bellrin-go · 12 hours
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Tokyo DisneySea Fantasy Springs Hotel & Restaurant
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bellrin-go · 5 months
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My love is not fragile.
—Kristoff to Anna, Frozen II
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bellrin-go · 7 months
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Some little Kristanna moments from All Is Found:
Don't look at me, I was raised in the woods
“The trolls gave me a new moss quilt for my birthday every year.”
Anna smiled at the mention of his unusual family.
Kristoff was casually strumming his lute
“My fiancé, Kristoff, he’s an ice aficionado.”
Kristoff jokingly tried to scare Anna:
The suit of armor next to her door seemed to be missing its head… and its feet. Kristoff popped out from behind it—wearing both the helmet and the metal shoes. At least, she assumed it was Kristoff. The person was the right height, had broad shoulders, and was wearing Kristoff’s fur-lined leather tunic.
He took a clanking step forward. “I’m here. What do you need?”
Anna nestled against the front of his tunic. He always smelled like moss and reindeer; it was an unusual combination, but the scent calmed her nerves and made her smile. “Have I told you this morning that I love you and you’re the best?”
Kristoff’s brown eyes were shining behind the visor of the helmet, which he flipped up so he could plant a kiss on her cheek. “You haven’t even told me ‘good morning’ yet.”
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bellrin-go · 7 months
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Kristanna Figures 😋
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bellrin-go · 8 months
A conversation about Kristoff's arc on the "Frozen Podcast". I was never a big fan of the character or expected anything from him on the podcast, but honestly his relationship with the Duke of Weselton's nephew is interesting.
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Queen Anna left for the Enchanted Forest with Elsa and Disa, leaving control of the kingdom to her boyfriend/fiance/husband (actually so far, episode 6, if you don't know the relationship between Anna and Kristoff you could interpret it as if they were just friends, but that's a recurring Frozenverse problem and not a podcast problem). And so just like Hans in "Frozen 1", Kristoff has to take care of things.
Although Kristoff is good at coordinating people, he is not very good at diplomacy, having to need Mattias' help to deal with the situation when he has to talk to the population.
And then we come to Wolfgang who, in addition to encouraging his new friend in his leadership duties, sometimes advises Kristoff to become an ice industrialist, thus modernizing his business. But Kristoff, realizing that this turn in his life could take him away from his passions and dreams, he denies the proposal, preferring to continue being simple Kristoff, the Ice Harvest. And Kristoff's response had a profound impact on Wolfgang, who ended up abandoning his dreams related to music and opera to pursue the industrial sector because of his family.
I don't know how much depth will go into the podcast, but I really thought it was a good moment for Kristoff.
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bellrin-go · 9 months
Episode 2: Games and Questions 💬
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This episode is where the drama begins! It picks up on Elsa's decisions made at the end of Frozen 2 and also on Anna's willingness to befriend anyone without knowing who they really are.
The episode picks up where the previous one left off, when Elsa arrives and extinguishes the fire. Disa is amazed upon seeing Elsa's powers in action for the first time. When Disa came to visit first, when they were little, Anna told her about Elsa's powers, making her the first to know about Elsa's powers. They thankfully see some of the artifacts and books are still fine despite the fire.
