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bebelogan24 · 17 hours ago
The Reclamation Project Part 1
The city was covered in a dense layer of fog. Making each corner you take seem mysterious and unwelcoming. The fog made it seem like anything could be lurking around leaving you to feel vulnerable and on high alert. But these worries were not rational. It was the city. Sure there was violence and crime that could happen but monsters did not actually lurk in the fog. Those were things little boys worried about. Not grown ups. There were many men who still feared the monsters however. They knew they were out to get them but they did not understand their motive nor intentions. But they were out there and they knew it somehow.
Chapter One
Steve jogged through the park every morning he could to get the day started. It was his time. It made him feel strong and it gave structure to his life. When life felt chaotic and random, Steve knew his morning jogs would always be the same. It was such a rush to finish knowing he was stronger and healthier as a result. Steve had a nice physique that he worked hard for too. His short, dark brown hair was lush and his brown eyes were warm and inviting to those that gazed into them. Steve was not full of himself but he knew he was handsome. Steve lived and worked downtown where he was another face in a sea of faces. At times it was liberating and at other times he felt very alone. He worked as a financial planner for a large company where he helped people make key decisions about their lives. He made enough money to be comfortable but felt like he was missing something that could not be bought with money. This bothered Steve a lot. The idea that he felt empty without knowing a way to resolve it. It did not feel fair and at times Steve would lay in bed at night feeling frustrated, sad, and angry. But how come? He would always wonder. Giving up each night on finding this answer, Steve would fall asleep.
Chapter Two
It was Tuesday and Steve was walking to his office. He walked past the park he always jogged in. It was full of the same people doing the same things. He belonged to the group of workaholics who got to see the park but did not have the opportunity to spend time in the park aimlessly and for hours. He was busy and had important matters to attend to. The only time he got to spend in the park was for his jogs of course. If anyone asked him if he was ok with slaving away at his office job, Steve would say of course he enjoyed it. It was one of those things that he never questioned but maybe it was part of the reason why he felt so empty inside. Towards the southern end of the park there was a playground. Steve would momentarily remember the ephemeral joys of childhood. How liberating it was to run into the park and to know you would have a good time. Steve missed building sandcastles, going on the swings, and going on the slide only to have an adult catch him at the end of it. As he stopped and peered into the playground he caught the sight of a middle aged dad and his son together. The dad noticed Steve and smiled back. No one ever smiled at Steve. He always figured they were intimidated by him or jealous of how successful of a businessman he was. Those people would rather pretend he was not there to make themselves feel better. Or that’s what Steve tried to tell himself. Steve felt encouraged to come closer and to say good morning.
“Hi, good morning. Are you two enjoying the change in the weather?” Steve asked. The dad smiled warmly again, “God yes, it’s been so nice for us. Isn’t that right David?” he tickled his young son. For a brief moment, the son looked like his age instead of 4 years old. Steve figured he was hallucinating from the lack of sleep. The dad noticed Steve squinting slightly. “Well David, how about you go show me how big boys go down the slide again while I chat with our new friend here”. David raced off hoping to show his dad how big of boy he really was. “He’s pretty fast for being so young!” Steve remarked, knowing that parents always appreciate compliments on their children. “Haha he sure is a fast little guy. He used to be a bit faster believe it or not”. Just as the dad said that, Steve saw it again. The four year old transforming into a 20 something man for a brief moment and then back down. Steve was shocked that it happened again. He didn’t even hear the next question coming from the dad. But the dad realized Steve was noticing something most people did not.
“David use to have a stressful and unfulfilling life Steve. That’s why we come to the park everyday so he can enjoy his childhood to the fullest extent”. Steve tried to play dumb. “Well yeah of course, he’s a child. That’s what’s supposed to happen” Steve replied hoping that the dad would drop the subject. The dad shook his head and smiled knowingly. “It’s ok, I know that you are able to see the old David in glimmers. It’s probably startling for a newcomer to observe. David used to be 25 years old. He felt battered by the world ever since he left childhood. Sure he had just completed his four year degree but he knew deep inside that he’d rather be daddy’s little four year old boy. David is still trying to potty train. Can you believe that? He used to go to college level courses and completed papers and projects for those classes but now his only concern is keeping his training pants dry. When we go to places like the zoo or aquarium, I can even convince him to wear thick diapers. He pretends to hate it but he loves it” the dad proclaimed proudly. Steve was floored by this revelation. “Why are you sharing this with me? I bet your ‘boy’ would be humiliated if he knew you were telling me this” Steve exclaimed. The dad was surprised at Steve’s accusatory response but understood why he was talking the way he was. “Steve, there’s a reason why you can see David this way. It means that you see yourself in him and that you want some version of this childhood release. It is perfectly ok to want this. I’m sure it would be fun for you to join David on the playground, to get hugs from daddy, and not have to worry about potty breaks because daddy will change your soggy diaper after you’re done having fun” the dad replied hoping Steve would put his guard down. But Steve felt defensive, this man saw right through him. He wanted to say something to indicate how crazy this man was. “Well, I hope that David is happy with his new status. It’s weird to me that someone would want to be diaper dependent again and want to lose all of their authority they gained as an adult” Steve announced, not even believing what he was saying himself. The dad was hoping Steve would not respond this way but he was determined to break through to him.
