it was magic
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bellexsummers-blog · 6 years ago
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bellexsummers-blog · 6 years ago
This was his chance. A chance to free himself of such a secret he’d kept from practically everyone. She was his best friend, maybe she could help. At least that’s what he could say, plead to be put on the right path even if he wasn’t quite ready to give it all up. A mournful expression came over his face, setting down the glass on the table before deciding it better to come clean than to make excuses. “My body’s going through withdrawals because I haven’t gotten high. It’s become,” he paused as he looked down at his hands, unable to meet her eyes. “A routine for me. An old habit from high school I couldn’t quite break.”
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Even as she stared back at her own face, all she saw was Miles’ emotions, the ones she had gotten to know on a deeply personal level, one that she was a different person for. He taught her how to toughen up, how to be authentic, how to still follow in the footsteps of being a little bit immature because growing up was hard to do sometimes. All the blanket forts, and all the times they were able to just be carefree around one another, Miles was as good for Belle as Belle could only wish to be for other people. And as she nodded slowly through his words, trying to fight back the waves of discomfort, she placed her hands into his, pulling him close to try and get a better look at him. “Then we’re going to break it now, because I won’t let my best friend do this to himself.” She tilted her head to get into his line of eyesight. “And I won’t let you go through this by yourself.”
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bellexsummers-blog · 6 years ago
This body might not have wanted to run off and get high, but his mind sure did. Miles wanted too, wanted to forget how fucked up this situation was for a little while, but he wouldn’t. Not in her body. And thankfully he didn’t need to deal with the withdrawal symptoms he had felt once before years ago. But as Belle started to mention how she was feeling, Miles knew it wasn’t the case for her. His body needed to get high, and as it couldn’t things were bound to get worse. A nervous chuckle came out at the joke, trying to keep some sort of composure as he figured out a way to cover it up. “Clearly, your mind is trying to find some sort of magic that is not hidden secretly away anywhere.” His head nodded, agreeing and practically rushing out of the room. “Water, coming right up!” He called as he walked away, needing to keep busy. It all came quickly crashing down as he entered the room again, eyes going to the inside of his arm. There were no excuses to explain why it would be there, nothing to get himself out of a situation such as this. “Shit.”
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“Yeah.” Belle muttered off, before she watched as Miles ran off. Consumed by her own thoughts, she took a moment to try and compose herself, unsure of what was really happening with her, until she had rolled up her sleeve. As she saw Miles had returned with her water, her glance pulled up as her expression of concern left her speechless, something that was rather unusual for the bubbly blonde soul. “What the hell is this Miles? Are you on something? Is that why I feel so sick right now?” She clamored a bit as she stood up from her piles of spellbooks. “Please tell me you’re not on fucking drugs.” She pleaded back to him.
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bellexsummers-blog · 6 years ago
Rogue magic. It didn’t sound positive but it might have been a blessing in disguise. At least from how Belle put it. If someone hadn’t intended it, there wouldn’t be more complications in trying to send it back to how everything used to be. “An accident is much easier to solve than a planned attack against all of us. Thank god because I’d really like for us to switch back eventually.” Miles didn’t know if he’d truly understand magic, at least he could try a little. Although, having it connected to his soul didn’t seem like the smartest option with how dark he thought his soul actually was. His mouth opened slightly to say as much, closing it as soon as he saw something strange going on with is friend. He rushed towards her, one hand taking her’s as the other rubbed at her back. “Are you okay? What’s wrong?” It didn’t dawn on him at first that it was because of him. He hadn’t done any drugs since the night before the full moon, and now his body must have been going through withdrawals. Miles’ eyes cast downwards, nothing but guilt filling him. “I’m so sorry, Belle,” he muttered sheepishly. 
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“Yeah, you and me both.” Belle grunted through her bared teeth as she tried to ease herself from the pain that currently resided inside of her. A headache forming as she tried to speak, the woman tried to steady herself as she kept thinking about what all of this could mean for them. “I just...feel sick.” There wasn’t necessarily anything wrong, just a weird itching that she needed something more than she had ever cared to admit before. “You don’t...It’s not your fault. Maybe...your body just can’t handle me—” She tried to joke before shaking her head slowly. After a moment, a nervous anxiety hit her, and she felt like her heart was racing. Looking around the room, trying to find any sign of anything, she could hear Miles’ heartbeat. “I...I need some water. Or something.” She rolled up her sleeves, feeling the light bruising on the inside of her arm, before she noticed the injection site.
