feel him trembling, his hold on you tightening as if he never wants to let you go, even though you know that by the end of the night, you’ll wake up and he’ll be gone. “i-i just…i can’t help it, i love you so, so much.” there’s a tinge of neediness in his shaky voice, the same desperation you notice every time he visits, only these days it seems to be growing more and more in intensity. “b-but what did i do wrong, baby…? do you…do you not love me anymore? is that it…?”
“…what do you mean?”
“i-i haven’t seen you in what feels like forever…” he stutters, obviously on the verge of crying. “without you, i-i feel like i’m gonna die…!” he sniffles again, making your heart clench from hearing him in pain. “please…i-i can’t take it anymore. i love you and i need you…”
you slowly roll in his arms to face him, your hand reaching to caress his cheek reassuringly as you gaze into his passionate, loving eyes with your tired ones. he leans into your palm with a sad smile as if he’s bracing himself for a negative reply. the edges of his figure are hazy in your vision, but he still looks as ethereal as when you first saw him, his soft skin glowing from the cool moonlight that shines through the open window, his beauty making your heart race.
you lean over to give a kiss on his forehead, and a pink blush instantly rushes to his face, his eyes large in surprise as you pull away. “hyune…you didn’t do anything wrong at all, don’t think like that. things just got so, so busy…” you trail off as the frantic memories of the past couple weeks flash by, making you bite your lip.
“busy…?” he asks, swallowing hard, clearly assuming the worst. “busy how? you always make time to come see me and everything. what happened, baby?” the tears are watering now, you can see them glitter, threatening to spill.
“my sister…” your lips start to quiver with emotion as you remember, “…she became sick all of a sudden, and there’s noone but me who can be there for her. so i’ve been staying by her side at the hospital to help her fight through it when i can after work. i’m sorry…”
you can see the sympathy, the understanding in his eyes now through your hazy vision as he recollects his thoughts. “n-no, i’m sorry,” his voice is apologetic and guilty. “i didn’t know, it’s okay. i-i hope she gets better soon.” he pulls you close to him so that the side of your face leans into the crook of his chest, engulfing your nose in that scent of his you can’t exactly identify.
“thank you…”
“but still…y-you should come see me again! take a break…you sound so, so exhausted from it and you’ll crash at this rate. please? for you and me, for us…i-i’m sure she won’t mind. o-oh, and i hope i don’t seem like i want to force you or anything, i just want to make you feel better…you just sound like you’re dealing with so much, you know? and—”
you smile up at him sleepily, cutting him off as you nod. you can’t deny the power of his sincerity, the way he always comforts you and wants nothing but the best for you. “i know…thank you, hyune. i think you’re right, actually…i’ll come tomorrow night, okay?”
“promise?” he whispers softly.
your eyes flutter closed, eyelids becoming too heavy to keep open any longer. “promise…”
the next day is a busy one. you get up super early in the morning, work hard even through your breaks so you can leave first before the traffic to see your sister. it breaks your heart always, seeing her lying there so weakly, hooked up to a bunch of monitors as you clasp her hand in yours, praying that this will be over soon. when you tell her about your plans later, she nods in understanding and asks you to go, to please go because you deserve it, you’ve done so much for her already so go and relax for a bit, because she hates seeing you have to suffer with her. it’s a tough thing to do, to leave her hospital room so early before the evening rolls in, but you do it anyway, waving to her, feigned smiles on both your faces.
all so you can see hyunjin, the electric guitarist and vocalist of the popular local band you’re a huge fan of, aka the crush that’ll never amount to anything more than the time you first saw him, when he held your hand from the stage as he sang to you, that gentle smile on his face directly aimed at you, only at you, making you melt right then and there.
after that time, he’s been appearing in your dreams at least once a week, always holding onto you, never letting go like last night. those blissful dreams make you fall even more from him, and it makes you want to see him more at the weekend concerts his band holds, but…
but it’s a crush you’ll know you have to give up soon, because medical bills are stacking up, and it looks like you’ll have to find a job or two for the weekends just to barely pay it. it’s unfortunate, but you love your sister and you would do anything to keep her alive and well, so you know you have to enjoy it for the last time, because even if you do get out of this financial abyss, they might not even be in town anymore. they’re meant for bigger things than this place with the quality of music they’ve been making.
besides, you have a promise to keep. even if the hyunjin you know isn’t the hyunjin in real life, he still is someone special to you in a way. he comforted you in your dreams, and you won’t forget that kindness.
you walk to the doors of the venue, only to find a crowd’s surrounding someone at the entrance, screaming and chattering away. you frown, as this has never happened in all the times you went, so you try to make your way around the bustle only to feel slender fingers close around your wrist. you look back to see it’s hyunjin wearing a white sleeveless top and a beige overalls-like outfit, an earnest look on his face.
you nearly let out a yelp, jumping a little from how sudden it was. fuck, he looks so good, and he’s holding me by the wrist? holy shit! strangely, it doesn’t feel as much of a shock as you expect, but you’ll take it anyway, heart beating rapidly in your ears over the confused murmurs of the crowd.