“I should probably get David home for his nap. I know this might be a lot for you to handle but this is an opportunity to reclaim what you lost as an adult. You may realize you want this or you might move on with your life. You’re a very big boy so you will know the right decision to make” the dad said patting Steve on his shoulder. Steve was somewhat annoyed by this response but was glad the dad was not being pushy. “So what’s your name? My name is Steve, I never got to hear yours”? The dad smiled, “you only need to know me as daddy if you feel so inclined. Here’s my address, we will be having spaghetti tonight at my house. Come check out David’s new life. You might realize you want it after all” the dad said with a chuckle. David finally finished playing and was smiling childishly at his daddy. “Let’s check your pants and move on home champ” the dad said as any caring father would. They left the park with David waving goodbye to Steve.  Steve was amazed. His life was so mundane and predictable up to this moment. Steve had so many unanswered questions and doubts in his mind. But just then, he realized he was almost late for work. This mind boggling interaction became another thought he pushed to the back of his head.
To be continued…
*Part Two is available on my Patreon:
Make sure to check it out for new content. You might like what you find!*
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bebelogan24 · 17 hours ago
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Hey everyone, Part 4 of my Reclamation Project ABDL series is up now. Parts 1-3 are now public! If you would like to see more content in the future please support my Patreon. 
Would folks like Parts 1-3 posted on Tumblr? Let me know! Tumblr keeps removing my profile avatar and some content so we’ll see about it. 
Here’s the link to my Patreon, you don’t need an account to view Parts 1-3:
Happy reading! 
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bebelogan24 · 17 hours ago
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Spanked into Submission (Partial Version)
“Does Will need another reminder? A reminder to remind you why I’m in control and you’re not?” Leo said, nearly gritting his teeth. “No! I’ll be good! I’ll be good!” Will cried back. He was worried about what would happen if he stopped submitting to Leo. “That’s my boy!” Leo smacked his round butt hard. Much harder than Will thought he would. He felt powerless over Leo’s knee. It was bitter sweet wearing a diaper. On one hand it softened the blow of the spanks that were coming his way. But alas, it reinforced the idea that Will was just a little boy. A naughty little boy that got spanks over the knee.
“It hurts Leo! Please!” Will kept blubbering. It only made Leo feel more in charge and to be honest, aroused. “That’s not my name. Especially not my name to little boys like you. So, who I am?” Leo demanded. “You’re… you’re… you’re my daddy”, Will struggled to spit it out. “That’s right!” Leo rewarded his answer with another stiff slap to Will’s padded cheeks. Thankfully Leo had let up. But the silence was still concerning to Will. “Hmm, I’m still deciding if this punishment needs to continue or if we’re done…” Leo knew what he wanted to do. He was simply placating Will. “I promise I’ll be daddy’s good boy. I’ll be better!” he pleaded with tears in his eyes. “That’s convincing boy, but I think you need one more.”
The sound was probably audible to the mailman outside. Even with the diaper deafening the sound. The deed was done and Will was back to being daddy’s submissive little boy. Now that the spanking session was over Leo pulled Will up to meet his eyes. “You were very bad for mouthing off and refusing to call me daddy young man. You won’t be making decisions like that in this house. Especially coming from a brat in diapers” Leo scolded. Will could only nod with tears in his eyes. He knew daddy was right and that he deserved his spanking. “This is not fun for me either sport. I’d rather see you being obedient and playing at my feet. That’s where you belong right?” Leo asked with authority in his voice. “Yes daddy, I’m your special little boy” Will answered with no hesitation now. It wasn’t difficult to see that Will understood his place now. He just needed a spank to remind him.