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bellexsummers-blog · 6 years ago
Miles leaned over where she was sitting, eyes looking over the bag of the spellbook. Most of it seemed to be in a foreign language, and even if it wasn’t, he still didn’t believe he’d understand any of it. Learning magic wouldn’t be easy, but it was necessary. He wanted to help bring the town back, and protect himself with Russell now being in a stronger body than himself. “Some stayed in the same, some switched, some are the same gender, others are the opposite. There’s nothing that matches up to the organization of this whole mess.” He sighed, standing up again the slightly pace. Something he seemed to do more and more with all the stress. “Comes from within?” There wasn’t too much confidence he could conjure up enough to believe he could do a spell, or the stress had started to get to him more than he realized. “I want to help, Belle. I might be terrible at being a witch but something needs to be done.”
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“No organization, which means there was no structure to the magic—” She paused, before gaining an epiphany, one in which she lifted her head out of her current book to reach for a beginner’s magic book, one that was crucial in any magical family to pass their magic along. As she thumbed through the pages, looking for confirmation she added, “If there was no structure to the magic, it could have been rogue magic, something like unintended consequences or an emotionally charged power.” She wasn’t looking for a spell any more, just a means to correct a wrongly charged spell. “That’s what magic is Miles. It’s connected to the soul.” Belle uttered before feeling a sudden pang of nausea hitting alongside a brief pain in her stomach. The feeling had been coming and going all day long, but the worst had yet to come, it seemed. Lurching slightly, the woman took a deep breath, trying to steady herself, despite the body she was in craving something more. “Miles?” She muttered back, rather desperately. “I don’t feel so good.”
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bellexsummers-blog · 6 years ago
Belle’s house had practically become his second home, spending most of his time there to help keep his identity on the down low. He didn’t want to end up in jail in this body, nor did he want anyone to come looking for Belle. Having to stay in hiding wasn’t ideal, but at least she didn’t have to feel trapped in a jail cell with terrible food. He hopped down the stairs, pretty proud of himself for the work he’d been putting in. “I have found a few witches who aren’t brand new like myself, but I think they’d be able to help….As soon as we figure out a way to get this place back in order….And you teach me how to use magic because I think I’m really wasting my potential doing nothing.”
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Belle had resorted to stress eating, and even though her tastebuds had resorted to Miles’ preferences, she came back to her true love in the form of chocolate as she scanned book after book for any sign of a spell that could fix any of this or had any sign of fixing any of this. As she heard Miles approaching, she lifted her glance from the fourth spellbook she had skimmed in the past hour to listen to his words. “Good. Good.” Belle was relentless, wanting to fix things before any more time passed them by. “So, some people stayed the same species then? Just different bodies? None of this is making any sense.” She paused before getting up from her chair. “You really want to learn magic? It all comes from within Miles. Like—at least for me, it’s emotionally connected. You’ve got to believe you can conjure up spells or perform feats that aren’t necessarily natural. Plus, if we find something to reverse all this, we’re gonna need all the help we can get, so you learning magic might not be the worst thing.”
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bellexsummers-blog · 6 years ago
text 📲 owen & belle
Owen: Its not that bad with the right company. I wish I could see you, inside or not.
Owen: Other than waking up eight months pregnant, I'm still not great. How are you holding up?
Belle: Well, that's true. I wish you were here too. Even though I look like Miles 😬.
Belle: Oh my gosh, that's kind of insane! Are you sure you're okay?
Belle: I mean, I woke up in a jail cell, broke out when the full moon came out, and now I'm currently on a strict housebound regime because the body I'm in is wanted for murder, but I'm doing great.
Belle: Just needed the right company I guess.
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bellexsummers-blog · 6 years ago
text 📲 owen & belle
Belle: Can I just tell you that it is so boring being stuck inside all day?
Belle: P.S. I hope everything is okay with you. I haven't been able to see anybody since the night of the switch, but I hope you're not doing too bad.