After setting off the fire Elsa takes Anna out of the room to talk about what just happened. Elsa tells Anna off gently for allowing anyone to the archive. Then suddenly a Sankerhus fellow pops in to ask something from Anna and Anna acts as if she knows who he is. After the stranger leaves Elsa is quick to point out that Anna doesn't know who he is. To prove her point she asks about his last name. Anna makes up a name hesitantly but Elsa again notices she's lying. Familiar? That's because it's a reference to Kristoff asking about Hans' last name to which Anna replied “Of the Southern Isles ”. Anna gives in and says she's just doing what Elsa told her to do and to let Elsa trust her as she knows what she's doing. Elsa does make a point that the castle feels like a never ending banquet given a while other kingdom is mixed in with Arendelle. But then my favourite part of the episode, Anna can see Elsa misses being Queen! Anna tells Elsa, “Come on Elsa, admit you miss this”, and Elsa replies “You know I actually do”. For a fan who was a little down when Elsa stepped down as Queen (but isn't much anymore - a coming post explains why) and who hates seeing people say Elsa hated being Queen etc, I am really happy they showed this side of Elsa. It's not that Elsa didn't want it to be Queen but rather she didn't expect to be Queen so soon. Not only because of her parents deaths but mostly because she had to focus on controlling her powers and most of all her fear. Her part in "For the first time in forever" says it all. She always feared hurting innocent people with these dangerous powers and to rule hiding them would be hard given you meet and greet a lot of people. Elsa stepped down because she couldn't rule and look after the forest at the same time and she knew Anna would do great as Queen and it would reward her for having saved Elsa, Northuldra and Arendelle. So you ask why does Northuldra need protecting now? Well it's been trapped years under mist so it needs support in regaining its strength and now that more magic is revealed to the world, she knows it can attract people who want to study it, use it, control it, kill it, etc, as she suspects Disa doing here. I didn't for a minute expect Elsa to ever recall her days as Queen, but deep down inside I did want it to happen. It puts a close to those who think she didn't like being Queen or didn't love Arendelle. Elsa continues to say she's just so used to doing this alone. By that she means she knew what decisions were to be made and how to do them. She never needs help with Queenly pressures. She's not saying Anna isn't a good ruler or she isn't capable of making good decisions but rather saying that she misses it, but despite that she gave Anna the crown for a reason and trusts her to do what's best for Arendelle. So if you can't tell already I really loved this conversation between them.
I don't know how this story will turn out but I don't expect Anna stepping down or anything as big or important as that anyway because those things wouldn't be in the podcast I don't think.
Moving on, Disa barges in and then Olaf takes her to dinner. Olaf is so Olaf here. I love it. At the dinner table Anna suggests playing a game where you ask Questions related to your partner's Question. Kristoff and Sven go first, again voice actors are doing a great job at capturing the characters and original voice actors essence. Elsa and Disa are up next and this is when the tables turn and my second favourite moment on the episode begins! Disa asks Elsa why she wanted to see Arendelle's material and Disa asks why she left Arendelle. Elsa asks back why she's so interested in Arendelle to which Disa replies, why aren't you Queen of Arendelle. Elsa asks what she's getting at. As tensions rise, thunders rage and rain pours. Kristoff asks if Elsa's been in touch with Gale today, to which she replies not lately. The episode ends there with tensions rising between a former and current Queen suspecting each other.
So what we can make out here is Elsa suspects Disa of stealing Arendelle's knowledge of magic and using it for her own good. Disa however seems to be accusing Elsa of treason or betraying her own kingdom.. I'm not too sure but I think she's trying to show Elsa's disloyalty to her kingdom. Disa is intrigued by Elsa's magic and the forest's too.. I have a feeling Disa will take some of what is saved from the fire and use it to experiment with her science skills which will cause some kind of chaos but that's just a guess. I could be completely wrong about Disa going full villain.
I predict that Disa is the one causing chaos in the enchanted forest with the machines. The machines are all scientific but they're built with copper which Wolfgang is obsessed with. It could be that Weselton's copper is advanced. She doesn't like magic, she fears it, finds it strange and hence studies it to see if this is a threat or a gift to society. So perhaps she's experimenting in the forest. But I could be totally wrong. But Wolfagang seems like a weird yet innocent man who is genuinely trying to rectify his uncle's actions.
On another note as much as I wanted and some have theorized I don't think Hans is Wolfgang. His voice is different, and he's so crazy about copper and has two pet magpies that apparently can talk plus he knits. He definitely sounds like the nephew of the Duke. I mean would Hans go all out with the magpies and obsession with copper? But I do hope he appears at some point. If not in this season, then the next otherwise than save it for the movie as I do have a bit of hope for his appearance in Frozen 3, but that's for another post.
