The extent and proof of stalking I have experienced by Liam & Stacey since November 2019.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Me and Phil went to a wedding reception late July 2024. We purposely decided we would have our backs to Liam & Stacey the whole night. The irony of this little person, because he's not a man, everything hes done, he cannot be called a man because it's cowardly, but the Irony of them both talking so much shit online, and then as soon as they see us in person, not a fucking word. I have no reason to approach them, because as you can see by screenshots i didnt start all this, i didnt make the many, many fake profiles pretending to be so many people, Liam also spending 5 years pretending to be a female. I havent followed his mates on social media like he did to mine, and him creating new accounts when he realised he'd been found out and i blocked him. He started all this but yet he was all mouth over the internet, but not a single word out of either of them in person. I was made aware by one of the people we sat with that he looked over a few times, we did not look or take notice of them once. We had our backs to them, we ignored them and had fun celebrating a friends wedding. Meanwhile I was also made aware whilst my husband got up to dance with his best mates, they stormed off because Phil was having fun with his mates. Something Liam has always said Phil didn't have, apparently to Liam "Phil had no friends because of me" and that night they saw different and they didn't like it so sulked off. Goes to show a stalker thinks they're inferior online but in person they're a coward, because they don't have a screen to hide behind.
(I want to make a disclosure, from around 7pm to 8pm we was outside, spoke to the Groom for abit and then sat facing the outside field, in total there was 4 of us sat outside talking. CCTV on the grounds will confirm this, and then from 8pm to 9.30pm we was sat indoors at a table that, wasn't out first choice, but because the back tables were all full and we didn't want to sit by where the buffet line would be and be in even closer vicinity to the pair, our only option was the front middle table, where we sat with our backs to them and CCTV will confirm from the night we not once looked in their direction, plus we always had someone with us, who will back this up. 9.30pm we left and that was it, 9.20pm Phil, Me & His mate went outside to say Goodbye, but Phil, The groom and his other best mate had a dance together which eventually ended at 9.30pm)
These 2 spent years trying to ruin mine and Phils relationship, Liam called me crazy, well I'd rather be crazy than a cheat like him. They had spent years trying to affect me in any way they possibly could, and what did they see at the reception? Me and Phil still as happy as ever and us laughing and joking with friends, not one bit of me affected by either of them. Liam always had a problem with me and Phil having a laugh and joke together, id rather have a sense of humour than look like two room mates who apparently look like they are miserable and hate each other (I lol'd at this comparison). I'm so proud to say I felt so much confidence when the 2 people who caused and chatted so much shit, couldn't say shit because they wasn't behind a screen where they felt safest. I'm so glad I got to enjoy celebrating a friends wedding and them to having 0 impact on that. This all started because they was blocked, they carried it on because of jealousy and because they was mad they could no longer see what I was posting and I was happily living my life and they hated that. They called me names, made up lies, made fake profiles in my name, they tried their hardest to try and affect me in any way possible, and it all failed. They most likely have more accounts that I haven't found - yet. Liam probably still wants to have that inferior feeling, by stalking someone who he feels threatened by, simply because I'm happy. But seeing them both in person only tells me how cowardly they are, he's probably making his comments on his fake account, that Stacey doesn't know about, once again, to spend his life more interested in what I'm doing. Being enraged because of how happy me and Phil was, how we didn't pay him any attention and how we basically acted like he didn't exist.
