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"My father?" she whispered quietly before turning back to him quickly. "You spoke to my father? Without me?! Do you have any idea what he could have done to you? He could have killed you!"
She felt as if she were scolding a small child. While she wanted to she stopped herself from going any further. This was not the time to question his about something he had done without consulting her. She did not have much room to talk at the moment.
She was left speechless at his words. The more he spoke the harder is was to look at him. She would never be able to understand how he could speak so highly of her, a monster. Perhaps this is where their views started to take separate roads. While his words were kind she could never see them as true. Her destiny was written in stone the day she was born. There would come a day when they would have to face one another not as lovers but at enemies. At this point she wished she could see things as blissfully as Azrael did. Their lives could be so much better in that light.
Just as his question came to her so did a wave of energy that she had not felt for some time. Quite a bit of it at that.
"I do but...why are they coming here? My barrier makes this building impossible so see through demon eyes. All they would be doing is running through open field." Gathering her thoughts until he mentioned the deaths of the others. "Well, yeah, that would do it," she muttered slightly annoyed. She could not put this entirely on him. That fact that they were out in the middle of nowhere to begin with was already suspicious. All he gave them was a rendezvous point.
Before she could object to his bold statement of dealing with this alone she stumbled onto an idea that could aid them. Leaving the dance studio she hastily made her way to her room and walked the other side of her bed. Looking at her night stand she glared rudely at the book her mother had given her, still irritated that is served her little to no purpose. Opening her closet she pulled out a decent sized chest. She had a habit of keeping her more important scriptures locked away incase of something or someone invading her home. Placing the star around her neck to the key hole located in the front of the chest, a thin line of light traced the seal before the lid popped open.
"A Legion," she began as she rummaged through the chest in her room, "is compiled of multiple beings. Which you already know. Most Legions like to seek a host, their more powerful that way. When you have possession you have Exorcist and while they are not all bad, most of them...are. They extract the demons but give them nothing to go to. If they are not purified or banished they scatter. Once they find their footing all they do is seek out their companions and search for other hosts. If a portion of their legion is killed they seek out that source and seek revenge, normally taking their new victim as a host."
Pulling out a dark grey book accented with gold she turned back and waited a moment. She could feel that some of the demons had already found a few hosts. The others alone, scattered and on foot but aware of where to go. She quickly walked back to the window in her studio, Azrael still on the window seal. The view from her second floor gave them a decent idea of how many were already upon them. opening the window next to his she looked over at him, "if I tell you not to fight I know you won't listen, so i'll simply tell you to be careful. Do not underestimate this Azrael. What they lack in power they overcompensate for with numbers. Keep them at a distance. Don’t let them corner or surround you." She jumped up onto frame of the window and leapt down to snow covered ground below them. Flipping the book open she held up her hand, the symbol of her talisman cutting the air in front of her.
With all of her time as a student Abigails outlook on demons had need set to grey rather than black and white. Who was to say that some of them were not fallen angels. More so, she viewed herself as her own legion. While small in numbers She was no different from the demons that approached them. Today was the day she would try her hand at something entirely new. Purification. The fate of a beast did not always have to end in endless torment and darkness. She hoped that her inevitable fate would be of light and not hate. Coming out of her kneeling position, planting her feet firmly as she stood, her eyes filled with determination and her purple aura. Taking in a deep breath mother nature inhaled with her, a strong whip of wind surround her, the pages of her book unphased. The names that graced the white surface of the books pages began to glow a deep maroon color, the symbol still solidly in the air doing the same. With a clench of her hand the symbol swiftly duplicate into four, two on each side of her.  
“Memini Quidem Ferire Quattuor Pura.”
With her spoken words the arua that encased the emblem began to take form. Four angels began to emerge from it's light, their outspread wings being the last to make their debut. The two angels to her right, both males, went by the names of Caphriel, directly to the right of her, his wavy blonde hair looked well kept and gave off a slightly silver sheen, a large strand of it fell over his right eye, his left eye was filled with darkness, much line that of a demon, a large portion of flesh still a pale grey. To the farther right was Adellum, the taller of the four but only by an inch or so. His eyes were very narrow, he seemed to have a stare that could be felt from hundreds of miles. He also possessed a mark of once being a demon. His lower being his right arm. It contained somewhat long black nails, the skin from his forearm down also a pale grey.  
Elijah, to her left had the oddest ailment of them all. His mouth was entirely nonexistent, only a smooth layer of the same grey skin. The coloration was only the lower half of his face. It appeared as almost a jagged scar from ear to ear, the middle peaking up to the middle of his nose. Abigail found him to be the best listener but suspects this was true for before he last the ability to speak. Last was the farthest from her left, Kadmiel, an angel that looked as if he had been decapitated. A rugged line that circled his neck was the dividing line between his face, that even Abigail could not deny was handsome, and his tainted lower half. However because of his clothes there was no telling where the demons mark had not reached.