These episodes have actually been more fun than I imagined. It's interesting, it's fun, it references the two movies, the voice actors nail the original voice actors*. If the story goes down well in the other episodes, then Disney is pulling it off with the podcasts, if not then Disney should reconsider what part of the story they tell through podcasts. I'm excited to see how these will lead up to Frozen 3. I'm not too focused on the supposed theme of Science Vs Nature because story wise it's going great so far. I like a bit of drama because out of that you get reveals which play a part in the story.
But here are the downers to it so far. It seems like it's focused on Disa and Wolfagang while the main characters just play other supporting roles in their journey. When it was being promoted, it was about Elsa, Anna and the lot so it was kinda misleading.
But then again, I think perhaps this event might change Elsa and Anna's perspective on strangers, royal or not. I think they are showing Elsa and Anna learning to trust the right way. And maybe this might help with Hans' redemption if he reappears in Frozen 3. Because if Wolfagang is a genuinely nice man, it may make Elsa and Anna slightly open to forgiving past enemies. I think that's why the Duke's nephew was introduced here and why they could be saving Hans for the movie.
* If you didn't know already, the original cast aren't voicing this I'm assuming because of prep for Frozen 3 or perhaps to give a different feel to the podcasts then the movies. So a new cast is voicing them.
When the other episodes release we'll get further information on what Frozen 3 could be about and where the story is heading.
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bellrin-go · 9 months
Episode 1: The Visitors 🏰
All Frozen Podcast: Forces of Nature episodes breakdowns here.
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Cover created by me
The first two podcasts have been released on Wondery, a podcast platform. The other episodes are available but you have to subscribe to listen (I haven't). The episodes will all be out on other platforms from 11th October. So I'll listen to episode 3 onwards then.
The episode begins with Mattias and some younger in-training soldiers helping the people of Sankerhus by digging. He begins to explain to them why they have to do so. He tells a story to own specific and then the other soldiers take a listen. I don't think these soldiers are important, they're just younger Soldier trainees for Mattias to tell the story to. The story is set a couple years ago and not too long ago since the events of Frozen 2. The story goes as follows:
The kingdom of Sankerhus is struck by a flood and Anna, now Queen, takes the people of the kingdom and its ruler Queen Disa in for shelter. Queen Disa loves constructing things using science and uses them to help Arendelle advance a little. She is actually a childhood friend of the sisters. They knew her once from a visit when they were little. She's a bit approachable to magic or feels weird around it yet she's fascinated by it too.
Then there's Wolfagang, the Duke of Weselton's nephew. He sounds very similar to his uncle and is obsessed with copper. He has a surprising talent knitting too. He also has two pet magpies named Astrid and Magnus who can talk (like parrots too). He came for an apology tour on behalf of his uncle. But despite his efforts for forgiveness, Anna finds him “fishy”.
In the episode for the first time in forever, finally someone, Disa being, has called Elsa “The Snow Queen”.
Disa longs to know about magic though she finds it strange. She tells Anna that her parents built a big library in the centre of her castle and since she's been checking out the books in it. But after learning of her father's passing, Anna helps her by taking her to their own archive of books of magic and folklore. Gazing at some books for a few seconds they hear sounds that eventually lead to a candle falling causing a fire in the room. Elsa arrives just in time and takes out the fire.
The episode ends there. Now from this episode, there are some takers. I believe Disa is up to no good and kinda tracked Anna using emotional manipulation on her to get to see the history of magic or so it seems that way but we all know how Anna is free and open to people and new things; that's her personality but at times it can be her flaw which enemies use to their advantage. In episode 2 Elsa fears this. So while Anna suspects Wolfagang and Elsa suspects Disa, it could be that Wolfagang is genuinely good and Disa is the enemy, we'll just have to see or rather keep a listen. I just get that feeling more in the next episode.
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bellrin-go · 10 months
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frohana! (ft mattias) :D
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bellrin-go · 10 months
A Frozen 12 episode podcast will be out in October
“Hosted by ABC’s Ginger Zee, what’s being described as season one of the series will follow Anna and Elsa as they find themselves facing a threat to the very spirits of nature itself—and strange mechanical beings roaming the enchanted forests. Aside from familiar faces from the movies like Anna and Elsa, the podcast will introduce new characters as well, although whether or not they’ll have some part to play in the eventual Frozen 3 remains to be seen.”