Since they started this, whenever I asked them to leave me alone, that was what they classed as me "stalking and harassing them". You block people on Facebook and usually you move on, that's how it works. If they'd have approached me that night, I would've thrown everything at them, I have gained alot of confidence to stick up for myself. If I'd have confronted them they would've just played victim, (don't know how they couldve played victim revealing Liam was a nonce, but theyve never been the smartest when theyve done all this.) They had the problems over the years so I was waiting for them to approach me in person with these problems, they always said online how they would harm me in person and just basically being all mouth, when in reality they both shrivelled up and hid inside their own arseholes. Me and Phil told everyone who knew we was going that we was going to have our backs to them on purpose, how Liam works is any acknowledgement from either of us, that would've fuelled his obsession, just a look or a glance and he would've been like "yes theyve looked at me and seen me". The only stuff I know was through people telling me, because me and Phil set out to basically act like they didn't exist, and it worked. We was enjoying seeing our friends, we loved seeing two people happy and in love on their wedding day. It was only afterwards that people came to us and told us stuff, because they knew our plan. I have showed my phone to the police and they're aware of what accounts I have, none of them being fake, because I simply do not care for making fake profiles to follow them two or any of their friends. Thankfully all fake accounts Liam did make would have an IP attached to, so thanks Liam馃憤馃徎. If I ever see anything online from fake accounts claiming to chat shit about me and wanting to harm me, like he did on the fake accounts of me, is extra funny now because in person, HE IS NOTHING. A coward, the one who spent most of the night probably shitting himself incase I did say anything, and jealous one, walking off when Phil was dancing with his mates. Both of them used their accounts to bad mouth me and Phil, to try and cause problems, backfired. Because going off what I was told, if you didn't know these 2 people, you wouldn't know they was married with how miserable they looked.
I've always been asked what their motives were when I spoke to the police, alot of things were their motive, but they only did this where they could happily hide, I informed the police that neither of them would ever say anything in person because they always gave off a vibe to bitch in safety of not being caught, but in person, they would be the fakest people in the room. They would never tell you to your face they had a problem, instead waiting for it to be just them two and doing and saying whatever to make them feel high and mighty.
I blocked them both and that was it, I wasn't the one making fake profiles, or Liam making his Izzy_m1995 account, pretending to be a female, pretending to be younger than what he was, following my friends, saying his sister was his girlfriend or worse, following and communicating with a 15 year old girl who had my name and hobbies. Or the many other accounts he used to post calling me names and saying he would punch me in public. The attachment was from brief interactions at several social gatherings, I wasn't besties with them, I didn't text them or message them on messenger, I had the briefest conversations with them and then would mainly talk to Phil the rest of the time, heck they didn't even know I had a job when they posted about me not having one, but this was during a pandemic when most people was on furlough, again not the smartest move, you couldn't really have much of a conversation anyway because they was both dull to talk to. The amount of times he's gone onto make claims that he's the victim, that's why I started this tumblr and added dates and context, even posting evidence of him admitting to stalking my accounts for months, after I'd blocked him on Twitter. I've posted enough evidence to prove who the stalker in all of this. The fact that there was a joke between his mates liking the incest parts of GoT and then him tweeting how his sister was his girlfriend, it's creepy. He's posted stuff bad mouthing his partner, when he thought his account wouldn't get found by me, he has to use Viagra (something he also posted about) to get hard for her but has no problem with the hundreds of naked women on Instagram and Twitter. He's done all this damage himself, because he's stupid trying to pretend to be a fake person but also post about his personal life. He's exposed so much private information about himself and his private life with his partner, he's fell silent because everything HE posted, I can use as ammo. But since he's fell silent, he can't say I've made accounts or gone after him, simply because I haven't. I've posted evidence on here and that's it, even then I've not sent him links, he found out I had this through my reddit he stalked, then reported a post to ME trying to get it taken down because it exposed a message I sent telling them to stop their behaviour, but he claimed it was targeted harassment, no it's me exposing everything. If you'd have moved on from the very beginning, you wouldn't be in this situation, I wouldn't know how shit your sex life was or your obsession of wanting to be a female online or the weird thing of wanting to tell people your sister was your girlfriend. You both claimed to be happy, you couldve both carried on with your lives, you two made this a problem, but it was a problem that I was going to stand up to. You thought I was quiet and an easy target and you both couldn't have been more wrong.
If he was to ever go to court, his evidence consists of screenshotting my profiles, when already blocked and me telling him to leave me and Phil alone. Wouldn't surprise me if he's randomly searched for profiles, decided ones me without solid evidence, because that's how stupid he is. He would be questioned how he got screenshots of my profile after he was clearly blocked, and he wouldn't know what to say without revealing he'd looked through fake profiles. The pure stupidity coming from these two, is insane, because you hear of people being this stupid, but to actually see it, it's laughable. Whereas all my evidence is linked clearly to him, but found through me just looking on Reddit and noticing a comment or him interacting with himself on another fake profile. He made it very easy to find this evidence and the little extra with his personal life. His partner even made a photography Instagram account, didn't block me, so it got recommended to me, for her to post evidence outside their front door, and me being around that area to visit Phils parents, I knew immediately where he lived. Him posting about how he bought Sneak Energy, after Phil did, but posting a photo with sensitive documents in the background, revealing where he worked. That's their own stupid choices they made, and even then I only saw these when I was going to block accounts they had already made.
