Your name was SOLLUX 'mage' CAPTOR-STRIDER, but after a final TENTH death, you have CEASED TO EXSIST. probably.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.

The proper term for this is “heterochromia”, when one eye is different than the other. It happens when there is either a lack or excess amount of melanin
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...Damnit brother. I'd hoped I could talk to you one last time.
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Seriously Sollux you didnt say anything did you mean to do that?
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==>Sollux: Say goodbyes.
>Not yet, you don't have to go yet.
>You haven't taken care of Bzz Bzz, or seen Dave yet today, or said goodbye to the brats or...
>Your entire being dissapears. Just for a moment, before you force your way back to reality with your psionics. ...Now you're starting to think your time is up, or almost up. If your psionics aren't strong enough to keep you here without hopelessly flaring and wearing them out, you need to speed things up a goddamn notch.
>But your fingers pause the moment you try to type anything. What are you going to even say? You ponder writing notes to everyone who's had significance over the lat... half sweep, still with you or not, but it just seems too dramatic, and would probably take too long. You do want to address some certain people however so you figure you'll just start trying to them and tie everything together later.
peep2priite: hey peep, ii'm 2orry ii wa2 2ort of completely horriible twoward2 you for pretty much ever. all you really diid wa2 briing me 2hiiny 2tuff and try two make friiend2 but ii gue22 ii wa2 a biit biitter from pa2t experiience2 and took iit out on you.
and iim 2orry.
ii can't even talk two you face two face 2o iim 2orry for that two.
and ii'm really, really 2orry iif you 2ee DV cry becau2e of me, and iif you end up hatiing me for thii2 ii'll twotally under2tand but plea2e don't let hiim 2ee iit. chance2 are he'll be goiing through enough already.
Broen: hey brat. iif you can read thii2 ii2 gue22 iit mean2 you're a lot older 2o good job of 2tayiing aliive and iif you remember me then good job on that two only not becau2e ii'm a complete priick and you need two forget everythiing about me except for that ii'm really, really proud of you, kiiddo, and ii'm 2orry.
2ii2: you are not allowed to mourn for long, 0kay? iif you need two mourn go lament over dad but not me becau2e hii2 death wa2 a lot wor2e then miine and iim 2o 2orry that you're lo2iing 2o many people. 2hiit ii2n't faiir and iit'2 never goiing two be faiir and iim ju2t 2o 2o 2orry that ii'm not goiing two be there for you. ii triied two be a good brother, and ii'm 2orry.
elderkniightofblood: take care of hiim, take care of your2elf. you've got 2ome good people now and ii know you'll be 0kay, ii ju2t hope you know iit two. you were the be2t moiiraiil ii could have ever a2ked for and a2 much a2 you'll deny iit or try two tell your2elf iit ii2n't true, iit ii2.
and who know2, iif dv and ii had never met... no 2cratch that were not gettiing iintwo that.
ii'm goiing two mii22 you a lot. ii'm goiing two mii22 your a22holii2hne22 a lot. ii'm goiing two mii22 everythiing about you and ii am iinfiinately 2orry and ii hope ii'm not makiing thii2 wor2e.
and ii'm not even giiviing you enough crediit at all becau2e you de2erve 2o much for for dealiing wiith a2 much a2 you have and 2tiill goiing on and ii'm 2orry.
maybe ii'll 2ee you agaiin. ehehe.
that2 all ii can thiink of riight now and probably all ii have tiime for becau2e iif my thiinly veiiled conver2atiion2 wiith 2ii2 and kk diidn't let the cat2 out of the bag, ii'm ba2iically dii22apeariing from ex2ii2tance. ii wa2 2uppo2ed two be gone over a week ago, but ii've held iit out untiil twoday for a rea2on, and ii am 2o, 2o 2orry.
2o ii gue22 thii2 ii2 goodbye.
>And that's it, that's where you end the post, click send, without even a mention of Dave. You couldn't bring yourself to do it, because... because you've been through so much for so long and you can't express it on a computer. ...But you're running out of time, you know this, and it's all you can do to go to the built in camcorder on your husktop.
>You take a deep breath and start recording.
>Your whole body flickers once again, a reminder to keep your psionics surged up.
"Happy anniiver2ary."
>And just like that your eyes, brightly glowing and surging with psionics, are tearing up as well.
"ii wa2 goiing two giive you back thii2."
>You slip the ring he gave you off your finger.
"and be liike, 'ii marriied you two' but that'2 probably really 2tupiid 2iince ii'm goiing two be gone, quiite 2oon, a2 you can 2ee."
>A visible shudder runs through you and you're gone again, for a few more seconds this time, before forcing yourself back into reality.
"And ii 2houldn't have put iit off for 2o long! iim 2o 2orry that iim not even goiing two get a chance two tell you face two face, 2i2 triied two tell... me."