These were the allies she had found on her quest to understand not only herself but the world around her. Her master had passed on a boot to her that contained the essence of angels that head fallen and saved through purification of another. Unfortunately the demons strain could not be completely erased, leaving all of these poor souls with scars that could never be healed.
Her eyes narrowed as demons approached, her companions fanning out, Elijah and Caphriel flew to the roof while Adellum and Kadmiel distanced themselves from Abigail on the ground, both protecting the edges of the barrier around her home. In one swift motion they conjured and drew back their bows, their aim certain, only waiting on Abigail's word to fire.
"My power may not be that of a god," her free hand opened out by her side, a purple ray of light appearing on long side her before materializing into a spear. With a deep inhale an aura of black surrounded her faintly, her wings unfolding into open air. The black feathers had such a gloss of light against them a rainbow like sheen could be seen as they shoot slightly under the wind, the golden skeleton frame outlined the upper portion of her spand. Stepping to the side her hands traded off their positions as her arm extended outward and raised her weapon, her spear now directed at the danger ahead, the tip grazing the talisman written in the air. As the sight of this the angels released their arrows, a stream of light light trailing behind each one as they seared holes into their victims. Those of hell born resulting in a pile of black ash while those of heaven sent released a radiant glow before falling to their knees. The body left behind now only an empty shell, it's very existence shattered as it faded away into the pure sheet of snow.
"Even as a beast my strike is true and just. You will all be set to rest as I see fit. My mercy is only for those not born of the flames of Hell."
Drawing back her spear she planted her feet firmly. With a great trust she propelled her weapon through her own symbol causing a blinding flash as it left her barrier and sought out the dark hearts that rushed towards them through the snow. The names of demons beginning to fill a page, lives of those that could be cleansed now identified and held in a safe place away from further tampering. There was no way of knowing how many were in this one Legion but cutting their numbers down significantly would  aid them nonetheless. Abigail could not seem to shake an uneasy feeling. There was something much larger out there. Someone who was housing an outlandish amount of demons but she simply could not see them. She turned her attention to Azrael, wanting to see how he was faring, partially because she had never seen him truly show is power in the heat of battle. Just as her eyes found him her concentration was broken by a hand tightly clasped around her throat. Her wings shattered into black feathers as the angels around her home looked at her with shock before dispersing into light once more, this mans presents undetected until it was too late. Her attention abruptly brought to a familiar face.
His greasy grin and yellow teeth beaming at her as he tightened his grip, lifting her off the group. She despised this man to no end. He was merely a demon that held possession of the men he led. Making there power his and his alone. The last time she saw him was over 7 years ago and he still had that stupid grin and over dramatic black trench coat that blended in in with his black shirt and trousers. He always put himself on such a high pedestal because of his Legion. He had, maybe, 2,000 following him when she last saw him. As power hungry as he was she could not begin to imagine how many he had now. 
"Look at little Abby, playing with new toys," he scoffed at her as she desperately tried to pry his hands away but with no avail. Her lack of air was making it impossible to focus on her magic.
"Rozan." she managed to utter purely out of frustration. He simply chuckled at her. "You even remember my name. I'm flattered. I hear someone's lookin' for you. Looks liek I get to make me a little delivery. How about we have some fun first?"
The ice covered ground almost looked as if it were starting to sprout growths as the rest of Rozan's Legion burrowed their way up to the surface of the earth, one after another they pierced the many layers of snow surrounding Abigail's home.    
Hello, From The Other Side || Abigail & Azrael
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You want to open your mind? Then you must face your mistakes.
Abigail heard a faint voice that resembled Zayuba’s. Her heart skipped a beat when she heard her name escape his lips so clearly, expecting to hear him as a muffled voice through her door. Her altered state had betrayed her as she sat on the floor of her dance studio, the protection of her room no longer a factor. She could not bring herself to look up at him. Her current state already an embarrassment, to look at him with tears would only make her look needy, as if she wanted pity from him. That was not the action she wanted to convey. What reason did he have to show her any form of compassion? Hearing her words echoed back at her only drove that point home. It sounded more foolish on foreign lips.
His voice created a think tension in the air, everything he spoke burdened so heavily as if they could be seen in plain sight. To him it may have felt as if they were falling on deaf ears with her gaze averted but that was not the case. Each hit harder than the last. Her breathing now less strained despite the lack of air around her. Her tears no longer as a continual. All she wanted to do was tell him he was wrong, that she did not have everything she wanted, that her misstep in her decision to leave him would never happen again.