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bellrin-go · 1 year
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제페토 체형조절 리뉴얼 버전
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bellrin-go · 1 year
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bellrin-go · 1 year
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Elsa and Anna under the flowering tree.
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bellrin-go · 1 year
Love Power
I was inspired to draw my best girl Elsa based on Idina Menzel’s song from “Disenchanted”. Literally the best scene in the movie.
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bellrin-go · 1 year
Imagine when Frozen 3 comes out and Kristoff and Anna get marred (and they better get married or I will riot) Disney releases them as a Limited Edition doll set of them in their wedding attire 👀
Troll wedding part deux
Plus a royal wedding for the humans
Two sets of dolls.
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bellrin-go · 1 year
me too.
What I want to see in Frozen 3:
2.) Kristanna babies 👀
3.) Information on Kristoff’s backstory
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bellrin-go · 1 year
hello, i was wondering if you could post kristanna moments from the polar nights book. i can’t buy the book itself but i’d love to read all the cute moments. im sorry if this is too much to ask for🙏
Hi, thanks for the question. I love the Kristanna moment of Polar nights, and I like your suggestion 🤗
※ The following is a spoiler, so if you haven't read the book yet, be careful about reading it.
"Choco-versary," Kristoff finished with a girn. He slung his arm around Anna's shoulders and pulled her close. "Come on now, Give me a little credit. How could I possibly forget the sixth anniversary of our very first time eating chocolate together? I mean, it's downright historic. By all right, it should be added to the annals of Arendelle history someday! Anna beamed. Meanwhile, Elsa couldn't help emit-ting a small snort. Choco-versary. How ridiculously cute could one couple be? Even though Kristoff drove her crazy sometimes, she had to admit he was the perfect match for her sister. She couldn't wait for them to get married someday and have little Annas and Kristoffs running around Arendelle. She was definitely planning on being the cool aunt. Literally.
Anna leaned against Kristoff, looking up at him with wide, overly innocent blue eyes. "And to celebrate this momentous, historical occasion, you're going to...?" Kristoff shook his head, pushing her back upright. "Nope. Not a chance. Good try, though." Anna groaned. "No fair," she said, pretending to be grumpy. "We're engaged now, which means there should be no secrets between us." "He's not keeping a secret!" Olaf piped in helpfully. "He just hasn't come up with anything yet!" "Olaf!" Kristoff cried. "You weren't supposed to-" "Wait, what?" Anna cried in mock horror. "You don't have a plan for our Choco-versary yet? It's less than a week away!" "I know," Kristoff assured her, shoothing Olaf a deadly look. "I'm just deciding which of my epic anniversary ideas is the right one to move forward with. I want to make sure everything is absolutely perfect for the love of my life, that's all." He reached for her hand, pressing his mouth against her palm. "Oh." Anna pursed her lips, an if trying to decide if he was teasing or not. "I guess that makes sense.."
"I believe in keeping my sister safe," Anna declared. "Besides, Kristoff can stay and be in charge. He's going to be a member of the royal family soon. Might as well get his feet wet." Kristoff, who had been walking by with an armful of snow cones, stopped in his tracks. "Wait, what?" Anna beamed at him. "You can stay here and keep everyone on task, right? While Elsa and I try to figure out what's going on?" "Of course," Kristoff declared without the slightest pause. "Whatever you need. I'm your man." He tapped his chest proudly, accidentally dropping one of the snow cones on the ground in the process. Sven quickly slurped it up. "Thanks, honey! You're the best!" Anna stood on her tiptoes to give him a kiss, then dashed toward the stables. Kristoff looked at Elsa, his easy smile fading a little. "You'll keep her safe?" he asked. "We'll keep each other safe," she told him, laying a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Nothing will happen. I promise." "I'm holding you to that," he said with a wag of his finger before turning to distribute his remaining cones.
"Right now, Kristoff can't even remember our engagement. If we don't get rid of this draugr, he could end up forgetting everything... including me." Her voice caught on the last part. She couldn't imagine a world where Kristoff didn't know her. Didn't love her.
