Oh my god, guys.
Are we just going to ignore the fact that bay trees and laurel trees—the laurel trees, used for Roman victory wreaths—are the same?? Why is witchblr sitting on this??
And why are bay leaved associated with prosperity? It makes sense, but they should symbolise victory and glory! Success! Fame, winning, being lauded and recognised! Prosperity comes along with this but it's not central.
I only found this out yesterday, I'm shocked.
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Here's a list of ingredients with various protective and cleansing properties that I've found useful in my closet witch practice! Note that I'm not an expert and these are just my own experiences and interpretations.
Eggshells! Great protection qualities and can also be used for renewal spells as well. A good easy spell would be sprinkling bits of it around the front of your home with the intent of providing protection
Salt, a classic cleansing ingredient that you'll find in your mom's kitchen. Various kinds have slightly different properties. Tip: if you add ashes to it, then it becomes black salt, which in my experience is very a strong cleanser especially if you add a bit of moon water. It becomes a paste and can be used for various things such as sigils
Iron nails. Not only protective, but can deflect back. Like a "back the fuck off" kind of protection. Bonus if it's rusty
Thorny vines, barbs, etc can function like nails
Pinecones. Similar to eggshells, but a bit more spicy (mess with me and I'll nip you back) but not as intense as nails. Also has great renewal properties since it's a seed
Obsidian, a great protective crystal to have on hand
Custom protection sigil, all you need is a pen, paper, and intuition. Or just write it with charged water on yourself
Moon water, especially full moon water. Very strong cleansing
Incense and smoke cleansing, I like using rose. DO NOT USE WHITE SAGE
Enchant jewelry or something you have on you on a regular basis with protective and positive energy properties. It can be as easy as making a sigil for it and activating said sigil by burning or tearing it up or dipping it in charged water. Very secretive!
Pepper! Again, similar to the nails, but with an added kick and slightly different way of carrying out things. Instead of deflecting immediately, it deflects over a slower period of time, like how burns do
Ask a deity or spirit you're working with to bless a charm. Very effective! Can be literally anything!
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Oh my god, guys.
Are we just going to ignore the fact that bay trees and laurel trees—the laurel trees, used for Roman victory wreaths—are the same?? Why is witchblr sitting on this??
And why are bay leaved associated with prosperity? It makes sense, but they should symbolise victory and glory! Success! Fame, winning, being lauded and recognised! Prosperity comes along with this but it's not central.
I only found this out yesterday, I'm shocked.
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Why are so many of the "aesthetic" photos of witchcraft and goddesses just skinny white girls? Specific searches for plus-size witches and goddesses produce mainly pictures of people showing off their dresses, which is cool and all, but not what I'm looking for.
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One of the first things I've crocheted in ages. I love the way so many things can be brought into witchcraft, it really motivates me to keep at them.
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beginner-witch-blog · 10 days
lil’ pagan tip/idea- dedicate a journal to your deity!
a journal can be useful for a lot of reasons. not only it is an easy way to feel closer to your deity or deities, but it can be super convenient if you’re a person who travels a lot or need to worship in secret.
things to write or put in your journal could include:
pressed flowers/leaves/herbs
sketches or doodles of things that remind you of them
devotional poems or art pieces
song lyrics
experiences you’ve had with them
dreams they’ve sent you
spells / rituals (especially ones you have done or would want to do with them)
notes on offerings and devotional acts
list of crystals, herbs, colors, etc. you associate with them
and these are only a few ideas :)
the journal can also work as a mini-altar that you can put offerings on! since taking care of myself is one of the ways i honor my deity, sometimes i’ll place a glass of water or juice on the journal i have and i can keep it next to me to sip from while i’m doing something. again this can be really helpful if you travel a lot, worship discreetly, or if you don’t have a lot of space for a full altar.
additionally, you can dedicate a few pens or markers to your deity too (because everything is better with fun colors!)
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beginner-witch-blog · 10 days
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🏹 Artemis 🏹
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beginner-witch-blog · 13 days
Hey babe that spell might not be working because your associations with an item may not be the same as another's and how you feel about an ingredient is what's going to impact how it influences your spell!
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beginner-witch-blog · 15 days
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Saw this, thought of us 😂
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beginner-witch-blog · 15 days
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Got my first tarot deck a few days ago! Universal Waite Tarot was definitely the right choice—I love the colours, and the fact that the drawings are the same as RWS tarot means it's easy to find interpretations. The cards are beautiful! :)
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beginner-witch-blog · 15 days
"The two figures depicted in the card are often interpreted by contemporary practitioners as a happy married couple. However, note that in A. E. Waite’s seminal work Pictorial Key, he explains that the two figures are both women." ~ Benebell Wen, on the Three of Wands.