“Well it is about time to unwind for beddy-byes. I can’t have my toddler up too late! How about we get you zipped up in your footsie pajamas and I’ll warm a bottle? I think you deserve that for deciding to be my good boy again.” Will had calmed down now. He loved being his daddy’s baby. “I want my baba daddy” Will asked innocently. “You can have it for sure little dude. I’ll get your baba and pj’s, you just lay here and suck your paci while daddy get us ready for bed.” Will’s home life with Leo was almost entirely influenced by their decision as a couple to regress Will down to a toddler. Sure he was still Will, he had his own job and responsibilities but under daddy’s roof he was just simply an un-potty trained toddler that relied on daddy for most needs. It worked for them. Outsiders could view it as a very unbalanced power dynamic but it was suitable for the both of them. Leo had a strong paternal side, he needs to nurture and protect. Will on the other hand needed structure and guidance from someone like Leo. Their relationship is simple, the play is complex. That’s what they both say to each other, and also remind each other of it often. It is definitely not conventional for a grown man to want to wear diapers, get stripped of his say, and have his home life organized into a series of babyish activities. It is even more difficult to imagine a “daddy” coming into the picture and bringing this play to life. But they did it so well it only felt right and natural…
*All characters in this story are 18+. This content is only for legal adults according to the laws of their country*
I hope all you ABDLs and everyone in between have enjoyed this new story. If you want to read the full version and to get access to all ABDL stories I’ve created over the years consider supporting me as a patron! Check out the site below :)
—-> <—-
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bebelogan24 · 17 hours ago
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The full version of Part Two of the Bedtime Story is down below! Part Three is up on my Patreon:
Soapbox Moment: Tumblr isn’t my favorite platform especially because this blog was alive and well before the NSFW ban. The ban still effects everything. I can’t even customize this Tumblr page anymore. But I told you all I was committed to sharing free ABDL stories along with content I have exclusive for Patreon subscribers. I get conflicted over the commodification of ABDL content and the reality that a lot of content creators get burned out and deal with demanding people that feel entitled to their free, creative work. That’s why I compromise and share free stories while asking people with the means to subscribe to do so. You can go to storeisforbabyboys on Patreon and read free stories without subscribing too. My old stories that Tumblr “disposed of” are still on there. So go check it out!
*This story is purely fantasy. The dynamics of domination and submission are heavy in this so be advised. This content is intended for legal adults.*
Vince stood in front of the now opened closet. So many diapers to choose from. Not to mention all the of the supplies in there to make diapers so enjoyable. Vince kept thinking of all the possibilities… Matthew in a thick printed diaper he could probably wear into the next day or a cloth backed diaper that was soft so Matthew could sleep as comfortably as possible.
While Matthew was pretty out of it, Vince was still apprehensive around diapering Matthew for the night. Matthew could freak out and cause a scene in his apartment. Vince didn’t want to think about how he would begin to explain himself to the authorities called out for a noise complaint. He would have to cox Matthew into the idea of diapers. Maybe make it seem like it was his own idea. Vince settled on a nighttime pull-up. They would just be protective underwear, lots of boys wore these to bed. And no one calls them babies.
Turning the pull-up over in his hand, Vince admired how soft the back and front were. Vince thought about how nice it was to touch it and yet possessing it was such a taboo act. Walking over to Matthew, Vince’s heart rate jumped up. This was it. He was going to put this cute boy in a diaper! Well, not quite a diaper…. A pull-up. But it still excited Vince.
“Hey Matthew, how are we feeling?” Vince asked in his sweetest voice. Slowly sitting up and rubbing his eyes, Matthew was trying to face Vince. “I’m ok I guess. I’m still spinning dude.”
Vince laughed at Matthew’s comment. He held the pull-up behind his back like he was going to surprise the kid with a gift.
“So let’s talk buddy. You had a big accident before we decided you needed to call it a night. I want you to feel welcome here and know I want to make sure you’re comfortable too. But I am concerned that in your state an accident might happen again. It’s not unrealistic which is why I have this small concern.”
Matthew was listening attentively despite his drunkness.
“To help me feel better about my small concern, I want you to put this on.” Vince handed Matthew the pull-up which Matthew instinctively grabbed for.
“Uh, what is it? It’s kind of a weird, fuzzy pair of underwear?” Matthew was puzzled, it was clear he stopped interacting with diapers a very long time ago.
“This helps boys at night when they wet the bed. It’s just for protection.” Vince stated in a matter of fact tone.
“Umm, ok. So you need me to wear this so I can stay at your place?” Matthew seemed somewhat confused and maybe weirded out. But he wasn’t freaking out about the prospect of it.
“I think that would be for the best. It’s just you and I so don’t worry about judgment. This is just a precautionary measure to protect my couch. It’s a custom couch after all.”
Matthew turned it over in his hand like Vince did at the closet. He was inspecting it.
“So I just slip it on like underwear?” Matthew asked innocently.
“Yep, that’s it. But you’re pretty drunk so let me help you up.” Vince walked over and pulled Matthew up so he was standing.
It was clear that Matthew needed to anchor himself using Vince. “Oh man, tonight sure did a number on you. Especially your balance. I think I’ll need to help you slip it on.”
Thankfully Matthew just nodded his head in agreement. It really wasn’t a big deal. Maybe the kid was too drunk to care if a man he met that night wanted to put him in a bedwetter’s pull-up.
Vince unzipped the fly, unbuttoned the jeans, and pulled them down to Matthew’s ankles. Matthew stood there and let it happen. Vince took a moment to check out Matthew’s underwear situation. He was a briefs guy and it hugged his attributes well. His poor briefs were soaked and smelled the part. “I bet your wet pants and underwear have been really uncomfortable for you”, Vince said as he pulled down Matthew’s briefs.