They always claimed they didn't care about us, but why go to this much hassle for 4 years? Why start making fake profiles and following my friends and fake accounts if you didn't care? Because you both did. You couldn't see my posts, you didn't like how happy me and Phil was and that was what fuelled this. You wanted to cause trouble and have an impact, but if anything, the only impact and damage was to your own relationship. I told you Feb 2023 to stop and if you both was as happy as you claimed to be, then you'd move on. From Liams post about lack of sex drive and Stacey's irregular periods it gives away health problems for them, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know what he's describing is him having a low sperm count and her having PCOS. That's information you described yourself and it's quite obvious from talking about how her periods were irregular and come and go whenever and how he doesn't have much interest, he's gave away so much Information about the two of them, just by using fake profiles for personal problems. He hasn't thought about any consequences that his posts about their personal issues might have, but all that was there for me to see when he thought I wouldn't find the account. But once again he's put himself in a situation where he's posted too much about personal life. He suffers with mental health because he posted: "Can't sleep 馃様. Been finding it very hard to sleep the past few weeks. Too much on my mind 馃様" Or "Can't sleep 馃様 It's like a tornado is blowing around in my head and everything is spinning. I can't seem to focus on a single thought. 馃様" those are things he posted on his Izzy account, showing me that his mental health influenced his motive for all of this. Even making a fake Facebook account called Joanne Nosko. He has done all this himself, he purposely doesn't block me so he can easily see our profiles, and then when we find it, he starts deleting evidence because of the amount of information he's shared on these accounts, unfortunately for him, we've already seen it. This is the stupidity he has, because he doesn't stop to think, he will make a fake profile and then call his partners name the least attractive, he will post about how much he hates gaming with her and how he wants to kill her, and all of this is on there when I come across the account.
It always makes me wonder what will be the point where they stop, because I know so much thanks to what they've posted, I have so much ammo, what will be the point where they finally decide it's time to delete all the fake profiles and try and fix what relationship they have, when will Liam decide to stop looking at random naked women, when will he decide to stop pretending to be a female, what point does he have to reach where he realises he's fucked up so badly, that he just stops. He stops stalking accounts, he stops making fake profiles. Guaranteed I'm not the first or last person he will do this to, but if I ever see anyone else go through this because of them, then I'll happily help them with the ammo I have. He's probably still stalking his exes, because this behaviour was to normal for him, he's had experience doing this, but he's probably never done it to anyone who fights back like I have.
If they'd have got to know me, they would've known I was the type of person to fight to prove who was the liar. In their delusional world all I think about is them, all my accounts are based on them and every account they have, they think I watch. Far from it, I do my tumblr and that's it, and the only reason I have to do this is because they want to play victim in a situation they created. I blocked them and the fake accounts started, they saw my old twitter I basically didn't give a shit and didn't think of them as much as they'd liked. Whatever little attention they was given, which was being told to leave us alone, it fed their obsession, because very early on, I didn't have the ammo that I do now. He stalked my streams, my friends from Twitch and all this while still thinking we had no one, whilst in reality, it was he who had no one. He was blocked, we didn't care, and that bothered him, every so often they would do stuff to get the attention they craved, the last time being me revealing a post where Liam called a girl sexy on Instagram, whilst he was in a relationship with her. Her Izzy Darke account, now just known as 鉂わ笍 stayed but her official one, she deleted. She quickly realised that she tried to get my attention and saw the worst possible thing. Funny. Whenever I found a Reddit account, like Mrs Nervous, it was up for months but as soon as I blocked it, deleted. They quickly started to realise that my bite back was more vicious than the thing they did to get my attention or how they would say they was victim, and now look. So tell people you're a victim, lead them to my accounts, because I still have my public posts, with evidence, they will see for themselves. To save yourselves from anymore humiliation you might want to focus on yourselves and try fix the broken relationship you had way before I even blocked you. Leave my family alone, because next time I find an account, I'll make sure you regret ever being found on another fake account, blasting your bullshit. You've fucked around and found out, so when are you going to learn? When you've destroyed your relationship because it's fuelled on treating people this way? When Stacey finds out Liam is still bad mouthing her online? Or moaning about their lack of sex life? When are you two going to wake up and realise over 4 years you've exposed yourselves in more ways than one to me, I know your dirty little secrets, I know everything that you probably didn't want me to know because you are the ones who posted it online. Phil doesn't care or never cared about you, as you could see, he was happy with his friends, you can't control who he's friends with and you can't tell them not to be friends with Phil. Get it through your heads, your stupid, brainless heads, we never cared when we blocked you. We wasn't creating fake profiles, we wasn't following people who knew you, buying stuff because you did, talking to people just because they knew you, playing games that you played, we didn't do any of that, Liam did. I have the evidence, but we didn't. How much more obvious have I gotta make it before you realise? Fuck off back under your bridge, you pair of trolls.