 It was not her place to do so. The stage was his to take and it was his right to speak every word his heart had held since she day he realized she was gone. He had every right to not trust anything she uttered this day or the next. her head lifted just a touch, the photograph of them that she had kept protected now exposed, a deep crease now on the edge from where he had gripped it so tightly. A moment she had captured years ago and only wished she could crawl into, take the place of the woman in that photo who would have never imagined she’d be where she is now.
Feeling his hand caress her chin she gave him no resistance, her gaze slowly being brought up to meet his. Yet another tear fell just at the sight of his eyes, the lights from the ceiling causing them to glisten softly but failed to hide the heartache behind them. The picture she had of them paled in comparison to the genuine article. The gentle feel of his touch, the unique angles of his facial structure, the gentle toss of his hair. Just the sight of it reminded her of all the occasions that she had run her delicate hands through it. It took everything she had to not nestle his strong jaw in her hands and pull him closer to her in an enthralling kiss in the hopes that it would cause his sorrows to melt away.
Placing her hand in his sent a nostalgic sensation up her arm, the clasp of his hand around hers was only a reminder of how much she genuinely missed his contact. Watching his finger graze her star his words struck a chord. She grabbed his wrist harshly in the midst of him pulling away from her, her eyes narrowing at him as the star slowly began to scorch his skin.
“This,” she proclaimed, “this is why I left.” She could see conflict in his eyes, “your oracle was correct. Far more than you choose to realize. I see it even now, that look in your eyes,” taking a step closer her pupils began to dilate, the light of eyes filling with darkness. Her unstability lashed out at the room around them, a mirror to her right side shatting in it’s frame but not a single shard hit the ground. All the while she continued to keep his hand pressed against her star despite his blaintant discomfort. The roar of golden flames in his eyes battled with the black hellfire that eveploed her own. “I have changed. I’ve realized my fate as demon, and yours as a seraph. The outcome will always be the same in the end, Azrael!” She released her hold on him, allowing him to pull away from her, the raw instinct of bloodlust unfurled across his face only proving her correct. “Now tell me, would you look at the woman in that photo the same way you’re looking at me now?”
Kneeling down she took the photograph in her hand, pulling at the wrinkled edge gently at an attempt to straighten it. The darkness in her eyes bleeding away as sentiment filled them. “I keep this…to remind myself of how our lives would be if not for “fate”. Your only path was me and I was more than happy to bask in the light you showered. If only our roles in this world were different… “ She grazed her thumb across the two of them, a small smile trying to tug at her lips. "I may have left but I never wanted to forget. How could I?” She asked, looking up at him. “You were the first man I ever loved, the only one. You may not believe a word I say but that will always be true.” Despite their situation she could still see the decisiveness in his face. She could never tell him to leave, nor did she want to. Her conscience deeply wanted him to stay. 
“I will never ask you for forgiveness, I don’t deserve that. I left because I wanted you to be safe, that does not always guarantee happiness. I was only doing what I thought was best for you.” She turned her head up to ceiling and closed her eyes, “this house could burn down tomorrow and nothing would change. I would still think of you everyday and never be satisfied until I know that you are safe.” She redirected her sights to him once more. She simply gazed upon his magnificent wings. She had only seen them a few times and they still captivated her. The ink stained feathers sat out against his skin, giving off a glow she felt that only she could see. Abigail turn her back to him, not wanting her presence to bias whatever choice he would make. He knew where she lived and she had no plans stop him from coming to see her. What else was there so say? She had already made her decision. Everything else feel to him now.  
Hello, From The Other Side || Abigail & Azrael
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Aeon and his brother, Exortus, led a fleet of warriors that protected the hierarchy. Exortus was the strategic side of the duo while Aeon was the strong hand. He often took care a squabbles amungs his division.
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Standing firm in the center of a celtic circle Abigail knelt down on one knee catching breath, her eyes closed in exhaustion. The sleeve of her arm was lined with seven talismans, each bearing its own unique symbol that aligned with her seven demons. Breathing heavily out of frustration, the hood of her scarf that was once on her head now fallen down behind her loosely curled black hair. She reached up to her face, pushing strands of loose hair away. An elderly women whose height peaked roughly at 4 ft. looked at Abigail with a stern face, the wrinkles on her dark orange skin only becoming more dramatic as her brows lowered, "you still rely too much on brute strength. Your frustration is a clear as day on your face. Just because you've made a truce with those seven does not mean they will obey you so easily. You must have a clear mind."
Abigail sighed and fought the urge to roll her eyes, " I know," she uttered for what felt like the hundredth time.