Matthew nodded his head in agreement. He was acting like a meek little boy. It was the cutest thing ever.
“Let me wipe you. Don’t need this icky pee still sticking to your body.” Vince began to clean Matthew with some baby wipes. He was gentle yet firm around his body. His boy parts were reacting to the cold air and cold wipes. Vince took his time getting each crevice of Matthew cleaned from his pee accident.
“It’s really cold Vince.”
Vince smiled warmly at Matthew, “I know buddy but I want to make sure you’re clean. You’ll sleep through the night much better.”
“Ok all done with the wipes. Now here I’ll hold your pull-ups open, you need to step into them.” Vince commanded Matthew like a diligent parent. Matthew complied and stepped in the soft pull-ups that were pulled up to rest snuggly on his hips, butt, and package.
“There we go, all nice and dry. I have to say, you look cute in these.” Vince nearly regretted saying this. He didn’t want to make Matthew feel completely infantilized.
To his relief, Matthew smiled shyly at his comment. “They feel pretty comfy. I’m so tired though. Can I lay down now?”
Vince was surprised how sweet Matthew was acting now. He even asked permission to lay down. Maybe he starts out rude but finishes the night acting like a sweet little boy.
“I’m going to squirt a little baby powder into your pull-up and then you should be all set.” Vince squeezed the bottle of baby powder three times so it would shower into Matthew’s pull-up. “All set”, Vince patted the front of Matthew’s crotch. The powder puffed out from the pull-up like volcano ash.
The kid laid down immediately on the couch. The pull-up fit him perfectly. Vince was still standing there. Looking down at the diapered boy on his couch.
“Good night cutie.” Vince turned off the lights and went into his room. Tonight ended up being better than he could possibly imagine.
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bebelogan24 · 17 hours ago
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Snippet - Ruined Part Three
*This content is only intended for legal adults. Be advised, this story has strong sexual themes*
Zach woke up in a sweat. His mind was racing. He quickly took note of his surroundings. “God damn it”, Zach thought to himself. It wasn’t a kinky, extreme dream. This was his new reality. He was in a tight onesie. It kept his thick, pee-bogged padding against his metal cage. Was it stainless steel? Titanium? It didn’t matter. He wasn’t getting out of it.
The past two weeks Zach was a witness to his own descent into infantile cuckhood. Daddy’s friends were around to taunt and humiliate him. It was like a going away party for his manhood which involved him leaking precum into his cage and using his diapers like a small child. It seemed like everything he tried to do reminded him of his status, or lack thereof. Zach kept thinking back to that conversation in the park. A bright sunny day, a perfect one to be with Daddy. He was wearing a slightly wet Peek-abu. Thick enough to cause a slight waddle. Daddy kept pushing his limits even in the most casual and unassuming of moments of the day. His shorts did not do much to keep his choice of underwear discrete. But it didn’t matter. He felt so safe and cared for when he was with Daddy. Zach would probably feel self conscious and insecure in the park alone dressed like this. Daddy reminded him how little he was with so many small gestures. From holding his hand tight while they crossed the street or dominating butt pats in the supermarket, reminders for Zach to behave and to be on his best behavior.
Zach was submissive and little. Daddy allowed him to live his truth.
Now both sat on the bench, Daddy took Zach’s bib handkerchief to wipe some drool on the side of his mouth. “Messy little guy eating his ice cream”, Daddy commented as he finished cleaning Zach’s face. “Daddy, I wasn’t even that messy.” Daddy laughed, “what kind of daddy would I be if I didn’t keep your face clean. At least in public.” Zach knew Daddy was right most of the time. He hated but secretly loved how Daddy would treat him this way regardless of who was around. “I really like taking care of you like this. I don’t want to put words in your mouth but I think you’ve been really happy Zach.”
Zach blushed, “I have been really happy Daddy. I’ve never felt so little and cared for like this. I’m really glad to have met you.” Daddy put his hand on Zach’s thigh and squeezed it. Their non-verbal communication worked so well.
“I want to take this to the next level. I know we’ve kept it mostly between us. But I want to really make you feel seen as the little, submissive boy you are. Is that what you want?”
Zach stared at the grass, he wanted this lifestyle for so long. And now it was here, asking to change his life. “Daddy, I want it. But I’m just scared of losing control.”
Daddy pulled him into a side hug. “Buddy, you’ve already given me so much control over you. I don’t think there’s much more. It’s a slippery slope and guess what? I already have you out here in a thick diaper and not so baggy shorts. I’ve already seen some people smirk at your cute puppy dog bib. We joked that it was pushing it. But it really is. A lot of people have seen who you are.” Zach blushed deeply, he thought they were being more discrete than that. Was he just oblivious?
“I can’t just be an adult toddler all the time. That doesn’t work.” Zach was stepping all over the fantasy.
“I know sport. But when we can have you being the little boy you need to be, isn’t that a beautiful thing? And then there’s other times where you can be the big boy you need to be but a snug diaper under your dress pants reminds you of whose little boy you are.”