“you came!” he exclaims, his voice sounding like honey.
you freeze, not knowing what to say. he’s expecting you…? only um’s leaving your mouth as at least a hundred pairs of eyes zero in on you. he notices your nervousness and quickly leads you away, letting the bouncers at the door block anyone else from coming in. you make your way backstage, still being led by the hand on your wrist, your eyes absorbing the sight of the lights and the equipment and the instruments, widening in awe, footsteps slowing as you take it all in.
soon enough, you happen upon a waiting room with his name on the door, and he brings you inside, sitting a dazed you on the comfortable chair in front of the led mirrors, and that’s when you snap back to reality, realizing your literal crush just brought you back here, you and only you. the thought makes a wild blush rise to your cheeks as you stare at the floor nervously, not knowing what to do.
“sorry that i pulled you back here outta nowhere,” he says sheepishly, walking to the water cooler and filling two red solo cups. “it’s just been a couple weeks since i’ve seen you come here…i was just worried, you know?”
you blink in disbelief. “you…you remember me?”
he nods, kneeling in front of you and handing you a cup, which you barely take with trembling hands because of how nervous you are right now. you’d been planning on forgetting this silly crush of yours after today, but how can you do that when he pays attention to you like this? “you’re one of my biggest fans, how could i not? and besides…” he gazes up at you through his lashes shyly, causing your breath to hitch, “…i can’t not remember someone as pretty as you.”
“ah, i-i-i…” you stammer. you don’t know what to say, your blush burning more intensely on your cheeks.
“oh…did that make you feel uncomfortable…? did i? or are you sick?” his hand flies to your forehead, kind eyes etched with concern. “i’m so sorry, i didn’t think…”
you shake your head vigorously, pulling back, hoping he doesn’t see exactly how heated your cheeks are. “n-no! i’m not uncomfortable, it was just so sudden!” why is he so close to you? why is he paying attention to you like this? why?
“so you are comfortable with me then…?” he gives you that soft smile that makes your heart skip a beat. he looks exactly like the hyunjin in your dreams, the way that smile captivates you and draws you in, the way he looks at you with all the love in the world, even to the way his voice sounds…it’s all the same somehow, even though you have no way of telling if he feels the way his dream self feels about you, and you’re afraid the lines are blurring now, so much now that you can’t tell the difference anymore.
you nod. “even if we haven’t talked before, i feel very comfortable with you,” you reply shyly, somewhat confused at why you feel that way, but you just assume that it’s the dreams, the dreams making your brain turn like mush in front of him.
“good, because i love you so much, baby,” he says, pressing his pillow soft lips to yours immediately, his hand on the back of your head to gently hold you in place before pulling away, an apologetic look on his face. “i-i’m sorry, i just…i need you so much…” even the way he speaks and the words he says are the same, you realize, but the butterflies in your stomach swarm your mind too, chasing away any precautions as you engulf him in a hug, accepting his love, whispering that you love him too, inhaling that scent you recognize so vividly from your dreams, the scent you’ve come to love along with every bit of his dreaminess.
a part of you feels bad for associating the real world hyunjin you have a crush on with the dream hyunjin you love, but honestly, they’re exactly the same except for the way you’ve met. you’d recognize those habits anywhere, that smile and the way his eyes only have you in them, the love that comforts you and completes you. you trust that this hyunjin in front of you won’t break your heart, that he’ll treat you gently and treasure you.
your phone vibrates, making you jump in surprise. “sorry hyune,” you say, showing him your phone screen, “my sister’s calling, i need to pick this up.” even when he’s not doing anything, just nodding at you in understanding, he’s so, so dreamy that you almost miss his next words.
“really? tell her i said hi, and that i hope she gets better soon.”
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note: hello everyone, sorry for not writing for so long. just so many things, yk? i won’t bore you with any details, but now let me introduce you @whatsk-poppinhomies​ for making me ascend into hyunjin brainrot. pls read her fic here! anyway, i hope this plot was understandable and everything and that you like it. i had some fun writing it. thanks for supporting me and reading as always!! <3 let me know how you’re doing or any thoughts you have. it’s been a while since i’ve interacted with my readers.
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skz masterlist  | main masterlist  |  by @sunflwryu
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benevolent-yoon · 3 years ago
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Classic issue between girls 
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benevolent-yoon · 3 years ago
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4/6  昨夜描いた絵:
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benevolent-yoon · 3 years ago
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benevolent-yoon · 3 years ago
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Amanda Baldwin (American, b. 1984)
Blue Bayou, 2021
Oil on canvas
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benevolent-yoon · 3 years ago
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his new painting inspired me ✨
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benevolent-yoon · 3 years ago
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Tadanori Yokoo (Japanese, b. 1936)
Nihon Buyo, 1981
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