"You keep saying 'I know' and yet your perception is still not clear," she snapped back quickly. Abigail, finally looking at her as she approached, narrowed her eyes, at the stought elder.
"You keep saying that but your not telling me what it is I need to clear from it."
Zayuba threw her head back in a laugh, " What kind of teacher would I be if I gave you all the answers to you problems?" She had asked with clear intentions to pester lacing her tone but Abigail was not amused. Seeing the young woman's expression the elder cleared her throat, "I created this domain so that months here would total as only a few days in your world, you should be proud of what you've accomplished. All you had before was what little you remember from your childhood and a few self taught methods, you where a completely untrained Sorceress."
"I kn-" She paused and shook her head lightly," I realize that. It just... doesn't feel like enough."
The elder drew in a breath faintly and smiled at Abigail, "we're done for today, dear. Take some time off. I'll let you know when have have another commision for you. Try an herbal soak when you get home. It takes years off your skin, how do you think I stay so young," she laughed wholeheartedly. Returning the kind smile Abigail bestowed her gratitude with a slight bow. She was entirely grateful for the opportunity to be enriched by the woman that took her mother on as a student.
The book Salin had given her during their last meeting was far from what she expected. After arriving home on that day she opened it to find the pages completely void of text. There was no information to be found but a small card that had Zayuba's location on it. Abigail hated puzzles, she preferred the straightforward way of doing things. This complexity was not her forte. She may have brought it on herself when she said everything else was far too easy.  Nonetheless she used the sliver of information her mother gave her and found what she did not realized she needed.
A mentor.
Wade taught her everything she needed to know years ago, but there was only so much he could do for her. The elder was not fond of taking on a pupil after decades of keeping to herself. She offered her lessons in extrange of Abigail's services as a mercenary. Oddly enough her errands consisted more of retrieving items of witchcraft and only taking out a few demons here and there. The bigger tests came from the lessons themselves. Constantly trying to call upon the abilities that were nestled within the individual seven was far more challenging. There were only a few she could not comprehend completely because they merely did not come to her naturally. She, admittedly, was not the most patient of people. Having thought on her mentors words a soak came as a heavenly idea to her. It had been so long since she'd relaxed like that. A cup of hot tea and lighting a new set of candles she had made last week, her anticipation to return to her home had never been so strong.
The symbols in her accommodation began to routinely glow, Abigail appearing in the center in a hue of purple energy. Her breath was caught in her chest as soon as she appeared. The weight of her barrier that she had grown use to had somehow been altered. The energy in her home had a curvature to it as if it were shifting around a welcomed eternity.
There was someone in her home.
It could not have been Adian or her father, their presents was all to familiar, she would have felt that from Zayuba's training grounds. Wade had no effect on her home given he was merely a mutant and did not come as a threat to her. There was an intruder and yet she did not feel as if she were in danger. She hesitated to think of who it could be but under the surface she knew what this familiar aura was. Abigail faintly walked up to the door of her incantation room, her hand coming up to touch the thick dark wood. She lingered for a moment her emotions suddenly starting to flair. She lightly placed a hand on the center of the door, her body only a inch or so away from touching the entire frame. The seal on the other side was still intact, this door was protected by her strongest spell when she was away. Leaning closer, her hand slid down slightly, still making contact, her breathing light so she could not be heard. Her eyes filled with a purple blaze, causing her vision to become cloudy. She opened her mouth slightly but once again hesiated, her fingers becoming tense.
"Let me see him," she finally whispered. The haze adjusted to an apparent image of the person she feared it to be. The very second her eyes focused on him she pulled away from the door, her hand leaving it, it's position now over her mouth that muffled a gasp. He was standing there in her dance studio, with what appeared to be a photo in his hand, the tears forming in her eyes leaving the abrupt preview hazy. Paralyzed with anxiety, anguish and remorse she could not bring herself to move, all her efforts directed at trying to silence her tears.
How was she supposed to confront him after all this time? After two years she had hoped that he would have moved on to a life that did not put his in peril. Yet, hidden in the back of her mind she knew that he would find her, she cherished the thought that would. What was there to say? Apologize to him for leaving without a word or even a clue at to where she was going? This confrontation was her weakness, her downfall. His arua alone was evidence of her effect on him after she left. It's usual soft center and delicate outer rim now a more intense color, a colder sensation. What had he been through in those 2 years? Abigail lowered her hand from her mouth and clenched the star around her neck, the touch giving her an epiphany. Unfortunately it was one she was not proud of in the least.