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A 28 year old (at the time, now 32 and still to this day follows her on his fake Izzy_m1995 account) communicating with a 15 YEAR OLD.
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The Fake Profile.
So I've been interacting with someone who knows of the situation with Liam. I have told them before of public posts Liam has made aimed at me and Phil, around the time Phil messaged Liam asking him to stop following people we know and Liam decided to make posts about us and share them publicly. I showed him the screenshot and because this person is friends with Liam, he searched for the post and told me that there was 5 reactions to this post, whereas when I was originally shown this post, it only had 4 reactions.

So this got this person to look into who mightve been the additional reaction. Low and behold they quickly recognised a strange looking account.

So we did some's some proof that this account is fake and most probably another account of Liams.





I'd like to say a massive thank you to the person who helped discover this account that is now blocked by both me and Phil. We have never interacted with the account, just like this post will only be seen by Liam through stalking, so if he references it in any way, I have not sent him links, he has stalked my tumblr account.
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Hilarious reality.
If this was to ever go to court, whatever Liam would say to try make himself look like a victim would expose him for stalking.
Liam: *Shows a tweet I made calling Stacey psycho*
Court: "Okay so according to evidence you was blocked at this point so how did you get this screenshot?"
Liam: "I used a fake account to stalk her Twitter profile"
Also Liam: *Shows a tweet a retweeted about cheating*
Court: "So how did you get this evidence and how is this aimed at you?"
Liam: "I once again had a fake twitter account to stalk her and its aimed at me because I cheat on my wife looking at other women on multiple social media platforms"
ALSO LIAM: *Shows court my Tumblr posts*
Court: "So did she send you a link to her tumblr for you to see this?"
Liam: "No, when I couldn't stalk her on twitter anymore, I started stalking her on Reddit, she posted links on Reddit"
Court: "So you found this from stalking her account?:
Liam: "Yes, I also reported it as targeted harassment towards me"
Court: "How is it targeted harassment? Its evidence that she's collected of what you've done to her for years. When getting in touch with police you'll be asked to keep evidence which include screenshots and dates so we have context about what has happened, that's what she's done, there's also screenshots where she's asked you repeatedly to leave her alone, and you clearly haven't, so wheres the targeted harassment towards you?"
Liam: "it's exposing me for everything, therefore I think its harassment"
The hilarious reality of him being an absolute dumb ass. Like the time I blocked the Izzy Darke account, never said anything, checked my block list to see if the account had been deleted which nope it hadn't but "Thanks for keeping an eye on me" suddenly in Liams bio馃槀 exposing himself and he's done this multiple times馃槀 thinks he's something special (special needs more like) when infact he's just an absolute loser who doesn't want to move the fuck on. I will repeat this a million times, if he ever references my tumblr exposing him, talking about any post, it's because he's stalked my account, because I have not sent him ANY links.