Zach felt relief at Daddy’s quick thinking on this. “That makes sense. I just get worried and stuck in my head sometimes.” Daddy squeezed Zach again. “I know you do and that’s why I’m here to make it safe for you to be yourself. You have already given up so many of your big boy privileges and desires. I’m happy to return the favor and be the daddy you need me to be.” Zach knew that Daddy was there for him. He was anxious about what was to come but he knew it was going to be what he always wanted.
“I got you something. I think it will help you understand how your life is about to change.” Daddy had something planned. This entire day at the park was probably part of it too.
“What is it Daddy?” Zach could only ask and wait to see. Daddy smirked and put his hand into his coat pocket. As he took it out light caught the object’s surface. It was reflective.
The complete story and more are available at
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bebelogan24 · 17 hours ago
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Going out to the lake was always a good time but for Craig this would be his first outing as his daddy’s little boy. He was unsure how he felt about that. This day was a balmy one and to Craig’s dismay it was perfect weather to show off his new Space diaper. His daddy had taken Craig down to the shore where he unzipped his pants and unbuttoned his onesie just like he was any other dad tending to his toddler boy. He then ordered little baby Craig to hold up his onesie and shirt to show off his big light blue diaper. Noting how many people were out taking advantage of the warm day whether they be boating or taking a stroll, little boy Craig was quite concerned with his new predicament and status. He use to envy how babies and toddlers got to play carelessly in their diapers but now that he was out in the open he was somewhat scared. “There’s a cute boy if I ever saw one” his daddy said watching his boy debut his diapers. “By the look of it your diaper looks kinda soggy bud, how about we get you freshened up? Let’s go over to this nice smooth rock and we’ll get you changed.” Daddy pulled Craig’s pants back up and took his hand as he slowly walked his boy towards the big smooth rock, making sure to hold his hand tight since he wouldn’t want his little boy to take a tumble.
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Laying Craig gently on nature’s changing table as daddy called it, he noticed that his little boy was a little more quiet than usual. Placing his hand on his tummy daddy smiled at his toddler. “It’s ok champ, I’m right here with you. You’re just a little guy, nobody can judge me for changing my boy’s diaper. You are so little after all. Let’s snap a pic, you’re just too adorable!” Little Craig blushed a little but he was more reassured having daddy remind him how little he was and how daddy was there for him. It wasn’t until a nearby boat slowed near them that Craig had a worried look on his face again. Pulling off Craig’s pants, Craig could hear the faint chatter of the people in the boat. 
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Craig’s diaper was on display again and he was paranoid that the people in the boat were talking about him. His daddy glanced up eventually and smiled at his little boy once again. “Those young guys in the boat are looking at us but I think they’re more curious than anything. Here I’m going to wave at them.” Hearing this, Craig got even more anxious. What if they decided to come meet them? But before Craig’s mind could race off anymore, Daddy spoke again. “They just waved back, they’re nice people and they smiled too. Don’t worry about it champ. Ok let me get this wet thing off of you, we need to get you into a dry one.” Sure Craig was still a little unsure about all of this but no matter what, his daddy was there to make him feel better. After all, who could have a bad day at the lake?
*Big thanks to Baby Boy Craig ! His photos he took with his daddy are absolutely adorable so check out more on his tumblr. If you would like a captioned story like this let me know. For now enjoy this little boy’s story. 
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bebelogan24 · 17 hours ago
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*This short story is 18+ plus sexual content.
“It’s ok little man. You can show everyone. Don’t be shy in front of daddy’s friends.”
Zach slowly began to pull down his shorts obediently. He never experienced so much humiliation in his life. It was like getting hit with a shockwave of embarrassment. He felt the embarrassment deep in his core. Those men would never view him as their counterpart. His manhood was done and over with. All they see now is a pathetic diaper boy among them. Showing off his soggy diaper so they can point and chuckle about it. Smirk and relish in the fact that they’re so macho and superior to him. It was a pivotal moment although an impossibly uncomfortable situation for Zach. They use to go on hikes together. They’d meet each other on a basketball court and compete. But how can that ever happen again? No one wants to play with a toddler who runs around in soggy diapers. They were all men and he wasn’t anymore.
“Daddy’s big man!” One of daddy’s friends teased. With nothing but a patronizing tone to it. Zach would turn red but would leak from his cage helplessly. Luckily his cage was concealed in his thick bulging diapers. It was one less humiliating sore point he wouldn’t have to endure.
Zach’s eyes met daddy’s. There was no sympathy to be found. Daddy wanted Zach to receive the humiliation they both talked about often. Zach felt so conflicted with his predicament. He had never been so aroused in his life. His cock strained so hard in his cage aching for relief. Dripping and pooling precum into his pee soaked diaper. The judgment of daddy’s friends was consuming. The only thing he could do was behave and follow their orders. His autonomy and manhood had been destroyed the second he pulled down his shorts to show them he’d rather be a diaper baby instead of a man.