Her hand hovered at the door knob, a quick breath rushing through her chest as she touched it. She closed her eyes as she opened the door to her room, now clearing the blockage between her and Azrael. Slowly she opened them, bringing her head up to meet what would be his gaze if he were facing her only for it to wince downward at the sound of the glass and wood of her photo frame breaking. Her gaze focused on the fragments that had fallen to his feet, her attention brought back up by his words. The harshness in his voice darkening the energy around him. The room suddenly felt heavy, her words not able to leave her despite wanting to speak out that she was truly there. Parting her lips the indecisiveness of her words had been set to rest.
"I wish i could," the lump in her throat making it hard to speak as tears streamed down her face, "but I can't..." Biting her lower lip she attempted to speak once more through tears and shallow breaths, her voice only able to escape as a whisper.
"I'm so sorry. For all of this."
With her forehead resting on her knees, her arms wrapped around them tightly, she buried her sorrows into her lap. The shame of not being able to confront the man the loved so deeply tearing at her heart. With her back to the closed door she had to face the fact that she had taken the cowards way out. A facade of herself and an open door now wedging a large gap between the two of them.
Hello, From The Other Side || Abigail & Azrael
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Adele - Hello / Lacrimosa - ThePianoGuys
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Danser, Comprendre, D'accord || Drabble
Calm Slow Steady  A flame in the pit of her stomach Failure looming  A crescendo A constant question arose Who was she?
An abrupt pause
Watching Waiting Still Her glide not phased by eyes of overseers Alone but with no fault The music her partner Her movements never missing a beat Turns caressed by sound so tranquil Her arms gliding along a melody No stammer No note waistered The question fading with a thought of someone new A smile causing a young heart to beat with haste He Being her only thought
Love To which she held so dear and for only one she wished she could share this feeling The unconditioned swell of affection Fingertips gliding over soft skin Eyes gitty with empathy felt for the first time A discovery of the unattainable Unimaginable What those around them would call blasphemy they called harmony
The offense at attention aware the confliction of doubt Seven harsh individuals contending to encase the soul of one Eyes burrowing overconfidence bositing She had always opposed Rejected Turned away Never asking Why? They say unappraised Unwanted Unneeded She was unimpacted
Her steps intertwining of harmony despite the clash Sinister souls surround and attempt to take hold A past that beared repeating and yet not forgotten Only to understand Ongoing conflict for dominance The tug of war of inner exploration never ceasing   A single waiver in the center of it all
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Arms spread as wings rise to the open sky The twists of fates divine peace onlookers now the devotee The watched now the headliner To lead with a soft touch Fragile hands but steady heart Innocence corested but not lost to darkness Brown eyes flood black An Awakening
Arms spread to span An extension of ones self A brush against her back that had never been felt before A shean Of Blue Purple A top black A frame of bone Rich with golden stain A trapped spirit once running aimlessly now free from the grips of chains set by inner turmoil A stride with fierce beauty and determination Two sides divided by their own rhythm intertwined to  form a harmonious symphony   A quarrel turned calm in the face of battle Souls settling into sleep knowing their need to be seen egnolegemnt an arrangement settled to agree Their names now truly spoken is all their hopes could ever be A poetic kneel heads now bowed The floor was hers to take alone
Feathers rustled as hands brushed over them with valiant gratitude Her melotic filled skip never stopping  Arching her back her arms raised over her head  wrists overlapping in unity Her quest for aspiration growing stronger 
Lids closed to an unannounced guest  White layered to no end with a blur of figures whom she knew nothing of Her concentration broken as feathers fell to the ground The weightless triumph no longer at her back The room only her  The light reflecting off of them giving a rainbow hue Nothing left but a dark dust where each one lay An altercation what was not hers was soon to take place uneased her mind Had her father found her? The forethought could not be placed in a specific time in the future  Preparation and fortifications were soon to be at work.
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A Fallen Aeon || Drabble
Quick explanation: Her father’s name is Aeon. I don’t think i’ve ever put that in anything and I didn’t want it to get confusing when his name popped up. >_
Looking through the bookcase of her bedroom Abigail pulled out a book with a black and red spine. The pages were aged and stained with time, the yellow tent making it obvious. Tapping it for a moment she made her way out into the living room and up the stairs that let to the second floor. Reaching the top she looked to her left, the dance studio door slightly ajar as she left it. She turned to the right, her second surprise from Wade and even more evidence as to how well he knew her. 
Abigail opened the door to a room with four dark grey walls, gold lining the trim of the baseboards. Bookcases lined the parallel walls of the room, purple paper lanterns swung from the boundary of her dark tented ceiling, the center of it being an enchantment circle that was roughly nine feet in diameter. Looking down, the ground was layered with dark wood panels, a circle, just the same as the one on the ceiling, reflected onto the floor. Abigail shook her head with a small smile, “who had the patience to sit in a room with you so they could explain all of this,” she asked quietly to herself. Wade knew nothing about magic, he clearly did not do this alone. She would have to thank whoever helped him put this all together.