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Deep Dive
Whenever I've reported this stuff, I'm always asked "okay how can you prove its these two people doing this stuff?" Whenever I find an account that I'm suspicious of, I will deep dive into the account to get that evidence so I can prove its them. Most of the time a fake account always has information that will link back to them, most of the time Liam will post information that gives the indication it is him, posting his personal information on a fake account. This comes in many forms, posting about stuff that links back to him, when he says "his girlfriend" is in hospital with Crohns Disease when infact that's his sister. When he posts about his and his partners sex life being pretty bad so asks Reddit what sex toy he should get her, or the most obvious one, posting that her name is least attractive. Or posting about games that he's talking to Phil about at the same time. I can get this information so when I'm asked "how can I prove its them?" Well I then have screenshots to support my theory. Liam might think deleting evidence will mean he can deny it was ever evidence, but on your phone, a screenshot will have a particular name to the photo, proving its a direct screenshot. So no matter how much evidence he deletes, to try get out of it, the names of the evidence, will always show its a direct screenshot. Meaning it had to exist for me to take that screenshot.


You'll see in both screenshots the name of the photo starts with "screenshot" meaning it's come directly from the source I got it from. Therefore no matter how much evidence he thinks deleting and then denying the evidence, having the file name, will always prove that I got it from an original source. You'd think him working in IT he would know that.
And let me make this extra clear, I do not send any posts from my tumblr to either of them. Liam tried to get my posts taken down because I started posting evidence. When I had spent years asking both of them, to leave us alone, and he's thinking he's some silly funny person carrying it on, I decided that instead of telling him to leave us alone and him saying that was him being stalked and harassed, I decided I'd had enough and I'd make all this evidence public, with context and dates. He's screenshot my profiles when he's been blocked from my main profiles, so if that's evidence he wants to send all you gotta ask is "how did you screenshot that when you're blocked by her?" "How do you know this tumblr exists if she doesn't send you direct links?" "How does asking you to leave her alone mean she's stalking and harassing you, when she is asking you to stop stalking and harassing her?". Simple questions that will clearly expose him for what he's done.
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With everything I have seen, I am convinced that when he makes fake accounts and posts questions about people's weird kink or fetish on his MrsNervous reddit account or following my friends is so he can try get as much information about me as possible. This could include personal information, information about where I live, where I work, where my child goes to Nursery. Any possible piece of information that could help aid him in his stalking. There is no reason for him to follow my friends, they're all aware of him, in our group discord a post was sent out about him, this discord had 50+ members. So everyone is aware and most had blocked. Once again, I dont go out to do this stuff, whatever Information I have about him is what he's posted himself on his own accounts or Phils told me from being friends with him for 10+ years. (The evidence proving Liam was MrsNervous has already been posted)

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I once again have had to make all this public incase there's people I don't know about who he's followed that know me. I will not stop until EVERY fake account he's ever made is deleted and he decides to move on and stops being so obsessed and focused on me. As soon as HIS behaviour stops, then I will stop using this account. But until then, everything I find I will post, to prove that he was never the victim like he claimed and to prove what he has done to me for such a long extent.
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Many people have always asked "but why would two people who are in a supposedly loving relationship do this?"
From the very start Me & Phil have always had a very affectionate relationship, we post each other, tag each other (proof posted that it pissed Stacey off me tagging him) and when at social gatherings Phil is still the same person with me when he's around other people. He likes people to know he's happy and in love, simple as.
So simple answer is, look at just some of the screenshots provided, some of this ranging for several months in 2019, but when someone sees others happy in a relationship, not just me and Phil but anyone, they want that same kind of affection, but all she got was being disrespected. From the many girls he liked and followed on Instagram, that Phil messaged him about. To even now on his fake Twitter account, the one where he's pretending to be female, interacting with 15 year olds and claiming his sister is his girlfriend (whilst also claiming to be a female so he's pretending to be a lesbian) , on that profile he still, to this day, after he got married, looks at half naked women. He's bad mouthed her online saying he wanted to kill her, he even said her name was the least attractive and on his fake reddit posted about how crap their sex life is so asked strangers what sex toy to get her so she can go get off by herself.