They're lesbians, Harold.
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beginner-witch-blog · 15 days
A reminder that Robert Graves is not a reliable source, and if you are relying on any books by him, including The White Goddess, to double check everything you incorporate into your practice!
ETA: If you're happy to include things like that anyway, the choice is (obviously) your own, and I don't mean to judge that :). Just to be aware that a lot of Robert Graves' theories are unfounded and based somewhat on poetic license.
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beginner-witch-blog · 16 days
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How to Dehydrate Herbs
This is my first post on my newly-minted digital grimoire, so I thought I'd start out with info I already know. Here's a short little guide on how to dehydrate herbs and other materials at home in your oven (if you have one). I usually dehydrate fresh materials instead of hanging them as firstly: I have a cat who will find a way to reach anything I hang up to dry, and secondly: there are some materials I don't feel comfortable leaving out in open air as they will likely rot. Also, it just saves on drying time.
1. Grab whatever you want to dehydrate whether it be fruits, peels, herbs, veg, or (my favourite) eggshells.
Important Note: DO NOT EVER put plants which are known to be toxic or whose origins are unclear in your oven. It's never worth it.
2. Place your items on a sheet pan with parchment paper underneath (there may be lingering oils on the pan, but if you are okay with that feel free to skip the parchment).
3. If your oven is fancy and you have a dehydration setting, great! Use the recommended temperature. If not, set your oven between 160-190*. I usually set it lower, but if you're short on time it will work higher.
4. This is the most crucial step: keep your oven door slightly ajar in order to let moisture escape. However, very importantly DO NOT EVER LEAVE YOUR OPEN OVEN UNATTENDED (or your closed one, for that matter), especially if you have an older oven. Basic fire safety applies here.
5. The process usually takes around 2 hours if you are dehydrating thinner plants, but may take up to 3-4 if you are dehydrating something thicker like citrus peels or fruit slices. Either way, be prepared to wait a bit. You will know they are done when you can easily crush them if plants or they are breakably-solid if peels. With eggshells they will be brittle anyways, but it's nice to dehydrate them to more easily grind into a powder and also to kill any lingering bacteria.
6. Store herbs as you usually would in a container away from sunlight. Enjoy!
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Printer's Ornament (Chiswick Press, 192)
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beginner-witch-blog · 18 days
I don't know who needs to hear this but YOU WILL MAKE MISTAKES IN YOUR PAGANISM AND WITCHCRAFT. We all do, to whatever degrees. Especially at younger ages or newer in our practice!
You will treat deities like Pokémon cards, or appropriate native practices, or lie about signs, or argue over things you are deeply incorrect on, or think every deity is calling out to you, or that you are personally gifted beyond anyone else, or think your dreams are all past lives, or think you can transport back in time, or ffs that youre carrying a gods child, or even beleive you have telekenisis.
You are not broken or incapable, you are learning and cringe and confused (and often a child!) Thats being human. Let go of your mistakes, delete those posts, don't grip on and defend them and kick and claw. You can let it go. Please do.
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beginner-witch-blog · 19 days
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Love how this turned out!
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beginner-witch-blog · 19 days
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beginner-witch-blog · 19 days
To Witches Who Are Going Back to School
For those in the broom closet, or for those who are open, for baby witches and for the experienced, here are some back to school witch tips to help your school year be magical and spectacular <3
Draw sigils on assignments for good grades/to have your teacher appreciate your work, scratch them out really hard/fast or erase them to charge.
Charm your lip balm to be persuasive, or to be heard!
Draw a tarot card in the morning to see what you should be aware of for the day, or what you need to work on for the day.
Stir your morning tea or coffee counter-clockwise to rid bad energy, and stir clockwise to bring in good energy, luck, and any other sort of positive intention.
If you have a binder that acts as a book of shadows, place sigils on them to keep wandering eyes away.
Glamours, glamOURS, GLAMOURS!!!!! They work so well if you’re running late. I like to mumble them to myself and mediate on Rose Quartz when I’m in a rush.
Eat small snacks to keep yourself grounded, and don’t forget to breathe after each class. Trust me, I know it can get frustrating with obnoxious people.
Charm talismans/amulets/bracelets to help you be on time/remember your homework.
Put satchets in your lockers/decorate your locker to make it a little safe space or school-friendly altar.
Keep the list going! I started school Monday and I’m eager to see what else witches can do for school!
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