Zach didn’t believe it could get worse until daddy ordered him to slide down the front of his diaper. He began to slide the heavy diaper down to reveal his caged pee pee to the men sitting on the couch. Somehow their laughs became louder and Zach shot his weak load onto the floor. He was ruined.
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Photo credit goes to @venjispix
*Enjoy this short story everyone. This election has been an emotional rollercoaster but I’m glad Trump is out of there!
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bebelogan24 · 3 days ago
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“Uppies! Show Mommy what you did in your wittle pampurrs, sweetheart!”
You cringe and whimper and hide your face, as if that will make everything disappear, as if it will make it all go away.
“Honey, please stop this!” You cry, “I don’t wanna play this stupid game of yours anymore!”
“Hmm, well maybe you should have thought about that when you started playing ‘games’ with other girls on the internet!”
You still don’t know how she found that. All the conversations you were having with people on tinder, on reddit, on tumblr, on kik, she found it all, and she never stopped reminding you what an ‘immature little boy’ you are. The flashlight of her phone illuminated your swollen diaper as she recorded yet another video.
“Tell me what you did in your diaper, little boy.”
Your bottom lip was quivering, you wanted to stay silent, but you knew it would only prolong the inevitable, and maybe even lead to a much more painful and embarrassing outcome.
“I…I went pee pee” you whined. Your voice sounded so small, so pathetic.
“Well I’m pretty sure they can see that…but I don’t think they can smell you through the camera! What else did you do, little one?”
You hated that she was going to make you say it. The feel and stench was humiliation enough, but you had no other choice.
“I….i went poo poo’s too…” You whimpered in that same tiny voice. You were actually crying now, tears spilling down the sides of your cheeks, not exactly helping your cause of looking less like a baby.
She smacked your padded bottom, squishing the warm mess into your skin, giggling at how much it made you squirm in disgust. “You sure did! But…are you all done? Or do you have more in there?”
Your breath caught. How did she know? How did she always know??
“I…uh…I’m all done…”
“Are you sure? Because you’re only getting this one diaper change. So if you have more to get out you better hope you don’t have to let it out over night and spend the all night in your crib squishing in your own filth.”
You sniffled, cursing your dilemma. Those damn powders she puts in your bottles.
“I…I have more.”
She smiled knowingly, the light still beaming from her phone, which she now aimed closer to the seat of your diaper. “Well go on then! Make pushies for the camera!”
You hoped to god this was all a dream, but you’d lived this nightmare many times before. With a little grunt and a toot, you started expelling the last bit of your load. Pushing it out while she held your legs up for you. The diaper feeling like it had no room left to expand, forcing the warm mush to spread all over.
“Therrrre you go!!!” She cooed mockingly, “look at your little pamper getting all plump while you push out your poo poo’s!!”
The tears were flowing again, shame and guilt washing over you.
“Now, do you want your diaper changed?”
“Yes please…” you blubbered between quivering lips.
“Hmm…it doesn’t sound like you do…maybe I should leave you in this mess all night…”
“No Mommy please! Uh…pweez change my diapy! My dirty diapy! Pweez Mommy! I made poo poo’s!!” You sounded pathetic, so pathetic. Like such a fucking loser, but it was the only way.
“Cry like a baby.” She said, “cry wike a wittle baybee that needs his diapy changed!”
Ughhh how much more humiliating could this get?? You started waving your arms, rocking on the floor, and letting out loud, dramatic cries.
“Wahhh!! Wahhh!! Want changies!! Went poopies!! Wahhh!! Want changies!! Wahhhhh!!!”
She practically fell over from laughing so hard.
“Okay baby, I’ll change you. But first, you have to tell Mommy who to send the video to.”
Your heart stopped. “No mommy please! Please don’t send the video to anyone! Please! I’ll be good! I promise! PLEASE!”
“Let’s see…” she pondered, ignoring you, “should we send it to your ex-girlfriend, Sara? The one you decided to message the other day?”
Oh god no. Sara was psychotic, you don’t know why you texted her, but the sex was just so good…
“Or how about Kinsey from work? You seem to be getting along with her well. Quite the flirty messages the two of you send each other…”
Kinsey was really cute, and you may have a crush on each other. But it was innocent! Totally!
“Hmm…or maybe John? Your pickleball buddy. The one complementing you on the girl you picked up the other day?”
You just gave her a ride home! And she…may or may not have given you road head as a thank you…
Up until now all the videos she sent were to the random strangers on the internet you’d been sexting with. They didn’t have much interest in you after seeing you prance around in tutus, shove dildos down your throat and up your ass, and get spanked to tears by your wife. But now she wanted to send videos to people in your real life. People you knew. People that know you, and how you are as an adult. What would they think of you after seeing you poop in a pair of pampers??