When there's so much disrespectful behaviour from him, to her. Seeing others happy would cause her to be spiteful and petty because she wanted what others had, she wanted to feel and be loved and in return all she got was someone who spent his time following naked women, telling them they looked sexy (during their relationship) and even now still does it.
This is why they do it, because their relationship already has problems, and no marriage won't undo all the bad stuff he's done, especially when he still does that stuff. But the jealousy of seeing others happy is what fuelled this behaviour from them and now, he gives me more attention than his own wife. Making numerous fake accounts to always have an eye on me. It sounds as bad as it does but from the evidence provided, he has made so many fake accounts just to make sure he can have his one working eye on everything I do, everything I post, then when he's been caught play victim because he's a narcissist.
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Scumbag Continued:






Just a continuation of the Scumbag post because I reached the limit of photos I could attach to that post. Starting to think the tweets he made on the @whoknowsbitch1 about not having any friends was about himself, seeing as how he's stalked so many of mine.
*Image that's marked as 2* These are all the times he's tweeted about games HE has been actually playing. In the chat with Phil on messenger (I can provide screenshots if needed) around this time frame he talks to Phil about a couple of the games like God Of War, they had a lengthy discussion about that because Phil was basically helping him with how to defeat some areas and facts about the game. They also talk about Assassins Creed at some point, and he told Phil about him getting Jedi Fallen Order the last Xmas they ever spoke on messenger. Not to mention he always talks about Spiderman, he talked alot about Animal Crossing & the Pokemon games. This info is all on the accounts I came across AND his last Reddit account I found is a username dedicated to Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (CrimsonGuardianXCII) also Stacey plays The Sims game, she dedicated accounts to her playing the games and the characters she made.
*Image marked 3* Its super creepy a grown man is using a fake birth date, to follow women, (the one girl he follows and communicated with January 14th 2020 was 15!!!) his birth year is 1992. But its the fact he's targeted my friends to follow making himself seem younger than what he is. Super gross. Another thing is me & Phil whenever we're sus of an account we check back on it after a few days to see if Liam reacts, so what I mean by reacts is does he delete the account, which he's done a couple times, deletes posts, which he's done in the past before or changed the username. So as we predicted, even though we sent him no links to my tumblr, Phil blocked him and he must've gone to stalk Phils account or saw the link on my Reddit account. He's got rid of followers and some people he follows, he's deleted posts such as: Asking about putting Viagra in his luggage, tweets about Spotify and the Animal Crossing picture he used that was Stacey's character and the switch game. And his likes have gone down. This is a typical reaction once he's been found out, giving himself away even more.
*Image marked 4* This is YouTubes way of blocking a channel, if he left a comment, I won't see it, it essentially goes into a void. But anyway, I blocked both the ones that I know Liam has, Phil showed me the first one (they uploaded Uni projects on there, that's how Phil knew about it) when we realised Liam & Stacey were stalking. Phil wanted me to block as many accounts as possible so that I had no interaction with him, the second one was on his Twitch, that I blocked (which I found when blocking his twitter related to his Twitch) I have never interacted with Liam on there, I have never messaged him on there. I'm guessing the "Hi Kirsty馃憤馃徎" is when he was stalking and realised I had blocked his account and him getting angry, that is how he exposes himself. But on his fake Twitter where he's pretending to be a female with a fake name, fake birth year and interacting with 15 year old girls, he's talking about ANOTHER youtube channel (none of the accounts I've blocked have numbers in the name) So this shows the extent that whatever platform he is on, he has made numerous accounts. What is this obsession with me? Because the latest findings with that Twitter account truly shows he is a crazy freak, not to mention the many questions as to why a 27 year old man (at the time) was interacting with a 15 year old. Its gross.

