Bella Strange MUA
65 posts
‘Making the unique beautiful and the beautiful unique’Est. 2017
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bellastrangemua · 5 years ago
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When you are keeping safe, shiny and chrome! Amazing mask by @karolbdotcom, definitely worth a buy! It also scares people off so social distancing was super easy! 😂❤️ Do you have any cool masks? How are you keeping yourself and your clients safe? #iambeautifulandunique #makeup #spfx #sfx #spfxmakeup #madmax #madmaxfuryroad #movie #film #immortanjoe #facemask #safety #valhalla #shinyandchrome #hughkeaysbyrne (at Toronto, Ontario)
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bellastrangemua · 5 years ago
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Slowly but surely sorting through new makeup additions to see what’s the best for my pro kit and what I’ll use for personal use. It’s becoming my project, as well as making a closed off area that is better and easier to access once I have these new bins in place. What have y’all done this week? Talked to a friend? Played an amazing game? Ate a good meal? Reminder to y’all that you don’t *have* to do big things during this time- as long as you’re taking care of yourself as best as possible. ❤️ #iambeautifulandunique #makeup #mua #sorting #kitshit #mufe #makeupforever #kettcosmetics #rcma #cinemasecrets #mac #maccosmetics #foundation #concealers #powders #makeup #makeupfun (at Toronto, Ontario)
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bellastrangemua · 5 years ago
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We’re getting organized up in this house. Makeup sorting is gonna be my week long activity. What are you working on? 🖤✨ #iambeautifulandunique #makeup #makeupartist #makeupaddict #mua #sorting #kitshit #theartistsarsenal #dollarama #sort #makeupfun #toronto #torontomua (at Toronto, Ontario)
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bellastrangemua · 5 years ago
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Had a wonderful time on set working with a hunk named @sage_n_sound! My friends, he’s funny, sweet, and super handsome! Thank you for having me and the rest of our MUA team on, @sloppyjonesshow !! Can’t wait to see the result! Also, best team of MUAs!! @joanchell @cristinaartistry ,Carly, and myself! #iambeautifulandunique ❤️ —— #sloppyjones #canadiancontent #television #canada #television #makeup #mua #makeupartist #makeupart #torontomua #comedy #torontomakeup #torontomua #torontofilm #media #actor #nyc #canadamua (at Toronto, Ontario)
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bellastrangemua · 5 years ago
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It’s an ultrafine mist sprayer pen revolution. 🙌🏻❤️ Bought 4 more packs, 2 for me and 2 for @bunnyxrogers. Have you stopped into Dollarama (or for outside of Toronto, a craft or dollar store) to see what you can find for your kits? You’d be surprised! 😱 All inspired by my fellow artists and especially @theartistsarsenal 💕 #iambeautifulandunique —— #makeup #mua #kitshit #depot #decant #theartistarsenal #makeupartist #dollarama #hack #kithack #toronto #torontomakeup #torontomua #art #cool (at Toronto, Ontario)
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bellastrangemua · 5 years ago
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Workin’ on decluttering my kit for a job this weekend- thank you @dollaramacanada_ for these spray pens WITH the collar clip! Everyone knows on set I have a billion things clipped on my collar or straps, so this saves space in my brush belt and set bag! Totally inspired by @theartistsarsenal. ❤️ #iambeautifulandunique ❤️ #toronto #makeup #mua #kitshit #theartistarsenal #dollarama #declutter #spacesaver #sanitation #makeupkit #makeupartist #torontomua #torontomakeup #themoreyouknow
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bellastrangemua · 5 years ago
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Of course I had to pick up the new issue. This is part of my makeup library and is necessary reading for anyone interested and/or doing SPFX. @nrgorton @therickbaker #iambeautifulandunique #spfx #spfxmakeup #sfx #sfxmakeup #prosthetics #prostheticsmagazine #animatronics #bodymakeup #reading #mag #magazine #neillgorton #rickbaker #legends #business (at Toronto, Ontario)
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bellastrangemua · 5 years ago
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This might be my favourite continuity photo I’ve ever taken. Featuring the dashing and wonderful @alexanderkovari ! 😂❤️ My first job as Key Makeup and Hair Artist went swimmingly thanks to my amazing crew this weekend: @cristinaartistry @ritalcouto @saoirsemakeupart (my assistant!) @takeeffect @supertikus_98 @laura.may.ann @brodericks_beauty @erin.beauty7 @jaslynemero And our fantastic supervisor @joanchell! ❤️❤️❤️ #iambeautifulandunique #makeup #mua #toronto #film #torontofilm #torontomua #filmmakeup #gbc #georgebrowncollege #gbccapstones #spfx #spfxmakeup #actor #actors #actress #actresses
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bellastrangemua · 5 years ago