“Make your choice.” She said firmly, “Who should I send it to? You have 10 seconds or I post it to your Instagram for all to see…”
That made you gulp.
Oh god! Sara would berate you and show all of her friends!
Kinsey would never look at you the same. You would have to see her every day at work with the thought of her knowing how you defiled your diapers.
“Uh-uhhh…John! Send it to John!”
You’d never have to see him again. He still has your racket, but you could get another.
She smiled, tapping on her phone. Then her face fell, but it was not at all genuine.
“Ohhh no!” She exclaimed in an overly dramatic fashion, “I accidentally sent it to all three!”
Your stomach practically dropped into your diaper too.
“Ohhh no…I’m so sorry!” She intoned, not sounding sorry at all.
You wanted to scream, to yell, to rage at her and the incredible embarrassment she was causing you, but you didn’t. You just lay there, hollow and defeated.
“Don’t worry, I’m sure I can still hit ‘undo send’ before they see it…but you’ll have to do something for me first…”
Your ears perked up, there was still time to save yourself some dignity.
“What? Anything!”
She smiled wickedly, releasing your legs. “Flip over on your tummy, and make humpies until you do a goo goo! And if you don’t make the most ridiculous fucking sounds I swear to god I’ll send the video of you giving that guy a blowjob in the public bathroom last night!”
You groaned, surely you would find a way out of all this blackmail eventually, but now was not the time.
“Clock is ticking, baby! They could be checking their phones any minute now! Better hurry up and cum in your dirty little diaper!”
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bebelogan24 · 17 days ago
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Had some fun yesterday 😊
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bebelogan24 · 17 days ago
Josh’s New Perspective
Josh had always felt weighed down by the expectations of adulthood. Living at home during university, his dad's constant nagging about getting a job only added to the pressure. When Mr. Carter offered him a babysitting job, Josh eagerly accepted, hoping it would ease some of the tension. However, he never imagined how much that job would change his life.
From the moment he arrived at Mr. Carter's secluded, two-story house on the edge of town, Josh could tell this wouldn’t be an ordinary job. Toys littered the yard, a black minivan sat in the driveway, and the house itself exuded a strange mix of family warmth and mystery.
When Mr. Carter, a tall man with a large beer belly, answered the door wearing only a strained shirt and tighty-whities, Josh had been caught off guard. Apologizing for arriving early, Josh was assured he was right on time. Mr. Carter rushed him inside and gave him a tour of the house.
The nursery upstairs was the biggest shock. It was outfitted like a toddler’s room, complete with a crib, changing table, and playpen. However, the occupant wasn’t a toddler—it was Max, Mr. Carter’s 20-year-old son. Max was “special,” as Mr. Carter explained, and still lived like a baby. Josh’s job was simple: care for Max, feed him, change him, and make sure he got to daycare safely.
When Max left for daycare that morning, Josh couldn’t stop thinking about him. Max’s carefree lifestyle, free of adult responsibilities, seemed almost enviable. Curiosity took hold, and Josh decided to explore the nursery. One thing led to another, and before long, Josh found himself wearing one of Max’s diapers and a truck-themed onesie.
What started as a moment of curiosity quickly turned into a full experience. Josh climbed into the oversized highchair, made himself some banana creamy porridge, and used a sippy cup he found in the cupboard. For the first time in years, Josh felt relaxed, unburdened by adult expectations.
That’s when Mr. Carter came home unexpectedly.
Catching Josh in the highchair, wearing baby clothes, was a moment of shock for both of them. Josh tried to explain, but Mr. Carter simply smiled. He reassured Josh that there was nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, he offered Josh the chance to live like Max whenever he was at the house.
Over the following weeks, Josh embraced his new role as Mr. Carter’s “baby boy.” He spent his time at the house dressed like Max, cared for by Mr. Carter, and free from the stresses of adult life. It was a strange but comforting arrangement that made Josh feel safe and loved.
One day, however, Mr. Carter decided it was time to involve Josh’s dad. When Josh’s dad arrived to pick him up, Mr. Carter sat him down and explained everything. At first, Josh’s dad was stunned, but as he listened, he began to understand.
“I had no idea Josh felt this way,” his dad admitted.
Mr. Carter smiled warmly. “Sometimes we all need a break. And I think you might benefit from this too.”
Josh’s dad raised an eyebrow, but before he could protest, Mr. Carter pulled out a spare diaper and onesie. By the end of the conversation, both Josh and his dad were dressed like babies, sharing the same carefree lifestyle.
From that day forward, Mr. Carter cared for them both, treating them with love and kindness. Josh and his dad discovered a new bond, free from the pressures of the outside world, as they embraced their shared journey of rediscovery and innocence.
The End.