>Your teeth bite into your bottom lip quickly as a few tears start spilling down.
"but ii diidn't lii2ten when ii 2hould have and ii've fucked everythiing up agaiin."
>You tilt your head down and clench your fists.
"and ii'm never goiing two be able two hold you agaiin."
>Your tears stream down your cheeks but you can't stop talking now that you've started.
"and ii'm not goiing t-two be there for the demon brat2."
>Your chest shudders as you take in another breath.
"and ii won't be around for the next anniiver2ary whiich-"
>You're gone again, for even longer, and when you will yourself back there's more then just tears coming from your eyes.
"whiich ii2 why you need two move on and you can't dwell forever on 2omeone who ii2n't there!"
>You're flickering again, so soon, and so rapidly.
"ii wa2 heartle22 and rude and horriible and grumpy on the be2t of day2!"
>Your tone drops to a whisper and you think you're almost done exhausting your emotions.
"and ii loved you more then anythiing, you've helped me 2o much and ii'm eternally greatful. ii wa2 happy ju2t... 2eeiing you happy, and ii wii2h ii could have 2aiid thii2 all two your face rather then a 2hiitty camcorder."
>You try your best to twist your mouth into something resembling a smile, and you look right at the camcorder.
"but liike ii 2aiid two you iin one of our fiir2t conver2atiion2, ii'm a fiirm beliiever iin that tiime heal2 all wound2."
"A- And..."
"And you'll be fiine, my kniight."
>Your psionics flare, your eyes bleed and cry heavily, but you can't fucking stop it anymore, and you're just... gone. The computer continues to record.
#turntechknight#and iim 2orry#elderknightofblood#peepsprite#long post#aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah#im so sorry
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>That about sums up everything going through your mind right now.
“Ii triied, 0kay?”
>You laugh and hug him one more time, somewhat sheepishly.
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"Ii triied, 0kay?"
>You laugh and hug him one more time, somewhat sheepishly.
“Maiinly beiing an antii2ociial fuckhead for the wiin.”
>Your jokes are just getting more and more horrible.
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"Maiinly beiing an antii2ociial fuckhead for the wiin."
>Your jokes are just getting more and more horrible.
“…Thank you. 2eriiou2ly, ii ju2t fuckiing… ugh. At lea2t ii’m not leaviing a lot of people behiind.”
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"...Thank you. 2eriiou2ly, ii ju2t fuckiing... ugh. At lea2t ii'm not leaviing a lot of people behiind."
“Whiich ii2 why ii don’t want two becau2e iit’d make me ju2t feel even more fuckiing horriible for leaviing everyone liike thii2.”
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"Whiich ii2 why ii don't want two becau2e iit'd make me ju2t feel even more fuckiing horriible for leaviing everyone liike thii2."
>You can’t help but laugh as well at his reasoning.
“0kay that may be a poiint.”
>You scratch behind the cat’s ears with your mechanical hand and sigh.
“…Could ii a2k you two make 2ure he doe2n’t 2tarve?”
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>You can't help but laugh as well at his reasoning.
"0kay that may be a poiint."
>You scratch behind the cat's ears with your mechanical hand and sigh.
"...Could ii a2k you two make 2ure he doe2n't 2tarve?"
“2o are you!”
>This is about the time when you little scottish fold jumps on your lap and starts kneading his claws in your chest.
“Way two ruiin the moment, zombiie.”
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"2o are you!"
>This is about the time when you little scottish fold jumps on your lap and starts kneading his claws in your chest.
"Way two ruiin the moment, zombiie."
“At lea2t ii won’t have that much tiime left two dwell on iit.”
>It’s a pretty poor attempt of a joke, and you attempt a grin.
“well don’t ii feel 2peciial.”
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"At lea2t ii won't have that much tiime left two dwell on iit."
>It's a pretty poor attempt of a joke, and you attempt a grin.
"well don't ii feel 2peciial."
“Iit’2… 2o fucked up.”
“You diidn’t der2erve iit.”
“Holy 2hiitball2.”
>You force yourself to shut up after that because you’re most likely not helping and you very quietly apologize.
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"Iit'2... 2o fucked up."
"You diidn't der2erve iit."
"Holy 2hiitball2."
>You force yourself to shut up after that because you're most likely not helping and you very quietly apologize.
>…You listen wide-eyed the entire way through. You don’t interrupt him, just sort of stunned by everything he tells you because shit you never actually thought it was possible to have that bad of a timeline. At the end you’re speechless for a long while, only the sounds of someone being brutally murdered by a trap of some sort breaking up the silence. At last though, you manage to form some sort of thought, and that’s to wrap your arms around him immediately.
“…Holy fucking 2hiit doe2n’t even begiin two cover iit.”
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