I think its safe to say, I've provided enough evidence (don't worry there's lots more still to come) but from the evidence provided, the only person here who's been actively watching is Liam. From the fake Reddit accounts, fake twitter accounts, fake YouTube accounts, fake Instagram accounts and possibly he has fake Facebook accounts, the extent he has gone to constantly have an eye on what me or my husband Phil is doing is borderline crazy. I think he wanted to stay relevant because truthfully he's a loner, I think he's miserable with his own life, so therefore stalking his former mates wife and when he's caught out he likes to think he's the one that's being stalked. When in reality he's blocked and that's that. He's pretended to be a female twice, all whilst stalking my friends, which is so creepy. A 32 year Old man pretending to be younger than 30 to stalk women, it sounds as crazy as he is. The whole thing of "I'm a man no one believes me" is simply because he is full of shit. The only thing he's got screenshots of is stalking our accounts AFTER we've blocked his main account and even then it was us retweeting cheating quotes and narcissist posts, meaning he's using fake accounts. I've never followed his friends, I have mutual friends of his yes, but I never followed them first. They added me on Facebook, followed me on Instagram/Twitter first. He thinks he's someone special when really he's a nobody. It took us to June 2020 to realise he was doing anything because we didn't care about him. That's how much we cared about him, as soon as he was blocked, we didn't give a flying fuck about his existence. But this person who's boasted about his shit sex life, needing viagra, not cleaning his arse properly, bad mouthed his wife numerous times and has endless health issues, wanted to stay relevant, he wanted us to give him attention because its what he craved. The great thing is, if he's gone chatting crap to anyone and they approach me, I can simply send them the link to this tumblr which will reveal everything. If they looked at my Facebook, they'll see evidence and the link on my Facebook. The great thing is, him being so miserable is karma. He will be found out eventually by all those around him, and that will be karma, for providing so much evidence, for not moving on with his life when he was first blocked and for ever thinking he was smart enough to pull this off.
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Why is he so desperately fanning over a game that he knew back then I loved? He was never this much of a fan, but the way he acted, it was like did he hope I would notice him? Did he want to use the account to befriend me? What are the motives? I've never pretended to like a game because he has, every game I've played is because the game has interested me, but the extent of pretending and creating a fake profile. It makes me question what was his intentions behind this? Phil wasn't blocked on this account either, Phil blocked him. Did he so badly want us to notice him, to be our friend through fake profiles? Is he so seriously mentally ill? He's in his 30s, has he hit a mid life crisis because the one friend who bothered with him ditched him after finding out he'd been a little bitch. There's so much here that is creepy, disturbing and just weird.
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Still a scumbag










I'd like to point out no links were sent to Liam, it was posted publicly on my Reddit and on Phils Twitter. If he mentions my post, he's only seen it through stalking. In the first image how I found the account is him having a conversation with himself, using 2 fake accounts he created. Something he blamed me for doing, I hadn't, but now I know he was blaming me for his actions that I wasn't aware of. Absolute nut case.
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8th June 2019 - Phil first had signs of chicken pox. From the 8th we would video call on Facebook messenger, this was on my days off from work or after I'd finished work.
14th June 2019 - I saw him to take him a present to feel better and some treats. Even though I'd had chicken pox as a kid, Phil didn't want me catching it so we sat opposite side of the rooms. The photo I posted about seeing him was when we went out for a meal 31st May 2019. I even said in the post I couldn't hug and kiss him. I was sat opposite him for a max of 30 minutes and then I left.
23rd June 2019 - Phil was not contagious anymore. All his chicken pox had crusted over and started to drop off, so me and Phil saw each other, we had a hug and posted a photo a together. 16 Days after he first showed signs, I finally got to hug him. By the 29th June he was all clear and had no signs of chicken pox.