Walking to the center of the room Abigail sat down, her legs folded under her, and placed the book down in front of her. Her hand hovered a few inches away from the cover as she closed her eyes. A sheet of dark mist enveloped the floor, the circles starting to glow purple.  The muscles in her hand tensed as she swiftly extended it out to her side causing the book in front of her to fly open. The pages turned rapidly, Abigail’s eyes searching under her closed eyelids. Within her sights were small white lights surrounded by a black atmosphere. Her brows lowered in concentration, her goal suddenly becoming visible. A maroon light radiated brilliantly in the distance. Quickly she clenched her hand tightly into a fist, her eyes shooting open with a rapid exhale. Abigail began to take in her surroundings. It seemed as if she were in a large library. Making her way to a near bookshelf she could feel the comfort of red cush carpet under her bare feet. Grazing a hand over the various spellbooks, scrolls and incantation dictionaries she could feel her hunger for their knowledge growing. 
“I remember when you would sneak in here and try to take so many of these,” a soft voice said from a staircase a few bookcases down. A young looking woman with a complexion similar to Abigail’s was making a even stride down the stairs, the train of her maroon robe following behind her. “Could you blame me?” Abigail asked with a small snicker, her feet moving from the literature to marble steps, meeting her at the bottom. “You only let me read the easy stuff, it was so boring.”
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The women laughed, closing the small distance between them with a loving embrace. Abigail wasted no time returning her affection. Pulling away after a few moments Abigail’s tone of voice steered more towards somber. “I know you know why i’m here. I also know I don’t have much time here before I’m pulled back to my realm. Mother…please, I need answers,”
Nodding slightly Salin stepped to the side of her daughter, “you father…,” her voice drowning in heartache. Salin held her hand out into the open space of the library that led down various hallways lined with old scripture. She fell silent for a short point, Abigail looked slightly confused until she saw a item swiftly fly from a distant corridor and arrived in her mother’s hand.
“He’s not evil,” she stated gently, opening the book to a specific page,��just angry…Not even I could soothe his mind when he was bent on revenge. Your father-,” she paused once more with a sigh. Turning to her daughter she smiled genuinely, “ -is simply a fallen angel that lost his way.” Abigail stared at her with wide eyes, unable to form words that accurately represented her astonishment. “He and your uncle both dove valiantly into battles against demons and anyone who would upset the natural balance of darkness and light. They took pride in their strength as well as their duty to protect the first, second and third hierarchy. Warriors. Unwavering loyalty. And his piers saw that as a threat.”
“Jealousy and lesser angels’ bruised egos drove a stake through the companionship he shared with his division. The two were cast out by those they once thought of as allies. With their grace taken from them they could not simply return as if nothing was wrong. Both of them held a grudge, your father’s being the strongest.”
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Salin smoothly turned a few pages of the book in hand before continuing. “When I found him the two had already separated. Aeon was, unfortunately, far too gone. His anger had taken its toll. Being flung into a world he knew nothing of only fueled his rage with confusion. Humans were not something he spent too much time around. He knew of them but other than that there was never an interaction. 
I found him in an alleyway. On his hands and knees in the pouring rain. The blood on his hands a clear sign of a fight. I allowed him to stay at my home until he recovered.”
The more Abigail listened the more she started to realize how parallel her past was with her mother’s. Her mother’s meeting with her father was far more rouge. Abigail’s meeting with Azrael was extremely casual. Looking up from the book at her daughter Salin’s shoulders dropped, “how we manage to draw these men to us I will never know, ” she said amused.
“Maybe he stayed because he had nowhere else to go or perhaps he wanted to use me to leave Earth. Either way I couldn’t get him to walk his own path. He followed me like a lost animal and I was too naive to abandon him, didn’t stop me from trying one or two times. But he always found me. I could see his heart was hurting… and he had been sent my way to have it mended.”
Taking a step closer to her mother Abigail questioned Salin’s feelings. They were so much like her own but she knew not what to do with them. “How could you tell? How did you know the two of you were meant to meet? And…that he was mean to stay?”
“A feeling.” Salin said bluntly. “I know you have the same for Azrael. Much different from your father of course. He abandoned his faith. His love for me was true but it only matched his fury. So,” she said with a sigh, “he turned to a younger generation to seek revenge. You and Adrian were supposed to be his vessels, the commanders of his army.” Salin hesitated with her next words, as not to justify his lack of compassion as a parent. “You may not see it but…he does love you, Abigail. He’s put you through so much but it was only to make you stronger. Your brother as well.”