"Kristoff," she cried happily. "You've come to visit old Bulda! And..." Her gaze turned to Anna and her toothy smile widened. "You brought your bride, too! Are you two fixer-uppers finally ready to get married? Because we can do it now! I mean yes, we're a little busy preparing for the Crystal Ceremony and all, but we will always make time for true love." She beamed at Kristoff.
"But that means...Kristoff,"
Anna's voice caught on the name. She thought of the mountain man who had stolen her heart with his love of ice, with the way he spoke on his reindeer's behalf, with his enthusiastic love of unusual recipes.
Kristoff. Her Kristoff. Memories flashed though her mind. The first time they'd kissed after she'd presented him with his new sled, the first time they'd played charades. The moment he had gotten down on one knee and asked her to marry him. Kristoff-her Kristoff! Who could now barely remember who she was. Anna felt her legs buckle. The trolls and Elsa reached for her, but Anna stepped back, unwilling to be helped. No. she wasn't willing to accept that Kristoff's love for her could disappear because of some creature's doing. And she wasn't about to let her people suffer from eternal night or never-ending storms, either. She was queen of Arendelle. It was her job to fix this.
Little Rock laughed. "Oh, Kristoff!" He saw Anna and smiled. "Hey, your bride is here." He then bounded off to find the others. Kristoff did a double take at Anna. "My bride?" His cheeks reddened. So did hers. "I'm not your bride," she said quickly. Not yet, anyway, she thought. "But I am someone who cares about you very much." She touched his cheeks, which were windburned and cold. "That's why I'm going to leave you and Sven here with Bulda for a few days. Bulda will take good care of you till I get back." "Okay," Kristoff said happily. "And you're coming back because...?" Anna felt her heart squeeze so tightly that she lost her breath. But she would be brave. She would not let Kristoff see how scared she was for him and their kingdom. She would make things right. And then she'd never, ever let him tell another campfire story again. Anna leaned in and kissed him on the lips. "Because I love you." she said, holding his face close. "And you love me, and we've got a whole future to plan when I get back and you start remembering things again." She stepped away, her heart hurting more than she thought was possible. Her voice was hoarse as she continued, "So stay safe till I do, okey?" "Okay," said Kristoff. "Come along, Sven. Let's go find this Bulda lady." He paused, then turned to Anna. "Goodbye, Miss Bride!" Anna ached as she watched him wander through the crowd of trolls without a care in the world. He doesn't remember us, she thought. He doesn't remember me. She wanted to cry, but now was when she needed to be strong.
And then there was Kristoff. She'd been trying so hard to be brave for Anna's sake. But deep down she was terrified for the ice harvester who had stolen her sister's heart. As much as Kristoff could be rough around the edges, she'd grown to love him like a brother. Loved how good he was for, and to, her sister. Anna was independent, smart, and capable of taking care of herself, of course. But it was always nice to have someone to lean on every once in a while. Or simply share jokes with. What would Anna do if Kristoff's memory was gone for good?
There was just one thing missing. One thing to make this a truly happily ever after. Anna turned to Elsa.
"Can i send Gale on a little mission?" she asked hesitantly. "Would you mind?" "Already done," Elsa assured her, "And Gale's fast. I bet it's already reached the trolls. And a certain ice harvester." She winked at her sister. Anna's heart leapt in her chest an she thought of Kristoff. Her Kristoff. She couldn't wait to throw her arms around him and squeeze him so tight he'd squeak. She'd have to decide later whether she'd ever let him go.
A cheer rose up around the trolls, but Anna still felt restless. She wouldn't fell complete until... "Kristoff?" she asked hurriedly, searching behind all the trolls. It was the longest they'd been apart since... well, ever. She missed him so much. Had he gotten his memories back, too? "ANNA!" And suddenly there he was. Speeding over the bridge and into the village, on the back of Sven, who was going so fast that for a moment she mistook him for the Water Nokk. Her eyes welled with tears. He was not only here, but he had said her name. He had said her name because he remembered her name. "KRISTOFF!" she cried, taking off running. whisk! Anna felt the wind at her back and realized Gale was there, helping her reach her fiance quicker. Within seconds, they were together. Finally! "Anna, Kristoff said, practically jumping off Sven's back. Sven greeted Anna with a lick on her cheek, but that was nothing compared to Kristoff's greeting.