I'm addressing this because this was something else Liam, Stacey and the mutual friend made a big deal about discussing at a then 1 year olds birthday party. Phil didn't attend (the party was the 24th June 2019) purely because if there was the slightest chance he couldve passed it on to a young child, he didn't want that, so he bought a present and just explained he couldn't go because of chicken pox. He literally didnt want to pass it on and make anyone ill, but apparently it was the end of the world because Phil had seen his girlfriend whilst being ill. The reality probably was Liam got pissed because he once again wasn't getting all of Phils attention, he didn't like it and chose to bitch about it at the party and chose a 1 year olds party to cry like big babies, yet if anyone had caught chicken pox if Phil had attended, it wouldve been the constant blame game and "oh if you wasnt 100% clear you shouldnt have come and now we've all caught it" and bought it up in the last argument like it was a big deal, laughable. But the amount of health problems those people who chose to bitch have got, seeing my boyfriend from a distance to cheer him up and then seeing him 9 days later when he had cleared up was nothing compared to the ongoing stuff they have. So he can cry and be a big baby all he wants but its controlling trying to bring up something that Phil did with his loved one, getting mad and acting as if Phil had cheated on him by seeing his girlfriend. Whilst Phils not the cheat out of the two of them (this evidence is posted privately) Phil doesn't need Liams permission to see friends or girlfriends, so it's very controlling of Liam and the other 2, to make the biggest deal out of it. Its stupid I even have to address seeing my own partner, but that's how controlling these two were, because they only saw each other Saturdays, Liam wanted the time not seeing Stacey dedicated to talking or gaming with Phil, whereas because me and Phil had a relationship where we saw each other as much as we could, we was looking for our own place in 2019, we was trying to conceive a baby, we got engaged, there was so much we was doing that Liam & Stacey didn't know about because Phil only wanted to discuss that with his closest friend who's like a Brother to him, This is something Phil chose not to tell Liam, he told his Best Mate, Will but Liam didn't know any private stuff me and Phil was doing because we chose those closest to us to discuss it all. I'd also like to point out when Liam made a comment about his mates not talking to Phil much and they had apparently all called me controlling, Phil spoke daily to Will. Phil doesn't reply to all messages on messenger, he always chose to have longer conversations with Will, even if Liam had messaged, he would ignore the message to talk to Will, the other 2 friends had no idea about the comment because they spoke on messenger and to this day have a group chat on WhatsApp. Liam just wanted to act controlling and make it sound like everyone thought bad of me, possibly to try get Phil to split up with me, but Phil went directly to them and they all basically said that comment was bullshit. Oh and the comment where apparently Liam & Phil hardly spoke, I'll screen record the conversation, then see how often the two spoke and how that apparently still wasn't enough for Liam.

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Once again I will mention, the copying was never my issue, it was Liams that he bought up repeatedly. If its such an issue, then I posted just a few screenshots, not including the times I'd tag Phil in a lovey post and then so would she or them going to the exact same places as us. I shrugged this whole thing off but this was a problem Liam made and mentioned, if me or Phil never mentioned it and he did, he clearly had a guilty conscience and that's why HE was the only one to bring it up. Me & Phil started joking in our private conversation after I'd tag MY partner in a post that we would give it an hour and she would tag Liam in that post, which 99% of the time, was true. And clearly Liam said I thought they was copying, not we was copying them, so they knew. He outed them just by repeatedly discussing this. And the whole comic con tagging post was never a problem with me, they went on a Saturday and we went on a Sunday with a group of friends who could only attend Sunday. I knew he went to comic cons way before I ever met him, just like I went before I met him, so no that was never a problem with me because we went on different days (once again he mentioned it and the comic con was AFTER i blocked them, we went on the 17th November 2019, the year before we went with THEM so there was no way id see a comic con post from them and the year before me and Phil was very happy doing our own thing whilst they did theirs). Me and Phil also chose different days because we didn't want a repeat of Stacey going bat shit crazy on the train platform about standing behind a line.
*Updated Edit*
So after recent things that have happened, Phil noticed something with his messages to Liam from January 2020 - March 2020. On my old twitter account I made hints to my pregnancy, one being a photo I uploaded saying "there's 3 people in this photo" because Liam had 2 other accounts to stalk my twitter (@wholnowsbitch1 & Izzy_m1995) he already guessed I was pregnant by the hints. So after these hints from January 2020, messages from Liam got more needy. If Phil didn't reply, Liam would message be like "oh I'm online tonight if you want to play" which was a pattern, so Liam could send 2 messages and if no response would send a 3rd trying to get Phils attention which most the time asking to play online. Or one being about how busy Phil was to not respond. They was more needy (I can provide screenshots to support this) so this shows that he didn't like that Phil had something important happening with his partner (me pregnant with our first baby) and wanted to try get as much attention as possible by sending multiple messages hours apart. This is why I think Liam has been a cry baby for 4 years, because he was already showing signs of wanting to control who his mate talks and sees but wanting all the attention for himself.
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