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A photo of @bunnyxrogers and myself as the sequel to Beetlejuice! My makeup and hair by me, her makeup and hair by her. ❤️ #iambeautifulandunique #me #selfie #beetlejuice #makeup #mua #cosplay #cosplayer #toronto #makeupartist (at Toronto, Ontario)
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bellastrangemua · 5 years ago
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Some behind the scenes with the beautiful actors of #unsubscribed, a new short film coming from some amazing minds. @ssovereignty @mon.vie_ gave me LIFE during this shoot! My first time as head of makeup anything! I’ll be posting some proper looks in the coming days. SO EXCITED TO SEE THE FINAL PROJECT!! #iambeautifulandunique #torontofilm #torontomakeup #makeup #behindthescenes #film #gbc #georgebrowncollege #unsubscribedfilm #canada #mua #makeupartist #shortfilm #superhero #superheroes #villain #supervillain #supervillains (at Toronto, Ontario)
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bellastrangemua · 5 years ago
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Some trauma work I did for a company emergency preparedness exercise this past weekend. First is a bullet hole in wrist, second is a closed minor fracture. Whenever I’m in “the zone”, I constantly forget to document my work. Here’s the two I did! I did about 25 works that night with my teammates, which all said and done was about 300 actors I believe? It was intense, but so worth it and I would do this again and again if I could! Thank you to @gbcollege for giving me this opportunity! #iambeautifulandunique #makeup #mua #torontomua #trauma #traumamakeup #blood #brokenbone #bruise #emergency #event #bellastrangemua
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bellastrangemua · 5 years ago
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Happiest birthday to Raven (@bunnyxrogers), Mistress of the Dark. Photos taken by @mylajaynestrange from photoshoot for @deadsledbrand makeup by me. #iambeautifulandunique #mua #makeup #birthday #elvira #elviramistressofthedark #cosplay #toronto #torontomua #elviracosplay #deadsledbrand #halloween #makeupartist
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bellastrangemua · 5 years ago
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Need a guide, schmuck? 👻💀😂 ————— I got to redo Beetlejuice for @theatre.bizarre this year! I changed a few things which made it waaaay easier on my face and something I will use on clients (I always test techniques on myself first) in the future! I’ll post an ingredient list/road map in an upcoming post. STAY SPOOKY! 🎃 #iambeautifulandunique #beetlejuice #halloween #makeup #mua #film #veneill #michaelkeaton #timburton #bellastrangemua #halloweenmakeup #cosplay #cosplaymakeup #cosplayer #toronto #detroit #fun #horror (at Detroit, Michigan)
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bellastrangemua · 5 years ago
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Behind the scenes shot from my photographer! Makeup by me obviously, Elvira is my beautiful @bunnyxrogers . 🖤 #iambeautifulandunique #elvira #elviramistressofthedark #mua #makeup #makeupartist #halloween #spooky #behindthescenes #toronto #photoshoot
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bellastrangemua · 6 years ago
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From my exam today- 80s in 20 minutes. I’m getting faster, I swear! All colours on face by @viseart , lips by @maccosmetics , stars by @rimmellondoncan Total inspiration from @pott28 and his legendary work with Hedwig and The Angry Inch. Anybody else can’t help but drip their clients in colour? I can’t help myself sometimes! Total Bowie/Jem and the Holograms! #iambeautifulandunique #makeup #muaintraining #exam #1980s #80s #80smakeup #viseartparis #maccosmetics #rimmellondon #genderfluid #androgyny #pink #purple #georgebrown #toronto #makeuplooks #davidbowie #bowie #jemandtheholograms
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bellastrangemua · 6 years ago
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Enjoy some FAKE gelatin blisters. Underpainted with @ppipremiereproducts @skinillustratorofficial, then gelatin was placed in drops for the blisters. Top left blister was painted with @kryolanofficial Supracolors, top right was Skin Illustrator palettes, and the bottom was uncoloured but with a layer of Prosaide on top. I love the textures the No-Tack Pros-Aide gives the skin. Thanks to both @introducingdoublejpaints and @butchershopfx for teaching me so far in this course. I’m learning and growing, y’all! #iambeautifulandunique #sfx #spfx #sfxmua #sfxmakeup #gross #horror #blister #torontomua #muaintraining #torontofilm #torontotv #mua #makeup #muaintraining #gore (at Toronto, Ontario)
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bellastrangemua · 6 years ago
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Gave myself an airbrush tattoo today for the first time! Paint is KETT water based in Black with two drops of Blue, with the KETT powder on top. Last photo is 3 hours later in natural lighting. @kettcosmetics #iambeautifulandunique #mua #muaintraining #kettcosmetics #airbrush #tattoo #gbc #toronto #makeup #practice #bellastrangemua (at Toronto, Ontario)
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