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bebelogan24 · 17 days ago
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Looking down at my diapers always makes me think about the boy I’ve become. I think about my training and what I’ve learned. I think about who I was before and who I am now. Drool drops down from my pacifier after a while and I stare at the bulk of my diapers that have come to be the normal outline of my crotch. I think about my boy bits tucked inside and can’t remember the last time I tried to be a top or a big boy. About how I’ll never be like that again, living my new life where my boy bits are left to sit in wet padding while I learn the difference between me and big boys. I think about how I’ll probably be like this forever because daddy says that being back in diapers is the best thing for me. I think about how I’m becoming more dependent on my diapers the longer I’m kept in them. I think about how I get put in extra thick nighttime combinations of disposable and cloth diapers and plastic pants because I’m a heavy wetter and need 3 layers to keep my sheets dry. Knowing that for me to be undressed in front of anyone at anytime for diaper checks and changes is innocent for me and a normal routine part of my everyday life. About how waking up every morning to being undressed or halfway through my diaper change sets the tone of my day. All day every day revolves around being a diaperboy and I’m so accustomed to it now that I can’t envision life another way.
I don’t see myself as a big boy anymore. I see myself dressed in my clothes, diapered and drooling from a pacifier and see myself as a little boy. A little boy who needs his daddy in charge. Everyone else sees me and thinks the same. I’m known and expected to be in diapers and probably wet. Constant pats on my padded butt and comments about how cute I look. Random diaper checks and getting changed when daddy says. Doing what daddy says to do and learning that Diaperboys have nothing to be embarrassed about. Being dressed and undressed 5 or 6 times a day and coming to understand that being seen on your back, feet held in the air and your boy bits on display to be wiped down and baby powdered to get a fresh and dry diaper back on you is just a normal part of your daily routine. Coming to accept that you’re in diapers because daddy was right, you really do belong in them and they are what’s best for you.
I see myself as a boy who’s just as he belongs. A boy who’s happy to sit on the floor, drool through his pacifier, admire his diapers bulk and the colorful printed baby clothes he wears. I can’t see myself being a big boy or being out of diapers anymore. I only see a little boy in diapers and that’s all others see too.
I had a lot taken away at first when I was put back in diapers but I’ve gotten a lot back. Just in other things, and they’re better. I’m a natural submissive but I was hard to train and daddy knew it. He knew that diapers would work and made the decision to start and follow through on using it to train me to be the best boy I can be. Diaper discipline to train stubborn boys really works and I’m proud to be the boy that gets it
Thanks, daddy.
Your boy.
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bebelogan24 · 23 days ago
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“Bend over, that’s right, just like that. Now crawl over your teddy bear, lean onto it, and don’t be shy, I know you like him. I watch on the nanny cam the things you’re doing to him before you’re going to sleep.”
Daddy said and gave your diaper a little spank.
“Such a naughty boy I have. So horny. Ever since we stopped having sex you’re dumping your cum into your diapers non-stop. It seems now that you’re done with sex, you’re squirting more than ever. You do like these diapers after all. Ha, I can remember how you fought in the beginning.”
You turned your head towards Daddy, offended. Sucking a giant pacifier added a sort of confirmation to his statement.
“Shhhh but it’s in the past now. Raise your bum a little, let me see that big puffy diaper on you. It’s so thick when it’s soaked, I love it. I love it when it has width when looking at it from the side.”
Daddy looked at you, caressing your diaper. You were his praise and reward for all his hard work on you.
He broke you, piece by piece. He knew it and you knew it. Daddy won.
Now he’s admiring his baby boy.
“It looks so good on you. If only you knew from the beginning how much you fit into this role, you wouldn’t give me such a fight. You fought, but you lost, and I won.”
He said and put his index finger into your diaper, asserting his authority over your body. 
Your dick became hard. You were so used to cumming like this by now. It became your guilty pleasure, it became your new sexual behavior. You salivated more onto the pacifier guard. You just wanted one hump, that’s all, and you did.
“Oh, I know that move. My boy is horny.”
Daddy said and pushed your soaked diapered butt into the teddy bear.
“You go ahead, son. Show your Daddy how nicely you play with your toys.”
A minute later, you fell asleep on your teddy bear, sucking your pacifier. Your diaper was sticky and wet.
You were so content, as Daddy was.
Look at @totally-diapers now. See how far Daddy pushed him, and how happy he is now.
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bebelogan24 · 1 month ago
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bebelogan24 · 1 month ago
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bebelogan24 · 1 month ago
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bebelogan24 · 1 month ago
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"That's what I want!" She said, her voice hungry and her hand lustful.
"Ummm, geez, can we uhh, talk about this?" His complaint was a high-pitched squeek as her hand found it's mark and squeezed.
"Haha, no, we can't. You signed on the marriage certificate, didn't you? You said your vows, didn't you? This is that better or worse part. Diapers forever..."
She carried him to their honeymoon bed, and the rest, as they say, was happily ever after.
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bebelogan24 · 1 month ago
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I couldn't wait to share this one. I love the idea of it being soooooo massive and her just soooooo proud of herself. I mean she did a good job...
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