He pulled her straight into his arms and up into the air, spinning her around before finally placing her back on the ground and kissing her deeply. He cupped her face. "Are you all right? I fell like i haven't seen you in days! No, weeks!" He shook his head. "I fell like my head was in a fog, but now it's lifting, and the minute it did, I looked at Sven and said- 'Anna! We have to get to Anna and see what she need!' So? Are you all right?" "Am I all right?" Anna cried, laughing through her tears. "Are you? Who am I?" she demanded. "Tell me quickly!" Kristoff blinked at her before his face broke into a huge smile. "You're my feisty, fearless, ginger-sweet fiancee." She threw her arms around him again. "You're back!" "I'm back," he said, holding her tightly. "And if I'm not mistaken, I believe today is our Choco-versary." "YES" Anna practically shouted with relief. Then she blushed and added, "But it's been a rough few days. All that matters is we're together again." "Please. Do you think I'd forget our Choco-versary?" Kristoff scoffed. "What kind of fiance do you think I am?" He whistled, and Sven, who had wandered off without Anna's knowledge, returned, balancing a large box on his back. Kristoff ran over and grabbed the top of the box. "Happy Choco-versary, my love! Ta-da!" The witnessing trolls all cheered. Anna's heart felf as if it would burst out her chest as she pulled the box cover off, revealing a giant... wait, what was thet? "Um, is that a chocolate Flemmingrad the fungus troll?" she asked, her eye bulging. "Oh my," Mattias said, loud enough for everyone to hear. "Yes! I quickly made him out of mushroom-flavored chocolate and edible plants!" Kristoff said excitedly, plucking a strange-looking purple leaf out of the troll's ear and popping it into his mouth. "Yum! Delicious! Should I break off a piece for you? "Uh, thats okay," Anna said, backing up slightly. "We should probably...um..wait until my gift for you is ready!" she finished brightly. "Oh, my dear, but it is!" said Mrs. Blodget as she popped out of her shop, carrying the large reindeer-shaped chocolate Anna had commissioned week before. She couldn't believe Mrs. Blodget even had it done after all that had happened. Anna smiled sheepishly at Kristoff. "Happy Choco-versary?" she said. "Amazing!" Kristoff declared, looking right at her. And she was pretty sure he wasn't just talking about the chocolate. A warm, gooey feeling fell over her, and she reached for his hand. "I love you," she whispered. "I love you, too," he said. "And don't you forget it." She snorted. "To be fair, I'm not the one who-"
"Party pooper," Kristoff teased as he and Sven joined the others. "All you had to do was spread the word about the memorial. It's not like you had to transport heavy rocks to the site and carve a wooden canopy like me and Sven." Anna stood on tippy-toes to kiss him. "It all looks great, honey. I can't imagine a better tribute to the Vesterland sisters." "The next party I throw will be your and Kristoff's engagement party," Olaf said. "Sven and I already have a theme planned. Right, Sven?" Sven snorted. "Give me a little time off to rest first," Kristoff said, speaking on his reindeer's behalf. "I'm still recovering from the Polar Nights festival." "That's good, because I want a say on that party theme, too," Elsa teased and looked at Anna. "It's too bad you can't plan your own engagement party. You did such a great job with the Polar nights." Anna blushed as Kristoff put his arm around her and pulled her close. "I second that! It was the the best one ever, I'll have you know." He blanched. "No offense to our snow queen." Elsa laughed. "None taken!" Anna blushed. "Thanks, everyone. Considering half the village couldn't remember who they were for most of the planning stage, things came together rather nicely at the end." "Only because they have a great leader to help get things done," Elsa reminded her.
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bellrin-go · 1 year
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My kristanna fanart history 🥰
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