belladonnaofsadnesss · 10 months
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Maria de Medeiros as Anaïs Nin & Fred Ward as Henry Miller in “Henry & June” — (1990) dir. Philip Kaufman.
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belladonnaofsadnesss · 11 months
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"I've been absolutely terrified every moment of my life, and I've never let it keep me from doing a single thing I wanted to do" - Georgia O’Keeffe.
(photograph by Laura Gilpin in 1953)
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Peter Greenaway - The Draughtsman’s Contract (1982)
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I'm just so furious with myself
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We have been seeing each other everyday since it happend. Last night he cooked me dinner and then we did the deed. He is so amaizingly good at it like tf.....I asked him "don't you think its a bit weird we seen each other like this four days in a row?" And he said "What can I do.... you totaly fucked me up and I can't help my self" AGHHHHHHHHHHH. Life is good.
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I can proudly say that I have officaly had sex with my Tc which was the most amazing, enchanting, sensusal experience of my life. He pays so much attention to detail and has the preferect mesure between soft and rough. We laid thogeder for hours and just talked about everything.
This feels damgerous becaouse I am actually falling for him ever more.
If anyone is intrested in a more detaliee story on how this happene lmk
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He traces road maps of blue veins on my skin, talks about how hungry I make him, that he'd eat me if he could. I wordlessly offer him my arm. Go ahead. He gives it only a soft-mouthed bite, but I would probably let him tear me apart, I'd let him do anything. -Kate Elizabeth Russell, My Dark Vanessa
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Aging is hot. Gray hairs are hot. Smile lines are hot. Get with it.
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It's such an adrenaline rush to see him knowing I was imagining him fucking me the night before
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Guys....it actually happend tonight. He came over to my place. I was so nervous. He made me a drink, held my hand and touched it, told me I have beautifull fingers. He petted me. I was extatic. And then came over, stared gliding his hand over my chin and hair, called my name and Kissed me.... im still shaking. We talked after that about the whole situation but i was so shaken up and nervous... he complimented my figure, my hair, kissee me more.
I cnt fucking belive it, i still feel like its not real
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He left for a trip today...its only 4 days but I feel a deep ache. He sent me some pics from when he was switching planes. Plus, he hurt his leg a few days ago so im worried it will hurt even more.
Why wont this sadness ever be realistic.
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" It's easy for you to manipulate me, because I like you. Don't think it will be the same with everybody else"
You like me? :)
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He sent me this when I said "shit"
Cryng and throwing up rn
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That moment he knows you have a test coming up and you told him you have to study alot so a little later he sends you two art posts (that he knows youll like) and says "To kill the monotone of studyng for a little :)".
My heart.
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TCC please help with my situation.
For startes im of age, I wanted this for a long time and I truely know what im doing. So no need for "hes grooming you" comments.
My proffesor, male, 50+, no wife&kids, has always been in my intresr. Ever since ive started collage two years ago. Only this semester has he actually started talking to me outside the collage. We were always flirty in classes (not infront of other people) and ive always had As with him, but I actually enjoy his class alot amd strive to make it my career. Ever since we have beem talking im head over heels. But im still not sure is he being just friendly or does he have any intrest in me.
We talk almost everyday, talk about our day sometimes but mostly exchange art. Not that while ago he statred sending me some erotic art. And often of women who look like me, and or have a cat in the work. Because we both love cats. I feel so flatterd but I don't know if hes just that way and doesnt mean it like that.
He is sweet, caring but also sarcastic and jokes around, we match in energy quite well. He also send me pictures of his lunch sometimes and of what he is watching on tv. Or his appartment. We live pretty close.
But hes never actually touched me, exepct when he comes really close to show me something amd then our shoulders touch.
Im lost, i dont wanna lose him nor ruin what we have.
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