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My journey into motherhood |👼🏻11.08.18| Jaidens Mama 18.06.19PCOCysts . Baby 2 due April 2022
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bebebabyxo · 4 years ago
Keeping a beautiful secret!
I don’t post as much mumma updates on tumblr these days because I’m so busy with a toddler but I thought I’d start my new entry with an announcement.
Baby 2 has finally made its way into my belly! Hubby and I are over the moon it has happened. We’ve had a rough year with family/in law issues ( court, but that’s a story for another day) and now that it’s over I think the stress has lessened so my body was able to create this new miracle.
I think also because the timing of everything I feel like someone is looking after us up there. It was a majorly stressful time and being pregnant during that time wouldn’t probably work out.
Since the day I found out I’ve been so anxious, I’ve never had any nausea with Jaiden. I am currently 9 weeks 3 days and this pregnancy so far is completely different. We went for a reassurance scan today and I was so happy to see baby 2 wriggling away in there. It was so surreal after we’ve waited for a whole year felt like forever to us. I can’t wait to see Jaiden as a big brother. Baby 2 will arrive before Jaiden turns 3 and that’s just perfect timing. Can’t wait to feel baby’s kicks and flutters.
I feel so blessed to be able to fall pregnant again. ❤️
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bebebabyxo · 4 years ago
05.06.2021 - 10:38pm
I have to apologise to myself for feeling this way.. I guess it’s normal to feel jealous?. Wondering why it hasn’t happened for us yet? To see and hear pregnancy announcements and pictures, people walking past with a belly?
12 months has gone by.. who would’ve thought. Not a slight sign of pregnancy.. still getting my periods as normal/irregular. How could this be? If only it was that easy to find the answers as to what’s happening to my body.
Our son is turning 2 in just 2 weeks time, being in lockdown 4.0 doesn’t help either.. makes me feel lonely and overthink things. Times are so uncertain and we’re not sure wether to cancel his party or just reschedule it.
Im looking to get a fertility checkup at my gp once we’re allowed out of the 10km travel distance restrictions and I’m praying they can give me some answers or treatment to help speed things up.
I still have hope and I’m praying for you baby.
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bebebabyxo · 4 years ago
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Our little miracle that made me a mama 🤎
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bebebabyxo · 4 years ago
07.01.2021 - 10:32pm
It’s been 8 months since we’ve been trying, 4 of those months we were loosely trying but it’s become more serious.
I’m becoming more anxious and upset with myself about the situation as each month goes by when AF arrives. I saw brown cm today and I’m currently 2 days late for my period.
On another note my youngest sister recently gave birth to her second a few days before Christmas and when she sent me photos of my new nephew I was such in shock a little jealousy and went to hide in the bathroom and cried.. a bit dramatic I know but I couldn’t control my emotions.
I’m considering going to get some fertility tests done and speak to my doctor. I’ve spoken to my husband about it all and he doesn’t seem to be bothered that this is bothering me. Why do the male species think nothing is ever wrong with them? It takes two tango and there’s such thing as secondary infertility.
I have a feeling I might be getting my period.. all the pregnancy tests have come out negative so far.
I’m just feeling a bit down tonight.
Update: 11:41pm
Just 10 minutes after I wrote this post of course AF arrived.. ran to Hubs while he was sitting on the couch watching a movie and I just burst into tears.
He tries to comfort me but his not doing a great job at it but he tried.. I’m going to be sad for a few days then accept it.
It’s a repeatative cycle, looks like it’s back to square 1 again..
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bebebabyxo · 4 years ago
TTC CYCLE 4 . June - September 2020
28.09.2020 . 11.08pm
Who would’ve thought I’d be back here writing yet another post. I honestly thought I’d abandoned tumbler since I’ve been so busy with our 15 month old, I’m mainly on Instagram.
Unfortunately this post isn’t a positive one. Not pun intended.
My last post was referring to us beginning our second conception. As soon as Jaiden turned 1 we went for it. We would like them to be close in age and create that inseparable sibling bond that I never had.
Months went by and nothings happened yet. To be honest I believe the toll on this whole covid lockdown in our state has caused us nothing but stress. I’m also not strictly tracking my ovulation as much as I did for Jaiden.
Hopefully once the lockdown has lifted and we’re back to some kind of normality we’ll spend time with our friends and hopefully that should loosen us up and relax a bit.
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bebebabyxo · 5 years ago
It’s been a while and I’m back ready for round 2.
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bebebabyxo · 6 years ago
How are you?
04.08.2019 - 8:54am
Well.. it’s been a while since I’ve actually typed up a post, you can imagine how busy life gets after a little human is so dependent on you.
Baby Jaiden is currently feeding as we speak, this will just be a brief one just to let those know who follow my blogs that I’m still here.
I’ve been meaning to write my labour and delivery story and it’s been almost 7 weeks since baby’s entered the world. During that time my husband and I have been bonding, learning and getting to know the little guy. It shall be shared soon.
I don’t know what it is, I feel like I’ve stepped into a new life, my routines have changed completely and now it revolves around him.
Becoming a mother is an amazing feeling!
The tough days and nights are all worth it when you are seeing them grow. As hard as some days are.. you get frustrated at yourself. whatever it may be but after looking at your baby he just makes you forget all the anxieties you may have felt at the time.
