watching early philza streams of first taking care of chayanne is literally so funny, when we know the eggs eat normal food like regular players. watching this man throw his son non-edible wheat seeds because obviously this is what he eats??? the duck floatie got this man treating his dragon son like a baby bird instincts real lmaoooo
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qsmp purgatory is just reinventing How to Minecraft Season 3 (H3M) for real lmao
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i feel like the eggs (or at least Chayanne and Tallulah) have switched admins like... noticeably. maybe only in the little things, like tallulah using different word usage/less spanish ("remember dad" instead of "remember papi" and "peace was never an option"), more running ahead/less lag, lots more backflips recently? and I guess it could just be their chosen character arc from here on out, and i know some of them switch admins sometimes, but tallulah's been played by amapolita for this whole time and it doesn't feel like they're playing her anymore?
i think maybe the april 30th event was actually an excuse for a full admin switch maybe? a new group of admins switched in so they get a chance to play? i guess im only watching from phil's pov, but the eggs seem like they were given the basic essentials of who their characters were and set out to go rp
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quick thing b4 the event…
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The kids 🥚
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philza's saying on stream about how most of the stuff that he's built on the server has been for chayanne and he doesn't really care for his own home, just what he's made for his son and i just like. cannot stop thinking about how the server has forced everyone on it to build their lives around these eggs not only in an emotional sense but also in a physical sense. and all the homes built for these families that have been made are just going to be desolate soon. ghosts of what they were meant to be. the bodies without the souls. an echo of what the parents are going to be. idk it's 2am i'm feeling insane
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It’s 4:35 AM when Wilbur finally finishes double-checking all his bags. He’s got his clothes, his equipment, and his guitar all packed away in their proper places. He’s got a sandwich wrapped up to eat on the train, and he’s got a brand new photo of him and Tallulah in his breast pocket, right next to his heart. He pats it fondly as he glances over his bags one last time, running over his mental checklist to make sure he’s not forgetting anything. 
It’s 4:36 AM when Wilbur checks his comm to actually see the time and realizes that he’s running a bit late; the train leaves at 5:00 AM sharp, and he meant to leave six minutes ago so he would have plenty of time to get to the station. He knows he’s cut a pretty good deal with the Federation to let him leave Quesadilla Island to go on tour, but he doesn’t think that their graciousness extends to patience. He can’t miss that train. He starts to pick up his bags.
It’s 4:37 AM when Wilbur’s got all his stuff together and he’s heading for the door. He’s thinking about where the brightest pathways are so he can avoid the night mobs when his eyes land on the photograph hanging by the door. It’s Tallulah, from a couple days before. They’d gone on a little adventure, and she’d written him a sign. 
You’re my favorite superhero, papi <3
It stops Wilbur dead in his tracks. Goddamn. Not even a step out the door, and he already misses her so deeply. She’s fast asleep upstairs at the moment. They said their goodbyes last night since Wilbur knew he’d have to leave so early to catch his train, and he didn’t like the idea of saying goodbye to his daughter when she was half-asleep and he was pressed for time. In a few hours, she’ll wake up, and Phil will be there to take her in, and that will be that. 
She’ll be okay. She’s in good hands. She’ll be held, and cared for, and loved—
It’s 4:38 AM when Wilbur drops all his bags at the door and shoots up the ladder, taking the rungs two at a time. He slows down when he gets to the trapdoor, pushing it open with delicate fingers and peeking inside. There, he sees her: his beautiful little flower petal, curled up in her blankets and sleeping soundly, probably, hopefully, dreaming of lovely things.
Wilbur smiles. He climbs up the last of the runs and tiptoes across the little room, careful of the squeaky boards and the clunk of his boots. When he gets to her bed, he kneels down beside it and runs his hand gently, gently through her wild curls, pushing them back so he can get one last look at her face, soft with sleep.
It’s 4:39 AM when Wilbur brushes his lips to her forehead. “Mi niña,” he whispers in his lopsided-but-no-less-affectionate Spanish. “Mi niña buena. I love you always. I’m going to miss you so much.” He gives her a kiss, softer than the brush of a butterfly’s wings. “Goodbye, my darling. I’ll see you soon.” With no small amount of heartache, he pulls himself away.
It’s 4:40 AM when Wilbur finally gets out the door, bracing himself against the chill of early morning as he hurriedly throws bags over his shoulders and shuts the door behind him as quietly as possible. He regards his house—his home, their home—for a lingering moment before turning away and starting across the yard at a swift pace. His eyes are trained purposefully on the path ahead, because he knows that if he dares to glance back, it’s all over. And so, he goes.
It’s 5:03 AM when a train pulls out of the all-but-abandoned train station of Quesadilla Island. Its single passenger sits at a window, and he watches the distance grow further and further, until the island is nothing more than a bit of morning fog on the horizon.
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i think the eggs will be taken away, and events will pass and things will move on, but in a catastrophic apocalyptic end event, they'll suddenly appear in the darkest hour, swooping in as fully grown dragons to protect the players who cared for them
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aw fuck forgot how much i missed tubbo until this mcc MANNNNN
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everyday is Tallulah day!!
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Wil & Lula bc they are everything to currently u-u
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if anything happens to her I'll do terrible terrible things
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TALLULAAAAHHH (doodled tallulah because i needed a reference of her for an animatic o7)
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proud father
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