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bellexsummers-blog · 6 years ago
@collectivejourneys: Happiness is contagious! Spread smiles today 💛☀️ Happy Monday! #CollectiveJourneys #OurJourneys
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bellexsummers-blog · 6 years ago
Miles chuckled, not able to take Belle seriously in her mannerisms as she displayed them in Miles’ body. A small part of him was selfish enough to enjoy the freedom, but he needed to get Belle out of there. She didn’t need to suffer for a mistake even he didn’t commit. “Take a run while you’re in my body, and then you’ll see what it means to be in shape.” He teased, trying to get out the jokes before focusing on the task at hand. “You’re the witch. I’m a werewolf with little to no training. This is beyond my area of expertise.” Miles placed his hands on his hips as the pacing continued, “Spellbooks! Do I need to get you them? Will that help? Will there be something in there to get us out of this mess?” Even if he got them, he didn’t imagine a quick solution would be found before he’d have to change, or really she would. “Sadly, no. At least I imagine that’s still going to happen. My body is still a werewolf whether you’re in it or not, just as yours is still a witch.” He didn’t want her to have to go through it, could hardly imagine the pain she’d have to endure. “I can help you through it though.” Miles stopped pacing, finally looking at her. “No, this is how I pace…in your body. This is all too confusing.”
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“Yeah. I’ll gladly take a run as soon as I get the hell out of this lockbox!” Belle felt a viciousness biting her tongue, a sour anger that she wasn’t quite aware of until that moment. And a deeply rooted growl made it’s way out of the back of her throat before her own eyes widened. “Woah— Are you...always this angry?” She tried to release her grip on the bars of the cell, to no avail. “Might I remind you that I haven’t exactly been the best witch over the past decade! Even if there’s some spell that caused all this, I imagine it took a hell of a lot more power than just one person. I’m gonna need to read up on transformations like this, and maybe get with some other witches?” With the onslaught of the full moon coming on, Belle could feel her panic rise. “That’s exactly what I wanted to hear—” Sarcasm laced her words. “Maybe I can break out of here as a werewolf. And...if the whole town’s screwed up, they can’t exactly hold an innocent person in here, right?” She had to have some sort of faith. “No kidding. I’m gonna need all the held I can get. And apparently so are you.”
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bellexsummers-blog · 6 years ago
Miles stood outside his cell, or really her cell, hands on his hips as he tried to catch his breath. He couldn’t believe he was staring at himself–through bars of all things. Whatever evidence they though they had on him couldn’t be real. He’d never even heard of the kid until he read it in the paper. And while a small of him was happy he wasn’t in the jail cell, he didn’t want Belle to be the one inside it either. His head shook, finally able to get out a sentence. “Trust me you’re not dead. I also thought you were in better shape, but…I really pushed your body trying to get here.” Miles walked closer to the cell, resting his hands on the bars. “Somehow you’re in my body, and I’m in yours. This is your expertise with magic and all, so do you have any idea what the hell happened?” With all of the strange occurrences, this had to be the worst. “Oh, shit.” He exclaimed as the pacing in front of the cell began. “Tonight’s a full moon too.”
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Looking over her own body, she shook her head, trying to rationalize everything that was happening, and yet unable to wrap her mind around it. She had heard the news of Miles of course, and even made plans to come and see when she could see him, but this is not what she had in mind. Now she was in his position, which didn’t seem fair at all. But, she was glad that Miles had come up in her own body. She was still racking her brain on how any of this was even possible. “Well, that’s rude!” She stated back fiercely, placing her hands on her hips, looking extra sassy in Miles’ body. “I’m not that out of shape!” She looked over herself still, shaking her head. “How did this even happen?” She questioned back before adding, “I have no clue. And I don’t exactly have any spellbooks on me, do I?” Belle couldn’t even explain what was going on, but as Miles continued to use her body to pace, she lifted her own brow. “What?” While she watched him, her mouth dropped. “A full moon? Wait—Does that I gonna...have to...” She gulped back, trying not to answer her own question. “You’re kidding me, right?” After another moment, she leaned against the bars, holding against them. “And do I really pace like that?”
