ben mitchell
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ben-mitchell1996 · 10 days ago
I think Ste Rex is going to be a relationship as much as John Paul and Carter was a relationship. They’ll be together until everything is revealed and then Stex will fall apart. There’s no way this is planned to be long term
Yes 100% there’s no way any character can come back from grooming, they don’t seem to put the effort in with them either it’s either through Ste self destructing or his mental health being and it’s never just when he’s doing good in his life. As a victim of grooming himself and his son Ste won’t forgive what he’s done, especially when it’s lead to Lucas overdosing it just wouldn’t make sense in terms of what both Ste and Lucas have actually been through it would also send out the wrong message for people like Rex. I think also Lucas is such a threat because he knows Rex is doing something dodgy so Rex will want to try and keep Lucas sweet or get him out the way for a while there’s been so much talk this week of lucas having a record it wouldn’t surprise me if he set him up for something to get him back in prison for a while and out the way
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ben-mitchell1996 · 10 days ago
people try so hard to make rex and ste seem believable but ste slept with him self destructing thinking he was going to prison, then made it clear he had zero interest in him. he got with him again thinking he murdered james and was literally going through psychosis, and now he’s literally getting with him AFTER he’s stopped taking his medication, but shown no interest him whilst he’s been doing well. and that’s exactly why I’ll never take them serious cos hollyoaks aren’t even taking them serious let’s be honest
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ben-mitchell1996 · 10 days ago
He might with that creepy website DI Banks was involved with though
At this point I wouldn’t be surprised if he put videos on there of them, he gets worse but also we’ve not actually seen him with DI Banks either just Grace so I always forget he’s part of it 😅
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ben-mitchell1996 · 11 days ago
I know the nature of this storyline but if Frankie and Dillon are made to sleep together I will despair
I don’t think they will as it’s rex taking money from people to sleep with them, he wouldn’t get anything out of them two sleeping together
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ben-mitchell1996 · 11 days ago
So Dillon’s already being prostituted out. This is sickening
That knocked me sick ngl I wasn’t expecting to see the sexual exploitation yet so I wasn’t expecting it this week 💔 this storylines already shown some really sick stuff and it’s only just the beginning, it’s going to get so much worse from here 😫
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ben-mitchell1996 · 11 days ago
I’m all for raising awareness for serious issues, but hollyoaks seriously need to take a break, in the last year we’ve had lucas, dillon and frankie all groomed, leela and peri both raped by the same man, peri and cleo both abused by the same man, frankie sexually abused by her brother and now a therapist who is literally trying to kiss a patient and will have more villagers as patients.. I’m all for raising awareness for these kind of things but not over a year of it constantly there’s so many more things they could be doing 🥹🤯
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ben-mitchell1996 · 11 days ago
I honestly can’t wait for the truth to come out about rex because he’s literally getting worse each episode, and this is really only the beginning it’s going to get so much worse especially with lucas not in the house and keeping his distance from them, I don’t know how people can see redemption for this I really don’t the grooming, lucas ending up od’ing over what their being pushed to do like literally there’s not one single person who’s going to see forgiveness in that especially when frankie of all people is also at the centre of it and she’s been abused most of her life.. can we fast forward to the truth coming out because rex needs to be killed or something
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ben-mitchell1996 · 18 days ago
so you’re telling me nate who has always been an active part of his daughters life, even when she moved away still made the effort to go and see just leaves, doesn’t contact anyone for months not when his grandad died, not when his stepmum got diagnosed with a brain tumour, not when his auntie went against her abuser in court and they believe he’s put a present on the door step not bothered to knock on, not bothered to see her not even called and said happy birthday no one is slightly bit suspicious about it? you’re telling his mum hasn’t even been suspicious she hasn’t heard off him and called anyone to see if they have? nate’s a lot of things but he’s not a deadbeat dad.. I know they make characters act dumb for plots but come on this is stupid
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ben-mitchell1996 · 18 days ago
I can’t lie I’m struggling to take it serious all the soaps have these serious miserable storylines going on like death, grief, illnesses and then you’ve got ste running around the village chasing after some random cat 💀
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ben-mitchell1996 · 19 days ago
it’s baffling to me how robbie is so surprised by the whole vicky and freddie thing when it’s a roscoe trademark and has been for years like I’m pretty sure ziggy’s the only one who never shared a woman with one of them 💀 you’re not a true roscoe unless you can swap notes with your brother
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ben-mitchell1996 · 19 days ago
hollyoaks really said ste and rex will be a couple after the time jump and all that’s happened is rex is busy grooming kids and ste’s running around the village trying to find a random cat 💀 keep going Ste he’s busy grooming kids
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ben-mitchell1996 · 23 days ago
eastenders and emmerdale are going to sweep award season this year after this week because there’s no doubt about it because of what they’ve done the aftermath of this week is going to be huge for them and so many characters on their shows, as heartbreaking as it is some of the characters they’ve lost they all truly need to take a bow because the acting this week has been unbelievable and it’s nice to see the likes of underused or underrated characters getting a chance to show everyone their worth more then being in the background like wow I can’t believe the episodes both of them have produced this week
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ben-mitchell1996 · 23 days ago
lacey turner has always received the recognition over the years but can we respect the fact this woman filmed a stunt heavily pregnant then weeks after giving birth did a live episode loosing someone she’s worked with for the last 10 years without any screw ups whatsoever? she’s such a powerhouse
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ben-mitchell1996 · 23 days ago
Martin being the first character born on the show and dying 40 years later 💔 Gutted he’s gone but Lacey and James doing all that live with no mistakes, especially when she’s only just recently given birth aswell like please take a bow 🙏🏼
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ben-mitchell1996 · 23 days ago
not only is it weird the fetish soaps seem to have with kids having at least one dead parent but the fact emmerdale have done a storyline on an lgbt couple planning kids for a third time, and a second time killing one of them is just annoying because they raise awareness for so many good things but seem to not go through with them having kids together unless it’s cheating 🥹 show how hard to the process can be, instead of giving them one through cheating or killing them off before it happens.
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ben-mitchell1996 · 23 days ago
isn’t it crazy that because eastenders is live tonight we have no idea what’s actually going to happen, it’s down to the audience where denise ends up and it’s actually hit me there’s a photo of flowers near the market and reiss is the only one so far who’s died no one’s going to leave flowers for him after what he’s done and I can’t see them killing stacey off and martin’s the only other one in there 💀 it’d be such a soap thing to kill him off when he finally admits his feelings to stacey
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ben-mitchell1996 · 24 days ago
I never had any negative feelings towards Rex before, but it's kind of shocking to me how people become so angry at or unwilling to accept the storylines when in these article introductions (Carter, Rex, etc), the character breakdown is basically "villian" and then they're surprised when said character is *checks notes* a villian
Honestly I didn’t mind him before the time jump, but he gave me creepy vibes sitting by Ste’s bed side for a year and dropping the L bomb like how do you fall in love with someone in a coma you haven’t spoken to for a year who also made it pretty clear beforehand he didn’t want you? 😅 I’m not surprised he’s a villian, his Dad’s Fraser and his sisters Grace he was never going to be innocent although I will admit I’m shocked at what storyline he’s doing because I didn’t really expect it, especially when they said him and Ste would become a couple because now I can’t see that happening and if it does it’ll be before the truth comes out so it won’t last I can’t see him staying beyond this!
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