No wonder our parents sacrificed a lot of things for us, I would for my kids too.
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bebebabyxo · 6 years ago
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✨✨✨We have been in complete newborn heaven. I can’t believe Jaiden is already a week old.There was so much anticipation for his arrival and now I’m just wishing time would halt for just a bit. Thank you all for the beautiful messages, comments and your prayers for a smooth labour. We truely love all of your kind words & support! ✨✨✨
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bebebabyxo · 6 years ago
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G I F T . S E N T . F R O M . H E A V E N 💙🌈 James and I are incredibly blessed to introduce the newest addition to our little family who made a quick grand entrance into this world 4 days ago. By far the most incredibly rewarding and special moment of my life. Nothing will ever compare to this special moment and the experience of labour we encountered together. Jaiden thank you for giving me the ultimate gift being your mother. I am feeling beyond blessed that you're healthy and perfect in every way. Your father and I love you so much and more with each passing second. 👼🏼 Jaiden Hoang Viet Nguyen 📆 18.06.19 🕰 10:52 pm ⚖️ 2.81 kg 📏 49 cm
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bebebabyxo · 6 years ago
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✨Impatiently waiting for you ✨ I’m so grateful to have come this far with this pregnancy not to say that there’s always that anxiety and fear at the back of my mind as each week goes by. I’m taking each day with a positive mindset, happy mum means happy baby right? We’re almost near the end! As much as I’m going to miss you being in my belly feeling your kicks and punches it’s the only time we share just you and I, Mummy and daddy would like to meet you now (well mainly me, your dads busy with the house renovations to be ready for your arrival). I guess the longer you’re in there the more squishy cheeks and flabby arm rolls I get to kiss later on. Bags are packed, we are ready to meet you our son. #37weekspregnant
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bebebabyxo · 6 years ago
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While 37 weeks pregnant you should be getting a lot of rest as your life has hopefully slowed down by now in preparation for your baby’s arrival. Your baby is now considered “full term,” even though your due date is three weeks away. If you go into labor now, it’s lungs will likely be mature enough to fully adjust to life outside the womb.
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bebebabyxo · 6 years ago
Baby time Soon?
10.06.2019 - 10:09pm
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I’ve been noticing today my stomach hardening up every 10-15 minutes and would last for about 30-60 seconds continuously. They’re not painful or anything but it’s so frequent today, I think baby’s almost here.
My body’s preparing itself for labor, no sign of mucus plug or anything yet but those braxton hicks I think is one of those signs. The lightening crotch though definitely gave me a jolt to yell out ouch. I was walking (waddling) back to the car from dinner and it stopped me in my tracks after I felt like my groin had a major sting out of nowhere.
I’ll be 37 weeks in 2 days which means baby will be full term or could come anytime. I just hope I don’t get anymore false contractions cos those hurt, still scares me till this day..
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bebebabyxo · 6 years ago
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Left to Right : My two nieces at newborn age, my first niece is now 3 years old and the second is almost a week old! They are splitting images of thier mothers when they were babies themselves 💕
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bebebabyxo · 6 years ago
Getting Closer
31.05.2019 - 10:32am
Things have been going well since my last post. My work bosses invited the whole staff of about 10 people for a farewell dinner for me and hubby over their place after work on Wednesday, they’ve prepared so much food and gifted us with baby gifts. I couldn’t have asked for an amazing group of people to work with. I finished my last shift yesterday as hectic as it was, I already miss work.
I’ve officially started my Maternity Leave today and I haven’t planned on doing anything for next week so I’m going to be bored untill baby comes...
My in laws arrived back last night from thier Europe trip and the granny flat renovations is making progress and coming along nicely. Hubs won’t allow me to go see it untill it’s finished because he knows I’ll find any imperfections and point them out haha, best if I just stay out of the way until it’s done.
For the past 10 days his uncles have been at it non stop which is surprisingly quick, most things are done such as wooden floors, tiles, bathroom all needs to do now is install the kitchen cabinets and shower base and taps, those ugly ceiling lamps are gone and have been replaced with downlights. I’ve seen sneak peaks of photos his shown me briefly and I’m impressed. Can’t wait to start my nesting down there and decorate the place.
Here’s a belly shot from two weeks ago to now, baby’s heads been down since 30 weeks, I am now 35 weeks and 2 days. His movements are so strong now I feel like he can crawl out of my stomach like in those alien movies, it hurts a little when you can see a limb or hand poke out of my sides, so I tend to gently tap him back in and he settles.
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bebebabyxo · 6 years ago
Scary to think I’ve got a month or less to go until we meet Baby J.
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You’re now 35 weeks pregnant and there’s only a month left before your pregnancy will be over and a new phase of your life with your baby will begin.
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bebebabyxo · 6 years ago
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This little bundle of cuteness entered the world yesterday 25.05.19. I can’t believe I have another niece! Her cousin will be joining the world in a few short weeks.
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bebebabyxo · 6 years ago
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You guys!! I could possibly be an Aunty in a few days! My little sister is currently 1cm dilated!! She went to the birth unit last night because her swelling on her hands and feet worsened over the week but not in any pain.
They are checking to see if she’s developed pre eclampsia, if so they might have to induce her tonight! She’s currently at home resting.
Best of luck baby girl! 💕
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