She felt extreme guilt over casting Adian out but Aeon insisted that they not get too involved in each others lives. It was the trade off she took to be able to keep at least one of her children on Earth.
“My task on Earth was to essure that those fallen from above did not give in to the hellfire below us. I failed,” her voice trembled with emotion, “but you won’t.” Salin closed the book and positioned it in Abigails direction,“you need time to find yourself and discover who you truly are. Never think less of yourself because you have your father’s blood in your veins. Use that. Aeon always said that in order for a demon to gain his wings he had to strip them from an angel. That is false. The ability to manifest such a power as flight is the battle. The wings are your reward. So spread them. That is your first step to overcoming inner turmoil.”
Abigail nodded with tears threatening to fall, her hands clamping tightly to the book she was given. Her mother had opened a door that had been closed to her her entire life. The need to know who she was and how to overcome the demons that had been forced upon her as a child.
“But I will give you one task,” Salin announced with a stern face, “do not let your angel fall as mine did. He has greater potential then he knows and more power than others are capable of. That is why your father is pursuing him. If you lose him the same way I lost Aeon… you’ll never get him back and this world, along with others, could very well fall to your father. Revenge is all he sees, conquest is all he is determined to achieve.”
Abigail brought a hand up to her eyes to clear the tears away, looking up once more to make eye contact with her mother she saw nothing but the wall of books that lined the room at her own home. Glancing back down the book she was given was still in hand. She unfolded her legs are sat in a more relaxed position. gripping the edges of the book tightly she looked up at the symbol on her ceiling.
“Times up.”  
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I have faith, that you are safe When you last stopped, you said A bright warm light, will bring you home
Did you lie, my dear, did you lie? The day is dark all alone If you are there, just let me know, just let me know
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Underworld Gossip
When Adiran pops in for a small talk and catching up he likes to inform Abigail on what she likes to the call the Underworld Rumor Mill. It mostly consists of gossip and unnecessary drama amongst other demons, half breeds and humans that serve under their father. Because Adrian is by his side the most he oversees most of then. Luckily most of their fathers minions are individuals neither sibling enjoyed sharing space with, making for quite a few good laughs when addressing unpleasant acquaintances and there short comings as well at their negative situations.
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“ There’s nobody on this earth who can tell you that what you’re feeling is wrong. ”
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A Night Recalled, A Common Reunion || Drabble
Her new home, somehow, did not take much adjusting to. Wade clearly took thought into putting it together for her and she could only be grateful for it all. Abigail only remembered being in Canada for a short amount of time when she was training with him. Everything else was, well, everywhere else. 
The ground floor was all of her essentials: Bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, living room. The basic household wants. The second floor on the other hand, was really what took her breath away. An entire room of wood flooring, mirrors lining the walls partnered with handrails and to top it off a built in sound system carefully placed for complete immersion. It was the one thing she was missing in her old apartment. Her very own place to dance. It was the only thing that kept her mind stable during her younger years. The steady beat of soothing music that moved her from the tips of her fingers to the point of her toes that she effortlessly glided on. It was her own escape, pure paradise and she had missed it dearly. 
After unpacking what little she had Abigail walked out to the large balcony on the other side of her home. She lightly placed a finger on her Chaos star, the wind blowing past her reminded her of the rooftop she had met him on. She closed her eyes, bringing herself back to the very spot. Her chest began to hurt at the thought of their first meet. When Wade was going on about leaving town she was so tempted to go back to France. Her grandparents may be dead but she still had a home and quite a trust fund sitting in a bank. Who knows, it might actually come in handy. Where else could she go? She couldn't possibly go back to New York, her old apartment. Not after all of this.
Not after how she left him behind. 
Sleepless nights were no longer a common issue for her once he had made the transition from her living room couch to her bed room each night. With her fingertips lightly stroking the side of his face she could not help but smile at how peaceful he looked. His arm was wrapped around her waist tightly, bringing her close to him. It baffled her to no end how strong his loyalty was. To keep an opposite so close. The inner workings of the this man's mind was a complete mystery to her and yet it was also so linear.
Abigail turned her head over her shoulder to glance at the clock. Her smile disappearing slightly. This perfect set up that surrounded her only made her less sure of her decisions. She knew better. The more perfect it was, the sooner it meant that it was time for change. She hated the thought of even leaving his side. That overly cliched warmth he let off kept her as comfortable as she had been is years. Grazing her finger over his lips she sighed lightly and placed her hand on his forearm, loosening his grip enough to separate from him.
Abigail sat on the edge of her bed for what felt like a few hours but had only been a minute or so. She was stalling, desperately wanting to wake him and tell him to come with her. She even contemplated on leaving a note, telling him what was going on and where she would be. Neither were an option she could choose. Both were selfish. If either were done he would follow her despite her pleas for him not to. She didn't want to lose him but she had to realize the truth.