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bellexsummers-blog · 6 years ago
Sleep had been allusive after his arrest, spending more time trying to convince the cops he hadn’t done it rather than listen to what they were telling him. Miles didn’t know what time he fell asleep, but thankful he did with how uncomfortable the bed felt. Light coming through the window woke him up, as he pulled the covers closer to him. The grogginess taking it’s time to fade before his eyes sprung open, taking in the room. He’d been in it before, Belle’s, but how he’d gotten here now was a mystery to him. Had he blacked out her coming to get him? Even then, he wouldn’t have slept in her room. Miles sat up, wiping his eyes and pushing his hands through his hair, the length making him stop midway to pull it into his face. He jumped when he saw it, scrambling out of the bed to look in her mirror. The look of horror on his face, her face, left him speechless. A moment passing before realizing if he was here, then she might be in his. He grabbed whatever clothes he could find, sprinting out the door. The trek took longer than he expected, feeling fatigued faster than he had hoped and breathing heavily once he finally made it to the police station. Miles calmly got his way to the few cells, waiting for the officer to step out before rushing to where he remembered they’d taken him. “Belle?” 
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With the news of Miles having been arrested, Belle had thrown herself into the magic, trying to find real answers, because she had those doubts in her mind. It was reasonable to question the very township this place held, seeing that things had never really ever been what they were at face value. But night fell all too quickly, and as the moon was begging her to sleep, Belle was still consumed by the magic, until she rolled over in her bed—the flat cot padding on a metal surface leaving her to question where she was. “What—” She muttered as she blinked away, achy from the apparently terrible sleep she had gotten on the awful bed. She felt different, but not in a good way. Finding Miles’ body under her, and being surrounded by the four cell walls, she began trying to work out how this could have happened. Calling out for Miles several times over didn’t work for anything, and without any idea of the passage of time, she was starting to believe this was some sort of personal purgatory. Hearing her name called back felt unreal, like she had been dreaming, getting to a point of desperation. But, as she stood from the jail cot she saw herself? “What? Oh my god, am I dead?”
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bellexsummers-blog · 6 years ago
Emma: This is me. If you can't accept that then goodbye. We don't need to be best friends anymore
Emma: Are you sure about that? He's acting as if this is who he wants to be. Actions speak louder than words.
Emma: Say all you want. I'm being exactly who I want to be without asking for forgiveness.
Belle: I know you don't mean that. Not the real you at least.
Belle: They might, but that's because you made him do that.
Belle: Yeah, I can see that...
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bellexsummers-blog · 6 years ago
Nova gave a smal smile and bit her lip. “Well. Um. I mean no one really loses their magic for good. You just have to find new ways to use it.” She said as she leaned closer and made a rare osiria rose bloom infront of  Belle. “Just like this rose is a natural phenomenon. Losing your magic is too. Its rare but can always be grown from a seed and some belief.”
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“Yeah. Yeah, that’s what people keep saying.” Belle uttered, letting out a short shrug before turning her attention to the flowers still. “I appreciate it.”
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bellexsummers-blog · 6 years ago
“I’m sure they have safety precautions set up to avoid that very thing, and it isn’t like we’re gonna be aiming at each other anyway.” Jasper had started making his way to the instructor before turning to look at Belle. “Are you okay? You know that we don’t have to do this, right? We could go somewhere else, or even just go our separate ways.”
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“No, I suppose we won’t.” She paused for a moment, letting out a short sigh again. “No, I want to do this.” Belle took a long glance towards the range as she nodded, taking her first few steps towards everything. “I’ll be fine. I need to do this.” She didn’t know what came over her, but the fear was something she wanted to climb over. “We’ll be fine. What’s the worst that could happen?” Teasing back in a stark nature, Belle tried to relax her shoulders before gesturing the young man to keep up.
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bellexsummers-blog · 6 years ago
Emma: Do you think I care about your respect? You're nothing and I don't need it anyways
Emma: A little incentive went a long way and now he gets to be his true self.
Emma: Are you seriously begging right now? You're pathetic.
Belle: You don't mean that Emma. I know you're in there. The real you is in there. And I'm gonna bring her back.
Belle: That's not his true self! Neither of you are who you were meant to be.
Belle: Yeah, I'm the pathetic one...
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bellexsummers-blog · 6 years ago
Emma: What do you mean I'm not okay?
Emma: This is news to me since I feel PERFECT.
Emma: Actually, I am perfect so I need you to rethink about this.
Emma: I'd say you sound just like Russ, but he doesn't think that way anymore.
Belle: I mean what I said Em. You've been a huge bitch. You're rude to everyone, and you've lost all my respect right now.
Belle: That what I miss about you, how you used to be so carefree and light.
Belle: Well clearly you two were made for each other. Whatever you did to him to make him turn it all off, he didn't deserve it, and neither do you.
Belle: Please just come back.
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