She didn't deserve him. He deserved better. She never wanted to have someone carry this weight alongside her. Who was she but a demon that had painfully fallen for an angel who lost his way.
She pulled a fully packed bag out from under her bed. She didn't need much. Everything she held close was back in France. the only thing in this city that meant more than to here than anything was the only thing she couldn't take.
"why can't it all be simple," she muttered to herself as she began to dress, " that's all I ever wanted for you..."
Giving the clock one last glance, Abigail carefully leaned over to Azrael's side of the bed. She stayed there for a moment, taking him in one last time. Looking down, her head sunk slightly, almost in shame.
"Thank you... for everything," she said in a low whisper, "and I'm sorry for all that I've put you through. All I ever wanted was for you to be happy. I hoped that I could at least accomplish that much...you deserve someone better...not someon-"
She stopped for a moment, only to compose herself before her emotions become overwhelming.
"Not something like me...even if you never forgive me...please remember that I'll  always love you." __________________________________ Those words echoed in her mind as she gripped her chaos star tightly. Tears starting to rolled past her cheeks. Nothing about what she did that night felt right.
"Crying over a boy? My how the mighty have fallen."
She was taken aback only for a fraction of a second by the voice behind her but closed her eyes soon after, wiping her tears away with her jacket sleeve. While it wasn't unpleasant to hear, it was slightly unsettling.
"You don't have anything better to do but torment me, Adrian?" she asked with a light chuckle. Abigail heard his footsteps walk up from her left side, her eyes shifting slightly.
"Torment?" He asked over dramatically, "I would never! Who's got time for that these days, besides," he exclaimed, tiling his head as he turned slightly to look at her, "I could always tell when my big sister needed to talk. Even if she wouldn't admit it."
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He wasn't wrong. She would never admit when she needed to vent or even a shoulder to cry on. Wade couldn't even crack her most of the time. Adrian could always see it somehow, if only because they were related. She never minded his company, she loved him even. Hell, even Wade liked him. They had been through two separate lives and yet always managed to stay tethered together. While she was with Wade, Adrian was with their father. Abigail was the one their father wanted to channel his power through the most but Adrian was always the close second simply because he would do the things she refused to. Adrian wasn't evil, he wasn't fueled by hatred or anger. He was wisecracker who loved bad jokes, dry humor and sarcastic remarks. She was more than happy to have him in her like. Their grandmother always let them spend time together even though their mother disapproved. She always said he had to much of their father in him. After he left with Wade the two saw each other less frequently but often enough to know how the other was doing. She could understand everything about him which came as such a surprise because he was so...complicated. The one thing that separated them the most: they never saw eye to eye when it came to angels.
Adrian was father's version of an executioner when angel were involved. She had lost count of how many he had pulled from grace in pure blood shed. It was just so natural for him...
"He's not here...if that's what you're going to ask..." Abigail said in a somber tone. Taking a small step forward Adrian shrugged.
"It's not. Pops hasn't asked me for anything in a few days. I got bored. Figured I'd see what you were up to," looking out into the vast emptiness that was a field of tall trees and maybe a house or two he shook his head, "a lot of nothing, apparently."
They were silent for a moment until he chose to break the low tension, "he's looking for you. You know that, right? Pops. He's pissed. You didn't have to fall off the radar, Abs. With me around he won't ask you to-" "I know, Adrian....I know. I had someone help me balance myself out. He was a sorcerer back in New York. I just wanted to be able to control this," she clenched her star tighter, "Father not being able to find me wasn't the purpose, but I won't say it's not a blessing in disguise."
She was only a year and a few months older than him and yet, at times like this, he acted like the older brother. Every other time he’d act like a 15 year old and she would instantly become the designated adult. 
Turning around Adrian started to walk back to his original spot when they first started speaking. 
“I don’t even know where you are If I’m being honest, all I see is a city I know you’re not in,” Adrian said, clearly being on the same rooftop she had brought herself to, “don’t get yourself in too much trouble, okay? That angel...he’s not worth it...none of them are. The only thing they're good for in their vigor and test of strength. They exist only to make us stronger.”
She could hear it. Those were her father’s words. She held her tongue, not wanting to have this endless argument with him for the umpteenth time. Closing her eyes once more she exhaled slowly, her eyes opening to the open area she saw before. Letting go of her star she tilted her head back to look up at the lights in the sky starting to appear as the sun started to set. His well being was all she could focus on, his face was all she could see, his voice was all she heard on the wind as it rolled past her. 
“Please be safe.”
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